Beispiel #1
 function GetAdvertisementList($type = 'developer', $limit = 10, $orderBY = null, $OrderType = 'ASC')
     App::import('Model', 'Advertisement');
     $objAdvertisement = new Advertisement();
     $this->Advertisement->recursive = -1;
     if ($orderBY != null) {
         $orderValue = array("Advertisement.{$orderBY}" => $OrderType);
     } else {
         $orderValue = 'RAND()';
     $arrData = $objAdvertisement->find("all", array("conditions" => array("Advertisement.gallery_type " => $type, '' => 'Y'), 'order' => $orderValue, 'limit' => $limit));
     return $arrData;
Beispiel #2
 public function getData()
     $result = array();
     $result['preview'] = Advertisement::model()->getPreviewAdvertisementt($this->id);
     $result['next'] = Advertisement::model()->getNextAdvertisementt($this->id);
     return $result;
Beispiel #3
  * Save videos to youtube.
  * @param Advertisement $model
  * @param CUploadedFile[] $videos
 public static function processAdvertisement($model, $videos)
     if (!empty($videos) && is_array($videos)) {
         $result = array();
         foreach ($videos as $video) {
             $result[] = Upload($video, $model->name, $model->description, 'Animals', 'Tags');
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $model->youtube = $result;
 function get_links()
     $this->Paging["count"] = Advertisement::get($param = array('cnt' => TRUE), NULL);
     $params = array('cnt' => FALSE, 'show' => $this->Paging["show"], 'page' => $this->Paging["page"], 'sort_by' => 'changed', 'direction' => 'DESC');
     $ads_data = Advertisement::get($params, NULL);
     return $ads_data;
Beispiel #5
 public function getData()
     $view = $this->view;
     $data = array();
     switch ($view) {
         case $view == 'adlist':
             $data = Advertisement::model()->getAdvertisements();
         case $view == 'channel':
             foreach (Channel::model()->generateChannelList() as $channel => $v) {
                 $data[] = Channel::model()->getChannels(0, $channel);
         case $view == 'message':
             $data = Advertisement::model()->getValidateAdvertisements(4);
         case $view == 'register':
             $data = User::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'lastlogin DESC', 'limit' => 10));
         case $view == 'adrelated':
             $_model = Advertisement::model()->getAdvertisementModel($_GET['id']);
             $data = Advertisement::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'cid = :cid', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 10, 'params' => array(':cid' => $_model->cid)));
         case $view = 'infolist':
             $_model = Advertisement::model()->getAdvertisementModel($_GET['id']);
             $data = Advertisement::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'uid = :uid', 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => 10, 'params' => array(':uid' => $_model->uid)));
     return $data;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Advertisement::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Beispiel #7
 public function run()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->order = 't.order ASC';
     $menu = Menu::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $data['adv'] = Advertisement::model()->findAll("state = 1");
     $this->render('bottom_logos', $data);
 function rentFormat($advertisement)
     $str = Advertisement::getCurrency($advertisement)->display_cn;
     if ($advertisement->rent_measurement == "month") {
         return $str . "每月";
     } else {
         return $str . "每日";
 public static function fetchAd($position, $start_at, $end_at, $s_id = 0, $c_id = 0, $p_id = 0, $range = 1)
     $query = Advertisement::select('advertisements.*')->with(['eventItem'])->where('advertisements.ad_status', '>', 0)->join('event_positions', function ($q) use($position) {
         $q->on('event_positions.e_id', '=', 'advertisements.e_id')->where('event_positions.position', '=', $position);
     })->join('event_ranges', function ($q) {
         $q->on('event_ranges.e_id', '=', 'advertisements.e_id');
     if ($range == 1) {
         $query = $query->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', 0);
     if ($range == 2) {
         $query = $query->where(function ($q) use($c_id, $p_id) {
             $q->where(function ($qq) use($c_id, $p_id) {
                 $qq->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', $c_id)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', $p_id);
             })->orWhere(function ($qq) {
                 $qq->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', 0);
     if ($range == 3) {
         $query = $query->where(function ($q) use($s_id) {
             $q->where(function ($qq) use($s_id) {
                 $qq->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', $s_id);
             })->orWhere(function ($qq) {
                 $qq->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', 0);
     $query = $query->join('event_items', function ($q) {
         $q->on('event_items.e_id', '=', 'advertisements.e_id');
     if ($start_at) {
         $query = $query->where('advertisements.created_at', '>', $start_at);
     if ($end_at) {
         $query = $query->where('advertisements.created_at', '<', $end_at);
     $now = Tools::getNow();
     $query = $query->where('event_items.e_start_at', '<', $now)->where('event_items.e_end_at', '>', $now);
     $query->orderBy('advertisements.created_at', 'DESC');
     $ads = $query->get();
     if (count($ads) > 0) {
         $data = [];
         foreach ($ads as $key => $ad) {
             $tmp = $ad->showInList();
             $tmp['item_type'] = 2;
             $data[] = $tmp;
     } else {
         $data = null;
     return $data;
  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = Advertisement::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     $query->andFilterWhere(['id' => $this->id, 'id_user' => $this->id_user, 'date' => $this->date, 'id_category' => $this->id_category]);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'title', $this->title])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'text', $this->text]);
     return $dataProvider;
 public function print_advertisement($ad_type, $position = null, $center = false)
     $ad = Advertisement::random($ad_type, substr($position, 0, 1));
     if ($ad) {
         if ($ad->html) {
             $contents = $ad->html;
         } else {
             $contents = $this->linkTo($this->imageTag($ad->image_url, ['alt' => "Advertisement", 'width' => $ad->width, 'height' => $ad->height]), $this->redirectAdvertisementPath($ad), ['target' => '_blank']);
         if ($center) {
             return $this->contentTag('div', $contents, ['style' => 'margin:0 auto;width:' . $ad->width . 'px;height:' . $ad->height . 'px;']);
         } else {
             return $contents;
 public function actionIndex()
     $this->layout = '//layouts/frontend/home';
     $this->pageTitle = 'Trang Chủ';
     $listAds = Advertisement::model()->listAdvertisement();
     $featuredPosts = Post::model()->getListFeaturedPost('vi', 7, 1);
     $homeServicesPosts = Post::model()->getListPostWithCategoryID(8, 6, Yii::app()->language);
     // $listProducts = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 3, 8));
     // $listServices = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 4, 5));
     //        $listPromotions = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 6, 4));
     // $listNews = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 5, 2));
     // $listSupports = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 7, 7));
     // $listIntros = Yii::app()->extraFunctions->parseTree(Menu::model()->getListMenu(Yii::app()->language, 'main_menu', 1, '2', NULL, 2, 3));
     // foreach ($listNews as $index => $obj) {
     //     $listNews[$index]['url'] = preg_match('/^[http|https]+\:\/\//', $listNews[$index]['url']) ? $listNews[$index]['url'] : Yii::app()->createUrl($listNews[$index]['url']);
     // }
     $this->render('index', array('listAds' => $listAds, 'featuredPosts' => $featuredPosts, 'homeServicesPosts' => $homeServicesPosts));
Beispiel #13
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     $criteria = Advertisement::model()->setFetchCondition(5);
     $latestInfo = Yii::app()->cache->get($this->getUrlId() . '_latestInfo');
     if ($latestInfo === false) {
         $latestInfo = Advertisement::model()->findAll($criteria);
         Yii::app()->cache->set($this->getUrlId() . '_latestInfo', $latestInfo, 3600, new CDbCacheDependency("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {{advertisement}}"));
     $criteria->addColumnCondition(array('hasimg' => 1));
     $criteria->limit = 4;
     $newInfo = Yii::app()->cache->get($this->getUrlId() . '_newInfo');
     if ($newInfo === false) {
         $newInfo = Advertisement::model()->findAll($criteria);
         Yii::app()->cache->set($this->getUrlId() . '_newInfo', $newInfo, 3600, new CDbCacheDependency("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {{advertisement}}"));
     //		$newInfo = Advertisement::model()->findAll($criteria);
     // renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
     // using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
     $this->render('index', array('latestInfo' => $latestInfo, 'newInfo' => $newInfo));
    $advertisement->url = $_POST['url'];
    $advertisement->timer = $_POST['timer'];
    $advertisement->launchin = $_POST['launchin'];
    $advertisement->appname = $_POST['appname'];
    $advertisement->appversion = $_POST['appversion'];
    $advertisement->clicked = $_POST['clicked'];
    $advertisement->bgcolor = $_POST['bgcolor'];
    $advertisement->textcolor = $_POST['textcolor'];
} else {
    if ($_POST['oper'] == 'edit') {
        $advertisement = Advertisement::get_by_id($_POST['id']);
        $advertisement->userid = $session->userid;
        $advertisement->image = $_POST['image'];
        $advertisement->text = $_POST['text'];
        $advertisement->url = $_POST['url'];
        $advertisement->timer = $_POST['timer'];
        $advertisement->launchin = $_POST['launchin'];
        $advertisement->appname = $_POST['appname'];
        $advertisement->appversion = $_POST['appversion'];
        // $advertisement->clicked      = $_POST['clicked'];
        $advertisement->bgcolor = $_POST['bgcolor'];
        $advertisement->textcolor = $_POST['textcolor'];
    } else {
        if ($_POST['oper'] == 'del') {
            $advertisement = Advertisement::get_by_id($_POST['id']);
Beispiel #15
		<span class="title"><a href="" class="bind_hover_card" bm_user_id="1"><?php 
echo $model->title;
	<br />

	<span class="ico ico_footprint"></span>
echo count($model->statistics);
	<span class="ico ico_mark"></span>	
	<span>特别提示:<span id="time"><?php 
echo Advertisement::model()->getAdvertisementExpired($model->end);
if (Yii::app()->user->id == $model->uid) {
	<span class="ico ico_pencil"></span>
	<span><a href="<?php 
    echo $this->createUrl('/archiver/erelease', array('id' => $model->id, 't' => urlencode($model->title)));
	<br />
 function get_links()
     $condition = array();
     if ($this->mode == 'textpad') {
         $condition['type'] = 'textpad';
     } else {
         $condition['type'] = 'ad';
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
             $condition['group_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['gid'];
         } else {
             $condition['group_id'] = NULL;
     $this->Paging["count"] = Advertisement::get(array('cnt' => TRUE), $condition);
     $params = array('cnt' => FALSE, 'show' => $this->Paging["show"], 'page' => $this->Paging["page"], 'sort_by' => 'changed', 'direction' => 'DESC');
     $ads_data = Advertisement::get($params, $condition);
     return $ads_data;
Beispiel #17
    $(document).ready(function () {
        totalUsers = "<?php 
echo User::model()->count();
        totalPosts = "<?php 
echo Post::model()->count();
        totalFeedbacks = "<?php 
echo Feedback::model()->count();
        totalAdvertisements = "<?php 
echo Advertisement::model()->count();
        countUp(totalUsers, '.count1');
        countUp(totalPosts, '.count2');
        countUp(totalFeedbacks, '.count3');
        countUp(totalAdvertisements, '.count4');

    function countUp(count, className)
        var div_by = Math.round(count / 100),
                speed = Math.round(count / div_by),
                $display = $(className),
                run_count = 1,
                int_speed = 24;
  * View detail post action.
 public function viewAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($config->baseurl . '/js/jquery.validate.min.js');
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($config->baseurl . '/js/view.js');
     $this->view->class = "view";
     $city = $this->_getParam('city');
     $id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $advertisement = $this->advertisement->findById($id);
     if (isset($advertisement)) {
         $this->view->viewMode = 'detail';
         $this->view->advertisement = $advertisement;
         $form = new SendIntrestMail($advertisement, $city);
         $this->view->form = $form;
         $cityObj = $this->city->findByName($city);
         $this->view->pageTitle = $advertisement->title . "| 租个房子 - " . $cityObj->name_cn_long;
         $pageDesc = "";
         if ($advertisement->type == "want") {
             $this->view->pageImage = "want";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "最高房租:" . $advertisement->rent . $this->_helper->RentFormat($advertisement) . " | ";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "最小面积:" . $advertisement->area . "平方米  | ";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "时间:" . $advertisement->start_date;
             if ($this->_helper->DateIsValid($advertisement->stop_date)) {
                 $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "到" . $advertisement->stop_date;
             } else {
                 $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "起长期";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "\n描述:" . $advertisement->description;
         } else {
             $this->view->pageImage = "lease";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "地址:" . $advertisement->address . " | ";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "房租: " . $advertisement->rent . $this->_helper->RentFormat($advertisement) . " | ";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "时间:" . $advertisement->start_date;
             if ($this->_helper->DateIsValid($advertisement->stop_date)) {
                 $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "到" . $advertisement->stop_date;
             } else {
                 $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "起长期";
             $pageDesc = $pageDesc . "\n描述:" . $advertisement->description;
         if ($advertisement->category_id == Category::SHOP) {
             $this->view->pageImage = "business";
         $this->view->pageDesc = $pageDesc;
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
             if ($form->isValid($_POST)) {
                 //					$isValid = $this->_helper->common->validReCaptcha ($this->_getAllParams());
                 //					if ($isValid) {
                 $id = $form->getValue('id');
                 $city = $form->getValue('city');
                 // sender name
                 $name = $form->getValue('name');
                 // sender email
                 $email = $form->getValue('email');
                 // body
                 $body = $form->getValue('body');
                 $advertisement = $this->advertisement->findById($id);
                 $user = Advertisement::getUser($id);
                 //$this->_helper->swiftEmail->sendEmail($body, Advertisement::getUser($advertisement->id)->email, $email, '租个房子');
                 $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
                 $data = array('name' => trim($name), 'email' => trim($email));
                 $sendUser = $this->user->addUser($data);
                 $message = MailTemplate::getEmailMessage($name, $email, $user->email, $body, $advertisement, MailTemplate::SENDER_MAIL_BODY);
                 $subject = MailTemplate::getEmailSubject($advertisement->title, MailTemplate::SUBJECT_SEND_TO_OWNER);
                 $mailId = $this->mailQueue->addToQueue(MailType::USER, $name, $subject, $email, $user->email, $message, $this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime());
                 // add advertisement response
                 $this->advertisementResponse->addAdvertisementResponse($id, $sendUser->id, $mailId);
                 $message = MailTemplate::getEmailMessage($name, $email, $user->email, $body, $advertisement, MailTemplate::SENDER_RECIEPT_BODY);
                 $subject = MailTemplate::getEmailSubject($advertisement->title, MailTemplate::SUBJECT_SENDER_RECEIPT);
                 $this->mailQueue->addToQueue(MailType::USER, $name, $subject, Constant::SYSTEM_MAIL, $email, $message, $this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime());
                 $this->_redirect('/' . $city . '/bulletin/view/' . $advertisement->id);
                 //					} else {
                 ////						throw new Exception ( '验证码错误!' );
                 //					}
     } else {
         throw new Exception('帖子ID缺失或者帖子未找到!');
 public function listCrowdFunding()
     $per_page = Input::get('per_page', 30);
     $page = Input::get('page', 1);
     $cate = Input::get('cate', 0);
     $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0);
     $range = Input::get('range', 1);
     $city = Input::get('city', 0);
     $province = Input::get('province', 0);
     $school = Input::get('school', 0);
     $filter_option = Input::get('filter_option', 0);
     //1-about to start, 2-hot, 3-about to end
     $key = Input::get('key', '');
     try {
         if (!$u_id) {
             throw new Exception("请传入用户id", 7001);
         $user = User::find($u_id);
         $now = Tools::getNow();
         $query = CrowdFunding::select('crowd_fundings.*')->with(['city', 'school', 'user', '', 'product', 'eventItem', 'praises' => function ($q) {
             $q->where('praises.u_id', '=', $this->u_id);
         }])->where('c_status', '>', 2)->join('event_ranges', function ($q) {
             $q->on('event_ranges.e_id', '=', 'crowd_fundings.e_id');
         })->join('event_items', function ($q) {
             $q->on('event_items.e_id', '=', 'crowd_fundings.e_id');
         if ($cate) {
             $query = $query->where('c_cate', '=', $cate);
         if ($school && $range == 3) {
             $query = $query->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', $school);
         if ($filter_option == 1) {
             $query = $query->where('event_items.e_start_at', '>', $now);
         if ($filter_option == 2) {
             // time passed more than 20%, less than 50%, and gathered more than 60% quantity
             $query = $query->whereRaw('(DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), t_event_items.e_start_at)) > (t_crowd_fundings.c_time * 0.2)')->whereRaw('(DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), t_event_items.e_start_at)) < (t_crowd_fundings.c_time * 0.5)')->join('crowd_funding_products', function ($q) {
                 $q->on('crowd_fundings.cf_id', '=', 'crowd_funding_products.cf_id');
             })->whereRaw('t_crowd_funding_products.p_sold_quantity > (t_crowd_funding_products.p_target_quantity * 0.6)')->where('event_items.e_start_at', '<', $now);
         if ($filter_option == 3) {
             // left time is less than 20%
             $query = $query->whereRaw('DATEDIFF(t_event_items.e_end_at, CURDATE()) < (t_crowd_fundings.c_time * 0.2)')->where('event_items.e_end_at', '>', $now);
         if ($city && $province && $range == 2) {
             $query = $query->where(function ($q) use($city, $province) {
                 $q->where(function ($qq) use($city, $province) {
                     $qq->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', $city)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', $province);
                 })->orWhere(function ($qq) {
                     $qq->where('event_ranges.c_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.p_id', '=', 0)->where('event_ranges.s_id', '=', 0);
         if ($key) {
             $query = $query->where(function ($q) use($key) {
                 $q->where('event_items.e_title', 'LIKE', '%' . $key . '%')->orWhere('event_items.e_brief', 'LIKE', '%' . $key . '%')->orWhere('crowd_fundings.c_yield_desc', 'LIKE', '%' . $key . '%')->orWhere('crowd_fundings.c_content', 'LIKE', '%' . $key . '%');
         $query = $query->orderBy('crowd_fundings.created_at', 'DESC');
         $list = $query->paginate($per_page);
         $data = [];
         $start = 0;
         $end = 0;
         foreach ($list as $k => $funding) {
             $tmp = $funding->showInList();
             if ($k == 0) {
                 $start = $end = $tmp['created_at_timestamps'];
             } else {
                 $start = min($start, $tmp['created_at_timestamps']);
                 $end = max($end, $tmp['created_at_timestamps']);
             $tmp['is_praised'] = 0;
             if (count($funding->praises) > 0) {
                 $tmp['is_praised'] = 1;
             $tmp['item_type'] = 1;
             $data[] = $tmp;
         if (!$key) {
             $start = $start > 0 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start) : null;
             if ($page == 1 && $list->getTotal() < $per_page) {
                 $start = null;
             $end = $end > 0 && $page != 1 ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end) : null;
             $ad = Advertisement::fetchAd(1, $start, $end, $school, $city, $province, $range);
             if ($ad && $data) {
                 $data = Advertisement::mergeArray($data, $ad);
             } elseif ($ad && !$data && $page < 2) {
                 $data = $ad;
         $re = Tools::reTrue('获取众筹成功', $data, $list);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取众筹失败:' . $e->getMessage());
     return Response::json($re);
Beispiel #20
  * Complete an offer if both ratings have been completed
  * @param $id
 static function completeOffer($id)
     $offer = self::getOfferSingle($id);
     $advertisement = Advertisement::getAdvertisement($offer['advertisement']);
     if (Rating::getRating($id, $offer['owner']) != null && Rating::getRating($id, $advertisement['owner']) != null) {
         $mysql = new MySQL();
         $results = $mysql->query('UPDATE offer SET status = 3 WHERE id = :id', [':id' => $id]);
Beispiel #21

include 'config.php';
if (isset($_GET['id_del'])) {
    //удаление объявления id из БД с ID = $id_del
    $id_del = $_GET['id_del'];
    //    $bd = DbSimple_Generic::connect("mysqli://$user[user_name]:$user[password]@$user[server_name]/$user[database]");
    //    $bd->select('DELETE FROM form WHERE id = ?', $id_del);
    Advertisement::sql_DELETE($bd, $id_del);
    echo 'объявление удалено';
Beispiel #22
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getAdvertisements()
     return $this->hasMany(Advertisement::className(), ['advertisedby' => 'id']);
Beispiel #23

 * @var $page
if ($page['user']['usertype'] != "1") {
    Session::setError('You are not able to accept an Offer');
$offer = Offer::getOfferSingle($page['parameters']['id']);
if ($offer == null) {
    Session::setError('Offer does not exist');
$advertisement = Advertisement::getAdvertisement($offer['advertisement']);
if ($advertisement['owner'] != $page['user']['id']) {
    Session::setError('You do not own this offers parent advertisement');
if ($offer['status'] != "0") {
    Session::setError('Offer can not be accepted.');
$accepted = Offer::acceptOffer($page['parameters']['id']);
if ($accepted) {
    Session::setSuccess('Successfully accepted offer');
    Session::redirect('/offers/view/' . $offer['advertisement']);
Session::setError('Something went wrong, please try again.');
Session::redirect('/offers/view/' . $offer['advertisement']);
 public function init()
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
         $user = Advertisement::getUser($this->advertisement->id);
         $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id');
         $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('password');
         $this->setAction('/' . strtolower($this->city->name) . '/bulletin/update');
     } else {
         $this->setAction('/' . strtolower($this->city->name) . '/bulletin/create');
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('city');
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('name');
     //$element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_StringLength(2,30));
     if (isset($user)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
     $element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress());
     if (isset($user)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('mobile');
     $element->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_HtmlEntities());
     $element->addFilter(new Zend_Filter_StripTags());
     if (isset($user)) {
     $this->addDisplayGroup(array('name', 'email', 'mobile'), 'aboutYou');
     // radio box
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('type');
     $element->addMultiOptions(array('lease' => '供', 'want' => '求'))->removeDecorator('Label');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     // category
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox("isBusiness");
     if (isset($this->advertisement) && $this->advertisement->category_id == Category::SHOP) {
     } else {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('title');
     //$element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_StringLength(10,30));
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('address');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('rent');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('currency');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     } else {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('rent_measurement');
     $element->addMultiOptions(array('month' => '每月', 'day' => '每日'))->setSeparator('')->setDescription('必填')->removeDecorator('Label');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
         if ($this->advertisement->rent_measurement == Advertisement::RENT_MONTHLY) {
         } else {
             if ($this->advertisement->rent_measurement == Advertisement::RENT_DAILY) {
     $element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());
     // start date and stop date
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('start_date');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('stop_date');
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('area');
     $element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('num_of_room');
     $element->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Alnum());
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Textarea('description');
     $element->setDescription('更多详细信息,例如: 交通是否方便? 是否有独立卫生间和厨房? 是否仅限女生? 是否有家具? 月租是否包括网费? 您的个人习惯等等。');
     $element->setAttrib('rows', 4);
     if (isset($this->advertisement)) {
     $element = new Elements();
     $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('post');
     $this->addDisplayGroup(array('isBusiness', 'type', 'title', 'address', 'rent', 'currency', 'rent_measurement', 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'area', 'num_of_room', 'description', 'challenge', 'post'), 'aboutRoom');
    if ($searchOper == 'eq') {
        $searchString = $searchString;
    if ($searchOper == 'bw' || $searchOper == 'bn') {
        $searchString .= '%';
    if ($searchOper == 'ew' || $searchOper == 'en') {
        $searchString = '%' . $searchString;
    if ($searchOper == 'cn' || $searchOper == 'nc' || $searchOper == 'in' || $searchOper == 'ni') {
        $searchString = '%' . $searchString . '%';
    $where = "{$searchField} {$ops} '{$searchString}'";
    $advertisements = Advertisement::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_ADVERTISEMENTS . " WHERE " . $where . " AND userid = " . $session->userid . " ORDER BY {$sidx} {$sord} LIMIT {$start} , {$limit}");
} else {
    $advertisements = Advertisement::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_ADVERTISEMENTS . " WHERE userid = " . $session->userid . " ORDER BY {$sidx} {$sord} LIMIT {$start} , {$limit}");
header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8");
$s = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>";
$s .= "<rows>";
$s .= "<page>" . $page . "</page>";
$s .= "<total>" . $total_pages . "</total>";
$s .= "<records>" . $count . "</records>";
foreach ($advertisements as $advertisement) {
    $s .= "<row id='" . $advertisement->id . "'>";
    $s .= "<cell></cell>";
    // action
    $s .= "<cell>" . $advertisement->appname . "</cell>";
    $s .= "<cell>" . $advertisement->image . "</cell>";
    $s .= "<cell>" . $advertisement->text . "</cell>";
    $s .= "<cell>" . $advertisement->url . "</cell>";
Beispiel #26

$login_required = FALSE;
global $path_prefix;
include "includes/page.php";
require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Advertisement/Advertisement.php";
if (!empty($_GET['ad_id'])) {
    $condition = array('ad_id' => $_GET['ad_id']);
    $res = Advertisement::get($params = NULL, $condition);
    $hit_count = $res[0]->hit_count;
    $update_fields = array('hit_count' => $hit_count);
    Advertisement::update($update_fields, $condition);
 private function initNew($cb, $default_mode, $default_block_type, $setting_data)
     global $page_uid, $uid;
     // render all modules
     foreach ($this->modules_array as $module) {
         // standard column-specific initialization
         switch ($module->column) {
             case 'left':
             case 'right':
                 if ($default_mode) {
                     $module->mode = $default_mode;
                 // some modules don't like to be set as PRI/HOMEPAGE
                 switch ($module->module_name) {
                     case 'LogoModule':
                     case 'AdsByGoogleModule':
                     case 'GroupAccessModule':
                     case 'GroupStatsModule':
                         if ($default_block_type) {
                             $module->block_type = $default_block_type;
             case 'middle':
         // now call the page callback and see if we need to skip
         // displaying this module
         $skipped = $module->skipped;
         if ($cb && !$skipped) {
             switch ($cb($module->column, $module->module_name, $module, $this)) {
                 case 'skip':
                     $skipped = TRUE;
         // now render for display
         $render_time = NULL;
         if (!$skipped) {
             $start_time = microtime(TRUE);
             $html = $module->render();
             if (!$module->do_skip) {
                 //add the module to list if it is not being skipped from within the module.
                 $render_time = microtime(TRUE) - $start_time;
                 $this->module_arrays[$module->column][] = $html;
         if ($this->debugging) {
             $dhtml = "&larr; {$module->module_name} ({$module->block_type}; {$module->mode}; " . sprintf("%.3f s", $render_time) . ")";
             if ($skipped) {
                 $dhtml .= " SKIPPED";
             $dhtml .= "<br>";
             $this->module_arrays[$module->column][] = $dhtml;
         $pages = Advertisement::get_pages(); // get pages where ads is to be displayed
         $display_ad = FALSE;
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
           if (PA::$config->page_type == $page['value']) {
             $display_ad = TRUE;
     // the following code does exactly the same as
     // the above commented, only much more efficient
     // because it'snot loading ALL pages
     $display_ad = false;
     if (preg_match("/(network|group)/", $this->setting_data['page_type'])) {
         $display_ad = true;
     if ($display_ad) {
         // get all ads
         $netw_ads = array();
         try {
             $netw_ads = Advertisement::get(array('direction' => 'ASC', 'sort_by' => 'orientation'), array('page_id' => PA::$config->page_type, 'is_active' => ACTIVE, 'group_id' => NULL));
         } catch (PAException $e) {
             Logger::log(__FILE__ . " " . $e->getMessage(), 32);
         $group_ads = array();
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
             try {
                 $group_ads = Advertisement::get(array('direction' => 'ASC', 'sort_by' => 'orientation'), array('page_id' => PA::$config->page_type, 'is_active' => ACTIVE, 'group_id' => (int) $_REQUEST['gid']));
             } catch (PAException $e) {
                 Logger::log(__FILE__ . " " . $e->getMessage(), 32);
         $all_ads = array();
         foreach ($group_ads as $ad) {
             $all_ads[] = $ad;
         foreach ($netw_ads as $ad) {
             $all_ads[] = $ad;
         if (!empty($all_ads)) {
             foreach ($all_ads as $ad) {
                 $pos = $ad->orientation;
                 $pos = explode(',', $ad->orientation);
                 $x_loc = $pos[0];
                 //y_loc was not originally designed so for already created ads
                 //FIX for already created ads
                 if (array_key_exists(1, $pos)) {
                     $y_loc = $pos[1];
                 } else {
                     $y_loc = 1;
                     //Ads created before this logic implementation should come on top
                 //horizontal and vertical position should not be empty
                 if (!empty($x_loc) && !empty($y_loc)) {
                     $array_of_data = array('links' => $ad);
                     $inner_html = $this->add_block_module('AdvertisementModule', $array_of_data);
                     $this->add_module_xy($x_loc, $y_loc, $inner_html);
         //end of if all_ads
     //end of display_ad
  * Extracts an Advertisement object from an input PDO query result object.
  * @param PDOItem $result
  * @param boolean $skeleton
 public function extractAdvertisementSearchObject(&$result)
     $advertisement = null;
     try {
         if ($result[AdvertisementSearchDao::ADVERTISEMENT_ID_FIELD] !== null) {
             $genreList = null;
             $positionList = null;
             $advertisement = new Advertisement();
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::ADVERTISEMENT_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::ADVERTISEMENT_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::ADVERTISEMENT_TYPE_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::SUMMARY, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::ADVERTISEMENT_SUMMARY_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::MEMBER_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::MEMBER_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::MEMBER_FIRST_NAME, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::MEMBER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::MEMBER_LAST_NAME, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::MEMBER_LAST_NAME_FIELD]);
             $i = 1;
             for ($i = 1; $i <= AdvertisementSearchDao::POSITION_COUNT; $i++) {
                 $positionID = $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::INSTRUMENT_ID_FIELD . $i];
                 if ($positionID != null) {
                     $position = new AdvertisementPosition();
                     $position->setVariable(AdvertisementPosition::INSTRUMENT_ID, $positionID);
                     $position->setVariable(AdvertisementPosition::INSTRUMENT_NAME, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::INSTRUMENT_NAME_FIELD . $i]);
                     $positionList[] = $position;
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::POSITION_LIST, $positionList);
             $advertisement->setVariable(Advertisement::START_DATE, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::START_DATE_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(LocationConstants::COUNTRY_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::COUNTRY_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(LocationConstants::STATE_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::STATE_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(LocationConstants::CITY_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::CITY_ID_FIELD]);
             $advertisement->setVariable(LocationConstants::REGION_ID, $result[AdvertisementSearchDao::REGION_ID_FIELD]);
     } catch (PDOException $Exception) {
         echo "extractAdvertisementObject error: " . $Exception->getMessage();
     return $advertisement;
  * Populate notification list.
  * Example: ctl 1686825444, crc e233847ad0507ae1d0890633ced692b9
 public function populatenoficationlistAction()
     //view info disabled
     $ctl = $this->_getParam('ctl');
     $crc = $this->_getParam('crc');
     $customerKey = '';
     $startDate = $this->_getParam('start');
     $generated_crc = md5($ctl);
     if ($generated_crc == $crc) {
         $notifiedBeforeDate = $this->_helper->generator->manipulatDate($this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime(), -Constant::NOTIFICATION_DAY, Zend_Date::DAY);
         $advertisements = $this->advertisement->findAdvertisementToSendNofication($notifiedBeforeDate);
         $numOfAdvs = count($advertisements);
         echo "Check advertisments created before " . $notifiedBeforeDate . "<br/>";
         echo $numOfAdvs . " advertisements found might need to be notified<br/>";
         $numOfAffected = 0;
         foreach ($advertisements as $advertisement) {
             $data = array("advertisement_id" => $advertisement->id, "type" => "close_advertisement", "status" => "valid", "created" => $this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime());
             $db = Zend_Registry::get("db");
             // check if notification to be added is already exist.
             // only add to mail queue if it's a new one.
             $notification = $this->advertisementNotification->findByAdvertisementTypeAndStatus($advertisement->id, "close_advertisement", "valid");
             if (empty($notification)) {
                 $subject = MailTemplate::SUBJECT_CLOSE_NOTICATION;
                 $user = Advertisement::getUser($advertisement->id);
                 $pos = strpos($user->email, "");
                 if ($pos == false) {
                     $sender = Constant::SYSTEM_MAIL;
                 } else {
                     $sender = Constant::EMAIL_TO_SERVER;
                 $recipient = $user->email;
                 $message = MailTemplate::getNotificationEmailMessage($advertisement, $recipient, MailTemplate::CLOSE_NOTIFICATION_BODY, Constant::CLOSE_NOTIFICATION);
                 $this->mailQueue->addToQueue(MailType::CLOSE_NOTIFICATION, null, $subject, $sender, $recipient, $message, $this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime());
         echo $numOfAffected . " advertisement(s) are affected";
         echo "<hr/>";
         // close down expired advertisements
         $advertisements = $this->advertisement->findAdvertisementToClose();
         $numOfAdvs = count($advertisements);
         echo "Close expired advertisements<br/>";
         echo $numOfAdvs . " advertisements found<br/>";
         $numOfAffected = 0;
         $db = Zend_Registry::get("db");
         foreach ($advertisements as $advertisement) {
             $advertisement->status = PostStatus::CLOSED;
             $subject = MailTemplate::SUBJECT_CLOSED_POST;
             $user = Advertisement::getUser($advertisement->id);
             $pos = strpos($user->email, "");
             if ($pos == false) {
                 $sender = Constant::SYSTEM_MAIL;
             } else {
                 $sender = Constant::EMAIL_TO_SERVER;
             $recipient = $user->email;
             $message = MailTemplate::getNotificationEmailMessage($advertisement, $recipient, MailTemplate::CLOED_POST_BODY, Constant::CLOSE_NOTIFICATION);
             $this->mailQueue->addToQueue(MailType::SYSINFO, null, $subject, $sender, $recipient, $message, $this->_helper->generator->generateCurrentTime());
         echo $numOfAffected . " advertisement(s) are affected";
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Not allowed to run the service!');
Beispiel #30
     $response->message = $user;
     $advertisement = new Advertisement();
     $advertisement->userid = $session->userid;
     $advertisement->image = "";
     $advertisement->text = "This will launch the browser";
     $advertisement->url = "";
     $advertisement->timer = 10;
     $advertisement->launchin = "browser";
     $advertisement->appname = "My App Name";
     $advertisement->appversion = "1.0";
     $advertisement->clicked = "0";
     $advertisement->bgcolor = "#000000";
     $advertisement->textcolor = "#FFFFFF";
     $advertisement2 = new Advertisement();
     $advertisement2->userid = $session->userid;
     $advertisement2->image = "";
     $advertisement2->text = "This will launch the BlackBerry World App";
     $advertisement2->url = "appworld://content/47649895";
     $advertisement2->timer = 10;
     $advertisement2->launchin = "bbworld";
     $advertisement2->appname = "My App Name 2";
     $advertisement2->appversion = "1.0";
     $advertisement2->clicked = "0";
     $advertisement2->bgcolor = "#000000";
     $advertisement2->textcolor = "#FFFFFF";
 } else {
     $response->status = "bad";
     $response->message = "Username or Password is invalid.";