if ($_REQUEST['transactionStatus'] == 'PENDING') {
     $billingActionId = 3;
 } elseif ($_REQUEST['transactionStatus'] == 'SUCCESS') {
     $billingActionId = 4;
 //Add a payment billing action.
 $userBillingActionId = Adrlist_Billing::addBillingAction($planRow['userId'], $planRow['billingOfferId'], $billingActionId, 1, __FILE__ . ' ' . __LINE__);
 $transactionAmount = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['transactionAmount']);
 $transactionAmount = $transactionAmount[1];
 //$transactionAmount = preg_split('/USD /', $_REQUEST['transactionAmount'], -1);
 $debug->add('$transactionAmount: ' . $transactionAmount);
 //See if the user has a record in userBilling.
 if ($billingActionId == 4) {
     //Payment was successful.
     //If the user currently has a plan, issue a refund.
     $calculateRefund = Adrlist_Billing::calculateRefund($planRow['userId']);
     if (is_array($calculateRefund)) {
         Adrlist_Billing::amazonRefundRequest($calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['userBillingActionId'], 'Pro-rated refund for ' . $calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['name'], $calculateRefund['refundAmount']);
     } else {
         $redirect = false;
     if (Adrlist_Billing::getUserPlan($planRow['userId']) === false) {
         //The user has no record in userBiling.
         $userBillingStmt = $Dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO\n\tuserBilling\nSET\n\tuserId = ?,\n\tuserBillingActionId = ?,\n\tbillingOfferId = ?,\n\tdateAdded = ?");
         $userBillingParams = array($planRow['userId'], $userBillingActionId, $planRow['billingOfferId'], DATETIME);
     } else {
         //The user has a record in userBilling. Update it with the new plan info.
         $userBillingStmt = $Dbc->prepare("UPDATE\n\tuserBilling\nSET\n\tbillingOfferId = ?,\n\tdateAdded = ?\nWHERE\n\tuserId = ?\n");
         $userBillingParams = array($planRow['billingOfferId'], DATETIME, $planRow['userId']);
function changePlan()
    //The user has an active plan and wants to change to another plan.
    global $debug, $message, $success, $Dbc, $returnThis;
    $output = '';
    try {
        //See if the user currently has an active plan or promotion. The userId is a unique field, so only one billing record can exist per user.
        $calculateRefund = Adrlist_Billing::calculateRefund($_SESSION['userId']);
        if (!is_array($calculateRefund)) {
            throw new Adrlist_CustomException('', '$calculateRefund returned false.');
        $debug->printArray($calculateRefund, '$calculateRefund');
        $calculateRefund['refundAmount'] = '$' . $calculateRefund['refundAmount'];
        $beginningDate = Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['dateAdded'], false)->format('M j, Y');
        //Return a DateTime object.
        $nextBillingDate = Adrlist_Time::addToDate($calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['dateAdded'], $calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['period'], $calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['length']);
        $nextBillingDate = Adrlist_Time::utcToLocal($nextBillingDate, false)->format('M j, Y');
        //Return a DateTime object.
        $output .= '<div class="textMedium textLeft" style="margin:2em;line-height:1.5em">
Please select a new plan. You current plan is <span class="bold">' . $calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['name'] . '</span>.<br>
You will directed to the payment processor to authorize a new payment and will receive a credit in the form of a pro-rated refund for the remainder of the current billing period.
' . $calculateRefund['daysRemaining'] . ' of ' . $calculateRefund['billingPeriodDays'] . ' days remaining in this billing period (' . $beginningDate . ' to ' . $nextBillingDate . ').<br>
Refund Amount: ' . $calculateRefund['refundAmount'] . '
</div>' . buildBillingOffers();
        $returnThis['billingOfferId'] = $calculateRefund['userPlanArray']['billingOfferId'];
        $returnThis['output'] = $output;
        $success = true;
        //Work to be done here.
    } catch (Adrlist_CustomException $e) {
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        error(__LINE__, '', '<pre>' . $e . '</pre>');
    if (MODE == 'changePlan') {