include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.AdminUser.php'; $adminUserObj = new AdminUser(); include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.AccessPerModule.php'; $accModObj = new AccessPerModule(); $mode = PostVar('mode'); $Data = PostVar('Data'); $actionfile = PostVar('actionfile'); $listArr = PostVar('listing'); $addArr = PostVar('add'); $updateArr = PostVar('update'); $DeleteArr = PostVar('delete'); $activeArr = PostVar('active'); $inactiveArr = PostVar('inactive'); $blockArr = PostVar('block'); $searchArr = PostVar('search'); $arr = $adminUserObj->select($Data['iAdminId']); //prints($arr);exit; $Data['eAdminType'] = $arr[0]['eType']; if (count($_POST) > 0) { if (count($listArr) > 0) { $Data['tListing'] = @implode(",", $listArr); } else { $Data['tListing'] = ""; } if (count($addArr) > 0) { $Data['tAdd'] = @implode(",", $addArr); } else { $Data['tAdd'] = ""; } if (count($updateArr) > 0) { $Data['tUpdate'] = @implode(",", $updateArr);
$smname = $emailArr[$i]['vFirstName'] . ' ' . $emailArr[$i]['vLastName']; $email = $emailArr[$i]['vEmail']; //set the values of the body of email format $body_arr = array("#NAME#", "#REC#", "#EMAIL#", "#LINK#", "#MAIL_FOOTER#", "#SITE_URL#"); $post_arr = array($smname, 'Admin', $eml, $link, $MAIL_FOOTER, SITE_URL_DUM); //send mail to the Admin $sendMail->Send("Email Duplication", "Member", $email, $body_arr, $post_arr); } } // dpr email for duplication of email in rec } else { $var_msg = "Eror-in Add."; } } else { if ($view == "edit") { $arr = $adminUserObj->select($iAdminId); $adminUserObj->setAllVar($arr); $Data = array_merge($Data, array("dLastAccess" => $curr_date)); //prints($Data);exit; $adminUserObj->setAllVar($Data); $where = " iAdminId = '" . $iAdminId . "'"; $res = $adminUserObj->update($where); if ($res) { $var_msg = "Record Updated Successfully."; } else { $var_msg = "Eror-in Update."; } } } header("Location:index.php?file=ge-admin&view=index&AX=Yes&var_msg={$var_msg}"); exit;
include_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.countrystate.php"; $cntstObj = new CountryState(); } $view = GetVar("view"); $iSMID = GetVar("iSMID"); $file = GetVar("file"); $arr = array(); if (count($_POST) > 0) { $arr[0] = $_POST; } else { if ($view == 'edit') { $arr = $secManObj->select($iSMID); //prints($arr); exit; $vPassword = $generalobj->decrypt($arr[0]['vPassword']); // echo $vPassword; $adminarr = $adminUserObj->select($arr[0]['iAdminID']); } else { $view = "add"; } } $seqCombArr1 = array("ID" => "iSecretQuestion1ID", "Name" => "Data[iSecretQuestion1ID]", "Type" => "Query", "tableName" => "" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sec_question", "fieldId" => "iQuestionId", "fieldName" => "vQuestion_en", "extVal" => '', "selectedVal" => isset($arr[0]['iSecretQuestion1ID']) ? $arr[0]['iSecretQuestion1ID'] : '', "width" => '210px', "height" => '', "onchange" => '', "selectText" => "---Select security question---", "where" => " eStatus = 'Active'", "multiple_select" => "", "orderby" => 'vQuestion_en', "validationmsg" => 'Select security question.', "extra" => "tabIndex=9 title='Select Security Question'", 'class' => 'required'); $seqCombArr2 = array("ID" => "iSecretQuestion2ID", "Name" => "Data[iSecretQuestion2ID]", "Type" => "Query", "tableName" => "" . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sec_question", "fieldId" => "iQuestionId", "fieldName" => "vQuestion_en", "extVal" => '', "selectedVal" => isset($arr[0]['iSecretQuestion2ID']) ? $arr[0]['iSecretQuestion2ID'] : '', "width" => '210px', "height" => '', "onchange" => '', "selectText" => "---Select security question---", "where" => " eStatus = 'Active'", "multiple_select" => "", "orderby" => 'vQuestion_en', "validationmsg" => 'Select security question.', "extra" => "tabIndex=11"); $answer1 = isset($arr[0]['vAnswer']) && trim($arr[0]['vAnswer']) != '' ? '##########' : ''; $answer2 = isset($arr[0]['vAnwser']) && trim($arr[0]['vAnwser']) != '' ? '##########' : ''; //Get State Array $state = $cntstObj->getgeneralArr(PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_state_master", " AND eStatus='Active'", "vStateCode", "vState", "vCountryCode", "vStateCode,vState,vCountryCode"); $stateArr = $state[0]; $db_country = $countryObj->getCountryDetail("iCountryId,vCountry,vCountryCode", "AND eStatus = 'Active'"); //prints($db_country);exit; $db_state = $stateObj->getStateDetail("iStateId, vStateCode, vState", "AND eStatus = 'Active'", "vState"); //prints($db_state);exit;