<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_index'); Security::promptAuth(); $index = new AdminFrontend(); $index->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Dashboard", "page_template" => "dashboard")); if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { switch ($_GET['msg']) { case 0: $index->addMessage(l("No Permission"), "error"); break; case 1: $index->addMessage(l("Invalid Query Arg"), "warning"); break; case 2: $index->addMessage(l("Internal Error"), "warning"); break; } } $text = "<strong>Thank you for testing OrongoCMS!</strong><br/><br/>"; $text .= "<p>To check for updates go to <a href='" . orongoURL("orongo-admin/orongo-update-check.php") . "'>the update checker</a>."; $text .= "<br/>Found bugs? Please post them <a href='" . orongoURL("orongo-admin/post-issue.php") . "'>here</a>."; $text .= "<br/>You can find the terminal of your OrongoCMS installation <a href='" . OrongoURL("orongo-admin/terminal.php") . "'>here</a>."; $text .= "<br/><br/>Enjoy OrongoCMS,<br/> "; $text .= "<strong>The OrongoCMS Team</strong>"; $index->addObject(new AdminFrontendObject(100, "Info", $text, null, false)); $index->render();
$msg = l("LOGIN_MSG_INVALID_ACTIVATION_URL"); $msgtype = "warning"; break; case 5: $msg = l('LOGIN_MSG_ALREADY_ACTIVATED'); $msgtype = "info"; break; case 6: $msg = l('LOGIN_MSG_ACTIVATION_OK'); $msgtype = "success"; break; case 7: $msg = l("LOGIN_MSG_PROMPT_ACTIVATION"); $msgtype = "warning"; break; default: break; } } $login = new AdminFrontend(); $login->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Login", "page_template" => "ndashboard")); $form = new AdminFrontendForm(75, "Login", "POST", orongoURL("actions/action_Login.php")); $form->addInput("Username", "username", "text"); $form->addInput("Password", "password", "password"); $form->addButton("Login", true); $login->addObject($form); $login->addObject(new AdminFrontendObject(25, "", '<h4>' . l("New here") . '</h4><p>' . l("Register text", array('<a href="' . orongoURL("orongo-register.php#") . '">', '</a>')) . '</p>')); if ($msg != null) { $login->addMessage($msg, $msgtype); } $login->render();
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_manage'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_WRITER) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $manage = new AdminFrontend(); $manage->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Manage", "page_template" => "dashboard")); if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $object = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_GET['msg']) && isset($_GET['obj'])) { $object = $_GET['obj']; switch ($_GET['msg']) { case 0: $manage->addMessage(l("Object not exists"), "error"); break; case 1: $manage->addMessage(l("Object delete success"), "success"); break; case 2: $manage->addMessage(l("Object delete error"), "error"); break;
<?php require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_plugin-uninstall'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() != RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['xml_path'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $xmlPath = ADMIN . '/plugins' . urldecode($_GET['xml_path']); $install = new AdminFrontend(); $install->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Uninstall", "page_template" => "dashboard")); if (!file_exists($xmlPath)) { $install->addMessage(l("Plugin not found"), "error"); $install->render(); exit; } $installed = false; foreach (getPlugins() as $plugin) { if ($plugin instanceof OrongoPluggableObject == false) { continue; } if ($plugin->getInfoPath() == $xmlPath) { $installed = true; } } if (!$installed) {
/** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_create'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_WRITER) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $object = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $create = new AdminFrontend(); $create->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Create", "page_template" => "dashboard")); if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { if (isset($_GET['obj'])) { $object = $_GET['obj']; } switch ($_GET['msg']) { case 0: $create->addMessage(l("Object post error"), "error"); break; case 1: $create->addMessage(l("Object post success"), "success"); break; default: break; }
require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_media'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() != RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $type = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } else { $type = null; } $types = array("files", "images"); if ($type != null) { if (!in_array($type, $types)) { $type = null; } $type = strtoupper(substr($type, 0, 1)) . substr($type, 1); $pageTitle = "Gallery"; } if ($type == null) { $pageTitle = "Media"; } $media = new AdminFrontend(); $media->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => $pageTitle, "page_template" => "dashboard")); $ckfinder = new CKFinder(orongoURL("lib/ckfinder/")); if ($type != null) { $ckfinder->ResourceType = $type; } $media->addObject(new AdminFrontendObject(100, l("Media Manager") . " - " . l("Powered by") . " CKFinder", $ckfinder->CreateHTML(), null, false)); $media->render();
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_view'); Security::promptAuth(); $view = new AdminFrontend(); if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !isset($_GET['obj'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $id = trim($_GET['id']); $object = trim($_GET['obj']); switch ($_GET['msg']) { case 1: $view->addMessage(l("Object edit success"), "success"); break; case 0: $view->addMessage(l("Object edit error"), "error"); break; default: break; } } else { $query = explode(".", trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); if (count($query) != 2) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit;
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_orongo-update-check'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() != RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $updater = new AdminFrontend(); $updater->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Update Checker", "page_template" => "dashboard")); $isUpdateAvailable = false; try { $isUpdateAvailable = OrongoUpdateChecker::isUpdateAvailable(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msgbox = new MessageBox(l("Error update check")); $msgbox->bindException($e); getDisplay()->addObject($msgbox); } if ($isUpdateAvailable) { $updater->addMessage(l("Update available"), "success"); $info = null; try { $info = OrongoUpdateChecker::getLatestVersionInfo(); } catch (Exception $e) { $msgbox = new MessageBox("Error occured while checking for update"); $msgbox->bindException($e); getDisplay()->addObject($msgbox);
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_post-issue'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $postIssue = new AdminFrontend(); getDisplay()->addHTML('<script src="' . orongoURL("js/ajax.boolean.js") . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'); if (isset($_GET['token'])) { $_SESSION["auth-sub-token"] = $_GET['token']; getDisplay()->closeWindow(); exit; } if (!isset($_SESSION["auth-sub-token"])) { $postIssue->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Login to Google", "page_template" => "dashboard")); $postIssue->addObject(new AdminFrontendObject(100, "Logging in to Google", l("Waiting for login") . "<br/><br/><br/><strong>" . l("Do not see popup") . "</strong><br/>" . l("Enable popups"))); $js = 'window.setInterval(function() {'; $js .= 'if(getAjaxBool("' . orongoURL("ajax/isGCSet.php") . '")) window.location="' . orongoURL("orongo-admin/post-issue.php") . '"; '; $js .= '},2000);'; getDisplay()->addJS($js, "document.ready"); if (isset($_GET['error'])) { $postIssue->addMessage($_GET['error'], "error"); } if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { switch ($_GET['msg']) {
*/ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_edit'); Security::promptAuth(); if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $query = explode(".", trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); if (count($query) != 2) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $object = trim($query[0]); $id = trim($query[1]); $create = new AdminFrontend(); $create->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Edit", "page_template" => "dashboard")); switch ($object) { case "article": if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_WRITER) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $create->setTitle("Edit Article"); try { $article = new Article($id); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == ARTICLE_NOT_EXIST) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/manage.php?msg=0&obj=articles")); exit; } else {
$msgtype = "warning"; break; case 2: $msg = l("REG_MSG_USERNAME_TOO_SHORT"); $msgtype = "error"; break; case 3: $msg = l("REG_MSG_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT"); $msgtype = "error"; break; case 4: $msg = l("REG_MSG_FILL_IN_USERNAME"); $msgtype = "error"; break; default: break; } } $register = new AdminFrontend(); $register->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Register", "page_template" => "ndashboard")); $form = new AdminFrontendForm(100, "Register", "POST", orongoURL("actions/action_Register.php")); $form->addInput("Username", "username", "text", "", true); $form->addInput("Password", "password", "password", "", true); $form->addInput("Password again", "password_again", "password", "", true); $form->addInput("Email", "email", "email", "", true); $form->addButton("Register", true); $register->addObject($form); if ($msg != null) { $register->addMessage($msg, $msgtype); } $register->render();
*/ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_delete'); Security::promptAuth(); if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $query = explode(".", trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); if (count($query) != 2) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $object = trim($query[0]); $id = trim($query[1]); $delete = new AdminFrontend(); $delete->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Delete", "page_template" => "dashboard")); switch ($object) { case "article": if (getUser()->getRank() < RANK_WRITER) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $delete->setTitle("Delete Article"); try { $article = new Article($id); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == ARTICLE_NOT_EXIST) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/manage.php?msg=0&obj=articles")); exit; } else {
<?php /** * @author Jaco Ruit */ require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_orongo-settings'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() != RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } $settings = new AdminFrontend(); if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { switch ($_GET['msg']) { case 0: $settings->addMessage(l("Settings saved"), "success"); default: break; } } $settings->main(array('time' => time(), 'page_title' => 'Orongo Settings', 'page_template' => 'dashboard')); $settingForm = new AdminFrontendForm(100, "Orongo Settings", "POST", orongoURL("actions/action_SaveOrongoSettings.php")); $settingForm->addInput("Website Name", "website_name", "text", Settings::getWebsiteName()); $settingForm->addInput("Website URL", "website_url", "text", Settings::getWebsiteURL()); $settingForm->addInput("Admin Email", "admin_email", "text", Settings::getEmail()); $currentShowArchiveString = Settings::showArchive() ? l("Yes") : l("No"); $settingForm->addRadios("Show archive", "show_archive", array(l("Yes") => "true", l("No") => "false"), $currentShowArchiveString); $languages = array(Settings::getLanguageName() => "nl_NL"); $files = @scandir(ADMIN . '/lang/'); if (is_array($files)) {
* @author Jaco Ruit */ define('HACK_PLUGINS', true); require '../startOrongo.php'; startOrongo('admin_plugin-settings'); Security::promptAuth(); if (getUser()->getRank() != RANK_ADMIN) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=0")); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['xml_path'])) { header("Location: " . orongoURL("orongo-admin/index.php?msg=1")); exit; } $xmlPath = ADMIN . '/plugins' . urldecode($_GET['xml_path']); $settings = new AdminFrontend(); $settings->main(array("time" => time(), "page_title" => "Plugin Setting", "page_template" => "dashboard")); if (!file_exists($xmlPath)) { $settings->addMessage(l("Plugin not found"), "error"); $settings->render(); exit; } $installed = false; foreach (getPlugins() as $plugin) { if ($plugin instanceof OrongoPluggableObject == false) { continue; } if ($plugin->getInfoPath() == $xmlPath) { $installed = true; } }