public function delNote($noteID)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $vcsLogin = $am->vcsLogin;
     // A user can only delete his note. Not those of others users.
     $s = 'SELECT user FROM
             id = %d';
     $params = array($noteID);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     $a = $r->fetch_object();
     if ($a->user == $vcsLogin) {
         // We can delete it
         $s = 'DELETE FROM
                 id = %d';
         $params = array($noteID);
         $this->conn->query($s, $params);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Get all news for this LANG.
  * @return An indexed array (id, title, description, link, pubDate) readable by ExtJs, or false if an error occurs
 function getLastNews()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     $result = array();
     if ($this->lang == 'en') {
         $url = $appConf[$project]['news.url.en'];
     } else {
         $url = str_replace("{LANG}", strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', $this->lang)), $appConf[$project]['news.url.lang']);
     $content = @file_get_contents($url);
     if (!$content) {
         return false;
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content);
     $channel = $xml->channel;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($channel->item as $item) {
         $result[$i]['id'] = $i;
         $result[$i]['title'] = (string) $item->title;
         $result[$i]['description'] = preg_replace('/(<a href[^>]+">)([^>]+)(<\\/a>)/', "\$2", (string) $item->description);
         $result[$i]['link'] = (string) $item->link;
         $result[$i]['pubDate'] = @date('Y/m/d H:i:s', @strtotime((string) $item->pubDate));
     return $result;
  * Initialise the lock file
  * @param string $id The lock identifier
 function __construct($id)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     // For security, we don't want to have IDs that can traverse directories.
     $id = basename($id);
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->path = $appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['data.path'] . '.' . $this->id;
 public function __construct($path)
     $this->am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     // Only available for PHP project
     if ($this->am->project != 'PHP') {
         return false;
     $this->path = str_replace('..', '', $path);
Beispiel #5
function errlog($mess)
    $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
    $appConf = $am->appConf;
    $project = $am->project;
    $mess = '[' . @date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . '] by ' . $am->vcsLogin . ' : ' . str_replace("\r\n", " ", $mess) . "\n";
    $fp = fopen($appConf[$project]['vcs.path'] . '../.errlog', 'a+');
    fwrite($fp, $mess);
    // Send me all error for debug warning
    $am->email('*****@*****.**', '[PhDOE - Error] New error detected', "A new error was detected :\n\n====" . $mess . "\n\n====", '*****@*****.**', 'others');
 public function setProject($project)
     $project = strtoupper($project);
     // This project must be defined in $availableProject constant
     if (!isset($this->appConf[$project]) || $this->appConf[$project]['project.enable'] == false) {
         return false;
     $this->project = $project;
     AccountManager::getInstance()->project = $project;
     $_SESSION['project'] = $project;
     return true;
Beispiel #7
 public static function buildUrl($appid, $memid)
     if (empty($appid) || empty($memid)) {
         throw new MyException("appid或 memid 不能为空 appid={$appid} memid={$memid}");
     $memObj = AccountManager::getInstance()->getMemberByMemid($appid);
     if (AppConstants::$APP_TESTSITE[0] == $appid) {
         return self::testSite($memObj);
     if (AppConstants::$APP_FANFOU[0] == $appid) {
         return self::fanfou($memObj);
     throw new MyException("can not get the app, has the app registered? appid={$appid}");
  * Get all open bugs for this LANG.
  * @return An indexed array (id, title, description, link, pubDate) readable by ExtJs
 function getOpenBugs()
     $appConf = AccountManager::getInstance()->appConf;
     $project = AccountManager::getInstance()->project;
     if ($this->lang == 'en') {
         $url = $appConf[$project]['bugs.url.en'];
     } else {
         $url = $appConf[$project]['bugs.url.lang'];
     $r = @file_get_contents($url);
     if (!$r) {
         return false;
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($r);
     $channel = $xml;
     $i = 0;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($channel->item as $item) {
         $title = (string) $item->title;
         $description = $item->description;
         if (strstr($title, '[' . strtoupper($this->lang) . ']') || $this->lang == 'en') {
             $result[$i]['id'] = $i;
             $result[$i]['title'] = $title;
             $match = array();
             if (strstr($description, "Reproduce code:")) {
                 preg_match_all('/Description:\\s*?------------(.*?)Reproduce code:/s', $description, $match);
             } else {
                 preg_match_all('/Description:\\s*?------------(.*)/s', $description, $match);
             $result[$i]['description'] = isset($match[1][0]) ? highlight_string(trim($match[1][0]), true) : '';
             $result[$i]['link'] = (string) $item->link;
             $match = array();
             // Try to find the link to this documentation bug
             preg_match('/From manual page: (.*?)(#|\\s)/s', $description, $match);
             $result[$i]['xmlID'] = isset($match[1]) ? $match[1] : false;
             // We remove all caracters except xmlid (after and before)
             if ($result[$i]['xmlID']) {
                 $match = array();
                 preg_match('/function\\.(.[^%]*)/es', $result[$i]['xmlID'], $match);
                 if (isset($match[1])) {
                     $result[$i]['xmlID'] = $match[1];
     return $result;
  * Manage a word ; Add or update a word base on his wordId.
  * If wordId is "new", the word is added, else it was updated
  * @param $wordId : Database Id for the word or "new" if we want to add it
  * @param $valueEn : New English value
  * @param $valueLang : New lang value
 public function manageDictionaryWord($wordId, $valueEn, $valueLang)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $vcsLogin = $am->vcsLogin;
     $project = $am->project;
     $vcsLang = $am->vcsLang;
     $time = @date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     if ($wordId == 'new') {
         $s = 'INSERT INTO `dictionary` (`project`, `lang`, `valueEn`, `valueLang`, `lastUser`, `lastDate`) VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")';
         $params = array($project, $vcsLang, $valueEn, $valueLang, $vcsLogin, $time);
     } else {
         $s = 'UPDATE `dictionary` SET `valueEn` = "%s", `valueLang`= "%s", `lastUser` = "%s", `lastDate` = "%s" WHERE `id` = %d';
         $params = array($valueEn, $valueLang, $vcsLogin, $time, $wordId);
     $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     return $time;
  * @static
  * @return CvsClient|SvnClient
 public static function getInstance()
     $appConf = AccountManager::getInstance()->appConf;
     if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
         switch ($appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['vcs.type']) {
             case 'cvs':
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CvsClient.php';
                 self::$instance = CvsClient::getInstance();
             case 'svn':
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/SvnClient.php';
                 self::$instance = SvnClient::getInstance();
     return self::$instance;
 	     <div class="itemHeader">
       <div class="itemlogo"><img src="../styles/images/fanfou.gif" alt="fanfou"></div>
       <div class="itemlogo"><img src="../styles/images/person_image.gif" alt="person"></div>
       <a href="[__who_url]" title="浏览[__who]的共享">[__who]</a>在
       <a href="[__where_url]" title="[__where]">[__where]</a>
       <a href="[__title__link]" title="[__Title]">[__Title]</a>
 private function buildItemHeader()
     $memApp = AccountManager::getInstance()->getMemAppBySynid($this->rssItem->synid);
     $appObj = AppManager::getInstance()->getAppByAppid($memApp->appid);
     $html = ' <div class="itemHeader">';
     // <div class="itemlogo"><img src="../styles/images/fanfou.gif" alt="fanfou"></div>
     $html .= '<div class="itemlogo"><img src="' . $appObj->getLogoUrl() . '" alt="' . $appObj->name . '"></div>';
     // <div class="itemlogo"><img src="../styles/images/person_image.gif" alt="person"></div>
     $memberObj = AccountManager::getInstance()->getMemberByMemid($memApp->memid);
     $html .= '<div class="itemlogo"><img src="' . $memberObj->getPersonalImage() . '" alt="' . $memberObj->name . '"></div>';
     //<a href="[__who_url]" title="浏览[__who]的共享">[__who]</a>在
     $html .= '<a href="' . $memberObj->memid . '" title="浏览' . $memberObj->name . '的共享">' . $memberObj->name . '</a>在';
     //		 <a href="[__where_url]" title="[__where]">[__where]</a> 共享了
     $html .= '<a href="' . $memApp->rssurl . '" title="' . $appObj->name . '">' . $appObj->name . '</a>共享了';
     //      <a href="[__title__link]" title="[__Title]">[__Title]</a>
     $html .= '<a href="' . $this->rssItem->link . '" title="' . $this->rssItem->title . '">' . $this->rssItem->title . '</a>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
 public function checkForError($xmlContent)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     $this->xmlContent = $xmlContent;
     $this->XmlFileResult = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'PhDOE_' . mt_rand());
     $cmd = new ExecStatement($appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['xmllint.bin'] . ' --noout %s > %s 2>&1', array($this->XmlFileName, $this->XmlFileResult));
     $trial_threshold = 3;
     while ($trial_threshold-- > 0) {
         $output = array();
         SaferExec::exec($cmd, $output);
         if (strlen(trim(implode('', $output))) != 0) {
     $this->rawErrors = file($this->XmlFileResult);
     $this->Errors = $this->parseResult();
     return $this->Errors;
  * Initialise
 function __construct()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     // This entities will not be checked as there are always wrong. We use it into the manual like this : "&;bar"
     // Entries should not include the & and ;
     $this->EntitiesNotChecked = array("url.pecl.package.get", "url.pecl.package");
     $this->urlConnectTimeout = 10;
     $this->userAgent = 'DocWeb Link Crawler (';
     $this->pathEntities = $appConf[$project]['entities.url'];
     $this->forkUrlAllow = function_exists('pcntl_fork') && isset($_ENV['NUMFORKS']);
     $this->forkNumAllowed = $this->forkUrlAllow ? $_ENV['NUMFORKS'] : 0;
     $this->supportedSchemes = array('http');
     if (extension_loaded('openssl')) {
         $this->supportedSchemes[] = 'https';
     if (function_exists('ftp_connect')) {
         $this->supportedSchemes[] = 'ftp';
     $this->conn = DBConnection::getInstance();
 private function parseEntities()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     $files = explode("|", $appConf[$project]['entities.usedbyeditor.location']);
     $this->entities = array();
     $count = 0;
     while (list($k, $file) = each($files)) {
         if (empty($file) || !($content = file_get_contents($file))) {
         preg_match_all('/<!ENTITY\\s(.*?)\\s(\'|")(.*?)(\\2)>/s', $content, $match);
         $from = explode('/', $file);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[1]); $i++) {
             $this->entities[$count]['id'] = $count;
             $this->entities[$count]['from'] = $from[count($from) - 1];
             $this->entities[$count]['items'] = $match[1][$i];
             $this->entities[$count]['value'] = htmlentities($match[3][$i]);
  * Get the list of failed build.
 public function getFailedBuild()
     $project = AccountManager::getInstance()->project;
     $s = 'SELECT `id`, `lang`, `date` FROM `failedBuildLog` WHERE `project` = "%s"';
     $params = array($project);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     $node = array();
     while ($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
         $node[] = $a;
     return array('nb' => $r->num_rows, 'node' => $node);
Beispiel #16
  * Test if the file is a modified file.
  * @return Mixed FALSE if the file haven't been modified, otherwise, some information about the user how have modified it.
 public function isModified()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $project = $am->project;
     $s = 'SELECT
             `id` as fidDB,
             `users`.`vcs_login` as `user`,
             `module` as fromModule,
             `type` as ftype,
             `work`.`userID` = `users`.`userID` AND
             `work`.`project` = "%s" AND
             `lang`="%s" AND
             `path`="%s" AND
     $params = array($project, $this->lang, $this->path, $this->name);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     if ($r->num_rows == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $a = $r->fetch_assoc();
         if ($a['user'] == 'anonymous') {
             $a['user'] = $a['user'] . ' #' . $a['userID'];
         $a['haveKarma'] = $a['authService'] == 'VCS' && $am->checkKarma($a['user'], $this->lang) === true;
         return json_encode($a);
Beispiel #17
echo "----------------end add memebers---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------begin add app---------------------";
echo "<br>";
$appbasic = AppManager::getInstance()->getAppByAppid(1);
echo "----------------end add app---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------begin member register app---------------------";
echo "<br>";
$memberObj = AccountManager::getInstance()->getMemberByEmail('*****@*****.**');
AccountManager::getInstance()->registerMemApp($memberObj->memid, AppConstants::$APP_TESTSITE[0]);
$memberObj = AccountManager::getInstance()->getMemberByEmail('*****@*****.**');
AccountManager::getInstance()->registerMemApp($memberObj->memid, AppConstants::$APP_FANFOU[0]);
echo "----------------end member register app---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------begin add test rss items---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------end add test rss items---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------begin---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------end---------------------";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "----------------begin---------------------";
  * Save the error's stack into DB
 function saveError()
     $project = AccountManager::getInstance()->project;
     if (count($this->errorStack) > 0) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO errorfiles (`project`, `lang`, `path`, `name`, `maintainer`, `value_en`,`value_lang`,`type`) VALUES ';
         $errorSQL = array();
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->errorStack as $error) {
             $errorSQL[] = '("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")';
             $params[] = $project;
             $params[] = $this->lang;
             $params[] = $this->filePath;
             $params[] = $this->fileName;
             $params[] = $this->maintainer;
             $params[] = $error['value_en'];
             $params[] = $error['value_lang'];
             $params[] = $error['type'];
         $this->conn->query($sql . implode(', ', $errorSQL), $params);
 private function updateKarmaList()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     $file = @file($appConf[$project]['vcs.karma.file']);
     $line_avail = array();
     $user = array();
     // We cleanUp the content of this file
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($file); $i++) {
         if (substr($file[$i], 0, 6) == 'avail|') {
             $line_avail[] = $file[$i];
             $t = explode("|", $file[$i]);
             $users = trim($t[1]);
             $karmas = isset($t[2]) ? trim($t[2]) : 'ALL';
             $users = explode(",", $users);
             $karmas = explode(",", $karmas);
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($users); $j++) {
                 if (isset($user[$users[$j]])) {
                     $user[$users[$j]]['karma'] = array_merge($karmas, $user[$users[$j]]['karma']);
                 } else {
                     $user[$users[$j]]['karma'] = $karmas;
     // We store this value into DB as json string to retrieve it later
     $to_store = array("update_time" => time(), "data" => $user);
     RepositoryManager::setStaticValue('karma_list', '', json_encode($to_store));
 public function applyOnlyTools()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     // We start by cleaning up the database
     $this->conn->query("DELETE FROM `errorfiles` WHERE `project`='%s'", array($am->project));
     // We start by all translation
     // We select files how have revision=en_revision for this lang
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM files WHERE `project`="%s" AND `lang`!="%s" AND `revision`=`en_revision`';
     $params = array($am->project, 'en');
     $r = $this->conn->query($query, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $error = new ToolsError();
         $fileEN = new File('en', $a->path . $a->name);
         $ENContent = $fileEN->read(true);
         $fileLANG = new File($a->lang, $a->path . $a->name);
         $LANGContent = $fileLANG->read(true);
         $error->setParams($ENContent, $LANGContent, $a->lang, $a->path, $a->name, '');
     //.... and now, EN files
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM files WHERE `project`="%s" AND `lang`="%s"';
     $params = array($am->project, 'en');
     $r = $this->conn->query($query, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $error = new ToolsError();
         $fileEN = new File('en', $a->path . $a->name);
         $ENContent = $fileEN->read(true);
         $error->setParams($ENContent, '', $a->lang, $a->path, $a->name, '');
  * Executes cvs commit
  * @param $log Commit log
  * @param $create Array of files to be created
  * @param $update Array of files to be updated
  * @param $delete Array of files to be deleted
  * @return Array of stdout of cvs commit
 public function commit($log, $create = false, $update = false, $delete = false)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $appConf = $am->appConf;
     $project = $am->project;
     $create_stack = array();
     for ($i = 0; $create && $i < count($create); $i++) {
         $create_stack[] = $create[$i]->lang . '/' . $create[$i]->path . '/' . $create[$i]->name;
     $update_stack = array();
     for ($i = 0; $update && $i < count($update); $i++) {
         $p = $update[$i]->lang . '/' . $update[$i]->path . '/' . $update[$i]->name;
         $update_stack[] = $p;
         @copy($appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['data.path'] . $appConf[$project]['vcs.module'] . '-new/' . $p, $appConf[$project]['vcs.path'] . $p);
         @unlink($appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['data.path'] . $appConf[$project]['vcs.module'] . '-new/' . $p);
     $delete_stack = array();
     for ($i = 0; $delete && $i < count($delete); $i++) {
         $delete_stack[] = $delete[$i]->lang . '/' . $delete[$i]->path . '/' . $delete[$i]->name;
     // Buil the command line
     $cvsLogin = AccountManager::getInstance()->vcsLogin;
     $cvsPasswd = AccountManager::getInstance()->vcsPasswd;
     $commands = array(new ExecStatement('export CVS_PASSFILE=%s', array(realpath($appConf['GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION']['data.path']) . '/.cvspass')), new ExecStatement('cd %s', array($appConf[$project]['vcs.path'])), new ExecStatement('cvs -d :pserver:' . $cvsLogin . ':' . $cvsPasswd . ' login'));
     if (!empty($delete_stack)) {
         $commands[] = new ExecStatement('cvs -d :pserver:' . $cvsLogin . ':' . $cvsPasswd . ' -f remove -f' . str_repeat(' %s', count($delete_stack)), array($delete_stack));
     if (!empty($create_stack)) {
         $commands[] = new ExecStatement('cvs -d :pserver:' . $cvsLogin . ':' . $cvsPasswd . ' -f add' . str_repeat(' %s', count($create_stack)), array($create_stack));
     $args = array_merge(array($log), $create_stack, $update_stack, $delete_stack);
     $commands[] = new ExecStatement('cvs -d :pserver:' . $cvsLogin . ':' . $cvsPasswd . ' -f commit -l -m %s' . str_repeat(' %s', count($create_stack) + count($update_stack) + count($delete_stack)), $args);
     $output = array();
     SaferExec::execMulti($commands, $output);
     return $output;
                        case 'new':
                            $libelMod = 'New file';
                        case 'delete':
                            $libelMod = 'Deleted';
                    $msg .= $libelMod . ": " . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['fileFullPath'] . "\n";
                    $msg .= "By: " . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['user'] . " on " . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['date'] . "\n";
                    $msg .= "===================================================================\n";
                    // We get the diff
                    $file = new File($data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['fileLang'], $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['filePath'] . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['fileName']);
                    $r = $file->diff();
                    $msg .= implode("\n", $r);
                    $msg .= "\n\n            => Put this change into your patches :" . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['idDB'] . "\n            => Delete this change:" . $data['PatchesForReview']['data'][$i]['idDB'] . "\n            ";
                    $msg .= "\n";
                    $msg .= "                                          ------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
                $msg .= "\n\n";
            $msg .= "\n-- \n\nThis email is send automatically by the Php Docbook Online Editor.\n    ";
            //Usefull for language like pt_BR for example, because doc-pt_br don't exist, it's doc-pt-br
            $emailLang = str_replace("_", "-", strtolower($lang));
            $to = $lang === 'en' ? "*****@*****.**" : "doc-{$emailLang}";
            $subject = "Contributions are ready for review";
            // We send an email for this failed build
            AccountManager::getInstance()->email($to, $subject, $msg, $to, 'list');
            echo "email send !\n";
 public function setDirectAction()
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     if (!$am->isLogged()) {
         return JsonResponseBuilder::failure();
     $action = $this->getRequestVariable('action');
     $patchID = $this->getRequestVariable('patchID');
     $idDB = $this->getRequestVariable('idDB');
     if ($action == 'putIntoMyPatches') {
         $r = RepositoryManager::getInstance()->moveToPatch($patchID, $idDB);
         if ($r === true) {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::success();
         } else {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('err' => $r));
     if ($action == 'deleteThisChange') {
         $r = RepositoryManager::getInstance()->clearLocalChangeByModifiedID($idDB);
         if (is_array($r)) {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::success();
         } else {
             return JsonResponseBuilder::failure(array('err' => $r));
  * Get statistic about files which need to be translated.
  * @param $lang Can be either 'all' for all availables languages, or one specific language
  * @return An associated array
 public function getNoTransFileCount($lang = 'all')
     $project = AccountManager::getInstance()->project;
     $result = $summary = array();
     // We get EN files
     $s = 'SELECT * FROM files WHERE `lang`="en" AND `project`="%s"';
     $params = array($project);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $resultEN[$a->path . $a->name] = $a->size;
     if ($lang == 'all') {
         $s = 'SELECT
                  `path`, `name`, `lang`
                  `lang` != "en" AND
                  `revision` is NULL AND
                  `status` is NULL AND
                  `project` = "%s"
         $params = array($project);
     } else {
         $s = 'SELECT
                  `path`, `name`, `lang`
                  `lang` = "%s" AND
                  `revision` is NULL AND
                  `status` is NULL AND
                  `project` = "%s"
         $params = array($lang, $project);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
         $result[$a->lang][$a->path . $a->name] = 'exist';
     while (list($a, $b) = each($result)) {
         $size[$a] = 0;
         while (list($k, $v) = each($result[$a])) {
             $size[$a] += $resultEN[$k];
     while (list($a, $b) = each($result)) {
         $summary[$a]['total'] = count($result[$a]);
         $summary[$a]['total_size'] = $size[$a];
     return $summary;
 private function addModStat($type, $subType, $value, $yearMonth)
     $am = AccountManager::getInstance();
     $project = $am->project;
     $tmp = explode('-', $yearMonth);
     $year = $tmp[0];
     $month = $tmp[1];
     $s = '
              `type` = "%s" AND
              `subType` = "%s" AND
              YEAR(`yearMonth`) = "%s" AND
              MONTH(`yearMonth`) = "%s" AND
              `project` = "%s"
     $params = array($type, $subType, $year, $month, $project);
     $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     $nb = $r->num_rows;
     if ($nb == 0) {
         // It's the first time we compute stats for this Year-Month. We add them into DB
         $s = 'INSERT INTO
               ) VALUES (
         $params = array($project, $type, $subType, $value, $year . '-' . $month . '-01');
         $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
     } else {
         $a = $r->fetch_object();
         // It's not the first time, we update the record
         $s = 'UPDATE
         $params = array($value, $a->id);
         $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
  * Get a static value from DB
  * @param $type The type of this value
  * @param $field The name of the field for this value
  * @return The value.
 public static function getStaticValue($type, $field)
     // Save in DB
     $s = 'SELECT id, value FROM staticValue WHERE
          `project` = "%s" AND
          `type` = "%s" AND
          `field`= "%s"';
     $params = array(AccountManager::getInstance()->project, $type, $field);
     $r = DBConnection::getInstance()->query($s, $params);
     if ($r->num_rows == 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $a = $r->fetch_object();
         return json_decode($a->value);

require_once "./php/AccountManager.php";
require_once "./php/ToolsError.php";
$am = AccountManager::getInstance();
if (isset($_GET['dir']) && isset($_GET['file'])) {
    // We retrieve all this error from DB to display the value.
    $errorTools = new ToolsError();
    $errorTools->setParams('', '', $am->vcsLang, $_GET['dir'], $_GET['file'], '');
    $error_to_display = $errorTools->getInfo();
    if (empty($error_to_display)) {
        // We fake an empty error
        $error_to_display['-No error-']['error'][0]['value_en'] = '-';
        $error_to_display['-No error-']['error'][0]['value_lang'] = '-';
    $fileLibel = $_GET['dir'] . $_GET['file'];
} else {
    $error_to_display = array();
    $fileLibel = NULL;
<style type="text/css">

.member-table {
    font-size: 13px;
    color: #222222;
    font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    margin: 10px;
     * Get number of old reviewed files per translators.
     * @param $lang Can be either 'all' for all availables languages, or one specific language
     * @return An associated array
    public function getReviewedStaleFileCount($lang = 'all')
        $project = AccountManager::getInstance()->project;
        if ($lang == 'all') {
            $s = 'SELECT
                    COUNT(`name`) AS total,


                    `en_revision` = `revision` AND
                    `reviewed` != "yes" AND
                    `size` is not NULL AND
                    `project` = "%s"

                GROUP BY

                ORDER BY
            $params = array($project);
        } else {
            $s = 'SELECT
                    COUNT(`name`) AS total,


                    `lang` = "%s" AND
                    `en_revision` = `revision` AND 
                    `reviewed` != "yes" AND
                    `size` is not NULL AND
                    `project` = "%s"

                GROUP BY
                ORDER BY
            $params = array($lang, $project);
        $r = $this->conn->query($s, $params);
        $result = array();
        while ($a = $r->fetch_object()) {
            $result[$a->lang][$a->reviewed_maintainer] = $a->total;
        return $result;
Beispiel #29
class_exists('AccountManager') or (require '../account/AccountManager.class.php');
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
$loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) {
    $_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck'];
if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $loginFailMsg = NULL;
    $redirectLoginSuccess = "../view/myself.php";
    try {
        $memberObj = AccountManager::getInstance()->login($email, $password);
    } catch (MyException $e) {
        $memberObj = null;
    //if(empty($loginFailMsg) == false ) echo $loginFailMsg;
    if ($memberObj) {
        $_SESSION['memid'] = $memberObj->memid;
        $_SESSION['memname'] = $memberObj->name;
        if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) && true) {
            $redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
        header("Location: " . $redirectLoginSuccess);
    } else {
        $loginFailMsg = "Email或密码错误";