  * One stop shop for adding activate/deactivate functionality to your ActiveRecord
  * @param ActiveRecord object that has 'active' in its table
 public static function activatorImage($ARobject, $opts = NULL)
     global $siteDomain;
     if (!is_null($opts)) {
         if ($success) {
             $success = ", " . $success;
     if (!in_array('active', array_keys($ARobject->getColumns()))) {
         throw new Exception('This object does not have an \'active\' column.');
     if (AccelObject::backend()) {
         $activeToggleUrl = "http://" . ThemeHelper::singleton()->siteDomain() . "/accelsite/admin/?adminAction=activeToggle&adminLayout=empty";
     } else {
         $activeToggleUrl = "/?ado=genericActiveToggle&layout=empty";
     $js = "\n        \$('.activeToggle').click(function() {\n            \$(this).html('" . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', self::adminIcon('activeToggleLoader')) . "');\n            \$(this).load('{$activeToggleUrl}&ajax=true&activeToggle=' + \$(this).attr('myID') + '&toggleClass=' + \$(this).attr('myClass') {$success});\n            return false;\n        });";
     return "<a href='#' myID='" . $ARobject->id() . "' myClass='" . $ARobject->getClass() . "' class='activeToggle'>" . self::activeImage($ARobject->active()) . "</a>";
Beispiel #2
 public function requireDatePicker($opts = null)
     $buttonImage = isset($opts['buttonImage']) ? $opts['buttonImage'] : (AccelObject::backend() ? '/' : '') . 'accelFile/theme|admin/calendar.png';
     if ($opts['maxDate']) {
         $additionalOpts .= ", maxDate: " . $opts['maxDate'];
     if ($opts['minDate']) {
         $additionalOpts .= ", minDate: " . $opts['minDate'];
     $this->ready("\$('input.date-picker').datepicker({showOn: 'both', buttonImage: '{$buttonImage}', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonText: 'Date Picker', yearRange: '2000:2055' {$additionalOpts} });");
     return $this;