  * @return FramesView View class.
 function GetMyCalendar(&$Sources, $DateRange = NULL, $Filter = NULL)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $range = $CI->date_uri->ReadUri($DateRange, TRUE);
     $now = new Academic_time(time());
     if (!$range['valid']) {
         $DateRange = $this->mDefaultRange;
         $range = $CI->date_uri->ReadUri($DateRange, TRUE);
     $start = $range['start'];
     $end = $range['end'];
     $days = Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($start->Timestamp(), $end->Timestamp());
     $this->mDateRange = $DateRange;
     $CI->main_frame->SetTitleParameters(array('range' => $range['description']));
     if ($days > 7) {
         return $this->GetWeeks($Sources, $DateRange, $Filter, $range['format']);
     } elseif ($days > 1) {
         return $this->GetDays($Sources, $DateRange, $Filter, $range['format']);
     } else {
         return $this->GetDay($Sources, $DateRange, $Filter, $range['format']);
 function range()
     if (!CheckPermissions($this->mPermission)) {
     $date_range = array_key_exists('Range', $this->mData) ? $this->mData['Range'] : $this->mDefaultRange;
     $filter = array_key_exists('Filter', $this->mData) ? $this->mData['Filter'] : NULL;
     $date_range_split = explode(':', $date_range);
     $range = $this->date_uri->ReadUri($date_range, TRUE);
     $now = new Academic_time(time());
     if (!$range['valid']) {
         $date_range = $this->mDefaultRange;
         $range = $this->date_uri->ReadUri($date_range, TRUE);
     $start = $range['start'];
     $end = $range['end'];
     $days = Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($start->Timestamp(), $end->Timestamp());
     $this->mDateRange = $date_range;
     $Organisation_names = 'Yorker';
     if (is_array($this->mStreams)) {
         $org_names = array();
         foreach ($this->mStreams as $org_info) {
             $org_names[] = $org_info['name'];
         $Organisation_names = implode(', ', $org_names);
     $this->main_frame->SetTitleParameters(array('range' => $range['description'], 'organisation' => $Organisation_names));
     /// @todo it seems to be calling ReadUri twice, once in this function and once in each callee.
     if ($days > 7) {
         $range_view = $this->GetWeeks($this->mMainSource, $date_range, $filter, $range['format']);
     } elseif ($days > 1) {
         $range_view = $this->GetDays($this->mMainSource, $date_range, $filter, $range['format']);
     } else {
         $range_view = $this->GetDay($this->mMainSource, $date_range, $filter, $range['format']);
     if (is_array($this->mStreams)) {
         $range_view->SetData('streams', $this->mStreams);
         $range_view->SetData('Path', $this->mPaths);
     $range_view->SetData('Permissions', $this->mPermissions);
 function Load()
     /// Process the data before loading
     $this->ProcessEvents($this->mData, $this->mCategories);
     /// Make some links
     if (NULL !== $this->mPaths && NULL !== $this->mRangeFormat && NULL !== $this->mStartTime && NULL !== $this->mEndTime) {
         $days = Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($this->mStartTime, $this->mEndTime);
         $start = new Academic_time($this->mStartTime);
         $end = new Academic_time($this->mEndTime);
         $now = new Academic_time(time());
         $try_again = TRUE;
         if (0 === $start->AcademicDay() && 0 === $end->AcademicDay()) {
             $CI =& get_instance();
             $terms_apart = ($end->AcademicYear() - $start->AcademicYear()) * 6 + $end->AcademicTerm() - $start->AcademicTerm();
             // don't really need to scroll in years
             if (FALSE && $terms_apart >= 6) {
                 $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() + 1, $start->AcademicTerm(), $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() + 1, $end->AcademicTerm(), $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() - 1, $start->AcademicTerm(), $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() - 1, $end->AcademicTerm(), $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $try_again = FALSE;
             } elseif ($terms_apart > 0) {
                 $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($start->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($end->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() - (0 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($start->AcademicTerm() + 5) % 6, $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() - (0 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($end->AcademicTerm() + 5) % 6, $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $try_again = FALSE;
             $this->SetData('NowUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($now->AcademicYear(), $now->AcademicTerm(), 1), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($now->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($now->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, 1)));
             $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'This term');
         if ($try_again) {
             $now = $now->Midnight();
             if ($days >= 7) {
                 $forward_jump = '1week';
                 $now = $now->BackToMonday();
                 $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'This week');
             } else {
                 $forward_jump = '1day';
                 $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'Today');
             $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($start->Adjust($forward_jump), $end->Adjust($forward_jump)));
             $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($start->Adjust('-' . $forward_jump), $end->Adjust('-' . $forward_jump)));
             $this->SetData('NowUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($now, $now->Adjust('+' . $forward_jump)));
  * @brief Perform tests on the academic calendar functions.
  * @return The number of errors detected.
  * Runs through every day in the academic calendar checking that the term
  * number and week number functions are correct and that days are
  * consecutive when calculated using Academic_calendar::Academic.
 function PerformTests()
     // Store the previous date so can see how many days have elapsed
     $prev_date = 0;
     $errors = 0;
     // Go through academic years
     for ($year = 2004; $year < 2012; ++$year) {
         // Go through all 6 academic terms
         for ($term_counter = 0; $term_counter < 6; ++$term_counter) {
             // Go through every week in the term
             $term_days = Academic_time::LengthOfAcademicTerm($year, $term_counter);
             $term_day = 0;
             $dow_counter = Academic_time::DayOfStartOfAcademicTerm($year, $term_counter) + 1;
             for ($week_counter = 1; $term_day < $term_days; ++$week_counter) {
                 // Go through every day in the week
                 for ($dow_counter = $dow_counter; $dow_counter <= 7 && $term_day < $term_days; ++$dow_counter) {
                     // Create a date object from academic year/term/week/day_of_week
                     $actime = $this->Academic($year, $term_counter, $week_counter, $dow_counter);
                     // Create a date object from academic year/term/day_of_term
                     $actime2 = $this->AcademicDayOfTerm($year, $term_counter, $term_day);
                     // Detect any inconsistencies
                     $error_detected = FALSE;
                     // Do Academic and AcademicDayOfTerm give the same result?
                     if ($actime != $actime2) {
                         echo '!!Academic and AcademicDayOfTerm give different results!!<br/>';
                         $error_detected = TRUE;
                     // Has more than one day elapsed?
                     if (0 !== $prev_date && 1 !== Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($prev_date->Timestamp(), $actime->Timestamp())) {
                         echo '!!days not consecutive!!<br/>';
                         $error_detected = TRUE;
                     // Is the calculated academic year consistent?
                     if ($year != $actime->AcademicYear()) {
                         echo '!!year doesn\'t match!!<br/>';
                         $error_detected = TRUE;
                     // Is the calculated academic term consistent?
                     if ($term_counter != $actime->AcademicTerm()) {
                         echo '!!term doesn\'t match!!<br/>';
                         $error_detected = TRUE;
                     // Is the calculated academic week consistent?
                     if ($week_counter != $actime->AcademicWeek()) {
                         echo '!!week doesn\'t match!!<br/>';
                         $error_detected = TRUE;
                     if ($error_detected) {
                         // an error has been detected so print date information
                         if (0 !== $prev_date) {
                             // starting with previous date
                             echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;prev date: ' . $prev_date->Format(DATE_RFC822) . '<br/>';
                             // elapsed days
                             echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;days between: ' . Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($prev_date->Timestamp(), $actime->Timestamp()) . '<br/>';
                         // academic date input
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;Year: ' . $year . ', Term: ' . $term_counter . ', Week: ' . $week_counter . ', Day of week: ' . $dow_counter . ', Day of term: ' . $term_day . '<br/>';
                         // standard date output
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;date1: ' . $actime->Format(DATE_RFC822) . '<br/>';
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;date2: ' . $actime2->Format(DATE_RFC822) . '<br/>';
                         // gregorian & academic date output
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;date: ' . $actime->DayOfMonth() . '/' . $actime->Month() . '/' . $actime->Year() . ': ' . $actime->AcademicWeek() . ',' . $actime->AcademicTermName() . ',' . $actime->AcademicYearName() . '<br/>';
                         // data from inside DaysBetweenTimestamps function
                         // probably no longer required now its fixed
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Day of year of first: ' . (int) date('z', $prev_date->Timestamp()) . '<br/>';
                         echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Day of year of second: ' . (int) date('z', $actime->Timestamp()) . '<br/>';
                         $difference = (int) date('z', $actime->Timestamp()) - (int) date('z', $prev_date->Timestamp());
                         if ($difference < 0) {
                             echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Days of year of first: ' . (365 + (int) date('L', $prev_date->Timestamp())) . '<br/>';
                         // New line to seperate error dates
                         echo '<br/>';
                     $prev_date = $actime;
                 $dow_counter = 1;
     return $errors;