Beispiel #1

// parseini_multi.php
// Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Ronald B. Cemer
// All rights reserved.
// This software is released under the BSD license.
// Please see the accompanying LICENSE.txt for details.
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/phpdaogen/AbstractINIMultiDatabaseConnectionFactory.class.php';
include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/phpdaogen/DDL.class.php';
if ($argc < 3 || $argc > 4) {
    fprintf(STDERR, "Please specify a single INI filename, the path to the ddl directory where the YAML schema files exist, and an optional secondary database name.\n");
$connectionParamsByName = AbstractINIMultiDatabaseConnectionFactory::loadDatabaseIniFile($argv[1]);
$ddldir = $argv[2];
$connectionName = $argc >= 4 ? trim($argv[3]) : '';
$aggregateDDL = new DDL();
if (($res = YAMLDDLParser::loadAllDDLFiles(realpath($ddldir), $aggregateDDL)) != 0) {
    return $res;
$errorMsgs = AbstractINIMultiDatabaseConnectionFactory::validateDatabaseIniConfiguration($connectionParamsByName, $aggregateDDL);
if (!empty($errorMsgs)) {
    foreach ($errorMsgs as $errorMsg) {
        fputs(STDERR, $errorMsg);
        fputs(STDERR, "\n");
$params = AbstractINIMultiDatabaseConnectionFactory::getConnectionParams($connectionName, null, null, $connectionParamsByName);
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
    echo "ini_{$key}=" . escapeshellarg($val) . "\n";