  * Re-subscribes an unsibscribed member using his/her ID.
  * REMARK: The number of rejoins per day is limited to avoid massive rejoins and illegal usage of this method.
  * @param string $id 	The ID of the member.
  * @return string 		The job ID of the unjoin, see getJobStatus().
  * @throws \Exception
 public function rejoinMemberById($id)
     $parameters = ['memberId' => (string) $id];
     $response = $this->apiClient->doCall('rejoinMemberById', $parameters);
     // if response is not valid
     if ($response == 0) {
         throw new \Exception('Invalid response');
     return (string) $response;
  * Send object
  * This method is used to send a Transactional Message to an email address.
  * The response indicates whether the send was successful.
  * @param string $uniqueIdentifier
  * @param string $securityTag
  * @param string $email
  * @param array $dyn
  * @param array $content
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $sendDate
  * @param string $uidKey
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendObject($uniqueIdentifier, $securityTag, $email, array $dyn = null, array $content = null, $type = 'INSERT_UPDATE', $sendDate = null, $uidKey = 'email')
     // List of valid type
     $allowedTypes = ['INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'INSERT_UPDATE', 'NOTHING'];
     // Check if type is valid
     if (!in_array($type, $allowedTypes)) {
         throw new \Exception('Invalid type (' . $type . '), allowed values are: ' . implode(', ', $allowedTypes) . '.');
     $parameters['sendrequest'] = ['email' => (string) $email, 'encrypt' => (string) $securityTag, 'random' => (string) $uniqueIdentifier, 'senddate' => null !== $sendDate ? (int) $sendDate : time(), 'synchrotype' => (string) $type, 'uidkey' => (string) $uidKey];
     // Dynamic Personalization Parameters
     if (null !== $dyn) {
         foreach ($dyn as $key => $value) {
             $parameters['sendrequest']['dyn'] = ['entry' => ['key' => $key, 'value' => "<![CDATA[{$value}]]"]];
     // Content Parameters
     if (null !== $content) {
         foreach ($content as $key => $value) {
             $parameters['sendrequest']['content'] = ['entry' => ['key' => $key, 'value' => "<![CDATA[{$value}]]"]];
     return (string) $this->apiClient->doCall('sendObject', $parameters);
  * Counts the total number of distinct members in a segment (duplicate members are removed).
  * @param  string $id The ID of the segment.
  * @return string     The number of members.
 public function segmentationDistinctCount($id)
     $parameters = ['id' => (string) $id];
     return (string) $this->apiClient->doCall('segmentationDistinctCount', $parameters);
  * Get an URL by his order
  * @param  string $messageId ID of the message.
  * @param  int    $order     Order of the URL.
  * @return array  The URL parameters.
 public function getUrlByOrder($messageId, $order)
     $parameters = ['messageId' => (string) $messageId, 'order' => (int) $order];
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getUrlByOrder', $parameters);
  * Retrieves a banner link by its order number.
  * @param  string $id    The ID of the banner.
  * @param  int    $order The order number.
  * @return array         The Dynamic Content Block link
 public function getBannerLinkByOrder($id, $order)
     $parameters = ['bannerId' => (string) $id, 'order' => (string) $order];
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getBannerLinkByOrder', $parameters);
  * Upload file merge
  * This method uploads a file containing members and merges them with those in the member table.
  * @param string $fileContent
  * @param string $filename
  * @param string $criteria
  * @param string $mapping
  * @param string $fileEncoding
  * @param string $separator
  * @param boolean $skipFirstLine
  * @param string $dateFormat
  * @return string The ID of the upload job
 public function uploadFileMerge($fileContent, $filename, $criteria, $mapping, $fileEncoding = 'UTF-8', $separator = '|', $skipFirstLine = false, $dateFormat = 'mm/dd/yyyy')
     $parameters['file'] = $fileContent;
     $parameters['mergeUpload'] = array('fileName' => (string) $filename, 'fileEncoding' => (string) $fileEncoding, 'separator' => (string) $separator, 'skipFirstLine' => $skipFirstLine, 'dateFormat' => (string) $dateFormat, 'criteria' => (string) $criteria, 'mapping' => $mapping);
     return (string) $this->apiClient->doCall('uploadFileMerge', $parameters);
  * Retrieves a list of all the trackable links in a banner.
  * @param  string $id The ID of the banner.
  * @return array  List of the trackable links.
 public function getAllBannerTrackableLinks($id)
     $parameters = ['id' => (string) $id];
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getAllBannerTrackableLinks', $parameters);
  * Get the content of the download file
  * @param type $fileID      The ID of the export request
  * @return string
 public function getDownloadFile($fileID)
     $parameters = ['id' => (string) $fileID];
     return (string) $this->apiClient->doCall('getDownloadFile', $parameters);
  * Retrieves a snapshot report.
  * @param  string $id The id of the campaign.
  * @return array  The campaign snapshot report data.
 public function getCampaignSnapshotReport($id)
     $parameters = ['campaignId' => (string) $id];
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getCampaignSnapshotReport', $parameters);
  * Get a list of not validated alternate senders.
  * @return array The list of email addresses.
 public function getNotValidatedSenders()
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getNotValidatedSenders');
  * Retrieves a list of test groups.
  * @return array The list of groups IDs.
 public function getClientTestGroups()
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getClientTestGroups');
  * Retrieves a link report.
  * @param string $campaignId    The ID of the campaign
  * @param int    $page          The page to return
  * @return array                The paginated list of link response reports of the campaign.
 public function getLinkReport($campaignId, $page = 1)
     $parameters = ['campaignId' => (string) $campaignId, 'page' => (int) $page];
     return (array) $this->apiClient->doCall('getLinkReport', $parameters);