Beispiel #1
 function create_task($name, $start, $end, $project_id, $milestone_flag, $status, $project_task_id, $predecessors, $rel_type, $duration, $duration_unit, $resource, $percent_complete, $description, $actual_duration, $order_number)
     $task = new AM_TaskTemplates();
     $task->name = $name;
     //$task->date_start = $start;
     //$task->date_finish = $end;
     //$task->project_id = $project_id;
     $task->milestone_flag = $milestone_flag;
     $task->status = $status;
     $task->task_number = $project_task_id;
     $task->predecessors = $predecessors;
     $task->relationship_type = $rel_type;
     $task->duration = $duration + 1;
     //+1 to make duration appear correct in project table
     //$task->duration_unit = $duration_unit;
     $task->assigned_user_id = $resource;
     $task->percent_complete = $percent_complete;
     $task->description = $description;
     //$task->actual_duration = $actual_duration;
     $task->order_number = $order_number;
     $task_id = $task->save();
     $project_template = new AM_ProjectTemplates();
     $project_template->get_linked_beans('am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplates', 'AM_TaskTemplates');
Beispiel #2
 function action_create_project()
     global $current_user, $db;
     $project_name = $_POST['p_name'];
     $template_id = $_POST['template_id'];
     $project_start = $_POST['start_date'];
     //Get project start date
     $dateformat = $current_user->getPreference('datef');
     $startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $project_start);
     $start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
     $duration_unit = 'Days';
     //$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("name:". $project_name." id:".$template_id);
     //Get the project template
     $template = new AM_ProjectTemplates();
     //create project from template
     $project = new Project();
     $project->name = $project_name;
     $project->estimated_start_date = $start;
     $project->status = $template->status;
     $project->priority = $template->priority;
     $project->description = $template->description;
     $project->assigned_user_id = $template->assigned_user_id;
     //Get related project template tasks. Using sql query so that the results can be ordered.
     $get_tasks = "SELECT * FROM am_tasktemplates\n                        WHERE id\n                        IN (\n                            SELECT am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_tasktemplates_idb\n                            FROM am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplates_c\n                            WHERE am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_projecttemplates_ida = '" . $template_id . "'\n                            AND deleted =0\n                        )\n                        AND deleted =0\n                        ORDER BY am_tasktemplates.order_number ASC";
     $tasks = $db->query($get_tasks);
     //Create new project tasks from the template tasks
     $count = 1;
     while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($tasks)) {
         $project_task = new ProjectTask();
         $project_task->name = $row['name'];
         $project_task->status = $row['status'];
         $project_task->priority = $row['priority'];
         $project_task->percent_complete = $row['percent_complete'];
         $project_task->predecessors = $row['predecessors'];
         $project_task->milestone_flag = $row['milestone_flag'];
         $project_task->relationship_type = $row['relationship_type'];
         $project_task->task_number = $row['task_number'];
         $project_task->order_number = $row['order_number'];
         $project_task->estimated_effort = $row['estimated_effort'];
         $project_task->utilization = $row['utilization'];
         $project_task->assigned_user_id = $row['assigned_user_id'];
         $project_task->description = $row['description'];
         $project_task->duration = $row['duration'];
         $project_task->project_task_id = $count;
         //Flag to prevent after save logichook running when project_tasks are created (see custom/modules/ProjectTask/updateProject.php)
         $project_task->set_project_end_date = 0;
         if ($count == '1') {
             $project_task->date_start = $start;
             $enddate = $startdate->modify('+' . $row['duration'] . ' ' . $duration_unit);
             $end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
             $project_task->date_finish = $end;
             $enddate_array[$count] = $end;
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("DATE:" . $end);
         } else {
             $start_date = $count - 1;
             $startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $enddate_array[$start_date]);
             $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("DATE:" . $enddate_array[$start_date]);
             $start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
             $project_task->date_start = $start;
             $enddate = $startdate->modify('+' . $row['duration'] . ' ' . $duration_unit);
             $end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
             $project_task->date_finish = $end;
             $enddate = $end;
             $enddate_array[$count] = $end;
         //link tasks to the newly created project
         //Add assinged users from each task to the project resourses subpanel
     //set project end date to the same as end date of the last task
     $project->estimated_end_date = $end;
     //redirct to new project
     SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage('New project created.');
     $params = array('module' => 'Project', 'action' => 'DetailView', 'record' => $project->id);
     SugarApplication::redirect('index.php?' . http_build_query($params));