Beispiel #1
  * Extract validation
  * validations.type = configuration
  * validations.required = configuration
  * validations.required
  * validations.required.message
 protected function _validation($action = null)
     $section = zbase_section();
     if (empty($action)) {
         $action = zbase_route_input('action');
     $validations = $this->_v('validations.' . $action . '.' . $section, $this->_v('validations.' . $action, $this->_v('validations', [])));
     $this->_fixValidation = true;
     if (!empty($validations)) {
         foreach ($validations as $type => $config) {
             $enable = zbase_data_get($config, 'enable');
             // $enable = $enable ? true : false;
             if (!empty($enable)) {
                 if (!empty($config['text'])) {
                     $this->_validationRules[] = zbase_data_get($config, 'text');
                 } else {
                     if (!in_array($type, $this->_validationRules)) {
                         $this->_validationRules[] = $type;
                 if (!empty($config['message'])) {
                     $this->_validationMessages[$this->name() . '.' . $type] = zbase_data_get($config, 'message');
 public function reset()
     if (!$this->authEnabled()) {
         return $this->notfound('User authentication is disabled.');
     if ($this->isPost()) {
         return $this->postReset(zbase_request());
     return $this->getReset(zbase_route_input('token', null));
  * Serve a Node Image
  * @return Response
 public function image()
     $id = zbase_route_input('id', null);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $entity = zbase_user_by('alpha_id', $id);
         if (!empty($entity)) {
             return $entity->serveImage(zbase_route_input('w'), zbase_route_input('h'), zbase_route_input('q'), false, zbase_route_input('image'));
     return $this->notfound();
Beispiel #4
 * Create a URL Based from a route $name
 * @param type $name
 * @param type $params
function zbase_url_from_route($name, $params = [], $relative = false)
    if (!\Route::has($name)) {
        return '#';
    $routes = zbase_config_get('routes');
    $prefix = '';
    $name = str_replace('admin.', zbase_admin_key() . '.', $name);
    $name = str_replace('admin', zbase_admin_key(), $name);
    $usernameRouteEnabled = zbase_route_username();
    if (isset($routes[$name]['usernameroute'])) {
        if ($routes[$name]['usernameroute'] === false) {
            $usernameRouteEnabled = false;
    if (!empty($usernameRouteEnabled)) {
        $usernameRouteParameterName = zbase_route_username_prefix();
        $usernameRoute = zbase_route_username_get();
        $username = zbase_route_input(zbase_route_username_prefix(), false);
        if (!empty($username)) {
            $username = strtolower($username);
            $user = zbase_user_by('username', $username);
            if ($user instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User && $user->hasUrl()) {
                $usernameRoute = true;
        if (empty($usernameRoute) && zbase_auth_has() && zbase_is_back()) {
            $username = zbase_auth_user()->username();
            $usernameRoute = true;
        if (!empty($usernameRoute)) {
            $prefix = $usernameRouteParameterName;
            if (empty($params[$usernameRouteParameterName])) {
                $params[$usernameRouteParameterName] = $username;
    $name = $prefix . $name;
    if (!empty($relative)) {
        $home = route('index');
        $url = str_replace($home, '', route($name, $params));
    } else {
        $url = route($name, $params);
    if ($usernameRouteEnabled && !empty($usernameRoute)) {
        $url = str_replace($usernameRoute . '/' . $usernameRoute, '/' . $usernameRoute . '/', $url);
    return $url;
  * Serve a Node Image
  * @return Response
 public function imageCategory()
     $node = zbase_route_input('node', null);
     $id = zbase_route_input('id', null);
     if (!empty($node) && !empty($id)) {
         $entity = zbase_entity($node . '_category', [], true);
         if (!empty($entity)) {
             $entity = $entity->repository()->byAlphaId($id);
             if (!empty($entity)) {
                 return $entity->serveImage(zbase_route_input('w'), zbase_route_input('h'), zbase_route_input('q'));
     return $this->notfound();
 public function watermark()
     $folder = zbase_storage_path() . '/zivsluck/site/images/';
     $filename = str_replace('.png', '', zbase_route_input('f', false));
     $download = zbase_request_query_input('d', false);
     if (!empty($download)) {
         if (file_exists($folder . $filename . '.png')) {
             $w = new \Zivsluck\Models\Image();
             $w->watermark($folder . $filename . '.png');
     } else {
         if (file_exists($folder . $filename . '.png')) {
             $w = new \Zivsluck\Models\Image();
             $w->watermark($folder . $filename . '.png');
 public function filetmp()
     $table = zbase_route_input('table', null);
     $action = zbase_route_input('action', null);
     $file = zbase_route_input('file', null);
     if (!empty($table) && !empty($action) && !empty($file)) {
         $entity = zbase_entity($table);
         if ($entity instanceof \Zbase\Post\PostInterface) {
             if ($action == 'view') {
                 $width = null;
                 $height = null;
                 if (preg_match('/_/', $file) > 0) {
                     $filex = explode('_', $file);
                     if (count($filex) == 1 && !empty($filex[0])) {
                         $filename = $filex[0];
                     if (count($filex) == 2 && !empty($filex[1])) {
                         $sizeX = explode('x', $filex[0]);
                         $width = $sizeX[0];
                         $height = $sizeX[1];
                         $filename = $filex[1];
                 } else {
                     $filename = $file;
                 if (!empty($filename)) {
                     $file = $entity->postFileByFilenameTmp($filename);
                     if (!empty($file)) {
                         return $entity->postFileServe($file, $width, $height);
     return $this->notfound();
Beispiel #8
    $params = [];
    $params['token'] = zbase_generate_code();
    $to = '*****@*****.**';
    $fromEmail = zbase_config_get('');
    $fromName = zbase_config_get('');
    $subject = 'Test Subject';
    $headers = "From: " . $fromName . " <{$fromEmail}>\r\n";
    $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $fromName . " <{$fromEmail}>\r\n";
    $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
    //$message = zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file_contents(''), $params);
    //$sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    //dd($sent, $to, $fromEmail, $message);
    dd(zbase_messenger_email($to, 'noreply', $subject, zbase_view_file_contents(''), $params));
}]], 'testing_email_template' => ['usernameRouteCheck' => false, 'url' => '/test/templates/email/{type?}', 'view' => ['enable' => true, 'layout' => 'blank', 'name' => 'type.html', 'content' => function () {
    $type = zbase_route_input('type');
     * test/templates/email/forgot-password
    if ($type == 'forgot-password') {
        $user = zbase_entity('user')->by('username', 'dennesabing');
        $params = [];
        $params['token'] = zbase_generate_code();
        return zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file_contents(''), $params);
     * test/templates/email/account-email-verification
    if ($type == 'account-email-verification') {
        $user = zbase_entity('user')->by('username', 'dennesabing');
        $params = [];
 * @link
 * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**>
 * @license proprietary
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx
 * @version
 * @since Mar 8, 2016 10:37:59 AM
 * @file widget.php
 * @project Expression is undefined on line 13, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php.
 * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php.
return ['type' => 'form', 'enable' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.username.enable', true);
}, 'config' => ['entity' => ['name' => 'user', 'node' => ['enable' => true], 'repo' => ['byId' => ['route' => 'id']]], 'event' => ['username' => ['post' => ['redirect' => ['enable' => false]]]], 'submit' => ['button' => ['label' => 'Update Username']], 'form' => ['startTag' => ['action' => function () {
    return zbase_url_from_route('admin.users', ['action' => 'username', 'id' => zbase_route_input('id')]);
}, 'html' => ['attributes' => ['class' => ['zbase-ajax-form']]]]], 'elements' => ['username' => ['type' => 'text', 'id' => 'username', 'enable' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('auth.username.enable', false);
}, 'label' => 'Username', 'entity' => ['property' => 'username'], 'angular' => ['ngModel' => 'currentUser.username'], 'validations' => ['required' => ['enable' => true, 'message' => 'Username is required.'], 'unique' => ['enable' => true, 'text' => function () {
    return 'unique:' . zbase_entity('user')->getTable() . ',username,' . zbase_auth_user()->id() . ',user_id';
}, 'message' => 'Username already exists.'], 'regex' => ['enable' => true, 'text' => function () {
    return 'regex:/^[a-z][a-z0-9]{5,31}$/';
}, 'message' => 'Invalid username.'], 'min' => ['enable' => true, 'text' => function () {
    return 'min:5';
}, 'message' => 'Username should be of 5 up to 32 characters.'], 'max' => ['enable' => true, 'text' => function () {
    return 'max:32';
}, 'message' => 'Username should be of 5 up to 32 characters.'], 'not_in' => ['enable' => true, 'text' => function () {
    $notAllowedUsernames = (require zbase_path_library('notallowedusernames.php'));
    $notAllowedUsernames[] = zbase_auth_user()->username();
    return 'not_in:' . implode(',', $notAllowedUsernames);
}, 'message' => 'Please provide a different username.']]]]]];
Beispiel #10
 * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php.
$profile = zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.profile.enable', true);
$image = zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.image.enable', true);
$email = zbase_config_get('', true);
$username = zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.username.enable', true);
$password = zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.password.enable', true);
$notification = zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.notifications.enable', true);
$currentUser = zbase_auth_user();
$moduleName = 'account';
$isAdmin = $currentUser->isAdmin();
$adminView = false;
if ($isAdmin && !empty(zbase_route_input('id'))) {
    $adminView = true;
    $moduleName = 'admin-user';
    $selectedUser = zbase_user_byid(zbase_route_input('id'));
    if (!$selectedUser instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User) {
    $page = [];
    $page['title'] = '<span class="userDisplayName' . $selectedUser->id() . '">' . $selectedUser->roleTitle() . ' - ' . $selectedUser->id() . ': ' . $selectedUser->displayName() . '</span>' . $selectedUser->statusText();
    $page['headTitle'] = $selectedUser->displayName();
    $page['subTitle'] = $selectedUser->email() . '|' . $selectedUser->username() . '|' . $selectedUser->cityStateCountry();
    zbase_view_page_details(['page' => $page]);
    $breadcrumbs = [['label' => 'Users', 'route' => ['name' => 'admin.users']], ['label' => '<span class="userDisplayName' . $selectedUser->id() . '">' . $selectedUser->displayName() . '</span>', 'link' => '#', 'title' => $selectedUser->displayName()]];
} else {
    $selectedUser = zbase_auth_user();
$accountTabs = [];
Beispiel #11
 public function apiIndex()
     $this->apiUser = zbase_route_input('username');
     $this->apiKey = zbase_route_input('key');
     $this->apiFormat = zbase_route_input('format');
     $this->apiModule = zbase_route_input('module');
     $this->apiObject = zbase_route_input('object');
     $this->apiMethod = zbase_route_input('method');
     if (!$this->checkModule()) {
         return $this->notfound();
      * Allowed method get|post
     if (!$this->checkAllowedMethod()) {
         return $this->methodNotAllowed();
     if (!$this->apiAccess()) {
         return $this->unathorized();
     return $this->api();
Beispiel #12
  * Return the entity
  * @return Zbase\Widget\EntityInterface
 public function entity()
     if (empty($this->hasEntity())) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($this->_entity)) {
         $entityName = $this->_v('', null);
         if (!empty($this->_nodeSupport)) {
             $entityName = $this->getNodeNamespace() . '_' . strtolower($this->_nodeName);
         if (!is_null($entityName)) {
             $entity = $this->_v('entity.entity', null);
             if ($entity instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\Entity) {
                 $this->_entityObject = zbase()->entity($entityName, [], true);
                 $this->_entity = $entity;
                 return $this->_entity;
             if ($entity instanceof \Zbase\Post\PostInterface) {
                 $this->_entityObject = $entity;
                 $this->_entity = $entity;
                 return $this->_entity;
             $this->_entity = $this->_entityObject = $entity = zbase()->entity($entityName, [], true);
             $repoById = $this->_v('entity.repo.byId', null);
             $repoByFilter = $this->_v('entity.repo.byFilter', null);
             if (is_null($repoById)) {
                 $repoById = $this->_v('entity.repo.byAlphaId', null);
                 if (!empty($repoById)) {
                     $byAlpha = true;
                 } else {
                     $repoById = $this->_v('entity.repo.bySlug', null);
                     if (!empty($repoById)) {
                         $bySlug = true;
             if (is_array($repoById)) {
                 if (!empty($repoById['route'])) {
                     $id = zbase_route_input($repoById['route']);
                 if ($this->isNodeCategoryBrowsing()) {
                     $repoItemBySlug = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.bySlug', null);
                     $repoItemByAlpha = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.byAlpha', null);
                     $repoItemById = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.byId', null);
                      * Browse by category
                      * /CategorySlug/ - should show all category items
                      * /CategorySlug/ItemName - show item
                      * Module should have a "default" entry as the wildcard catchAll action
                     if (!empty($repoItemByAlpha)) {
                         $itemRouteParameterName = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.byAlpha.route', null);
                         $childAlphaId = zbase_route_input($itemRouteParameterName);
                         if (!empty($childAlphaId)) {
                             $this->_childEntity = zbase()->entity($this->nodePrefix(), [], true)->repository()->byAlphaId($childAlphaId);
                             if (!$this->_childEntity instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\Node\Node) {
                                 return zbase_abort(404);
                     if (!empty($repoItemBySlug)) {
                         $itemRouteParameterName = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.bySlug.route', null);
                         $childAlphaId = zbase_route_input($itemRouteParameterName);
                         if (!empty($childAlphaId)) {
                             $this->_childEntity = zbase()->entity($this->nodePrefix(), [], true)->repository()->bySlug($childAlphaId);
                             if (!$this->_childEntity instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\Node\Node) {
                                 return zbase_abort(404);
                     if (!empty($repoItemById)) {
                         $itemRouteParameterName = $this->_v('entity.repo.item.byId.route', null);
                         $childAlphaId = zbase_route_input($itemRouteParameterName);
                         if (!empty($childAlphaId)) {
                             $this->_childEntity = zbase()->entity($this->nodePrefix(), [], true)->repository()->byId($childAlphaId);
                             if (!$this->_childEntity instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\Node\Node) {
                                 return zbase_abort(404);
                 if (!empty($repoById['request']) && zbase_is_post() == 'post') {
                     $id = zbase_request_input($repoById['request']);
                 if (!empty($id)) {
                     $filters = $this->_v('entity.filter.query', []);
                     $sorting = $this->_v('entity.sorting.query', []);
                     $selects = ['*'];
                     $joins = [];
                     $this->_urlHasRequest = true;
                     if ($this->isNode()) {
                         zbase()->json()->addVariable('id', $id);
                         if (!empty($repoById) && !empty($id) && empty($byAlpha) && empty($bySlug)) {
                             $filters['id'] = ['eq' => ['field' => $entity->getKeyName(), 'value' => $id]];
                         if ($this->isCurrentUser()) {
                             $filters['user'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'user_id', 'value' => zbase_auth_user()->id()]];
                         if ($this->isPublic()) {
                             $filters['status'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'status', 'value' => 2]];
                         if (!empty($byAlpha)) {
                             $filters['alpha'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'alpha_id', 'value' => $id]];
                         if (!empty($bySlug)) {
                             $filters['slug'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'slug', 'value' => $id]];
                         if (method_exists($entity, 'querySelects')) {
                             $selects = $entity->querySelects($filters, ['widget' => $this]);
                         if (method_exists($entity, 'queryJoins')) {
                             $joins = $entity->queryJoins($filters, $this->getRequestSorting(), ['widget' => $this]);
                         if (method_exists($entity, 'querySorting')) {
                             $sorting = $entity->querySorting($sorting, $filters, ['widget' => $this]);
                         if (method_exists($entity, 'queryFilters')) {
                             $filters = $entity->queryFilters($filters, $sorting, ['widget' => $this]);
                          * Merge filters from widget configuration
                          * entity.filter.query
                         $filters = array_merge($filters, $this->_v('entity.filter.query', []));
                         $sorting = array_merge($sorting, $this->_v('entity.sorting.query', []));
                         $action = $this->getAction();
                         $debug = zbase_request_query_input('__widgetEntityDebug', false);
                         if ($this->isAdmin()) {
                             if ($action == 'restore' || $action == 'ddelete') {
                                 return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->onlyTrashed()->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins)->first();
                         } else {
                             if ($entity->hasSoftDelete() && $this->isCurrentUser()) {
                                 if ($action == 'restore' || $action == 'ddelete') {
                                     return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->onlyTrashed()->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins)->first();
                                 return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->setDebug($debug)->withTrashed()->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins)->first();
                         return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->setDebug($debug)->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins)->first();
             } else {
                 if (!empty($repoByFilter)) {
                     $filters = [];
                     $sorting = [];
                     $selects = ['*'];
                     $joins = [];
                     $singleRow = $this->_v('entity.singlerow', true);
                     if ($this->isCurrentUser()) {
                         $filters['user'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'user_id', 'value' => zbase_auth_user()->id()]];
                     if ($this->isPublic()) {
                         $filters['status'] = ['eq' => ['field' => 'status', 'value' => 2]];
                     $filters = array_merge($filters, $this->_v('entity.filter.query', []));
                     $sorting = array_merge($sorting, $this->_v('entity.sorting.query', []));
                     if (!empty($singleRow)) {
                         return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins)->first();
                     } else {
                         return $this->_entity = $entity->repository()->all($selects, $filters, $sorting, $joins);
             $repoMethod = $this->_v('entity.method', null);
             if (!is_null($repoMethod)) {
                 return $this->_entity = $this->_entityObject->{$repoMethod}();
             $this->_entityIsDefault = true;
             return $this->_entity = $this->_entityObject;
     return $this->_entity;
Beispiel #13
 * Dx
 * @link
 * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**>
 * @license proprietary
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx
 * @version
 * @since Mar 5, 2016 11:51:42 PM
 * @file profile.php
 * @project Expression is undefined on line 13, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php.
 * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php.
 * zbase()->loadModuleFrom(PATH_TO_MODULES);
 * 		- widgets will be added automatically if a "widget" folder is found (zbase()->loadWidgetsFrom(PATH_TO_WIDGETS))
return ['id' => 'duplex', 'enable' => true, 'access' => function () {
    return zbase_auth_is_duplex() ? 'user' : 'admin';
}, 'backend' => true, 'frontend' => false, 'url' => ['backend' => 'duplex/{action?}/{id?}'], 'widgets' => ['back' => ['controller' => ['action' => ['duplex' => function () {
    if (zbase_auth_can_duplex()) {
        return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
}, 'unduplex' => function () {
    if (zbase_auth_can_duplex()) {
        return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('admin.users'));
Beispiel #14
 * Check if Username route is valid
 * @return boolean
function zbase_route_username_get()
    $username = zbase_route_input(zbase_route_username_prefix(), false);
    if (!empty($username)) {
        $username = strtolower($username);
        $notAllowedUsernames = (array) (require_once zbase_path_library('notallowedusernames.php'));
        if (in_array($username, $notAllowedUsernames)) {
            return false;
         * Check if valid username
        $user = zbase_user_by('username', $username);
        if ($user instanceof \Zbase\Entity\Laravel\User\User) {
            return $username;
    return false;
Beispiel #15
}, 'json-profile' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.controller.profile', ['account-profile' => null]);
}, 'image' => function () {
    return zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.controller.image', ['account-image' => null]);
}, 'resend-email-verification' => function () {
    return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'json-resend-email-verification' => function () {
    return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'json-telegram-check' => function () {
    $r = zbase()->telegram()->checkUserCode(zbase_auth_user());
    if ($r) {
        zbase()->json()->addVariable('telegramHooked', 1);
        return zbase_redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('admin.account'));
    } else {
        dd('waiting to hooked...');
}, 'telegram-disable' => function () {
    return redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous());
}, 'email-verify' => function () {
    $emailAddress = zbase_route_input('task');
    $code = zbase_request_input('c');
    $user = zbase_user_by('email', $emailAddress);
    if (!empty($user)) {
        return zbase_redirect(zbase_url_from_route('home'));
    return zbase_abort(404);