function get_flash_configuration($settings) { $fields = array(); foreach ($settings as $setting => $val) { $var = yit_slide_get($setting); $var = str_replace('#', '0x', $var); if ($var) { $fields[] = "{$setting}=\"{$var}\""; } else { $fields[] = "{$setting}=\"{$val}\""; } } return $fields; }
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#<?php echo $slider_id; ?> .elastic').eislideshow({ easing : 'easeOutExpo', titleeasing : 'easeOutExpo', titlespeed : 1200, autoplay : <?php yit_slide_the('autoplay', array('bool' => true)); ?> , slideshow_interval : <?php echo yit_slide_get('interval') * 1000; ?> , speed : <?php echo yit_slide_get('speed') * 1000; ?> , animation : '<?php yit_slide_the('animation'); ?> ' // slidesLoaded: function() { // $('.ei-slider .ei-slider-loading').hide(); // } }); }); </script>
echo $height; ?> px'); $('#<?php echo $slider_id; ?> .flexslider .slider-wrapper').flexslider({ animation: '<?php yit_slide_the('effect'); ?> ', slideshowSpeed: <?php echo yit_slide_get('interval') * 1000; ?> , animationSpeed: <?php echo yit_slide_get('speed') * 1000; ?> , touch: false, controlNav: <?php if (yit_slide_get('controlnav') != '') { echo yit_slide_get('controlnav'); } else { echo 'false'; } ?> }); }); </script>
<a id="rm_prev" href="#" class="rm_prev"></a> </div>--> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var yit_slider_rotating_npanels = <?php echo yit_slide_get('n_panels') * 1000; ?> , yit_slider_rotating_timeDiff = <?php echo yit_slide_get('speed') * 1000; ?> , yit_slider_rotating_slideshowTime = <?php echo yit_slide_get('interval') * 1000; ?> ; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $('#<?php echo $slider_id; ?> ').bind('yit_change_rotating_height', function(){ $(this).height( $(this).find('img').height() ); }).trigger('yit_change_rotating_height'); }); $(window).resize(function(){ $('#<?php
$slider_text = yit_slide_get('slider_text'); if (!$is_fixed) { $slider_text = ''; } if (!empty($slider_text)) { $slider_class .= ' align' . (yit_slide_get('slider_align') == 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'); } ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div class="revolution-wrapper<?php if ($is_fixed) { echo ' container'; } ?> "> <div id="<?php echo $slider_id; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class($slider_class); ?> > <div class="shadowWrapper"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider ' . yit_slide_get('slider_name') . ']'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END SLIDER -->
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); $slider = yit_slide_get('layer_slider_layer-slider'); ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class(); ?> > <div class="shadowWrapper"> <?php layerslider($slider); ?> <div class="shadow-left"></div> <div class="shadow-right"></div> </div> </div> <!-- END SLIDER -->
var content_width = <?php yit_slide_the('width') ?> + 22; var content_height = <?php yit_slide_the('height') ?> + 22; if ( content_width > $('.slider.thumbnails .showcase').width() ) { content_width = $('.slider.thumbnails .showcase').width(); } $("#<?php echo $slider_id ?> .showcase").awShowcase({ content_width : content_width, content_height : content_height, show_caption : '<?php yit_slide_the('show_caption') ?>', /* onload/onhover/show */ continuous : true, buttons : false, auto : true, thumbnails : true, transition : '<?php yit_slide_the('effect') ?>', /* hslide / vslide / fade */ interval : <?php echo yit_slide_get('interval') * 1000 ?>, transition_speed : <?php echo yit_slide_get('speed') * 1000 ?>, thumbnails_position : 'outside-last', /* outside-last/outside-first/inside-last/inside-first */ thumbnails_direction : 'horizontal', /* vertical/horizontal */ thumbnails_slidex : 1, /* 0 = auto / 1 = slide one thumbnail / 2 = slide two thumbnails / etc. */ onload : function(){ $( window ).load(function(){ resize_height_thumbnail(); }); }, onchange : resize_height_thumbnail }); }); </script>
/** * Get the base url of the folder of the actual slider type * * @param string $class Extra class. * * @since 1.0 */ function yit_get_slider_url($slider_type = false) { if (!$slider_type) { $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); } return yit_get_model('slider')->get_slider_url($slider_type); }
swfobject.embedSWF('<?php echo yit_get_slider_url(); ?> /piecemaker/piecemaker.swf', 'piecemaker', '100%', '100%', '10', null, flashvars, flash_params, null); <?php if (!$is_primary) { ?> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var ResizeFlash = function(){ var main_width = $('#<?php echo $slider_id; ?> ').width(); var initial_height = <?php echo yit_slide_get('height') + 75; ?> ; $(".slider-wrapper").css( "width", main_width ); $(".slider-wrapper").css( "height", ( initial_height * main_width ) / <?php yit_slide_the('width'); ?> ); } ResizeFlash(); $(window).resize(ResizeFlash); }); <?php } ?>
<?php yit_string( '<h3>', yit_slide_get( 'subtitle' ), '</h3>' ) ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul><!-- ei-slider-large --> <ul class="ei-slider-thumbs"> <li class="ei-slider-element"><?php _e( 'Current', 'yit' ) ?></li> <?php echo $thumbs ?> </ul><!-- ei-slider-thumbs --> <div class="shadow"></div> </div><!-- ei-slider --> <!-- END #slider --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#<?php echo $slider_id ?>.elastic').eislideshow({ easing : 'easeOutExpo', titleeasing : 'easeOutExpo', titlespeed : 1200, autoplay : <?php yit_slide_the( 'autoplay', array( 'bool' => true ) ) ?>, slideshow_interval : <?php echo yit_slide_get('interval') * 1000 ?>, speed : <?php echo yit_slide_get('speed') * 1000 ?>, animation : '<?php yit_slide_the('animation') ?>' // slidesLoaded: function() { // $('.ei-slider .ei-slider-loading').hide(); // } }); }); </script>
echo $height; ?> px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -20px"> <?php while (yit_have_slide()) { ?> <?php $color = yit_slide_get('color'); $hover_color = yit_slide_get('hover_color'); $valign = yit_slide_get('valign'); $halign = yit_slide_get('halign'); $effect = yit_slide_get('effect'); $button_size = yit_slide_get('button_size'); $content = yit_slide_get('content'); $image_url = yit_image("id=" . yit_slide_get('item_id') . "&output=url&echo=0"); $parallax = "[parallax "; $parallax .= " image='{$image_url}' "; if ($height) { $parallax .= " height='{$height}' "; } if ($color) { $parallax .= " color='{$color}' "; } if ($hover_color) { $parallax .= " hover_color='{$hover_color}' "; } if ($valign) { $parallax .= " valign='{$valign}' "; } if ($halign) {