Beispiel #1
 $temp_name = $module->getVar('name');
 $module->setVar('name', $temp_name);
 if (!$module_handler->insert($module)) {
     echo '<p>Could not update ' . $module->getVar('name') . '</p>';
     echo "<br /><a href='admin.php?fct=modulesadmin'>" . _MD_AM_BTOMADMIN . "</a>";
 } else {
     $newmid = $module->getVar('mid');
     $msgs = array();
     $msgs[] = 'Module data updated.';
     $msgs[] = '@TODO-2.3: Delete cached output from the templates cache on module ins/upd/uninst... :-)';
     // Clear the db: resource handler cache
     global $xoops;
     $contents = xoops_module_get_admin_menu();
     if (!xoops_module_write_admin_menu($contents)) {
         $msgs[] = '<p><span style="color:#ff0000;">' . _MD_AM_FAILWRITE . '</span></p>';
     $blocks = $module->getInfo('blocks');
     $msgs[] = 'Rebuilding blocks...';
     if ($blocks != false) {
         $count = count($blocks);
         $showfuncs = array();
         $funcfiles = array();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
             if (isset($blocks[$i]['show_func']) && $blocks[$i]['show_func'] != '' && isset($blocks[$i]['file']) && $blocks[$i]['file'] != '') {
                 $editfunc = isset($blocks[$i]['edit_func']) ? $blocks[$i]['edit_func'] : '';
                 $showfuncs[] = $blocks[$i]['show_func'];
                 $funcfiles[] = $blocks[$i]['file'];
                 $content = '';
 $count = count($conf_ids);
 $tpl_updated = false;
 $theme_updated = false;
 $startmod_updated = false;
 $lang_updated = false;
 if ($count > 0) {
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $config =& $config_handler->getConfig($conf_ids[$i]);
         $new_value =& $_POST[$config->getVar('conf_name')];
         if (is_array($new_value) || $new_value != $config->getVar('conf_value')) {
             // if language has been changed
             if (!$lang_updated && $config->getVar('conf_catid') == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar('conf_name') == 'language') {
                 // regenerate admin menu file
                 $xoopsConfig['language'] = $_POST[$config->getVar('conf_name')];
                 $lang_updated = true;
             // if default theme has been changed
             if (!$theme_updated && $config->getVar('conf_catid') == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar('conf_name') == 'theme_set') {
                 $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
                 $member_handler->updateUsersByField('theme', $_POST[$config->getVar('conf_name')]);
                 $theme_updated = true;
             // if default template set has been changed
             if (!$tpl_updated && $config->getVar('conf_catid') == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar('conf_name') == 'template_set') {
                 // clear cached/compiled files and regenerate them if default theme has been changed
                 if ($xoopsConfig['template_set'] != $_POST[$config->getVar('conf_name')]) {
                     $newtplset = $_POST[$config->getVar('conf_name')];
                     // clear all compiled and cachedfiles
function altsys_adminmenu_hack_ft_xcsty_x20()
    // read
    if (!file_exists(ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_FILE)) {
        redirect_header(XOOPS_URL . '/admin.php', 1, 'Rebuild adminmenu');
    $not_inside_cp_functions = true;
    // check previous hack
    if (!empty($altsys_adminmenu_ft_hacked)) {
        if ($altsys_adminmenu_ft_hacked == ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_HACK_XCSTY && empty($altsys_adminmenu_dv_updated)) {
            // skip
        } else {
            // rebuild adminmenu
            require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/cp_functions.php';
            $fp = fopen(ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_FILE, 'wb');
            fwrite($fp, xoops_module_get_admin_menu());
            // backup $xoops_admin_menu_dv
            $backup_admin_menu_dv = $xoops_admin_menu_dv;
            // include new adminmenu
            include ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_FILE;
            // restore $xoops_admin_menu_dv
            $xoops_admin_menu_dv = $backup_admin_menu_dv;
    $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
    $mids = array_keys($xoops_admin_menu_ft);
    foreach ($mids as $mid) {
        $module =& $module_handler->get($mid);
        $submenuitems = array();
        if (preg_match('/popUpL\\d+/', $xoops_admin_menu_ft[$mid], $regs)) {
            $popup = $regs[0];
            preg_match_all('#\\<a href.*' . $popup . '\\(\\).*\\</a>#U', $xoops_admin_menu_dv, $regs);
            foreach ($regs[0] as $submenuitem) {
                $submenuitems[] = str_replace($popup . '();', '', $submenuitem);
        } else {
        // module icon
        if (preg_match('#\\<img .*/\\>#U', $xoops_admin_menu_ft[$mid], $regs)) {
            $icon_img = str_replace("alt=''", 'alt="' . $module->getVar('name') . '"', $regs[0]);
        } else {
            $icon_img = '';
        // version number
        $icon_img .= '<span class="version" style="">' . sprintf('%.2f', $module->getVar('version') / 100.0) . '</span>';
        $newline = preg_replace('/ onmouseover.*$/', '', $xoops_admin_menu_ft[$mid]);
        $newline = "\n" . '<!-- ' . $popup . ' --><div id="adminmenu_ft' . $mid . '" style="text-align:' . _GLOBAL_LEFT . ';background-color:#CCC;" title="' . $module->getVar('dirname') . '"><a id="adminmenu_ftpoint' . $mid . '" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="submenuToggle(' . $mid . ');">+</a> ' . $newline . '>' . $module->getVar('name') . '</a></div><div id="adminmenu_ftsub' . $mid . '" style="display:none;"><ul>';
        foreach ($submenuitems as $submenuitem) {
            $newline .= '<li>' . $submenuitem . '</li>';
        $newline .= '</ul>' . $icon_img . '</div>';
        $xoops_admin_menu_ft[$mid] = $newline;
    $xoops_admin_menu_js = "\n\tfunction submenuToggle(mid) {\n\t\tel = xoopsGetElementById('adminmenu_ftsub'+mid).style;\n\t\tif (el.display == 'block') {\n\t\t\tel.display = 'none';\n\t\t\txoopsGetElementById('adminmenu_ftpoint'+mid).innerHTML = '+' ;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tel.display = 'block';\n\t\t\txoopsGetElementById('adminmenu_ftpoint'+mid).innerHTML = '-' ;\n\t\t}\n\t}";
    // write back
    altsys_adminmenu_save_x20(array('xoops_admin_menu_js' => $xoops_admin_menu_js, 'xoops_admin_menu_ml' => array(), 'xoops_admin_menu_sd' => array(), 'xoops_admin_menu_ft' => $xoops_admin_menu_ft, 'xoops_admin_menu_dv' => $xoops_admin_menu_dv, 'altsys_adminmenu_ft_hacked' => ALTSYS_ADMINMENU_HACK_XCSTY));