if ($arr['tempHigh'] != '') {
         $foundFirst = 'day';
         $arrDay[] = langtransstr('Today');
     } else {
         $foundFirst = 'night';
         $arrDay[] = langtransstr('Tonight');
 } else {
     if ($arr['tempHigh'] != '') {
         $arrDay[] = $dayText;
     } else {
         $arrDay[] = langtransstr(date('l', $arr['timestamp'] - 12 * 60 * 60)) . '<br />' . langtransstr('night');
 $notUsed = $iconUrl = $iconOut = $iconUrlOut = '';
 wsChangeIcon('hwa', $arr['iconL'], $iconOut, $arr['iconUrlL'], $iconUrlOut, $notUsed);
 $arrIcon[] = $iconUrlOut;
 $arrDesc[] = langtransstr($arr['weatherDescL']);
 $arrTemp[] = $arr['tempLowNU'] . $arr['tempHighNU'];
 $arrRain[] = $arr['rainNUL'];
 if (isset($arr['rainChance'])) {
     $arrCoR[] = $arr['rainChance'];
 } else {
     $arrCoR[] = '-';
 if (isset($arr['thunderChance']) && $arr['thunderChance'] != 0) {
     $arrCoT[] = $arr['thunderChance'];
     $thunder = true;
 } else {
     $arrCoT[] = '-';
Beispiel #2
        // images are differtent for night and day. CHECK if you made a copy of daytime only images (f.i.there is only one  4.png, make a copy 4n.pg)
        $unixTime = $arr['timeFrom'];
        $forecast[$id]['period'] = langtransstr(date('l', $unixTime)) . ' ' . date('j', $unixTime) . ' ' . langtransstr(date('F', $unixTime)) . ' ' . date('Y', $unixTime);
        $forecast[$id]['time'] = date('H', $unixTime) . '-' . date('H', $arr['timeTo']);
        $forecastTxt = langtransstr($arr['weatherDesc']);
        $forecast[$id]['condition'] = str_replace(' ', '<br />', $forecastTxt);
        if (strlen($arr['icon']) == 1) {
            $icon = '0' . $arr['icon'] . $imgstr;
        } else {
            $icon = $arr['icon'] . $imgstr;
        $notUsed = '';
        $iconOut = '';
        $iconUrlOut = '';
        $iconUrl = 'wsIcons/yrno_icons/' . $icon . '.png';
        wsChangeIcon('yrno', $icon, $iconOut, $iconUrl, $iconUrlOut, $notUsed);
        $forecast[$id]['icon'] = '<img alt=" " title="icon ' . $forecastTxt . '" src="' . $iconUrlOut . '" width="26px" />';
        $forecast[$id]['tempNU'] = $arr['tempNU'];
        $forecast[$id]['rainNU'] = $arr['rainNU'];
        $forecast[$id]['baroNU'] = $arr['baroNU'];
        $forecast[$id]['windDir'] = langtransstr($arr['windDir']);
        $forecast[$id]['windNU'] = $arr['windSpeedNU'];
    echo '<div class="textbox center" style="">Yr.no 7 ' . langtransstr('day forecast for') . ' ' . $SITE['organ'] . ':</div>
<div class="textbox">
<table class="genericTable">
<tr class="small">
<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>' . $SITE['uomTemp'] . '</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>' . $SITE['uomWind'] . '</td><td>' . $SITE['uomRain'] . '</td><td>' . $SITE['uomBaro'] . '</td>
</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
    $period = '';
 public function getWeatherData($prov = '', $site = '')
     global $SITE, $_REQUEST, $myPageEC, $validWarningTypes, $validWarningPriorities, $pageName;
     # clean user input
     $this->apiUrlpart[1] = $prov = trim($prov);
     $this->apiUrlpart[3] = $site = trim($site);
     $my_lang = substr(trim($SITE['lang']), 0, 1);
     if ($my_lang != 'f') {
         $my_lang = 'e';
     $this->apiUrlpart[5] = $my_lang;
     # combine everything into required url
     #  http://dd.meteo.gc.ca/citypage_weather/xml/ON/s0000710_e.xml
     $this->weatherApiUrl = '';
     $end = count($this->apiUrlpart);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) {
         $this->weatherApiUrl .= $this->apiUrlpart[$i];
     # try loading data from cache
     if ($this->enableCache && !empty($this->cache)) {
         $this->cache = $SITE['cacheDir'];
         $uoms = $SITE['uomTemp'] . '_' . $SITE['uomWind'] . '_' . $SITE['uomBaro'] . '_' . $SITE['uomRain'] . '_' . $SITE['uomSnow'] . '_' . $SITE['uomDistance'];
         $from = array('&deg;', '/', ' ');
         $to = '';
         $uoms = str_replace($from, $to, $uoms);
         $fileName = 'ecweatherxml_' . $prov . '_' . $site . '_' . $my_lang . '_' . $uoms;
         $this->cacheFile = $this->cache . $fileName . '.arr';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['force']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['force']) == 'ec') {
             $returnArray = '';
             ws_message('<!-- ' . $this->script_name . ' (' . __LINE__ . '): cache skipped as force was used -->');
         } else {
             ws_message('<!-- ' . $this->script_name . ' (' . __LINE__ . '): try to load ' . $this->cacheFile . '  from cache  -->');
             $returnArray = $this->loadFromCache();
             // load from cache returns data only when its data is valid
         if (!empty($returnArray)) {
             return $returnArray;
             // if data is in cache and valid return data to calling program
         // eo valid data, return to calling program
     // eo check cache
     if ($this->makeRequest() == false) {
         ws_message('<!-- ' . $this->script_name . ' (' . __LINE__ . '): no good date loaded, back to calling script  -->');
         return false;
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->rawData);
     // load xml from url and process
     #			echo '<pre>'.PHP_EOL;
     #			print_r ($xml);
     #			exit;
     $returnArray = array();
     $saveIcon = $SITE['ecIconsOwn'];
     $SITE['ecIconsOwn'] = false;
     $utcDiff = date('Z');
     // to help to correct utc differences
     $time = strtotime((string) $xml->forecastGroup->dateTime[1]->timeStamp);
     $returnArray['information']['province'] = $prov;
     $returnArray['information']['cityCode'] = $site;
     $returnArray['information']['language'] = $my_lang;
     $returnArray['information']['fileTimeStamp'] = $time;
     $returnArray['information']['fileTime'] = date('c', $time);
     $returnArray['information']['updated'] = date($SITE['dateLongFormat'], $time) . ' ' . date($SITE['timeOnlyFormat'], $time);
     $returnArray['information']['location'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $xml->location->region);
     $returnArray['information']['uomWindSpeed'] = 'km/h';
     $returnArray['information']['uomPrecipRain'] = 'mm';
     $returnArray['information']['uomPrecipSnow'] = 'cm';
     /* <regionalNormals>
             <textSummary>Low zero. High 10.</textSummary>
             <temperature unitType="metric" units="C" class="high">10</temperature>
             <temperature unitType="metric" units="C" class="low">0</temperature>
     </regionalNormals> */
     $returnArray['information']['normalTempText'] = (string) $xml->forecastGroup->regionalNormals->textSummary;
     $returnArray['information']['normalTempMin'] = (string) $xml->forecastGroup->regionalNormals->temperature[1];
     $returnArray['information']['normalTempMax'] = (string) $xml->forecastGroup->regionalNormals->temperature[0];
             <temperature class="extremeMax" period="2011-2014" unitType="metric" units="C" year="2011">22.2</temperature>
             <temperature class="extremeMin" period="2011-2014" unitType="metric" units="C" year="2014">-2.3</temperature>
             <temperature class="normalMin" unitType="metric" units="C"/>
             <temperature class="normalMean" unitType="metric" units="C"/>
             <precipitation class="extremeRainfall" period="-" unitType="metric" units="mm" year=""/>
             <precipitation class="extremeSnowfall" period="-" unitType="metric" units="cm" year=""/>
             <precipitation class="extremePrecipitation" period="2011-2014" unitType="metric" units="mm" year="2013">3.5</precipitation>
             <precipitation class="extremeSnowOnGround" period="-" unitType="metric" units="cm" year=""/>
             <pop units="%"/>
     $returnArray['information']['extremeMax'] = (string) $xml->almanac->extremeMax;
     $returnArray['information']['extremeMin'] = (string) $xml->almanac->extremeMin;
     #  get alerts  info
     /* <warnings url="http://weather.gc.ca/warnings/report_e.html?bc42">
      <event type="warning" priority="low" description="WIND WARNING  IN EFFECT">
      . . . <dateTime nam . . . 
     $returnArray['warnings']['url'] = (string) $xml->warnings['url'];
     $maxType = -1;
     $maxPrio = -1;
     $n = -1;
     $searchRain = array('SNOW', 'RAIN');
     $searchThunder = array('THUNDER');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($xml->warnings->event); $i++) {
         $type = (string) $xml->warnings->event[$i]['type'];
         if ($type == 'ended') {
         } else {
         $returnArray['warnings']['event'][$n]['type'] = $type;
         if (isset($validWarningTypes[$type]) && $maxType < $validWarningTypes[$type]) {
             $maxType = $validWarningTypes[$type];
         $priority = (string) $xml->warnings->event[$i]['priority'];
         $returnArray['warnings']['event'][$n]['priority'] = $priority;
         if (isset($validWarningPriorities[$priority]) && $maxPrio < $validWarningPriorities[$priority]) {
             $maxPrio = $validWarningPriorities[$priority];
         $stringDesc = $this->utf8_text((string) $xml->warnings->event[$i]['description']);
         $returnArray['warnings']['event'][$n]['description'] = $stringDesc;
         $stringDesc = $stringDesc;
         for ($p = 0; $p < count($searchRain); $p++) {
             $needle = $searchRain[$p];
             $pos = strpos('   ' . $stringDesc, $needle);
             if ($pos > 1) {
                 $returnArray['warnings']['warnrain'] = true;
                 $returnArray['warnings']['raintype'] = $needle;
         for ($p = 0; $p < count($searchThunder); $p++) {
             $pos = strpos('   ' . $stringDesc, $searchThunder[$p]);
             if ($pos > 1) {
                 $returnArray['warnings']['warnthunder'] = true;
     $returnArray['warnings']['maxType'] = $maxType;
     $returnArray['warnings']['maxPrio'] = $maxPrio;
     #  get forecast info
     $endLayouts = count($xml->forecastGroup->forecast);
     if ($endLayouts == 0) {
         echo '<h3> ' . $myPageEC . ' - invalid xml file - program halted </h3>';
     #	echo "forecast retrieved: $endLayouts".PHP_EOL;;
     for ($nLayouts = 0; $nLayouts < $endLayouts; $nLayouts++) {
         $forecast = $xml->forecastGroup->forecast[$nLayouts];
         #				echo "forecast $nLayouts".PHP_EOL;
         #				print_r ($forecast);
         /* <period textForecastName="Today">Friday</period>*/
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['period'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->period);
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['daypart'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->period['textForecastName']);
         /* <textSummary>Rain ending this morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. High 13.</textSummary>*/
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['forecastText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->textSummary);
         /* <cloudPrecip>
         <textSummary>Rain ending this morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers.</textSummary>
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['cloudText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->cloudPrecip->textSummary);
         <iconCode format="gif">12</iconCode>
         <pop units="%">60</pop>
         <textSummary>Chance of showers</textSummary>
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['iconText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->abbreviatedForecast->textSummary);
         $icon = (string) $forecast->abbreviatedForecast->iconCode;
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['iconNumber'] = $icon;
         $iconOut = $none = $icon;
         $save = $ret = wsChangeIcon('ec', $icon, $iconOut, $none, $none);
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['defaultIcon'] = $iconOut;
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['PoP'] = (string) $forecast->abbreviatedForecast->pop;
         <textSummary>Low 12. High 17.</textSummary>
         <temperature unitType="metric" units="C" class="high">17</temperature>
         <temperature unitType="metric" units="C" class="low">12</temperature>
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['tempText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->temperatures->textSummary);
         for ($n = 0; $n < count($forecast->temperatures->temperature); $n++) {
             $key = (string) $forecast->temperatures->temperature[$n]['class'];
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['temp'][$key] = (string) $forecast->temperatures->temperature[$n] . $SITE['uomTemp'];
         <textSummary>Wind southeast 20 km/h becoming south 40 to 60 late in the afternoon then becoming west 40 to 60.</textSummary>
         <wind index="1" rank="minor">
         	<speed unitType="metric" units="km/h">10</speed>
         	<gust unitType="metric" units="km/h">00</gust>
         	<bearing units="degrees">14</bearing>
         <wind index="2" rank="major">
         	<speed unitType="metric" units="km/h">20</speed>
         	<gust unitType="metric" units="km/h">00</gust>
         	<bearing units="degrees">14</bearing>
         . . .
         if (!isset($forecast->winds->textSummary)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['windsText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['windsText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->winds->textSummary);
             for ($n = 0; $n < count($forecast->winds->wind); $n++) {
                 $index = $forecast->winds->wind[$n]['index'];
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['winds'][$n]['rank'] = (string) $forecast->winds->wind[$n]['rank'];
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['winds'][$n]['speed'] = (string) $forecast->winds->wind[$n]->speed;
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['winds'][$n]['gust'] = (string) $forecast->winds->wind[$n]->gust;
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['winds'][$n]['dir'] = (string) $forecast->winds->wind[$n]->direction;
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['winds'][$n]['deg'] = (string) $forecast->winds->wind[$n]->bearing;
         <textSummary>Amount 50 mm near the North Shore.</textSummary>
         <precipType start="12" end="25">rain</precipType>
         	<amount unitType="metric" units="mm">5</amount>
         if (!isset($forecast->precipitation)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['precipText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['precipText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->precipitation->textSummary);
             for ($n = 0; $n < count($forecast->precipitation->precipType); $n++) {
                 // 0? - ??
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['precipType'][$n] = (string) $forecast->precipitation->precipType[$n];
             for ($n = 0; $n < count($forecast->precipitation->accumulation); $n++) {
                 // 0 - 4
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['precipName'][$n] = (string) $forecast->precipitation->accumulation[$n]->name;
                 $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['precipAmount'][$n] = (string) $forecast->precipitation->accumulation[$n]->amount;
         /* <visibility>
         <otherVisib cause="other">
         	<textSummary>Fog patches dissipating this morning.</textSummary>
         </visibility>  */
         if (!isset($forecast->visibility->otherVisib)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibOtherText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibOtherText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->visibility->otherVisib->textSummary);
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibOtherCause'] = (string) $forecast->visibility->otherVisib['cause'];
         if (!isset($forecast->visibility->windVisib)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibWindText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibWindText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->visibility->windVisib->textSummary);
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['visibWindCause'] = (string) $forecast->visibility->windVisib['cause'];
         /* <uv category="moderate">
         <textSummary>UV index 5 or moderate.</textSummary>
         </uv>  */
         if (!isset($forecast->UV)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['UvText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['UVindex'] = (string) $forecast->uv->index;
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['UvCategory'] = (string) $forecast->uv['category'];
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['UvText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->uv->textSummary);
         /* <relativeHumidity units="%">65</relativeHumidity>  */
         $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['humidity'] = (string) $forecast->relativeHumidity;
         /*  <snowlevel><textSummary>????</textSummary></snowlevel>  */
         if (!isset($forecast->snowlevel)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['snowlevelText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['snowlevelText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->snowlevel->textSummary);
         /*  <frost><textSummary>????</textSummary></frost>  */
         if (!isset($forecast->snowlevel)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['frostText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['frostText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->frost->textSummary);
         /*  <comfort><textSummary>cool.</textSummary></comfort>  */
         if (!isset($forecast->comfort)) {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['comfortText'] = '';
         } else {
             $returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]['comfortText'] = $this->utf8_text((string) $forecast->comfort->textSummary);
         #			print_r ($returnArray['forecast'][$nLayouts]);
     // eof layouts
     #		exit;
     $SITE['ecIconsOwn'] = $saveIcon;
     $ret = $this->writeToCache($returnArray);
     return $returnArray;
function myIconTxt($array = '')
    if (!is_array($array)) {
        return '<td>' . langtransstr('Icon') . '</td>';
    $iconOut = $iconUrlIn = $iconUrlOut = $headerClass = '';
    $icon = wsChangeIcon('noaa', $array['icon'], $iconOut, $iconUrlIn, $iconUrlOut, $headerClass);
    $icon = wsChangeIcon('wxsim', $iconOut, $iconOut, $iconUrlIn, $iconUrlOut, $headerClass);
    $tekst = '<td><img class="imgCCN" src="' . $iconUrlOut . '"  alt=""/></td>';
    $tip = '<td colspan="2">' . $tekst . '</td>';
    return array($tekst, $tip);
Beispiel #5
foreach ($my_yahoos as $key => $arr) {
    $hahooID = $arr['hahooID'];
    $result = $weather->getWeatherData($hahooID);
    #echo '<pre>'; var_dump($result['ccn'][1]); exit;
    if (!$result) {
    # {echo '<br />false for : '.$key; continue;} else {echo '<br />true for : '.$key;}
    $my_yahoos[$key]['found'] = true;
    $my_yahoos[$key]['temp'] = round($result['ccn'][1]['tempNU'], 0);
    $notUsed = '';
    $iconOut = '';
    $iconUrlOut = '';
    wsChangeIcon('yahoo', $result['ccn'][1]['icon'], $iconOut, $result['ccn'][1]['iconUrl'], $iconUrlOut, $notUsed);
    $my_yahoos[$key]['iconurl'] = $iconUrlOut;
    $my_yahoos[$key]['desc'] = langtransstr($result['ccn'][1]['text']);
    if ($count_yahoo >= $max_cities) {
    #echo '<pre>'; var_dump($my_yahoos[$key ]); exit;
$seconds_yahoo = microtime(true) - $start_yahoo;
ws_message('<!-- <!-- dash_yahoo.php (' . __LINE__ . '): loading ' . $count_yahoo . ' ccn using yahoo in ' . $seconds_yahoo . ' seconds -->');
if ($count_yahoo == 0) {
#echo '<pre>'; var_dump($my_yahoos); exit;
echo '<div class="blockDiv">
<h3 class="blockHead">', langtransstr('The weather in interesting cities nearby') . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL;
# load icon translate if necessary
include_once 'wsIconUrl.php';
#process each forecast
$id = '1';
foreach ($returnArray['forecast'] as $arr) {
    if ($arr['windDir'] != 'windDir') {
        // skip first row with headers
        $forecast[$id]['period'] = langtransstr(date('l', $arr['date'])) . ' ' . date('j ', $arr['date']) . langtransstr(date('M', $arr['date']));
        $forecastTxt = langtransstr($arr['weatherDesc']);
        $forecast[$id]['condition'] = str_replace(' ', '<br />', $forecastTxt);
        $notUsed = '';
        $iconOut = '';
        $iconUrlOut = '';
        wsChangeIcon('world', $arr['weatherCode'], $iconOut, $arr['iconUrl'], $iconUrlOut, $notUsed);
        $forecast[$id]['iconUrl'] = '<img alt="icon ' . $arr['weatherDesc'] . '" src="' . $iconUrlOut . '" style="height: 45px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"/>';
        if ($arr['tempLow'] < 0) {
            $forecast[$id]['tempLow'] = '<span style="color: red;">' . $arr['tempLow'] . '</span>';
        } else {
            $forecast[$id]['tempLow'] = $arr['tempLow'];
        if ($arr['tempHigh'] < 0) {
            $forecast[$id]['tempHigh'] = '<span style="color: red;">' . $arr['tempHigh'] . '</span>';
        } else {
            $forecast[$id]['tempHigh'] = $arr['tempHigh'];
        $forecast[$id]['rain'] = $arr['rain'];
        $forecast[$id]['wind'] = $arr['wind'] . '<br />' . langtransstr('from the ') . ' ' . langtransstr($arr['windDir']);
Beispiel #7
    $style = 'style="height: 43px;"';
} else {
    $style = 'style="height: 20px;"';
$id = '1';
foreach ($yahooArray['forecast'] as $arr) {
    if ($arr['timestamp'] == 'timestamp') {
    $unixTime = $arr['timestamp'];
    $forecast[$id]['period'] = langtransstr(date('l', $unixTime)) . ' ' . date('j', $unixTime) . ' ' . langtransstr(date('F', $unixTime));
    $forecast[$id]['condition'] = yahooSplit($arr['condition']);
    $notUsed = '';
    $iconOut = '';
    $iconUrlOut = '';
    wsChangeIcon('yahoo', $arr['icon'], $iconOut, $arr['iconUrl'], $iconUrlOut, $notUsed);
    $forecast[$id]['iconUrl'] = '<img alt="icon ' . $arr['condition'] . '" src="' . $iconUrlOut . '" ' . $style . '/>';
    $forecast[$id]['tempLow'] = $arr['tempLow'];
    $forecast[$id]['tempHigh'] = $arr['tempHigh'];
# now we are going to print the data to the screen
if ($SITE['fctOrg'] != 'yahoo') {
    echo '<div class="blockDiv">' . PHP_EOL;
$rowcolor = 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST['city'])) {
    $area_yahoo = $yahooArray['request_info'][0]['city'];
} else {
Beispiel #8
        if (isset($mtr['covers_max']) && $mtr['covers_max'] != '') {
            $text = $mtr['covers_max'];
            if (trim($text) == 'Clear' && $dayNight != 'nighttime') {
                $text = 'Sunny';
            $text = langtransstr($mtr['covers_max']);
            $long_text .= $extra . $text;
        $condDesc = $long_text;
        $icon = $mtr['max-icon'];
        if ($dayNight == 'nighttime') {
            $icon .= 'n';
        $iconNrPr = $icon;
        wsChangeIcon('default', $icon, $icon, '', $ccnIconUrl);
        $ccnIconNr = $iconNrPr;
        $headerClass = wsHeaderLookup('default', $iconNrPr);
        # added for calgary
        $ws['myMetarVisib'] = $ws['visibility_prefix'] = $ws['visibility_sm'] = '';
        if (isset($mtr['visibility_prefix'])) {
            $ws['myMetarVisib'] = langtransstr($mtr['visibility_prefix']) . ' ';
            $ws['visibility_prefix'] = $mtr['visibility_prefix'];
        if (isset($mtr['visibility_sm'])) {
            $ws['myMetarVisib'] .= $mtr['visibility_sm'];
            $ws['visibility_sm'] = $mtr['visibility_sm'];
        # end added for calgary