function createXMLFile()
    if (isset($_POST['create_xml'])) {
        echo "Links Data Posted";
        $xml_document = writeXMLString($fields);
        $path_dir = "xmlf/";
        $path_dir .= 'filename' . ".xml";
        /* Data in Variables ready to be written to an XML file */
        $fp = fopen($path_dir, 'w');
        $write = fwrite($fp, $xml_document);
        /* Loading the created XML file to check contents */
        $sites = simplexml_load_file($path_dir);
        echo "<br> Checking the loaded file <br>" . $path_dir . "<br>";
        echo "<br><br>Whats inside loaded XML file?<br>";
function createXMLFile($fields)
    echo "Saves XML...";
    $xml_document = writeXMLString($fields);
    $path_dir = "xmlf/";
    $path_dir .= $_POST['archiveInformationPackageID'] . ".xml";
    if (file_exists($path_dir)) {
    /* Data in Variables ready to be written to an XML file */
    $fp = fopen($path_dir, 'w');
    $write = fwrite($fp, $xml_document);
    /* Loading the created XML file to check contents */
    $sites = simplexml_load_file($path_dir);
    echo "<br> Checking the loaded file <br>" . $path_dir . "<br>";
    echo "<br><br>Whats inside loaded XML file?<br>";