// if there's no \0 inside the $str string, it's a singular // else it's a plural if (strpos($str, "") === FALSE) { $output .= "msgid \"{$str}\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr \"\"\n"; } else { list($singular, $plural) = explode("", $str); $output .= "msgid \"{$singular}\"\n"; $output .= "msgid_plural \"{$plural}\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr[0] \"\"\n"; $output .= "msgstr[1] \"\"\n"; } $output .= "\n"; store($filename, $output, $filelist); } writeFiles(); return; // These are never executed, you can run extractor.php on itself to test it // $b, $f, $n, $s3 and $s4 should break $a = ts("Test string 1"); //$b = ts("Test string 2 %string", array("%string" => "how do you do")); $c = ts('Test string 3'); $d = ts("Special\ncharacters"); $e = ts('Special\\ncharacters'); //$f = ts("Embedded $variable"); $g = ts('Embedded $variable'); $h = ts("more \$special characters"); $i = ts('even more \\$special characters'); $j = ts("Mixed 'quote' \"marks\""); $k = ts('Mixed "quote" \'marks\''); $l = ts('This is some repeating text');
} else { $writable = "is <b>not</b>"; } // DB credentials work $dbname = $_POST['dbname']; $uname = $_POST['dbuname']; $upass = $_POST['dbpwd']; $tableName = $_POST['dbtbl']; @($conn = mysqli_connect($dbname, $uname, $upass, $tableName)); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo " <p>I couldn't make a MySQL connection. Here's the exact error.<br>"; echo mysqli_connect_error() . "</p>"; echo $form; } else { echo " <p>Looks good so far, writing supporting files...</p>"; writeFiles($dbname, $uname, $upass, $tableName); echo " <p>Generating HTML pages...</p>"; include '__generator.php'; echo " <p>Done! Here's a list of files."; include 'list.php'; echo " <p>Whilst working I created a couple of supporting files. <a href='cleanup.php'>Click here to remove them.</a></p>"; } ?> <?php if (strlen($writeable) > 0) { ?> <p>Your file system <?php echo $writeable; ?> writeable. I need to be able to write files to build your interface.</p> <?php