function wpuf_validate_post_edit_submit() { global $userdata; $errors = array(); $title = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_title']); $content = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_content']); $tags = ''; $cat = ''; if (isset($_POST['wpuf_post_tags'])) { $tags = wpuf_clean_tags($_POST['wpuf_post_tags']); } if (isset($_POST['cat'])) { $cat = trim($_POST['cat']); } //if there is some attachement, validate them if (!empty($_FILES['wpuf_post_attachments'])) { $errors = wpuf_check_upload(); } if (empty($title)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post title', 'wpuf'); } else { $title = trim(strip_tags($title)); } if (empty($content)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post content', 'wpuf'); } else { $content = trim($content); } if (!empty($tags)) { $tags = explode(',', $tags); } //process the custom fields $custom_fields = array(); $fields = wpuf_get_custom_fields(); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $cf) { if (array_key_exists($cf['field'], $_POST)) { $temp = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$cf['field']])); //var_dump($temp, $cf); if ($cf['type'] == 'yes' && !$temp) { $errors[] = sprintf(__('%s is missing', 'wpuf'), $cf['label']); } else { $custom_fields[$cf['field']] = $temp; } } //array_key_exists } //foreach } //is_array $errors = apply_filters('wpuf_edit_post_validation', $errors); if (!$errors) { $post_update = array('ID' => trim($_POST['post_id']), 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_category' => array($cat), 'tags_input' => $tags); //plugin API to extend the functionality $post_update = apply_filters('wpuf_edit_post_args', $post_update); $post_id = wp_update_post($post_update); if ($post_id) { echo '<div class="success">' . __(' Modification avec success', 'wpuf') . '</div>'; //upload attachment to the post wpuf_upload_attachment($post_id); //add the custom fields if ($custom_fields) { foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $val) { update_post_meta($post_id, $key, $val, false); } } do_action('wpuf_edit_post_after_update', $post_id); } } else { echo wpuf_error_msg($errors); } }
function submit_post() { global $userdata; $errors = array(); $title = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_title']); $content = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_content']); $tags = ''; $cat = ''; if (isset($_POST['wpuf_post_tags'])) { $tags = wpuf_clean_tags($_POST['wpuf_post_tags']); } //if there is some attachement, validate them if (!empty($_FILES['wpuf_post_attachments'])) { $errors = wpuf_check_upload(); } if (empty($title)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post title', 'wpuf'); } else { $title = trim(strip_tags($title)); } //validate cat $cat_type = wpuf_get_option('cat_type'); if (!isset($_POST['category'])) { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } else { if ($cat_type == 'normal' && $_POST['category'][0] == '-1') { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } else { if (count($_POST['category']) < 1) { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } } } if (empty($content)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post content', 'wpuf'); } else { $content = trim($content); } if (!empty($tags)) { $tags = explode(',', $tags); } //process the custom fields $custom_fields = array(); $fields = wpuf_get_custom_fields(); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $cf) { if (array_key_exists($cf['field'], $_POST)) { $temp = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$cf['field']])); //var_dump($temp, $cf); if ($cf['type'] == 'yes' && !$temp) { $errors[] = sprintf(__('%s is missing', 'wpuf'), $cf['label']); } else { $custom_fields[$cf['field']] = $temp; } } //array_key_exists } //foreach } //is_array //post attachment $attach_id = isset($_POST['wpuf_featured_img']) ? intval($_POST['wpuf_featured_img']) : 0; $errors = apply_filters('wpuf_edit_post_validation', $errors); if (!$errors) { //users are allowed to choose category if (wpuf_get_option('allow_cats') == 'on') { $post_category = $_POST['category']; } else { $post_category = array(get_option('wpuf_default_cat')); } $post_update = array('ID' => trim($_POST['post_id']), 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_category' => $post_category, 'tags_input' => $tags); //plugin API to extend the functionality $post_update = apply_filters('wpuf_edit_post_args', $post_update); $post_id = wp_update_post($post_update); if ($post_id) { echo '<div class="success">' . __('Post updated succesfully.', 'wpuf') . '</div>'; //upload attachment to the post wpuf_upload_attachment($post_id); //set post thumbnail if has any if ($attach_id) { set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $attach_id); } //add the custom fields if ($custom_fields) { foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $val) { update_post_meta($post_id, $key, $val, false); } } do_action('wpuf_edit_post_after_update', $post_id); } } else { echo wpuf_error_msg($errors); } }
/** * Validate the post submit data * * @global type $userdata * @param type $post_type */ function submit_post() { global $userdata; $errors = array(); var_dump($_POST); //if there is some attachement, validate them if (!empty($_FILES['wpuf_post_attachments'])) { $errors = wpuf_check_upload(); } $title = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_title']); $content = trim($_POST['wpuf_post_content']); $tags = ''; if (isset($_POST['wpuf_post_tags'])) { $tags = wpuf_clean_tags($_POST['wpuf_post_tags']); } //validate title if (empty($title)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post title', 'wpuf'); } else { $title = trim(strip_tags($title)); } //validate cat if (wpuf_get_option('allow_cats', 'wpuf_frontend_posting', 'on') == 'on') { $cat_type = wpuf_get_option('cat_type', 'wpuf_frontend_posting', 'normal'); if (!isset($_POST['category'])) { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } else { if ($cat_type == 'normal' && $_POST['category'][0] == '-1') { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } else { if (count($_POST['category']) < 1) { $errors[] = __('Please choose a category', 'wpuf'); } } } } //validate post content if (empty($content)) { $errors[] = __('Empty post content', 'wpuf'); } else { $content = trim($content); } //process tags if (!empty($tags)) { $tags = explode(',', $tags); } //post attachment $attach_id = isset($_POST['wpuf_featured_img']) ? intval($_POST['wpuf_featured_img']) : 0; //post type $post_type = trim(strip_tags($_POST['wpuf_post_type'])); //process the custom fields $custom_fields = array(); $fields = wpuf_get_custom_fields(); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $cf) { if (array_key_exists($cf['field'], $_POST)) { if (is_array($_POST[$cf['field']])) { $temp = implode(',', $_POST[$cf['field']]); } else { $temp = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$cf['field']])); } //var_dump($temp, $cf); if ($cf['type'] == 'yes' && !$temp) { $errors[] = sprintf(__('"%s" is missing', 'wpuf'), $cf['label']); } else { $custom_fields[$cf['field']] = $temp; } } //array_key_exists } //foreach } //is_array $post_date_enable = wpuf_get_option('enable_post_date', 'wpuf_frontend_posting'); $post_expiry = wpuf_get_option('enable_post_expiry', 'wpuf_frontend_posting'); //check post date if ($post_date_enable == 'on') { $month = $_POST['mm']; $day = $_POST['jj']; $year = $_POST['aa']; $hour = $_POST['hh']; $min = $_POST['mn']; if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $errors[] = __('Invalid date', 'wpuf'); } } $errors = apply_filters('wpuf_add_post_validation', $errors); //if not any errors, proceed if ($errors) { echo wpuf_error_msg($errors); return; } $post_stat = wpuf_get_option('post_status', 'wpuf_frontend_posting'); $post_author = wpuf_get_option('post_author', 'wpuf_frontend_posting') == 'original' ? $userdata->ID : wpuf_get_option('map_author', 'wpuf_frontend_posting'); //users are allowed to choose category if (wpuf_get_option('allow_cats', 'wpuf_frontend_posting', 'on') == 'on') { $post_category = $_POST['category']; } else { $post_category = array(wpuf_get_option('default_cat', 'wpuf_frontend_posting')); } $my_post = array('post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_status' => $post_stat, 'post_author' => $post_author, 'post_category' => $post_category, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'tags_input' => $tags); if ($post_date_enable == 'on') { $month = $_POST['mm']; $day = $_POST['jj']; $year = $_POST['aa']; $hour = $_POST['hh']; $min = $_POST['mn']; $post_date = mktime($hour, $min, 59, $month, $day, $year); $my_post['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_date); } //plugin API to extend the functionality $my_post = apply_filters('wpuf_add_post_args', $my_post); //var_dump( $_POST, $my_post );die(); //insert the post $post_id = wp_insert_post($my_post); if ($post_id) { //upload attachment to the post wpuf_upload_attachment($post_id); //send mail notification if (wpuf_get_option('post_notification', 'wpuf_others', 'yes') == 'yes') { wpuf_notify_post_mail($userdata, $post_id); } //add the custom fields if ($custom_fields) { foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $val) { add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $val, true); } } //set post thumbnail if has any if ($attach_id) { set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $attach_id); } //Set Post expiration date if has any if (!empty($_POST['expiration-date']) && $post_expiry == 'on') { $post = get_post($post_id); $post_date = strtotime($post->post_date); $expiration = (int) $_POST['expiration-date']; $expiration = $post_date + $expiration * 60 * 60 * 24; add_post_meta($post_id, 'expiration-date', $expiration, true); } //plugin API to extend the functionality do_action('wpuf_add_post_after_insert', $post_id); //echo '<div class="success">' . __('Post published successfully', 'wpuf') . '</div>'; if ($post_id) { $redirect = apply_filters('wpuf_after_post_redirect', get_permalink($post_id), $post_id); wp_redirect($redirect); exit; } } }