function jd_doTwitterAPIPost($twit, $auth = false, $id = false, $media = false) { if (!wpt_check_oauth($auth)) { $error = __('This account is not authorized to post to Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter'); wpt_saves_error($id, $auth, $twit, $error, '401', time()); wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, $error); return true; } // exit silently if not authorized $check = !$auth ? get_option('jd_last_tweet') : get_user_meta($auth, 'wpt_last_tweet', true); // get user's last tweet // prevent duplicate Tweets if ($check == $twit) { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("Matched: tweet identical: #{$id}", "{$twit}, {$auth}, {$id}"); // DEBUG } $error = __('This tweet is identical to another Tweet recently sent to this account.', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' ' . __('Twitter requires all Tweets to be unique.', 'wp-to-twitter'); wpt_saves_error($id, $auth, $twit, $error, '403', time()); wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, $error); return true; } else { if ($twit == '' || !$twit) { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("Tweet check: empty sentence: #{$id}", "{$twit}, {$auth}, {$id}"); // DEBUG } $error = __('This tweet was blank and could not be sent to Twitter.', 'wp-tweets-pro'); wpt_saves_error($id, $auth, $twit, $error, '403', time()); wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, $error); return true; } else { // must be designated as media and have a valid attachment $attachment = $media ? wpt_post_attachment($id) : false; if ($attachment) { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($attachment); if (!isset($meta['width'], $meta['height'])) { if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("Image Data Does not Exist for Attachment #{$attachment}", print_r($args, 1)); } $attachment = false; } } // support for HTTP deprecated as of 1/14/2014 -- $api = $media && $attachment ? "" : ""; if (wtt_oauth_test($auth) && ($connection = wtt_oauth_connection($auth))) { if ($media && $attachment) { $connection->media($api, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter', 'include_entities' => 'true', 'id' => $id, 'auth' => $auth)); } else { $connection->post($api, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter', 'include_entities' => 'true')); } $http_code = $connection ? $connection->http_code : 'failed'; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test(false) && ($connection = wtt_oauth_connection(false))) { if ($media) { $connection->media($api, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter', 'include_entities' => 'true', 'id' => $id, 'auth' => $auth)); } else { $connection->post($api, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter', 'include_entities' => 'true')); } $http_code = $connection ? $connection->http_code : 'failed'; } } if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail('Twitter Connection', print_r($connection, 1)); } if ($connection) { if (isset($connection->http_header['x-access-level']) && $connection->http_header['x-access-level'] == 'read') { $supplement = sprintf(__('Your Twitter application does not have read and write permissions. Go to <a href="%s">your Twitter apps</a> to modify these settings.', 'wp-to-twitter'), ''); } else { $supplement = ''; } $return = false; switch ($http_code) { case '200': $return = true; $error = __("200 OK: Success!", 'wp-to-twitter'); update_option('wpt_authentication_missing', false); break; case '304': $error = __("304 Not Modified: There was no new data to return", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '400': $error = __("400 Bad Request: The request was invalid. This is the status code returned during rate limiting.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '401': $error = __("401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.", 'wp-to-twitter'); update_option('wpt_authentication_missing', "{$auth}"); break; case '403': $error = __("403 Forbidden: The request is understood, but has been refused by Twitter. Possible reasons: too many Tweets, same Tweet submitted twice, Tweet longer than 140 characters.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '404': $error = __("404 Not Found: The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested does not exist.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '406': $error = __("406 Not Acceptable: Invalid Format Specified.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '422': $error = __("422 Unprocessable Entity: The image uploaded could not be processed..", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '429': $error = __("429 Too Many Requests: You have exceeded your rate limits.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '500': $error = __("500 Internal Server Error: Something is broken at Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '502': $error = __("502 Bad Gateway: Twitter is down or being upgraded.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '503': $error = __("503 Service Unavailable: The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests - Please try again later.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '504': $error = __("504 Gateway Timeout: The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn't be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; default: $error = __("<strong>Code {$http_code}</strong>: Twitter did not return a recognized response code.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; } $error .= $supplement != '' ? " {$supplement}" : ''; // debugging if (WPT_DEBUG && function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { wpt_mail("Twitter Response: {$http_code}, #{$id}", "{$http_code}, {$error}"); // DEBUG } // end debugging $update = !$auth ? update_option('jd_last_tweet', $twit) : update_user_meta($auth, 'wpt_last_tweet', $twit); wpt_saves_error($id, $auth, $twit, $error, $http_code, time()); if ($http_code == '200') { $jwt = get_post_meta($id, '_jd_wp_twitter', true); if (!is_array($jwt)) { $jwt = array(); } $jwt[] = urldecode($twit); if (empty($_POST)) { $_POST = array(); } $_POST['_jd_wp_twitter'] = $jwt; update_post_meta($id, '_jd_wp_twitter', $jwt); if (!function_exists('wpt_pro_exists')) { // schedule a one-time promotional box for 4 weeks after first successful Tweet. Experiment... if (get_option('wpt_promotion_scheduled') == false) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4, 'wpt_schedule_promotion_action'); update_option('wpt_promotion_scheduled', 1); } } } if (!$return) { wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, $error); } else { wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, __('Tweet sent successfully.', 'wp-to-twitter')); } return $return; } else { wpt_set_log('wpt_status_message', $id, __('No Twitter OAuth connection found.', 'wp-to-twitter')); return false; } } } }
function jd_doTwitterAPIPost($twit, $auth = false) { // prevent duplicate Tweets if (!wpt_check_oauth($auth)) { return true; } // exit silently if not authorized $check = !$auth ? get_option('jd_last_tweet') : get_user_meta($auth, 'wpt_last_tweet', true); // get user's last tweet if ($check == $twit || $twit == '' || !$twit) { return true; } else { global $jdwp_api_post_status; if (wtt_oauth_test($auth) && ($connection = wtt_oauth_connection($auth))) { $connection->post($jdwp_api_post_status, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter')); $http_code = $connection ? $connection->http_code : 'failed'; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test(false) && ($connection = wtt_oauth_connection(false))) { $connection->post($jdwp_api_post_status, array('status' => $twit, 'source' => 'wp-to-twitter')); $http_code = $connection ? $connection->http_code : 'failed'; } } if ($connection) { switch ($http_code) { case '200': $return = true; $error = __("200 OK: Success!", 'wp-to-twitter'); delete_option('wpt_authentication_missing'); break; case '400': $return = false; $error = __("400 Bad Request: The request was invalid. This is the status code returned during rate limiting.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '401': $return = false; $error = __("401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.", 'wp-to-twitter'); update_option('wpt_authentication_missing', 'true'); break; case '403': $return = false; $error = __("403 Forbidden: The request is understood, but it has been refused. This code is used when requests are understood, but are denied by Twitter. Reasons can include: Too many Tweets created in a short time or the same Tweet was submitted twice in a row, among others. This is not an error by WP to Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '500': $return = false; $error = __("500 Internal Server Error: Something is broken at Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '503': $return = false; $error = __("503 Service Unavailable: The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests - Please try again later.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; case '502': $return = false; $error = __("502 Bad Gateway: Twitter is down or being upgraded.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; default: $return = false; $error = __("<strong>Code {$http_code}</strong>: Twitter did not return a recognized response code.", 'wp-to-twitter'); break; } // debugging //wp_mail('*****@*****.**','Response code',"$http_code $error" ); // end debugging $update = !$auth ? update_option('jd_last_tweet', $twit) : update_user_meta($auth, 'wpt_last_tweet', $twit); if (!$return) { update_option('jd_status_message', $error); } else { delete_option('jd_status_message'); } return $return; } else { update_option('jd_status_message', __('No Twitter OAuth connection found.', 'wp-to-twitter')); } } }
function wtt_connect_oauth($auth = false) { if (!$auth) { echo '<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">'; echo '<div class="postbox">'; } $class = $auth ? 'wpt-profile' : 'wpt-settings'; $form = !$auth ? '<form action="" method="post">' : ''; $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify')) { // show notification to authenticate with OAuth. No longer global; settings only. if (!wpt_check_oauth()) { $admin_url = is_plugin_active('wp-tweets-pro/wpt-pro-functions.php') ? admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro') : admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-to-twitter/wp-to-twitter.php'); $message = sprintf(__("Twitter requires authentication by OAuth. You will need to <a href='%s'>update your settings</a> to complete installation of WP to Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'), $admin_url); echo "<div class='error'><p>{$message}</p></div>"; } $ack = !$auth ? get_option('app_consumer_key') : get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true); $acs = !$auth ? get_option('app_consumer_secret') : get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true); $ot = !$auth ? get_option('oauth_token') : get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true); $ots = !$auth ? get_option('oauth_token_secret') : get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true); $submit = !$auth ? '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /></p>' : ''; print ' <h3><span>' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> <div class="notes"> <h4>' . __('WP to Twitter Set-up', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> </div> <h4>' . __('1. Register this site as an application on ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Twitter\'s application registration page', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</a></h4> <ul> <li>' . __('If you\'re not currently logged in to Twitter, log-in to the account you want associated with this site', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your application name cannot include the word "Twitter."', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application Description can be anything.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('The WebSite and Callback URL should be ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<strong>' . esc_url(home_url()) . '</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Agree to the Twitter Developer Agreement and continue.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('2. Switch to the "Permissions" tab in Twitter apps', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Select "Read and Write" for the Application Type', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Update the application settings', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> <h4>' . __('3. Switch to the Keys and Access Tokens tab and regenerate your consumer key and secret, then create your access token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Copy your API key and API secret from the "Application Settings" section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Copy your Access token and Access token secret from the "Your Access Token" section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> ' . $form . ' <fieldset class="options"> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_key">' . __('API Key', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_key" id="wtt_app_consumer_key" value="' . esc_attr($ack) . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_secret">' . __('API Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_secret" id="wtt_app_consumer_secret" value="' . esc_attr($acs) . '" /> </p> </div> <h4>' . __('4. Copy and paste your Access Token and Access Token Secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('If the Access Level for your Access Token is not "<em>Read and write</em>", you must return to step 2 and generate a new Access Token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token">' . __('Access Token', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token" id="wtt_oauth_token" value="' . esc_attr($ot) . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token_secret">' . __('Access Token Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token_secret" id="wtt_oauth_token_secret" value="' . esc_attr($ots) . '" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> ' . $submit . ' <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_oauth_test" class="hidden" style="display: none;" /> ' . $nonce . ' </div> '; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test($auth)) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $uname = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('wtt_twitter_username')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true)); $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!$auth) { $submit = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" class="hidden" /> '; } else { $submit = '<input type="checkbox" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" id="disconnect" /> <label for="disconnect">' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label>'; } print ' <h3><span>' . __('Disconnect from Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> ' . $form . ' <div id="wtt_authentication_display"> <fieldset class="options"> <ul> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Twitter Username ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $uname . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('API Key ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ack . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('API Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $acs . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ot . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ots . '</code></li> </ul> </fieldset> <div> ' . $submit . ' </div> </div> ' . $nonce . ' </div>'; } } if (!$auth) { echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } }
function wtt_connect_oauth($auth = false) { if (!$auth) { echo '<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">'; echo '<div class="postbox">'; } $server_time = date(DATE_COOKIE); $response = wp_remote_get("", array('timeout' => 1, 'redirection' => 1)); if (is_wp_error($response)) { $warning = ''; $error = $response->errors; if (is_array($error)) { $warning = "<ul>"; foreach ($error as $k => $e) { foreach ($e as $v) { $warning .= "<li>" . $v . "</li>"; } } $warning .= "</ul>"; } $ssl = __("Connection Problems? If you're getting an SSL related error, you'll need to contact your host.", 'wp-to-twitter'); $date = __("There was an error querying Twitter's servers", 'wp-to-twitter'); $errors = "<p>" . $ssl . "</p>" . $warning; } else { $date = date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime($response['headers']['date'])); $errors = ''; } $class = $auth ? 'wpt-profile' : 'wpt-settings'; $form = !$auth ? '<form action="" method="post">' : ''; $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!wtt_oauth_test($auth, 'verify')) { // show notification to authenticate with OAuth. No longer global; settings only. if (!wpt_check_oauth()) { $admin_url = is_plugin_active('wp-tweets-pro/wpt-pro-functions.php') ? admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-tweets-pro') : admin_url('options-general.php?page=wp-to-twitter/wp-to-twitter.php'); $message = sprintf(__("Twitter requires authentication by OAuth. You will need to <a href='%s'>update your settings</a> to complete installation of WP to Twitter.", 'wp-to-twitter'), $admin_url); echo "<div class='error'><p>{$message}</p></div>"; } $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $submit = !$auth ? '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /></p>' : ''; print ' <div class="handlediv"><span class="screen-reader-text">Click to toggle</span></div> <h3 class="hndle"><span>' . __('Connect to Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> <div class="notes"> <h4>' . __('WP to Twitter Set-up', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code> ' . __("Twitter's time:") . ' <code>' . $date . '</code>. ' . __('If these timestamps are not within 5 minutes of each other, your server will not connect to Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> ' . $errors . ' <p>' . __('Your server timezone (should be UTC,GMT,Europe/London or equivalent):', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' ' . date_default_timezone_get() . '</p> </div> <h4>' . __('1. Register this site as an application on ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Twitter\'s application registration page', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</a></h4> <ul> <li>' . __('If you\'re not currently logged in to Twitter, log-in to the account you want associated with this site', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your application name cannot include the word "Twitter."', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Your Application Description can be anything.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('The WebSite and Callback URL should be ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<strong>' . get_bloginfo('url') . '</strong></li> </ul> <p><em>' . __('Agree to the Developer Rules of the Road and continue.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</em></p> <h4>' . __('2. Switch to the "Permissions" tab in Twitter apps', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Select "Read and Write" for the Application Type', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Update the application settings', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> <h4>' . __('3. Switch to the API Keys tab and regenerate your API keys, then create your access token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <ul> <li>' . __('Copy your API key and API secret from the top section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> <li>' . __('Copy your Access token and Access token secret from the bottom section.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</li> </ul> ' . $form . ' <fieldset class="options"> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_key">' . __('API Key', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_key" id="wtt_app_consumer_key" value="' . $ack . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_app_consumer_secret">' . __('API Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_app_consumer_secret" id="wtt_app_consumer_secret" value="' . $acs . '" /> </p> </div> <h4>' . __('4. Copy and paste your Access Token and Access Token Secret into the fields below', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</h4> <p>' . __('If the Access level for your Access Token is not "<em>Read and write</em>", you must return to step 2 and generate a new Access Token.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p> <div class="tokens"> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token">' . __('Access Token', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token" id="wtt_oauth_token" value="' . $ot . '" /> </p> <p> <label for="wtt_oauth_token_secret">' . __('Access Token Secret', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label> <input type="text" size="45" name="wtt_oauth_token_secret" id="wtt_oauth_token_secret" value="' . $ots . '" /> </p> </div> </fieldset> ' . $submit . ' <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_oauth_test" class="hidden" style="display: none;" /> ' . $nonce . ' </div> '; } else { if (wtt_oauth_test($auth)) { $ack = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_key')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_key', true)); $acs = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('app_consumer_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'app_consumer_secret', true)); $ot = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token', true)); $ots = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('oauth_token_secret')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'oauth_token_secret', true)); $uname = !$auth ? esc_attr(get_option('wtt_twitter_username')) : esc_attr(get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true)); $nonce = !$auth ? wp_nonce_field('wp-to-twitter-nonce', '_wpnonce', true, false) . wp_referer_field(false) . '</form>' : ''; if (!$auth) { $submit = ' <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button-primary" value="' . __('Disconnect Your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" class="hidden" /> '; } else { $submit = '<input type="checkbox" name="oauth_settings" value="wtt_twitter_disconnect" id="disconnect" /> <label for="disconnect">' . __('Disconnect your WordPress and Twitter Account', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</label>'; } $warning = get_option('wpt_authentication_missing') ? '<p>' . __('<strong>Troubleshooting tip:</strong> Connected, but getting a error that your Authentication credentials are missing or incorrect? Check that your Access token has read and write permission. If not, you\'ll need to create a new token. <a href="">Read the FAQ</a>', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; if (!is_wp_error($response)) { $diff = abs(time() - strtotime($response['headers']['date'])) > 300 ? '<p> ' . __('Your time stamps are more than 5 minutes apart. Your server could lose its connection with Twitter.', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</p>' : ''; } else { $diff = __('WP to Twitter could not contact Twitter\'s remote server. Here is the error triggered: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . $errors; } print ' <div class="handlediv"><span class="screen-reader-text">Click to toggle</span></div> <h3 class="hndle"><span>' . __('Disconnect from Twitter', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</span></h3> <div class="inside ' . $class . '"> ' . $form . ' <div id="wtt_authentication_display"> <fieldset class="options"> <ul> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Twitter Username ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $uname . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Key ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ack . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Consumer Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $acs . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ot . '</code></li> <li><strong class="auth_label">' . __('Access Token Secret ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '</strong> <code class="auth_code">' . $ots . '</code></li> </ul> </fieldset> <div> ' . $submit . ' </div> </div> ' . $nonce . ' <p>' . __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code>.<br />' . __('Twitter\'s server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<code>' . $date . '</code>.</p> ' . $errors . $diff . '</div>'; // sent as debugging global $wpt_server_string; $wpt_server_string = __('Your server time:', 'wp-to-twitter') . ' <code>' . $server_time . '</code> ' . __('Twitter\'s server time: ', 'wp-to-twitter') . '<code>' . $date . '</code> ' . $errors . $diff; } } if (!$auth) { echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } }