	* wpsc_admin_submit_product function 
	* @return nothing
function wpsc_admin_submit_product()
    check_admin_referer('edit-product', 'wpsc-edit-product');
    $post_data = wpsc_sanitise_product_forms();
    if (isset($post_data['title']) && $post_data['title'] != '' && isset($post_data['category'])) {
        $product_id = wpsc_insert_product($post_data, true);
        if ($product_id > 0) {
            $sendback = add_query_arg('product_id', $product_id);
        $sendback = add_query_arg('message', 1, $sendback);
    } else {
        $_SESSION['product_error_messages'] = array();
        if ($post_data['title'] == '') {
            $_SESSION['product_error_messages'][] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a Product name.<br />');
        if (!isset($post_data['category'])) {
            $_SESSION['product_error_messages'][] = __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a Product Category.<br />');
        $_SESSION['wpsc_failed_product_post_data'] = $post_data;
        //	exit('<pre>'.print_r($_SESSION['product_error_messages'], true).'</pre>');
        $sendback = add_query_arg('ErrMessage', 1);
Beispiel #2
 private function import_data()
     ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1);
     $handle = @fopen($this->file, 'r');
     if (!$handle) {
     $length = filesize($this->file);
     $column_map = array_flip($_POST['value_name']);
     extract($column_map, EXTR_SKIP);
     $record_count = 0;
     while ($row = @fgetcsv($handle, $length, ',')) {
         $product = array('post_title' => isset($row[$column_name]) ? $row[$column_name] : '', 'content' => isset($row[$column_description]) ? $row[$column_description] : '', 'price' => isset($row[$column_price]) ? str_replace('$', '', $row[$column_price]) : 0, 'weight' => isset($row[$column_weight]) ? $row[$column_weight] : '', 'weight_unit' => isset($row[$column_weight_unit]) ? $row[$column_weight_unit] : '', 'additional_description' => isset($row[$column_additional_description]) ? $row[$column_additional_description] : '', 'pnp' => null, 'international_pnp' => null, 'file' => null, 'image' => '0', 'quantity_limited' => isset($row[$column_quantity_limited]) ? $row[$column_quantity_limited] : '', 'quantity' => isset($row[$column_quantity]) ? $row[$column_quantity] : null, 'special' => null, 'special_price' => null, 'display_frontpage' => null, 'notax' => null, 'active' => null, 'donation' => null, 'no_shipping' => null, 'thumbnail_image' => null, 'thumbnail_state' => null, 'meta' => array('_wpsc_price' => isset($row[$column_price]) ? str_replace('$', '', $row[$column_price]) : 0, '_wpsc_special_price' => '', '_wpsc_sku' => isset($row[$column_sku]) ? $row[$column_sku] : '', '_wpsc_stock' => isset($row[$column_quantity]) ? $row[$column_quantity] : null, '_wpsc_limited_stock' => isset($row[$column_quantity_limited]) ? $row[$column_quantity_limited] : '', '_wpsc_product_metadata' => array('weight' => isset($row[$column_weight]) ? $row[$column_weight] : '', 'weight_unit' => isset($row[$column_weight_unit]) ? $row[$column_weight_unit] : '')));
         $product = apply_filters('wpsc_product_import_row', $product, $row, $this);
         if (empty($product['post_title']) && apply_filters('wpsc_product_import_require_title', true, $product, $row, $this)) {
         $product = wpsc_sanitise_product_forms($product);
         // status needs to be set here because wpsc_sanitise_product_forms overwrites it :/
         $product['post_status'] = $_POST['post_status'];
         $product_id = wpsc_insert_product($product);
         if ((int) $_POST['category'] > 0) {
             wp_set_object_terms($product_id, array((int) $_POST['category']), 'wpsc_product_category');
         $record_count += 1;
     $this->completed = true;
     add_settings_error('wpsc-settings', 'settings_updated', sprintf(__('CSV file successfully processed. %s record(s) imported.', 'wpsc'), $record_count), 'updated');
Beispiel #3
 * This file handles the standard importing of products through a csv file upload. Access this page via WP-admin Settings>Import
 * @package WP e-Commerce
function wpsc_options_import()
    global $wpdb;
	<form name='cart_options' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='cart_options' method='post' action='<?php 
    echo 'admin.php?page=wpsc-settings&tab=import';
' class='wpsc_form_track'>
		<div class="wrap">
    _e('<p>You can import your products from a comma delimited text file.</p><p>An example of a csv import file would look like this: </p><p>Description, Additional Description, Product Name, Price, SKU, weight, weight unit, stock quantity, is limited quantity</p>', 'wpsc');

    wp_nonce_field('update-options', 'wpsc-update-options');
		<input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='5000000' />
		<input type='file' name='csv_file' />
		<input type='submit' value='Import' class='button-primary'>
    if (isset($_FILES['csv_file']['name']) && $_FILES['csv_file']['name'] != '') {
        ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", 1);
        $file = $_FILES['csv_file'];
        if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WPSC_FILE_DIR . $file['name'])) {
            $content = file_get_contents(WPSC_FILE_DIR . $file['name']);
            $handle = @fopen(WPSC_FILE_DIR . $file['name'], 'r');
            while (($csv_data = @fgetcsv($handle, filesize($handle), ",")) !== false) {
                $fields = count($csv_data);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
                    if (!is_array($data1[$i])) {
                        $data1[$i] = array();
                    array_push($data1[$i], $csv_data[$i]);
            $_SESSION['cvs_data'] = $data1;
            $categories = get_terms('wpsc_product_category', 'hide_empty=0&parent=' . $category_id);

            _e('For each column, select the field it corresponds to in \'Belongs to\'. You can upload as many products as you like.', 'wpsc');
				<div class='metabox-holder' style='width:90%'>
					<input type='hidden' name='csv_action' value='import'>
					<div style='width:100%;' class='postbox'>
						<h3 class='hndle'><?php 
            _e('Product Status', 'wpsc');
						<div class='inside'>
								<tr><td style='width:80%;'>
            _e('Select if you would like to import your products in as Drafts or Publish them right away.', 'wpsc');
								<br />
									<select name='post_status'>
										<option value='publish'><?php 
            _e('Publish', 'wpsc');
										<option value='draft'><?php 
            _e('Draft', 'wpsc');

            foreach ((array) $data1 as $key => $datum) {
					<div style='width:100%;' class='postbox'>
						<h3 class='hndle'><?php 
                printf(__('Column (%s)', 'wpsc'), $key + 1);
						<div class='inside'>
								<tr><td style='width:80%;'>
										<input type='hidden' name='column[]' value='<?php 
                echo $key + 1;
                foreach ($datum as $column) {
                    echo $column;
								<br />
								<select  name='value_name[]'>
									<!-- /* 		These are the current fields that can be imported with products, to add additional fields add more <option> to this dorpdown list */ -->
									<option value='name'><?php 
                _e('Product Name', 'wpsc');
									<option value='description'><?php 
                _e('Description', 'wpsc');
									<option value='additional_description'><?php 
                _e('Additional Description', 'wpsc');
									<option value='price'><?php 
                _e('Price', 'wpsc');
									<option value='sku'><?php 
                _e('SKU', 'wpsc');
									<option value='weight'><?php 
                _e('Weight', 'wpsc');
									<option value='weight_unit'><?php 
                _e('Weight Unit', 'wpsc');
									<option value='quantity'><?php 
                _e('Stock Quantity', 'wpsc');
									<option value='quantity_limited'><?php 
                _e('Stock Quantity Limit', 'wpsc');
			<label for='category'><?php 
            _e('Please select a category you would like to place all products from this CSV into', 'wpsc');
			<select id='category' name='category'>
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                echo '<option value="' . $category->term_id . '">' . $category->name . '</option>';
			<input type='submit' value='Import' class='button-primary'>
        } else {
            echo "<br /><br />" . __('There was an error while uploading your csv file.', 'wpsc');
    if (isset($_POST['csv_action']) && 'import' == $_POST['csv_action']) {
        global $wpdb;
        $cvs_data = $_SESSION['cvs_data'];
        $column_data = $_POST['column'];
        $value_data = $_POST['value_name'];
        $status = esc_attr($_POST['post_status']);
        $name = array();
        foreach ($value_data as $key => $value) {
            $cvs_data2[$value] = $cvs_data[$key];
        $num = count($cvs_data2['name']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
            $product_columns = array('post_title' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['name'][$i]), 'content' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['description'][$i]), 'additional_description' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['additional_description'][$i]), 'price' => esc_attr(str_replace('$', '', $cvs_data2['price'][$i])), 'weight' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['weight'][$i]), 'weight_unit' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['weight_unit'][$i]), 'pnp' => null, 'international_pnp' => null, 'file' => null, 'image' => '0', 'quantity_limited' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['quantity_limited'][$i]), 'quantity' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['quantity'][$i]), 'special' => null, 'special_price' => null, 'display_frontpage' => null, 'notax' => null, 'active' => null, 'donation' => null, 'no_shipping' => null, 'thumbnail_image' => null, 'thumbnail_state' => null, 'meta' => array('_wpsc_price' => esc_attr(str_replace('$', '', $cvs_data2['price'][$i])), '_wpsc_sku' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['sku'][$i]), '_wpsc_stock' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['quantity'][$i]), '_wpsc_limited_stock' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['quantity_limited'][$i]), '_wpsc_product_metadata' => array('weight' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['weight'][$i]), 'weight_unit' => esc_attr($cvs_data2['weight_unit'][$i]))));
            $product_columns = wpsc_sanitise_product_forms($product_columns);
            // status needs to be set here because wpsc_sanitise_product_forms overwrites it :/
            $product_columns['post_status'] = $status;
            $product_id = wpsc_insert_product($product_columns);
            wp_set_object_terms($product_id, array((int) $_POST['category']), 'wpsc_product_category');
        echo "<br /><br />" . sprintf(__("Success, your <a href='%s'>products</a> have been upload.", "wpsc"), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=wpsc-product'));
Beispiel #4
function data_for_insert_update($post)
    global $result, $wpdb;
    $_POST = $post;
    // Fix: PHP 5.4
    $selected_object = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['selected']));
    $edited_object = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['edited']));
    $objectArray = array();
    if (is_array($edited_object)) {
        foreach ($edited_object as $obj) {
            array_push($objectArray, $obj);
    if (is_array($selected_object)) {
        foreach ($selected_object as $obj) {
            if (!in_array($obj, $objectArray)) {
                array_push($objectArray, $obj);
    $insertCnt = 1;
    $updateCnt = 1;
    $result['updated'] = 0;
    $result['inserted'] = 0;
    $result['productId'] = array();
    $result['8B_Email'] = array();
    $result['log_id'] = array();
    if (is_array($objectArray)) {
        foreach ($objectArray as $obj) {
            foreach ($obj as $obj_key => $obj_value) {
                $obj->{$obj_key} = $wpdb->_real_escape($obj->{$obj_key});
            //escaping the input values
            if ($obj->id == '') {
                $result['inserted'] = 1;
                if ($obj->name == 'Enter Product Name') {
                    $obj->name = 'New Product Added';
                $new_product_details['product_id'] = 0;
                $new_product_details['title'] = $obj->name;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['sku'] = $obj->sku;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['table_rate_price']['quantity'] = array(0 => '');
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['table_rate_price']['table_price'] = array(0 => '');
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['custom_tax'] = '';
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['height'] = $obj->height;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['height_unit'] = $obj->height_unit;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['width'] = $obj->width;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['width_unit'] = $obj->width_unit;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['length'] = $obj->length;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['dimensions']['length_unit'] = $obj->length_unit;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['merchant_notes'] = '';
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['engraved'] = 0;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['can_have_uploaded_image'] = 0;
                $new_product_details['productmeta_values']['external_link'] = '';
                $new_product_details['price'] = $obj->price;
                $new_product_details['special_price'] = $obj->sale_price;
                $new_product_details['quantity'] = $obj->quantity;
                $new_product_details['category'] = array(0 => $obj->category);
                $new_product_details['weight'] = $obj->weight;
                $new_product_details['weight_unit'] = $obj->weight_unit;
                $new_product_details['publish'] = $obj->publish;
                $new_product_details['no_shipping'] = $obj->disregard_shipping;
                $new_product_details['content'] = $obj->description;
                $new_product_details['pnp'] = $obj->pnp;
                $new_product_details['additional_description'] = $obj->additional_description;
                $new_product_details['international_pnp'] = $obj->international_pnp;
                $post_data = wpsc_sanitise_product_forms($new_product_details);
                if (isset($post_data['title']) && $post_data['title'] != '' && isset($post_data['category'])) {
                    $product_id = wpsc_insert_product($post_data, true);
                if ($product_id) {
                    $result['result'] = true;
                array_push($result['productId'], $product_id);
                if ($result['result']) {
                    $result['insertCnt'] = $insertCnt++;
            } else {
                if (in_array($obj, $edited_object)) {
                    $result['updated'] = 1;
                    $result = update($obj);
                    if ($result['result']) {
                        $result['updateCnt'] = $updateCnt++;
            //to save customer details.
            //since $obj is an object array we cannot access email key by doing $obj->8B_Email
            $email = (array) $obj;
            if ($email['Old_Email_Id']) {
                $log_id = get_log_id($email['Old_Email_Id']);
                array_push($result['log_id'], $log_id);
    return $result;
 function updateProduct(&$products)
     global $wpdb, $productUpdates, $variantUpdates;
     $productUpdates = 0;
     $variantUpdates = 0;
     $r = 0;
     foreach ($products as $row) {
         if ($this->isGood($row)) {
             foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
                 $key = mb_convert_encoding($key, 'UTF-8');
                 $row[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, 'UTF-8');
             //search products by style, don't waste time with name as it can be to hard to keep exact match
             $this->logger->info("Row #{$r}");
             if ($this->isGood($row['style'])) {
                 $product = query_posts(array('post_type' => 'wpsc-product', 'meta_key' => 'style', 'meta_value' => $row['style']));
             } elseif ($this->isGood($row['name'])) {
                 $product = query_posts(array('post_type' => 'wpsc-product', 'post_title' => $row['name']));
             } else {
                 $product = false;
             //Meta the meta info ready
             $row['meta']['_wpsc_price'] = abs((double) str_replace(',', '', $this->isGood($row['price']) ? $row['price'] : ''));
             $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['display_weight_as'] = 'pound';
             $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight_unit'] = 'pound';
             //This sets product dimensions for shipping calculators
             if ($this->isGood($row['width']) && is_numeric($row['width'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['dimensions']['width'] = $row['width'];
             if ($this->isGood($row['length']) && is_numeric($row['length'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['dimensions']['length'] = $row['length'];
             if ($this->isGood($row['height']) && is_numeric($row['height'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['dimensions']['height'] = $row['height'];
             //This is for setting the weight
             if ($this->isGood($row['weight']) && is_numeric($row['weight'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = $row['weight'];
             } elseif ($this->isGood($row['weight']) && ($weight = $this->strstr($row['weight'], 'kilogram', true))) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['display_weight_as'] = 'kilogram';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight_unit'] = 'kilogram';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = $weight;
             } elseif ($this->isGood($row['weight']) && ($weight = $this->strstr($row['weight'], 'gram', true))) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['display_weight_as'] = 'gram';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight_unit'] = 'gram';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = $weight;
             } elseif ($this->isGood($row['weight']) && ($weight = $this->strstr($row['weight'], 'once', true))) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['display_weight_as'] = 'once';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight_unit'] = 'once';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = $weight;
             } elseif ($this->isGood($row['weight']) && ($weight = $this->strstr($row['weight'], 'pound', true))) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['display_weight_as'] = 'pound';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight_unit'] = 'pond';
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = $weight;
             } else {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_product_metadata']['weight'] = 1;
             if ($this->isGood($row['quantity']) && is_numeric($row['quantity'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_stock'] = $row['quantity'];
                 $row['meta']['quantity_limited'] = 1;
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_limited_stock'] = 1;
                 $row['quantity_limited'] = 1;
                 $row['_wpsc_limited_stock'] = 1;
             } else {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_stock'] = '';
             //Include a product sku
             if ($this->isGood($row['sku'])) {
                 $row['meta']['_wpsc_sku'] = $row['sku'];
             //Setup The custom meta info
             foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                 if (is_string($k) && $this->isGood($v) && preg_match('/^meta_/', $k) > 0) {
                     $row['new_custom_meta']['name'][] = substr($k, 5);
                     $row['new_custom_meta']['value'][] = $v;
             if ($this->isGood($row['active']) && $row['active'] == 1) {
                 $row['post_status'] = 'publish';
             if ($this->isGood($product)) {
                 $product_id = $product[0]->ID;
                 //looks like either an update or variant adjustment
                 $row['product_id'] = $product[0]->ID;
                 $row['ID'] = $product[0]->ID;
                 //if the product is no longer active, unpublish it.
                 if ($this->isGood($row['active']) && $row['active'] == 0) {
                     $row['post_status'] = 'draft';
                 if ($this->isGood($row['image'])) {
                     $images = explode(' | ', $row['image']);
                     foreach ($images as $image) {
                         $image_id = $this->image_handle_upload($image, $row['product_id']);
                 if (isset($_SESSION['status_msg'])) {
                     $_SESSION['status_msg'] .= __("Updating Product:", 'ecommerce_feeder') . $row['name'] . '. ';
                 } else {
                     $_SESSION['status_msg'] = __("Updating Product:", 'ecommerce_feeder') . $row['name'] . '. ';
                 $result = $this->updateVariant($row['product_id'], $row);
             } else {
                 //Add inital product
                 $row['new_custom_meta']['name'][] = 'style';
                 $row['new_custom_meta']['value'][] = $row['style'];
                 if (!isset($row['description']) || empty($row['description'])) {
                     $row['description'] = ' ';
                 $product_id = wpsc_insert_product($row);
                 if ($this->isGood($row['image'])) {
                     $images = explode(' | ', $row['image']);
                     foreach ($images as $image) {
                         $image_id = $this->image_handle_upload($image, $product_id);
                 if (isset($_SESSION['status_msg'])) {
                     $_SESSION['status_msg'] .= __("Adding Product:", 'ecommerce_feeder') . $row['name'] . '. ';
                 } else {
                     $_SESSION['status_msg'] = __("Adding Product:", 'ecommerce_feeder') . $row['name'] . '. ';
                 $result = $this->updateVariant($product_id, $row);
             //Products tags
             if ($this->isGood($row['tags'])) {
                 //Makes the tags a santizied array product_tag
                 $row['tags'] = explode('|', preg_replace('/\\s+\\|\\s+/', '|', $row['tags']));
                 wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $row['tags'], 'product_tag');
             //This sets the category, if category doesn't exists it makes it.
             if ($this->isGood($row['category'])) {
                 $categories = explode('|', preg_replace('/\\s+\\|\\s+/', '|', $row['category']));
                 foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                     $categoryPath = explode('->', $cat);
                     if (count($categoryPath) > 1) {
                         $pid = $this->getVariant($categoryPath[0], 'wpsc_product_category');
                         for ($i = 1; count($categoryPath) > $i; $i++) {
                             $pid = $this->getVariant($categoryPath[$i], 'wpsc_product_category', $pid);
                         $row['category'] = (int) $pid;
                     } else {
                         $row['category'] = (int) $this->getVariant($categoryPath[0], 'wpsc_product_category');
                     $this->logger->info("Adding {$row['category']} to productid {$product_id}");
                     wp_set_object_terms($product_id, $row['category'], 'wpsc_product_category', true);
             //Update the Meta
             foreach ($row['meta'] as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
                 if ($meta_key == '_wpsc_sku') {
                     $this->logger->debug("Trying to add a sku to {$product_id} of {$meta_value}");
                 if ($meta_key == "_wpsc_product_metadata") {
                     update_post_meta($product_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
                 } else {
                     update_post_meta($product_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);