function wpgmaps_menu_layout() { $handle = 'avia-google-maps-api'; $list = 'enqueued'; if (wp_script_is($handle, $list)) { wp_deregister_script('avia-google-maps-api'); } //check to see if we have write permissions to the plugin folder if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { wpgmza_map_page(); } else { echo "<br /><div style='float:right; display:block; width:250px; height:65px; padding:6px; text-align:center; background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #E6DB55; margin-right:17px;'><strong>" . __("Experiencing problems with the plugin?", "wp-google-maps") . "</strong><br /><a href='' title='WP Google Maps Troubleshooting Section' target='_BLANK'>" . __("See the troubleshooting manual.", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> <br />" . __("Or ask a question on our ", "wp-google-maps") . " <a href='' title='WP Google Maps Support Forum' target='_BLANK'>" . __("Support forum.", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></div>"; if ($_GET['action'] == "trash" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { if ($_GET['s'] == "1") { if (wpgmaps_trash_map($_GET['map_id'])) { //wp_redirect( admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu') ); echo "<script>window.location = \"" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu\"</script>"; } else { _e("There was a problem deleting the map."); } } else { $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($_GET['map_id']); echo "<h2>" . __("Delete your map", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2><p>" . __("Are you sure you want to delete the map", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\"" . $res->map_title . "?\"</strong> <br /><a href='?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=trash&map_id=" . $_GET['map_id'] . "&s=1'>" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> | <a href='?page=wp-google-maps-menu'>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></p>"; } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "edit_marker" && isset($_GET['id'])) { wpgmza_edit_marker(sanitize_text_field($_GET['id'])); } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "add_poly" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { if (function_exists("wpgmza_b_real_pro_add_poly")) { wpgmza_b_real_pro_add_poly(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } else { wpgmza_b_pro_add_poly(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "edit_poly" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { if (function_exists("wpgmza_b_real_pro_edit_poly")) { wpgmza_b_real_pro_edit_poly(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } else { wpgmza_b_pro_edit_poly(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "add_polyline" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { wpgmza_b_pro_add_polyline(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "edit_polyline" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { wpgmza_b_pro_edit_polyline(sanitize_text_field($_GET['map_id'])); } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'welcome_page') { $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/base/classes/WPGM_templates.php'; include $file; $wpgmc = new WPGMAPS_templates(); $wpgmc->welcome_page(); } else { if (function_exists('wpgmza_register_pro_version')) { $prov = get_option("WPGMZA_PRO"); $wpgmza_pro_version = $prov['version']; if (floatval($wpgmza_pro_version) < 5.41) { wpgmaps_upgrade_notice(); wpgmza_pro_menu(); } else { wpgmza_pro_menu(); } } else { wpgmza_basic_menu(); } } } } } } } } } }
function wpgmaps_menu_layout() { //check to see if we have write permissions to the plugin folder // // wpgmaps_debugger("menu_start"); if (!$_GET['action']) { wpgmza_map_page(); } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "trash" && isset($_GET['map_id'])) { if ($_GET['s'] == "1") { if (wpgmaps_trash_map($_GET['map_id'])) { //wp_redirect( admin_url('admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu') ); echo "<script>window.location = \"" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-google-maps-menu\"</script>"; } else { _e("There was a problem deleting the map."); } } else { $res = wpgmza_get_map_data($_GET['map_id']); echo "<h2>" . __("Delete your map", "wp-google-maps") . "</h2><p>" . __("Are you sure you want to delete the map", "wp-google-maps") . " <strong>\"" . $res->map_title . "?\"</strong> <br /><a href='?page=wp-google-maps-menu&action=trash&map_id=" . $_GET['map_id'] . "&s=1'>" . __("Yes", "wp-google-maps") . "</a> | <a href='?page=wp-google-maps-menu'>" . __("No", "wp-google-maps") . "</a></p>"; } } else { if ($_GET['action'] == "edit_marker" && isset($_GET['id'])) { wpgmza_edit_marker($_GET['id']); } else { if (function_exists(wpgmza_register_pro_version)) { $prov = get_option("WPGMZA_PRO"); $wpgmza_pro_version = $prov['version']; if (floatval($wpgmza_pro_version) < 4.01 || $wpgmza_pro_version == null) { wpgmaps_upgrade_notice(); wpgmza_pro_menu(); } else { wpgmza_pro_menu(); } } else { wpgmza_basic_menu(); } } } } wpgmaps_debugger("menu_end"); }