function processRestoringBackup($url, $zipmode) { wpa_cleanup(true); if (!is_string($url) || '' == $url) { wpa_backup_error('restore', sprintf(__('The provided URL "<code>%s</code>" is either not valid or empty'), $url), true); } global $wp_filesystem; $temp_dir = trailingslashit(WPCLONE_WP_CONTENT) . 'wpclone-temp'; $temp_dir_err = $wp_filesystem->mkdir($temp_dir); if (is_wp_error($temp_dir_err)) { wpa_backup_error('dirrest', $temp_dir_err->get_error_message(), true); } $pathParts = pathinfo($url); $zipFilename = wpa_fetch_file($url); $result = wpa_unzip($zipFilename, $temp_dir, $zipmode); if ($result) { $unzippedFolderPath = wpCloneSafePathMode(trailingslashit($temp_dir) . 'wpclone_backup'); if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($unzippedFolderPath)) { $unzippedFolderPath = wpCloneSafePathMode(trailingslashit($temp_dir) . $pathParts['filename']); } /* if we're here then the file extraction worked,but let's make doubly sure */ if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($unzippedFolderPath)) { wpa_backup_error('restore', sprintf(__('Cannot find <code>%s<code>'), $unzippedFolderPath), true); } /* check the table prefixes */ $old_db_prefix = $unzippedFolderPath . '/prefix.txt'; $prefix = wpa_check_prefix($old_db_prefix); if ($prefix) { wpa_replace_prefix($prefix); } $wp_filesystem->delete($old_db_prefix); /* import db */ $databaseFile = $unzippedFolderPath . '/database.sql'; $currentSiteUrl = processConfigAndDatabaseFile($databaseFile); /* */ $wp_filesystem->delete($databaseFile); wpa_copy($unzippedFolderPath . '/wp-content', WPCLONE_WP_CONTENT); $wp_filesystem->delete($temp_dir, true); /* remove the zip file only if it was downloaded from an external location. */ $wptmp = explode('.', $zipFilename); if (in_array('tmp', $wptmp)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($zipFilename); } echo "<div><h1>Restore Successful!</h1>"; echo "Visit your restored site [ <a href='{$currentSiteUrl['url']}' target=blank>here</a> ]<br><br>"; echo "<strong>You may need to re-save your permalink structure <a href='{$currentSiteUrl['url']}/wp-admin/options-permalink.php' target=blank>Here</a></strong>"; $report = $currentSiteUrl['report']; /* copy pasta (more or less) from serialized search and replace script by interconnectit */ $time = array_sum(explode(' ', $report['end'])) - array_sum(explode(' ', $report['start'])); printf('<div class="info"><p>Search and replace scanned <strong>%d</strong> tables with a total of <strong>%d</strong> rows, ', $report['tables'], $report['rows']); printf('<strong>%d</strong> cells were changed and <strong>%d</strong> db updates were performed. it took <strong>%f</strong> seconds.</p></div>', $report['change'], $report['updates'], $time); if (!empty($report['errors']) && is_array($report['errors'])) { echo '<div class="error">'; echo '<h3>The following errors were encountered during the search and replace process.</h3>'; foreach ($report['errors'] as $error) { echo '<p>' . $error . '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } else { echo "<h1>Restore unsuccessful!!!</h1>"; echo "Please try again."; } }
$all_tables[] = $table[0]; } } $report = icit_srdb_replacer($connection, $search, $replace, $all_tables); return $report; } function processRestoringBackup($url, $zipmode) { wpa_cleanup(true); if (!is_string($url) || '' == $url) { wpa_backup_error('restore', sprintf(__('The provided URL "<code>%s</code>" is either not valid or empty'), $url), true); } global $wp_filesystem; $temp_dir = trailingslashit(WPCLONE_WP_CONTENT) . 'wpclone-temp'; $temp_dir_err = $wp_filesystem->mkdir($temp_dir); if (is_wp_error($temp_dir_err)) { wpa_backup_error('dirrest', $temp_dir_err->get_error_message(), true); } $pathParts = pathinfo($url); $zipFilename = wpa_fetch_file($url); $result = wpa_unzip($zipFilename, $temp_dir, $zipmode); if ($result) { $unzippedFolderPath = wpCloneSafePathMode(trailingslashit($temp_dir) . 'wpclone_backup'); if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($unzippedFolderPath)) { $unzippedFolderPath = wpCloneSafePathMode(trailingslashit($temp_dir) . $pathParts['filename']); } /* if we're here then the file extraction worked,but let's make doubly sure */ if (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($unzippedFolderPath)) { wpa_backup_error('restore', sprintf(__('Cannot find <code>%s<code>'), $unzippedFolderPath), true); } /* check the table prefixes */ $old_db_prefix = $unzippedFolderPath . '/prefix.txt'; $prefix = wpa_check_prefix($old_db_prefix); if ($prefix) { wpa_replace_prefix($prefix); } $wp_filesystem->delete($old_db_prefix); /* import db */ $databaseFile = $unzippedFolderPath . '/database.sql'; $currentSiteUrl = processConfigAndDatabaseFile($databaseFile); /* */ $wp_filesystem->delete($databaseFile); wpa_copy($unzippedFolderPath . '/wp-content', WPCLONE_WP_CONTENT); $wp_filesystem->delete($temp_dir, true); /* remove the zip file only if it was downloaded from an external location. */ $wptmp = explode('.', $zipFilename); if (in_array('tmp', $wptmp)) { $wp_filesystem->delete($zipFilename); } echo "<h1>Restore Successful!</h1>"; echo "Visit your restored site [ <a href='{$currentSiteUrl}' target=blank>here</a> ]<br><br>";
function processRestoringBackup($url, $zipmode) { wpa_cleanup(true); if (!is_string($url) || '' == $url) { wpa_backup_error('restore', sprintf(__('The provided URL "<code>%s</code>" is either not valid or empty'), $url), true); } global $wp_filesystem; $GLOBALS['wpclone']['logfile'] = 'wpclone_restore_' . current_time('dS_M_Y_h-iA', false) . '_' . wp_generate_password(10, false) . '.log'; wpa_wpc_log_start('restore'); if ($zipmode) { define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', WPCLONE_DIR_BACKUP); } $temp_dir = wpa_wpc_temp_dir(); $site_url = site_url(); $permalink_url = admin_url('options-permalink.php'); $zipfile = wpa_fetch_file($url); $report = wpa_wpc_process_db($zipfile, $zipmode); $unzipped_folder = wpCloneSafePathMode(trailingslashit($temp_dir) . 'wpclone_backup'); wpa_unzip($zipfile, $temp_dir, $zipmode); wpa_wpc_log('copying files..'); wpa_copy($unzipped_folder . '/wp-content', WPCLONE_WP_CONTENT); wpa_wpc_log('deleting temp directory..'); $wp_filesystem->delete($temp_dir, true); /* remove the zip file only if it was downloaded from an external location. */ $wptmp = explode('.', $zipfile); if (in_array('tmp', $wptmp)) { wpa_wpc_log('deleting downloaded zip file..'); $wp_filesystem->delete($zipfile); } wpa_wpc_log('restore finished'); echo '<div class="width-60"><h1>Restore Successful!</h1>'; printf('Visit your restored site [ <a href="%s" target=blank>here</a> ]<br><br>', $site_url); printf('<strong>You may need to re-save your permalink structure <a href="%s" target=blank>Here</a></strong>', $permalink_url); printf('</br><a href="%s">log</a>', convertPathIntoUrl(WPCLONE_DIR_BACKUP . $GLOBALS['wpclone']['logfile'])); unset($GLOBALS['wpclone']); echo wpa_wpc_search_n_replace_report($report); }