public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-categories-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_all' => __('— All Categories —', 'scoutwp-theme'), 'selected' => $this->value()));
     // Add in the link
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     echo "<label class='customize-control-select'><span class='customize-control-title'>{$this->label}</span><span class='description customize-control-description'>{$this->description}</span> {$dropdown}</label>";
    function extra_tablenav($which)
        global $post_type_object, $cat;
        $term_id = 0;
		<div class="alignleft actions"> <?php 
        if ('top' == $which && !is_singular()) {
            if (is_object_in_taxonomy(self::$post_type, SI_Record::TAXONOMY)) {
                $term_id = isset($_GET[SI_Record::TAXONOMY]) ? $_GET[SI_Record::TAXONOMY] : 0;
                $dropdown_options = array('taxonomy' => SI_Record::TAXONOMY, 'show_option_all' => __('View all types'), 'hide_empty' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'show_count' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $term_id, 'name' => SI_Record::TAXONOMY);
            submit_button(__('Filter'), 'secondary', false, false, array('id' => 'post-query-submit'));
            // Purge
            if (count($this->items) > 0) {
                if (isset($_GET[SI_Record::TAXONOMY]) && $_GET[SI_Record::TAXONOMY]) {
                    $term = get_term($_GET[SI_Record::TAXONOMY], SI_Record::TAXONOMY);
                    $button_label = __('Purge') . ' ' . $term->name . ' ' . __('Type');
                $button_label = isset($button_label) ? $button_label : __('Purge All Types');
                printf('<button type="submit" name="purge_records" class="button" value="%s">%s</button>', $term_id, $button_label);
                printf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />', SI_Internal_Records::RECORD_PURGE_NONCE, wp_create_nonce(SI_Internal_Records::RECORD_PURGE_NONCE));

		</div> <?php 
Beispiel #3
function jbst_taxonomy_select($field, $meta)
    wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_none' => 'Default', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'taxonomy' => $field['taxonomy'], 'orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => $field['id'], 'selected' => $meta));
    if (!empty($field['desc'])) {
        echo '<p class="cmb_metabox_description">' . $field['desc'] . '</p>';
Beispiel #4
     * Outputs the HTML for this widget.
     * @param array $args     An array of standard parameters for widgets in this theme
     * @param array $instance An array of settings for this widget instance
     * @return void Echoes it's output
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $this->defaults);
        if ($title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base)) {
            echo $before_title . esc_html($title) . $after_title;
        echo $before_widget;

		<form method="get" action="<?php 
        echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
" class="<?php 
        echo $instance['instance'] ? 'instance-search' : '';
			<div class="product-cat">
        wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => 'product_cat', 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'class' => 'cs-select cs-skin-elastic', 'orderby' => 'NAME', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'show_option_all' => __('All Categories', 'bigboom'), 'walker' => new TA_Cat_Slug_Walker()));
			<input type="text" name="s" class="search-field" placeholder="Search the entire shop.....">
			<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="product">
			<input type="submit" value="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Search', 'bigboom');
" class="search-submit">

        echo $after_widget;
Beispiel #5
    public function html($meta, $repeatable = null)
        is_array($meta) and $meta = null;
        $name = is_null($repeatable) ? $this->_name : $this->_name . '[' . $repeatable . ']';
        $id = is_null($repeatable) ? $this->_id : $this->_id . '_' . $repeatable;
        $classes = array();
        if (!empty($this->_params['context']) and $this->_params['context'] != 'side') {
            $classes[] = 'form-field';
        $classes = implode(' ', $classes);
        empty($classes) or $classes = ' class="' . $classes . '"';
        $args = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'selected' => $meta, 'echo' => 0, 'class' => $classes);
        empty($this->_params['args']) or $args = array_merge($args, $this->_params['args']);
        echo '<tr' . $classes . '>';
        echo '
			<th scope="row">
				<label for="' . $id . '">' . $this->_label . '</label>

                ' . wp_dropdown_categories($args) . '
				<p class="description">' . $this->_description . '</p>
        echo '</tr>';
	function formCreate($instance,$headline_instance, $cat_instance, $dropdown_instance,$num_post_instance){
			//Generates widget options form which you see in the widgets section in the admin
		$headline = esc_attr($instance[$headline_instance]);
		$include_cats = esc_attr($instance[$cat_instance]);
		$num_post_selected = esc_attr($instance[$num_post_instance]);
            <p><label for="<? echo $this->get_field_id($headline_instance); ?>">Headline:
                <input class="widefat"
                    id="<? echo $this->get_field_id($headline_instance); ?>"
                    name="<? echo $this->get_field_name($headline_instance); ?>"
                    value="<? echo attribute_escape($headline); ?>" />
				Categories Dropdown / How Many Posts<br />
				<? wp_dropdown_categories('orderby=name&hide_empty=0&show_option_none=Select Categories to include&id='.$dropdown_instance.'&name='.$dropdown_instance.'&taxonomy=category'); echo "&nbsp"; echo $this->dw_createNumSelect($this->get_field_id($num_post_instance),$this->get_field_name($num_post_instance),10,$num_post_selected);?> <br /><br />
                <label for="<? echo $this->get_field_id($cat_instance); ?>">Included Categories:
                	<textarea class="widefat"
                    	id="<? echo $this->get_field_id($cat_instance); ?>"
                        name="<? echo $this->get_field_name($cat_instance); ?>"
                        cols="1" style="text-align:left;"><? echo attribute_escape($include_cats); ?></textarea>
    public function show_ajax_form()
        if (isset($_REQUEST['productid'])) {
            $dropdownargs = array('show_option_all' => false, 'show_option_none' => false, 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => 1, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'child_of' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => 0, 'selected' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 1, 'name' => 'wcordersortupdateshelf', 'id' => '', 'class' => 'postform', 'depth' => 0, 'tab_index' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'product_shelf', 'hide_if_empty' => false, 'option_none_value' => -1, 'value_field' => 'term_id');
            $echo = '';
            $product_name = '<a href="' . get_post_permalink($_REQUEST['productid']) . '" >' . get_the_title($_REQUEST['productid']) . '</a>';
            $echo .= '<form method="post"> <table class="flat-table" cellspacing="3" >';
            $echo .= '<tr>';
            $echo .= '<th>Product Name : </th>';
            $echo .= '<td>' . $product_name . '</td>';
            $echo .= '</tr>';
            $echo .= '<tr>';
            $echo .= '<th>Shelf : </th>';
            $echo .= '<td>' . wp_dropdown_categories($dropdownargs) . '</td>';
            $echo .= '</tr>';
            $echo .= '<tr>';
            $echo .= '<td><input type="hidden" name="action" value="wcordersortforechangeshelf" /> </td>';
            $echo .= '<td><input type="submit" class="myButton "value="Update Shelf"/> </td>';
            $echo .= '</tr>';
            $echo .= '</table> </form>';
            $echo .= '<style>';
            $echo .= 'table { width: 100%; } 
					  th { background: #eee; color: black; font-weight: bold; }
					  td, th { padding: 6px; border: 1px solid #ccc; text-align: left; }';
            $echo .= ".myButton {\tbackground:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #77b55a), color-stop(1, #72b352)); background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #77b55a 5%, #72b352 100%); \tbackground:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #77b55a 5%, #72b352 100%); \tbackground:-o-linear-gradient(top, #77b55a 5%, #72b352 100%); background:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #77b55a 5%, #72b352 100%); background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #77b55a 5%, #72b352 100%); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#77b55a', endColorstr='#72b352',GradientType=0); background-color:#77b55a; -moz-border-radius:4px; \t-webkit-border-radius:4px; \tborder-radius:4px; \tborder:1px solid #4b8f29; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; color:#ffffff;  font-family:Arial; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold;  padding:6px 12px;\ttext-decoration:none;\ttext-shadow:0px 1px 0px #5b8a3c;} .myButton:hover { background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0.05, #72b352), color-stop(1, #77b55a)); \tbackground:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #72b352 5%, #77b55a 100%); \tbackground:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #72b352 5%, #77b55a 100%); \tbackground:-o-linear-gradient(top, #72b352 5%, #77b55a 100%); \tbackground:-ms-linear-gradient(top, #72b352 5%, #77b55a 100%); \tbackground:linear-gradient(to bottom, #72b352 5%, #77b55a 100%); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#72b352', endColorstr='#77b55a',GradientType=0); \tbackground-color:#72b352; } .myButton:active { \tposition:relative; \ttop:1px; }";
            $echo .= '</style>';
            echo $echo;
 public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_all' => __('All', 'matheson'), 'selected' => $this->value(), 'class' => 'customize-dropdown-cats'));
     // hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);
  * Add the field to the filters
 public function job_manager_job_filters_search_jobs_end($atts)
     if ((!isset($atts['selected_region']) || '' == $atts['selected_region']) && isset($_GET['search_region'])) {
         $atts['selected_region'] = absint($_GET['search_region']);
     wp_dropdown_categories(apply_filters('job_manager_regions_dropdown_args', array('show_option_all' => __('All Regions', 'wp-job-manager-locations'), 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => 'job_listing_region', 'name' => 'search_region', 'class' => 'search_region', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'selected' => isset($atts['selected_region']) ? $atts['selected_region'] : '')));
Beispiel #10
 function build_taxo_dd_filter()
     $tax_name = $this->name;
     $tax_obj = get_taxonomy($tax_name);
     $selected = empty($_GET[$tax_name]) ? '' : $_GET[$tax_name];
     wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => __('Show All ' . $tax_obj->label . '&nbsp;'), 'taxonomy' => $tax_name, 'name' => $tax_obj->name, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $selected, 'hierarchical' => $tax_obj->hierarchical, 'show_count' => false, 'hide_empty' => false));
Beispiel #11
  * Render the control's content.
  * @since 3.4.0
 public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => '_customize-dropdown-categories-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value()));
     // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);
Beispiel #12
function sbc_shortcode($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array(' ' => null), $atts));
    $args = array('show_option_none' => 'Select category', 'show_count' => 1, 'orderby' => 'name', 'echo' => 1, 'child_of' => tb_get_option('main_course_select'), 'class' => 'form-control subject');
		<section class="course-finder">
				<h6 class="section-heading text-highlight"><span class="line">Course Finder</span></h1>
				<div class="section-content">
					<form class="course-finder-form" action="<?php 
    echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
" method="get">
						<div class="row">
							<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-5 subject">
							<div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7 keywords">
								<input type="text" class="form-control pull-left" name="s" id="s"  placeholder="Search keywords" />
								<button type="submit" class="btn btn-theme">
									<i class="fa fa-search"></i>
						<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="courses" />
					<a class="read-more" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(get_permalink(get_page_by_title('Courses')));
">View all our courses<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>
 public static function restrict_contacts_by_status()
     global $typenow;
     if (Sprout_Client::POST_TYPE === $typenow) {
         $selected = 0;
         $taxonomy = Sprout_Client::TYPE_TAXONOMY;
         if (isset($_GET[$taxonomy]) && $_GET[$taxonomy]) {
             $term = get_term_by('slug', $_GET[$taxonomy], $taxonomy);
             $selected = $term->term_id;
         $status_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
         wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => sprintf(self::__('All %s'), $status_taxonomy->label), 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'name' => $taxonomy, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $selected, 'show_count' => true, 'value_field' => 'slug'));
         $type_selected = 0;
         $taxonomy = Sprout_Client::STATUS_TAXONOMY;
         if (isset($_GET[$taxonomy]) && $_GET[$taxonomy]) {
             $term = get_term_by('slug', $_GET[$taxonomy], $taxonomy);
             $type_selected = $term->term_id;
         $status_taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
         wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => sprintf(self::__('All %s'), $status_taxonomy->label), 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'name' => $taxonomy, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $type_selected, 'show_count' => true, 'value_field' => 'slug'));
         if ($selected || $type_selected) {
             $url = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => Sprout_Client::POST_TYPE), admin_url('edit.php'));
             printf('<a href="%s" id="filter_reset_link" class="del_button">X</a>', $url);
 public function render_content()
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => $this->name, 'echo' => 0, 'hide_empty' => false, 'show_option_none' => false, 'hide_if_empty' => false, 'selected' => $this->value()));
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select multiple = "multiple" style = "height:95px;" ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);
     echo '<p class="description">' . __('Hold down the Ctrl (windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple options.', 'catch-base') . '</p>';
     * Render the control to be displayed in the Customizer.
    public function render_content()
        $default_args = array('show_option_none' => ' ', 'option_none_value' => '0', 'taxonomy' => 'category');
        $args = wp_parse_args($this->args, $default_args);
        $args['name'] = '_customize-dropdown-taxonomies-' . $this->id;
        $args['selected'] = $this->value();
        $args['echo'] = false;

        if (!empty($this->label)) {
        <span class="customize-control-title"><?php 
            echo esc_html($this->label);
        if (!empty($this->description)) {
        <span class="description customize-control-description"><?php 
            echo $this->description;
        echo str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), wp_dropdown_categories($args));

    function restrict_manage_posts()
        global $wp_query;
        if ($wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT || $wp_query->query_vars['post_type'] == 'event-recurring') {
			<select name="scope">
            $scope = !empty($wp_query->query_vars['scope']) ? $wp_query->query_vars['scope'] : 'future';
            foreach (em_get_scopes() as $key => $value) {
                $selected = "";
                if ($key == $scope) {
                    $selected = "selected='selected'";
                echo "<option value='{$key}' {$selected}>{$value}</option>  ";
            if (get_option('dbem_categories_enabled')) {
                $selected = !empty($_GET['event-categories']) ? $_GET['event-categories'] : 0;
                wp_dropdown_categories(array('hide_empty' => 1, 'name' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'hierarchical' => true, 'orderby' => 'name', 'id' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $selected, 'show_option_all' => __('View all categories')));
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['author'])) {
            	<input type="hidden" name="author" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($_REQUEST['author']);
" />
Beispiel #17
function related_categories($category)
    $category = $_REQUEST['tag_ID'];
<style type="text/css">
	ul.categorychecklist li {float: left; width: 33% !important;}
	input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] {width: auto !important;}

<tr class="form-field">
	<th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="related_categories">Related Categories</label></th>
		<ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">
    $related_categories = get_option("related_categories_" . $category);
    $checked = '';
    $related_categories_arr = array();
    if (!$related_categories) {
        $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    } else {
        $related_categories_arr = explode(",", $related_categories);
        if (in_array("0", $related_categories_arr) || $related_categories == "") {
            $checked = ' checked="checked"';
	<li class="popular-category"><label class="selectit"><input type="checkbox" name="post_category[]" value="0"<?php 
    echo $checked;
>All categories</label></li>	
    $related_categories_arr = explode(",", $related_categories);
    $args = array('show_option_all' => '', 'show_option_none' => '', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'child_of' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => 0, 'selected' => 0, 'hierarchical' => 0, 'name' => 'related_categories', 'id' => 'related_categories', 'class' => 'popular-category', 'depth' => 0, 'tab_index' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'hide_if_empty' => false);
    $select = wp_dropdown_categories($args);
    $select = preg_replace("#<[/]*select[^>]*>#", "", $select);
    $categories_options = explode("<option ", $select);
    $final_select = "";
    foreach ($categories_options as $categories_option) {
        if (strlen($categories_option) < 5) {
        $categories_option = str_replace(' class="level-0"', '', $categories_option);
        $categories_option = str_replace('</option>', '</label></li>', $categories_option);
        preg_match('#value="(\\d+)"#', $categories_option, $matches);
        $cat_id = $matches[1];
        if (in_array($cat_id, $related_categories_arr)) {
            $categories_option = 'checked="checked" ' . $categories_option;
        $final_select .= '<li class="popular-category"><label class="selectit"><input type="checkbox" name="post_category[]" ' . $categories_option;
    echo $final_select;
    function form($instance)
        $title = isset($instance['title']) ? esc_attr($instance['title']) : '';
        $category = isset($instance['category']) ? esc_attr($instance['category']) : '';
				<label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
				<input type="text" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" maxlength="26" value="<?php 
        echo $title;
" class="widefat" />
				<label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('category');
        wp_dropdown_categories('class=widefat&show_count=1&hierarchical=1&name=' . $this->get_field_name('category') . '&selected=' . $instance['category']);
  * Function to  render the content on the theme customizer page
  * @access public
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param null
  * @return void
 public function render_content()
     $supermag_customizer_name = 'supermag_customizer_dropdown_categories_' . $this->id;
     $supermag_dropdown_categories = wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => $supermag_customizer_name, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('Select', 'supermag'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value()));
     $supermag_dropdown_final = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $supermag_dropdown_categories);
     printf('<label><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $supermag_dropdown_final);
    function widget($args, $instance)
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $category_id = empty($instance['category_id']) ? 1 : $instance['category_id'];
        $use_cat_title = empty($instance['use_cat_title']) ? 0 : $instance['use_cat_title'];
        $hide_empty_cats = empty($instance['hide_empty_cats']) ? 0 : $instance['hide_empty_cats'];
        $show_post_count = empty($instance['show_post_count']) ? 0 : $instance['show_post_count'];
        $title_link = empty($instance['title_link']) ? 0 : $instance['title_link'];
        $excluded = empty($instance['excluded']) ? '' : $instance['excluded'];
        $sub_subs = empty($instance['sub_subs']) ? 0 : $instance['sub_subs'];
        $dropdown = empty($instance['dropdown']) ? 0 : $instance['dropdown'];
        $post_is_parent = empty($instance['post_is_parent']) ? 0 : $instance['post_is_parent'];
        $dropdown_text = empty($instance['dropdown_text']) ? __('Select Sub-category', 'sub-categories-widget') : $instance['dropdown_text'];
        $list_order = empty($instance['list_order']) ? 0 : $instance['list_order'];
        if ($post_is_parent) {
            $category = get_the_category();
            $category_id = $category ? $category[0]->cat_ID : 1;
        if ($use_cat_title) {
            $title = apply_filters('widget_title', get_cat_name($category_id), $instance, $this->id_base);
        } else {
            $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? __('Sub Categories', 'sub-categories-widget') : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        $parent = $sub_subs == 1 ? 'child_of' : 'parent';
        $order = $list_order == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
        $no_sub_text = '<p>' . __('No sub-categories', 'sub-categories-widget') . '</p>';
        $subs = wp_list_categories(array($parent => $category_id, 'hide_empty' => $hide_empty_cats, 'show_count' => $show_post_count, 'exclude' => $excluded, 'title_li' => null, 'show_option_none' => '', 'echo' => 0, 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => $order));
        if ($post_is_parent == 0 || $post_is_parent == 1 && !empty($subs)) {
            echo $before_widget;
            if ($title_link) {
                echo $before_title . '<a href="' . get_category_link($category_id) . '">' . $title . '</a>' . $after_title;
            } else {
                echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
            if ($dropdown == 0) {
                if (!empty($subs)) {
                    echo '<ul>' . $subs . '</ul>';
                } else {
                    echo $no_sub_text;
            } else {
                $subs = wp_dropdown_categories(array('id' => 'sub-cat-' . $this->number, 'show_option_none' => $dropdown_text, $parent => $category_id, 'hide_empty' => $hide_empty_cats, 'show_count' => $show_post_count, 'exclude' => $excluded, 'hide_if_empty' => true, 'echo' => false, 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => $order));
                if (!empty($subs)) {
                    echo $subs;
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">
						/* <![CDATA[ */
						var dropdown' . $this->number . ' = document.getElementById("sub-cat-' . $this->number . '");
						function onSubCatChange() {
						if (dropdown' . $this->number . '.options[dropdown' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value > 0) { location.href = "' . get_option('home') . '?cat="+dropdown' . $this->number . '.options[dropdown' . $this->number . '.selectedIndex].value; }
						dropdown' . $this->number . '.onchange = onSubCatChange;
						/* ]]> */
                } else {
                    echo $no_sub_text;
            echo $after_widget;
 function add_custom_field_to_comment_form()
     //Check case single
     if (!is_singular('cases')) {
     if (has_term('', 'results')) {
       <div class="toggle_case_result close_case">
           <input type="checkbox" id="openCase" name="case_reset_result_cp" value="openCase">
           <label for="openCase">Возобновить дело</label>
     } else {
         <div class="toggle_case_result open_case">
             <input type="checkbox" id="close_case_cp" name="close_case_comment_cp" value="1">
             <label for="close_case_cp">Закрыть дело</label>
             <div id="result_select_container"><span>Укажите результат:</span>
Beispiel #22
 public function get_markup()
     $walker = new WCMF_walker();
     foreach ($this->taxonomies as $tax) {
         wp_dropdown_categories(array('taxonomy' => $tax, 'hide_if_empty' => true, 'show_option_all' => sprintf(get_taxonomy($tax)->labels->all_items), 'hide_empty' => true, 'hierarchical' => is_taxonomy_hierarchical($tax), 'show_count' => true, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => '0' !== get_query_var($tax) ? get_query_var($tax) : false, 'name' => $tax, 'id' => $tax, 'walker' => $walker));
Beispiel #23
function imag_render_imag_select_category($field, $meta)
    wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_none' => __("All Blog Posts", 'virtue'), 'hierarchical' => 1, 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => $field['id'], 'selected' => $meta));
    if (!empty($field['desc'])) {
        echo '<p class="cmb_metabox_description">' . $field['desc'] . '</p>';
function restrict_user_form($user)
    if (!current_user_can('add_users')) {
        return false;
    $args = array('show_option_all' => '', 'show_option_none' => '== No restrict ==', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_count' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'child_of' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'echo' => 1, 'selected' => get_user_meta($user->ID, '_access', true), 'hierarchical' => 0, 'name' => 'allow', 'id' => '', 'class' => 'postform', 'depth' => 0, 'tab_index' => 0, 'taxonomy' => 'agencia', 'hide_if_empty' => false, 'walker' => '');

			<h3>Restrict the category in which this user can post to</h3>

			<table class="form-table">
					<th><label for="access">Select category:</label></th>

						<br />
						<span class="description">Use to restrict an author posting to just one category.</span>

function budget_extra_profile_fields($user)


	<table class="form-table">

			<th><label for="twitter">Default desk</label></th>

    wp_dropdown_categories(array('name' => 'default_desk', 'taxonomy' => 'desk', 'hide_empty' => false, 'selected' => ($default_desk = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'default_desk', true)) ? $default_desk : DEFAULT_DESK));
			<th><label for="twitter">Default view</label></th>

    $default_view = ($default_view = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'default_view', true)) ? $default_view : 'user_docs';
				<select name="default_view">
					<option value="user_docs" <?php 
    echo $default_view == 'user_docs' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
>My docs</option>
					<option value="default_desk" <?php 
    echo $default_view == 'default_desk' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
>Default desk</option>
					<option value="all" <?php 
    echo $default_view == 'all' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
>All docs</option>
			<th><label for="assignment_editor">Assignment Editor</label></th>

				<input type="checkbox" name="is_ae" <?php 
    if (get_user_meta($user->ID, 'is_ae', true)) {
> Assignment Editor

Beispiel #26
     * How to display the widget on the screen.
    function widget($args, $instance)
        /* Our variables from the widget settings. */
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '');
        $post_type = isset($instance['post_type']) ? $instance['post_type'] : 'post';
        $taxonomy = axiom_get_taxonomy_categories_by_post_type($post_type);
        $c = !empty($instance['count']) ? '1' : '0';
        $h = !empty($instance['hierarchical']) ? '1' : '0';
        $d = !empty($instance['dropdown']) ? '1' : '0';
        $root = isset($instance['root']) ? (int) $instance['root'] : 0;
        $cat_args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'show_count' => $c, 'hierarchical' => $h, 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy);
        if ($root > 0) {
            $cat_args['child_of'] = $root;
        /* Before widget (defined by themes). */
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
		<div class="widget_subcategories_inner">
        if ($d) {
            $cat_args['show_option_none'] = __('Select Category', 'axiom');
            wp_dropdown_categories(apply_filters('widget_categories_dropdown_args', $cat_args));
				<script type='text/javascript'>
				/* <![CDATA[ */
					jQuery('.widget_subcategories select').change(function() {
						var dropdown = jQuery(this).get(0);
						if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value > 0 ) {
							location.href = "<?php 
            echo home_url();
				/* ]]> */
        } else {
            $cat_args['title_li'] = '';
            wp_list_categories(apply_filters('widget_categories_args', $cat_args));
        /* After widget (defined by themes). */
        echo $after_widget;
function my_filter_list()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    global $wp_query;
    if ($screen->post_type == 'wsc_team') {
        wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => 'Show All Portfolios', 'taxonomy' => 'portfolio', 'name' => 'portfolio', 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => isset($wp_query->query['portfolio']) ? $wp_query->query['portfolio'] : '', 'hierarchical' => false, 'depth' => 3, 'show_count' => false, 'hide_empty' => true));
 * Create filter For custom Taxonomy
 * Function for display drop-down list with the results of content filtering
function my_filtering()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    global $wp_query;
    if ($screen->post_type == 'news') {
        wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => 'Show All Topics for News', 'taxonomy' => 'topic_for_news', 'name' => 'topic_for_news', 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => isset($wp_query->query['topic_for_news']) ? $wp_query->query['topic_for_news'] : '', 'hierarchical' => false, 'depth' => 3, 'show_count' => false, 'hide_empty' => true));
function marca_filtro()
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    global $wp_query;
    if ($screen->post_type == 'projeto') {
        wp_dropdown_categories(array('show_option_all' => 'Todas as categorias', 'taxonomy' => 'categoria_projecto', 'name' => 'Categoria', 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => isset($wp_query->query['categoria_projecto']) ? $wp_query->query['categoria_projecto'] : '', 'hierarchical' => true, 'depth' => 3, 'show_count' => false, 'hide_empty' => true));
Beispiel #30
 protected function render_content()
     empty($this->tax_name) and $this->tax_name = 'category';
     $dropdown = wp_dropdown_categories(array('tax_name' => $this->tax_name, 'name' => '_customize-dropdown-terms-' . $this->id, 'echo' => 0, 'show_option_none' => __('&mdash; Select &mdash;'), 'option_none_value' => '0', 'selected' => $this->value(), 'hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'hierarchical' => 1));
     // Hackily add in the data link parameter.
     $dropdown = str_replace('<select', '<select ' . $this->get_link(), $dropdown);
     printf('<label class="customize-control-select"><span class="customize-control-title">%s</span> %s</label>', $this->label, $dropdown);