Beispiel #1
 function test_wp_kses_bad_protocol()
     $bad = array('dummy:alert(1)', 'javascript:alert(1)', 'JaVaScRiPt:alert(1)', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript&#0000058alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:alert(1);', '&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x70&#x74&#x3A&#x61&#x6C&#x65&#x72&#x74&#x28&#x27&#x58&#x53&#x53&#x27&#x29', 'jav	ascript:alert(1);', 'jav	ascript:alert(1);', 'jav
ascript:alert(1);', 'jav
ascript:alert(1);', '   javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript&#0000058javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:javascript:alert(1);', 'javascript:javascript&#0000058alert(1);', 'javascript&#0000058alert(1)//?:', 'feed:javascript:alert(1)', 'feed:javascript:feed:javascript:feed:javascript:alert(1)');
     foreach ($bad as $k => $x) {
         $result = wp_kses_bad_protocol(wp_kses_normalize_entities($x), wp_allowed_protocols());
         if (!empty($result) && $result != 'alert(1);' && $result != 'alert(1)') {
             switch ($k) {
                 case 6:
                     $this->assertEquals('javascript&#0000058alert(1);', $result);
                 case 12:
                     $this->assertEquals(str_replace('&', '&', $x), $result);
                 case 22:
                     $this->assertEquals('javascript&#0000058alert(1);', $result);
                 case 23:
                     $this->assertEquals('javascript&#0000058alert(1)//?:', $result);
                 case 24:
                     $this->assertEquals('feed:alert(1)', $result);
                     $this->fail("wp_kses_bad_protocol failed on {$x}. Result: {$result}");
     $safe = array('dummy:alert(1)', 'HTTP://', '', '', '', '', '', ''blah'');
     foreach ($safe as $x) {
         $result = wp_kses_bad_protocol(wp_kses_normalize_entities($x), array('http', 'https', 'dummy'));
         if ($result != $x && $result != '') {
             $this->fail("wp_kses_bad_protocol incorrectly blocked {$x}");
Beispiel #2
 private static function get_allowed_protocols()
     if (isset(self::$allowed_protocols)) {
         return self::$allowed_protocols;
     $blacklisted_protocols = self::get_blacklisted_protocols();
     $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $allowed_protocols = array_diff_key($allowed_protocols, array_fill_keys($blacklisted_protocols, false));
     self::$allowed_protocols = $allowed_protocols;
     return $allowed_protocols;
Beispiel #3
 * Filters content and keeps only allowable HTML elements.
 * This function makes sure that only the allowed HTML element names, attribute
 * names and attribute values plus only sane HTML entities will occur in
 * $string. You have to remove any slashes from PHP's magic quotes before you
 * call this function.
 * The default allowed protocols are 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto', 'news',
 * 'irc', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'feed', 'telnet, 'mms', 'rtsp' and 'svn'. This
 * covers all common link protocols, except for 'javascript' which should not
 * be allowed for untrusted users.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $string Content to filter through kses
 * @param array $allowed_html List of allowed HTML elements
 * @param array $allowed_protocols Optional. Allowed protocol in links.
 * @return string Filtered content with only allowed HTML elements
function wp_kses($string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols = array())
    if (empty($allowed_protocols)) {
        $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
    $string = wp_kses_no_null($string);
    $string = wp_kses_js_entities($string);
    $string = wp_kses_normalize_entities($string);
    $allowed_html_fixed = wp_kses_array_lc($allowed_html);
    $string = wp_kses_hook($string, $allowed_html_fixed, $allowed_protocols);
    // WP changed the order of these funcs and added args to wp_kses_hook
    return wp_kses_split($string, $allowed_html_fixed, $allowed_protocols);
 function test_protocol()
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url(''));
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url('nasty://'));
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url('', array('https')));
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url('', array('https')));
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url('', array('http', 'https')));
     foreach (wp_allowed_protocols() as $scheme) {
         $this->assertEquals("{$scheme}://", esc_url("{$scheme}://"), $scheme);
         $this->assertEquals("{$scheme}://", esc_url("{$scheme}://", array($scheme)), $scheme);
     $this->assertTrue(!in_array('data', wp_allowed_protocols(), true));
     $this->assertEquals('', esc_url('data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ%3D%3D'));
     $this->assertTrue(!in_array('foo', wp_allowed_protocols(), true));
     $this->assertEquals('foo://', esc_url('foo://', array('foo')));
 function nextgen_esc_url($url, $protocols = null, $_context = 'display')
     $original_url = $url;
     if ('' == $url) {
         return $url;
     $url = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9 \\-~+_.?#=!&;,/:%@$\\|*\'()\\x80-\\xff]|i', '', $url);
     $strip = array('%0d', '%0a', '%0D', '%0A');
     $url = _deep_replace($strip, $url);
     $url = str_replace(';//', '://', $url);
     /* If the URL doesn't appear to contain a scheme, we
      * presume it needs http:// appended (unless a relative
      * link starting with /, # or ? or a php file).
     if (strpos($url, ':') === false && !in_array($url[0], array('/', '#', '?')) && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+?\\.php/i', $url)) {
         $url = 'http://' . $url;
     // Replace ampersands and single quotes only when displaying.
     if ('display' == $_context) {
         $url = wp_kses_normalize_entities($url);
         $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url);
         $url = str_replace("'", ''', $url);
         $url = str_replace('%', '%25', $url);
         $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
     if ('/' === $url[0]) {
         $good_protocol_url = $url;
     } else {
         if (!is_array($protocols)) {
             $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
         $good_protocol_url = wp_kses_bad_protocol($url, $protocols);
         if (strtolower($good_protocol_url) != strtolower($url)) {
             return '';
     return apply_filters('clean_url', $good_protocol_url, $original_url, $_context);
  * Save section data
  * @since 0.2.0
  * @param WP_User $user
 public function save($user = null)
     // User Login
     if (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
         // Set the login
         $user->user_login = sanitize_user($_POST['user_login'], true);
         // Invalid login
         if (!validate_username($user->user_login)) {
             $this->errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.'));
         // Login already exists
         if (username_exists($user->user_login)) {
             $this->errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.'));
         // Checking that username has been typed
         if (empty($user->user_login)) {
             $this->errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.'));
         // Return if errored
         if ($this->errors->get_error_code()) {
             return $this->errors;
     // First
     $user->first_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']) : '';
     // Last
     $user->last_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']) : '';
     // Nickname
     if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
         // Set the nick
         $user->nickname = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nickname']);
         // Nickname was empty
         if (empty($user->nickname)) {
             $this->errors->add('nickname', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a nickname.'));
             return $this->errors;
     // Display
     $user->display_name = isset($_POST['display_name']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['display_name']) : '';
     // Description
     $user->description = isset($_POST['description']) ? trim($_POST['description']) : '';
     // Website
     if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
         // Emptying URL
         if (empty($_POST['url']) || in_array($_POST['url'], wp_allowed_protocols(), true)) {
             $user->user_url = '';
             // Validate
         } else {
             $user->user_url = esc_url_raw($_POST['url']);
             $protocols = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', wp_allowed_protocols()));
             $user->user_url = preg_match('/^(' . $protocols . '):/is', $user->user_url) ? $user->user_url : 'http://' . $user->user_url;
     // Look for contact methods
     $methods = wp_get_user_contact_methods($user);
     // Contact methods
     foreach (array_keys($methods) as $method) {
         if (isset($_POST[$method])) {
             $user->{$method} = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$method]);
     // Allow third party plugins to save data in this section
Beispiel #7
  * Sanitize the field choices property.
  * @param array|null $choices The field choices property.
  * @return array|null
 public function sanitize_settings_choices($choices = null)
     if (is_null($choices)) {
         $choices =& $this->choices;
     if (!is_array($choices)) {
         return $choices;
     foreach ($choices as &$choice) {
         if (isset($choice['isSelected'])) {
             $choice['isSelected'] = (bool) $choice['isSelected'];
         if (isset($choice['price']) && !empty($choice['price'])) {
             $price_number = GFCommon::to_number($choice['price']);
             $choice['price'] = GFCommon::to_money($price_number);
         if (isset($choice['text'])) {
             $choice['text'] = $this->maybe_wp_kses($choice['text']);
         if (isset($choice['value'])) {
             // Strip scripts but don't encode
             $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
             $choice['value'] = wp_kses_no_null($choice['value'], array('slash_zero' => 'keep'));
             $choice['value'] = wp_kses_hook($choice['value'], 'post', $allowed_protocols);
             $choice['value'] = wp_kses_split($choice['value'], 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     return $choices;
 function test_allowed_protocols()
     $allowed = array('skype', 'tel', 'mailto');
     foreach ($allowed as $protocol) {
         $this->assertContains($protocol, wp_allowed_protocols(), "{$protocol} should be also allowed protocol");
Beispiel #9
 * Filters one attribute only and ensures its value is allowed.
 * This function has the advantage of being more secure than esc_attr() and can
 * escape data in some situations where wp_kses() must strip the whole attribute.
 * @since 4.2.3
 * @param string $string The 'whole' attribute, including name and value.
 * @param string $element The element name to which the attribute belongs.
 * @return string Filtered attribute.
function wp_kses_one_attr($string, $element)
    $uris = array('xmlns', 'profile', 'href', 'src', 'cite', 'classid', 'codebase', 'data', 'usemap', 'longdesc', 'action');
    $allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
    $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
    $string = wp_kses_no_null($string, array('slash_zero' => 'keep'));
    $string = wp_kses_js_entities($string);
    // Preserve leading and trailing whitespace.
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/^\\s*/', $string, $matches);
    $lead = $matches[0];
    preg_match('/\\s*$/', $string, $matches);
    $trail = $matches[0];
    if (empty($trail)) {
        $string = substr($string, strlen($lead));
    } else {
        $string = substr($string, strlen($lead), -strlen($trail));
    // Parse attribute name and value from input.
    $split = preg_split('/\\s*=\\s*/', $string, 2);
    $name = $split[0];
    if (count($split) == 2) {
        $value = $split[1];
        // Remove quotes surrounding $value.
        // Also guarantee correct quoting in $string for this one attribute.
        if ('' == $value) {
            $quote = '';
        } else {
            $quote = $value[0];
        if ('"' == $quote || "'" == $quote) {
            if (substr($value, -1) != $quote) {
                return '';
            $value = substr($value, 1, -1);
        } else {
            $quote = '"';
        // Sanitize quotes, angle braces, and entities.
        $value = esc_attr($value);
        // Sanitize URI values.
        if (in_array(strtolower($name), $uris)) {
            $value = wp_kses_bad_protocol($value, $allowed_protocols);
        $string = "{$name}={$quote}{$value}{$quote}";
        $vless = 'n';
    } else {
        $value = '';
        $vless = 'y';
    // Sanitize attribute by name.
    wp_kses_attr_check($name, $value, $string, $vless, $element, $allowed_html);
    // Restore whitespace.
    return $lead . $string . $trail;
Beispiel #10
  * Override this method to implement the appropriate sanitization specific to the field type before the value is saved.
  * This base method provides a generic sanitization similar to wp_kses but values are not encoded.
  * Scripts are stripped out leaving allowed tags if HTMl is allowed.
  * @param string $value The field value to be processed.
  * @param int $form_id The ID of the form currently being processed.
  * @return string
 public function sanitize_entry_value($value, $form_id)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         return '';
     //allow HTML for certain field types
     $allow_html = $this->allow_html();
     $allowable_tags = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_allowable_tags', $form_id), $allow_html, $this, $form_id);
     if ($allowable_tags !== true) {
         $value = strip_tags($value, $allowable_tags);
     $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $value = wp_kses_no_null($value, array('slash_zero' => 'keep'));
     $value = wp_kses_hook($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     $value = wp_kses_split($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     return $value;
  * @ticket 19354
 function test_data_is_not_an_allowed_protocol()
     $this->assertNotContains('data', wp_allowed_protocols());
  * Override this method to implement the appropriate sanitization specific to the field type before the value is saved.
  * This base method provides a generic sanitization similar to wp_kses but values are not encoded.
  * Scripts are stripped out leaving tags allowed by the gform_allowable_tags filter.
  * @param string $value The field value to be processed.
  * @param int $form_id The ID of the form currently being processed.
  * @return string
 public function sanitize_entry_value($value, $form_id)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         return '';
      * Provisional filter - may be subject to change or removal.
      * @param bool
      * @param int $form_id
      * @para GF_Field $this
     $sanitize = apply_filters('gform_sanitize_entry_value', true, $form_id, $this);
     if (!$sanitize) {
         return $value;
     //allow HTML for certain field types
     $allow_html = $this->allow_html();
     $allowable_tags = gf_apply_filters(array('gform_allowable_tags', $form_id), $allow_html, $this, $form_id);
     if ($allowable_tags !== true) {
         $value = strip_tags($value, $allowable_tags);
     $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $value = wp_kses_no_null($value, array('slash_zero' => 'keep'));
     $value = wp_kses_hook($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     $value = wp_kses_split($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     return $value;
function ipin_edit_user($user_id = 0)
    global $wp_roles, $wpdb;
    $user = new stdClass();
    if ($user_id) {
        $update = true;
        $user->ID = (int) $user_id;
        $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
        $user->user_login = wp_slash($userdata->user_login);
    } else {
        $update = false;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $user->user_login = sanitize_user($_POST['user_login'], true);
    $pass1 = $pass2 = '';
    if (isset($_POST['pass1'])) {
        $pass1 = $_POST['pass1'];
    if (isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
        $pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];
    if (isset($_POST['role']) && current_user_can('edit_users')) {
        $new_role = sanitize_text_field($_POST['role']);
        $potential_role = isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role]) ? $wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role] : false;
        // Don't let anyone with 'edit_users' (admins) edit their own role to something without it.
        // Multisite super admins can freely edit their blog roles -- they possess all caps.
        if (is_multisite() && current_user_can('manage_sites') || $user_id != get_current_user_id() || $potential_role && $potential_role->has_cap('edit_users')) {
            $user->role = $new_role;
        // If the new role isn't editable by the logged-in user die with error
        $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
        if (!empty($new_role) && empty($editable_roles[$new_role])) {
            wp_die(__('You can&#8217;t give users that role.', 'ipin'));
    //edited: store the original email
    $original_user_email = $userdata->user_email;
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $user->user_email = sanitize_text_field($_POST['email']);
    if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url'] == 'http://') {
            $user->user_url = '';
        } else {
            $user->user_url = esc_url_raw($_POST['url']);
            $protocols = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', wp_allowed_protocols()));
            $user->user_url = preg_match('/^(' . $protocols . '):/is', $user->user_url) ? $user->user_url : 'http://' . $user->user_url;
    if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) {
        $user->first_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['last_name'])) {
        $user->last_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
        $user->nickname = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nickname']);
    if (isset($_POST['display_name'])) {
        $user->display_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['display_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
        $user->description = trim($_POST['description']);
    foreach (wp_get_user_contact_methods($user) as $method => $name) {
        if (isset($_POST[$method])) {
            $user->{$method} = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$method]);
    if ($update) {
        $user->rich_editing = isset($_POST['rich_editing']) && 'false' == $_POST['rich_editing'] ? 'false' : 'true';
        $user->admin_color = isset($_POST['admin_color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['admin_color']) : 'fresh';
        $user->show_admin_bar_front = isset($_POST['admin_bar_front']) ? 'true' : 'false';
    $user->comment_shortcuts = isset($_POST['comment_shortcuts']) && 'true' == $_POST['comment_shortcuts'] ? 'true' : '';
    $user->use_ssl = 0;
    if (!empty($_POST['use_ssl'])) {
        $user->use_ssl = 1;
    $errors = new WP_Error();
    /* checking that username has been typed */
    if ($user->user_login == '') {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.', 'ipin'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice */
    do_action_ref_array('check_passwords', array($user->user_login, &$pass1, &$pass2));
    if ($update) {
        if (empty($pass1) && !empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You entered your new password only once.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
        } elseif (!empty($pass1) && empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You entered your new password only once.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass2'));
        //edited: added to check password length
        if (!empty($pass1) && !empty($pass2)) {
            if (strlen($pass1) < 6) {
                $errors->add('password_too_short', "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords must be at least 6 characters long", 'ipin');
    } else {
        if (empty($pass1)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
        } elseif (empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password twice.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass2'));
    /* Check for "\" in password */
    if (false !== strpos(wp_unslash($pass1), "\\")) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords may not contain the character "\\".', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice the same */
    if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the same password in the two password fields.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    if (!empty($pass1)) {
        $user->user_pass = $pass1;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login']) && !validate_username($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.', 'ipin'));
    if (!$update && username_exists($user->user_login)) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.', 'ipin'));
    /* checking e-mail address */
    $verify_new_email = $user_id;
    if (empty($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('empty_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter an email address.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (!is_email($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('invalid_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The email address isn&#8217;t correct.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (($owner_id = email_exists($user->user_email)) && (!$update || $owner_id != $user->ID)) {
        $errors->add('email_exists', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This email is already registered, please choose another one.', 'ipin'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
        //edited: requires email verification if email is changed
    } elseif ($userdata->user_email != $_POST['email'] && !current_user_can('administrator') && !current_user_can('editor')) {
        //store new email temporarily
        update_user_meta($user_id, '_new_email', $user->user_email);
        $new_email_key = wp_generate_password(20, false);
        update_user_meta($user_id, '_new_email_key', $new_email_key);
        $blogname = wp_specialchars_decode(get_option('blogname'), ENT_QUOTES);
        $message .= __('Please click the link to verify your email:', 'ipin') . "\r\n";
        $message .= home_url('/settings/');
        $message .= sprintf('?email=verify&login=%s&key=%s', rawurlencode($user->user_login), $new_email_key);
        wp_mail($user->user_email, sprintf(__('[%s] Email Verification', 'ipin'), $blogname), $message);
        $user->user_email = $original_user_email;
        $verify_new_email = 'verify_new_email';
    // Allow plugins to return their own errors.
    do_action_ref_array('user_profile_update_errors', array(&$errors, $update, &$user));
    if ($errors->get_error_codes()) {
        return $errors;
    if ($update) {
        $user_id = wp_update_user($user);
    } else {
        $user_id = wp_insert_user($user);
        wp_new_user_notification($user_id, isset($_POST['send_password']) ? wp_unslash($pass1) : '');
    return $verify_new_email;
  * Escapes the given string for the KSES filter with the criteria of allowing/disallowing tags and the protocol.
  * @remark           Attributes are not supported at this moment.
  * @param            array            $aAllowedTags                e.g. array( 'noscript', 'style', )
  * @param            array            $aDisallowedTags            e.g. array( 'table', 'tbody', 'thoot', 'thead', 'th', 'tr' )
  * @since            2.0.0
 public static function escapeKSESFilter($sString, $aAllowedTags = array(), $aDisallowedTags = array(), $aAllowedProtocols = array())
     foreach ($aAllowedTags as $sTag) {
         $aFormatAllowedTags[$sTag] = array();
         // activate the inline style attribute.
     $aAllowedHTMLTags = AmazonAutoLinks_Utility::uniteArrays($aFormatAllowedTags, $GLOBALS['allowedposttags']);
     // the first parameter takes over the second.
     foreach ($aDisallowedTags as $sTag) {
         if (isset($aAllowedHTMLTags[$sTag])) {
     if (empty($aAllowedProtocols)) {
         $aAllowedProtocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $sString = addslashes($sString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     $sString = stripslashes($sString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_no_null($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_js_entities($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_normalize_entities($sString);
     // wp_kses()
     $sString = wp_kses_hook($sString, $aAllowedHTMLTags, $aAllowedProtocols);
     // WP changed the order of these funcs and added args to wp_kses_hook
     $sString = wp_kses_split($sString, $aAllowedHTMLTags, $aAllowedProtocols);
     $sString = addslashes($sString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $sString = stripslashes($sString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     return $sString;
 * Edit user settings based on contents of $_POST
 * Largely based on the edit_user() function, this function only throws errors
 * when the user has posted invalid data, vs. when the mock user object does not
 * contain it.
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param int $user_id Optional. User ID.
 * @return int|WP_Error user id of the updated user
function wp_user_profiles_edit_user($user_id = 0)
    // Bail if no user ID
    if (empty($user_id)) {
    // Setup the user being saved
    $user = new stdClass();
    $user->ID = (int) $user_id;
    $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
    // Setup the user login
    if (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $user->user_login = sanitize_user($_POST['user_login'], true);
    } else {
        $user->user_login = wp_slash($userdata->user_login);
    // Password changes
    $pass1 = isset($_POST['pass1']) ? $_POST['pass1'] : '';
    $pass2 = isset($_POST['pass2']) ? $_POST['pass2'] : '';
    // Role changes
    if (isset($_POST['role']) && current_user_can('edit_users')) {
        // New roles
        $new_roles = $_POST['role'];
        // Loop through new roles
        foreach ($new_roles as $blog_id => $new_role) {
            // Switch to the blog
            // If the new role isn't editable by the logged-in user die with error
            $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
            if (!empty($new_role) && !empty($editable_roles[$new_role])) {
                $update_role = get_userdata($user_id);
            // Switch back
    // Email
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $user->user_email = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_POST['email']));
    // Website
    if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url'] == 'http://') {
            $user->user_url = '';
        } else {
            $user->user_url = esc_url_raw($_POST['url']);
            $protocols = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', wp_allowed_protocols()));
            $user->user_url = preg_match('/^(' . $protocols . '):/is', $user->user_url) ? $user->user_url : 'http://' . $user->user_url;
    // First
    if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) {
        $user->first_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']);
    // Last
    if (isset($_POST['last_name'])) {
        $user->last_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']);
    // Nick
    if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
        $user->nickname = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nickname']);
    // Display
    if (isset($_POST['display_name'])) {
        $user->display_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['display_name']);
    // Description
    if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
        $user->description = trim($_POST['description']);
    // Contact methods
    foreach (wp_get_user_contact_methods($user) as $method => $name) {
        if (isset($_POST[$method])) {
            $user->{$method} = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$method]);
    // Options
    $user->rich_editing = isset($_POST['rich_editing']) && 'false' === $_POST['rich_editing'] ? 'false' : 'true';
    $user->admin_color = isset($_POST['admin_color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['admin_color']) : 'fresh';
    $user->show_admin_bar_front = isset($_POST['admin_bar_front']) ? 'true' : 'false';
    $user->comment_shortcuts = isset($_POST['comment_shortcuts']) && 'true' === $_POST['comment_shortcuts'] ? 'true' : '';
    $user->use_ssl = 0;
    if (!empty($_POST['use_ssl'])) {
        $user->use_ssl = 1;
    // Error checking
    $errors = new WP_Error();
    // Checking that username has been typed
    if (isset($_POST['user_login']) && empty($user->user_login)) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.'));
    // Checking that nickname has been typed
    if (isset($_POST['nickname']) && empty($user->nickname)) {
        $errors->add('nickname', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a nickname.'));
     * Fires before the password and confirm password fields are checked for congruity.
     * @since 1.5.1
     * @param string $user_login The username.
     * @param string &$pass1     The password, passed by reference.
     * @param string &$pass2     The confirmed password, passed by reference.
    do_action_ref_array('check_passwords', array($user->user_login, &$pass1, &$pass2));
    // Check for "\" in password
    if (false !== strpos(wp_unslash($pass1), "\\")) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords may not contain the character "\\".'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    // Checking the password has been typed twice the same
    if ($pass1 !== $pass2) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the same password in both password fields.'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    if (!empty($pass1)) {
        $user->user_pass = $pass1;
    if (isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
        if (!validate_username($_POST['user_login'])) {
            $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.'));
        if (isset($_POST['user_login']) && username_exists($user->user_login)) {
            $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.'));
    // Checking email address
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        if (empty($user->user_email)) {
            $errors->add('empty_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter an email address.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
        } elseif (!is_email($user->user_email)) {
            $errors->add('invalid_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The email address is not correct.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
        } elseif (($owner_id = email_exists($user->user_email)) && $owner_id !== $user->ID) {
            $errors->add('email_exists', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This email is already in use.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
     * Fires before user profile update errors are returned.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param WP_Error &$errors WP_Error object, passed by reference.
     * @param bool     $update  Whether this is a user update.
     * @param WP_User  &$user   WP_User object, passed by reference.
    do_action_ref_array('user_profile_update_errors', array(&$errors, true, &$user));
    // Return errors if there are any
    if ($errors->get_error_codes()) {
        return $errors;
    // Maybe save user status
    if (!empty($_POST['user_status'])) {
        wp_user_profiles_update_user_status($user, sanitize_key($_POST['user_status']));
    return wp_update_user($user);
 function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
     $instance = $old_instance;
     $instance['title'] = strip_tags($new_instance['title']);
     $instance['content'] = $new_instance['content'];
     $instance['style'] = $new_instance['style'];
     $instance['size'] = absint($new_instance['size']);
     $instance['target'] = $new_instance['target'];
     $instance['social'] = array();
     if (!empty($new_instance['social_icon'])) {
         $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
         $protocols[] = 'skype';
         //allow skype call protocol
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($new_instance['social_icon']) - 1; $i++) {
             $temp = array('icon' => $new_instance['social_icon'][$i], 'url' => esc_url($new_instance['social_url'][$i], $protocols));
             $instance['social'][] = $temp;
     return $instance;
 function EscapeAndFilterPostKSES($strString, $arrAllowedTags = array(), $arrDisallowedTags = array(), $arrAllowedProtocols = array())
     // $arrAllowedTags : e.g. array( 'noscript' => array(), 'style' => array() );
     // $arrDisallowedTags : e.g. array( 'table', 'tbody', 'thoot', 'thead', 'th', 'tr' );
     global $allowedposttags;
     // $arrAllowedHTML = array_replace_recursive( $allowedposttags, $arrAllowedTags );    // the second parameter takes over the first.
     // $arrAllowedHTML = wp_parse_args( $arrAllowedTags, $allowedposttags );    // the first parameter takes over the second.
     $arrAllowedHTML = $this->oUtil->UniteArraysRecursive($arrAllowedTags, $allowedposttags);
     // the first parameter takes over the second.
     foreach ($arrDisallowedTags as $strTag) {
         if (isset($arrAllowedHTML[$strTag])) {
     if (empty($arrAllowedProtocols)) {
         $arrAllowedProtocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $strString = addslashes($strString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     $strString = stripslashes($strString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $strString = wp_kses_no_null($strString);
     // wp_kses()
     $strString = wp_kses_js_entities($strString);
     // wp_kses()
     $strString = wp_kses_normalize_entities($strString);
     // wp_kses()
     $strString = wp_kses_hook($strString, $arrAllowedHTML, $arrAllowedProtocols);
     // WP changed the order of these funcs and added args to wp_kses_hook
     $strString = wp_kses_split($strString, $arrAllowedHTML, $arrAllowedProtocols);
     $strString = addslashes($strString);
     // wp_filter_post_kses()
     $strString = stripslashes($strString);
     // the original function call was doing this - could be redundant but haven't fully tested it
     return $strString;
Beispiel #18
 * Filters content and keeps only allowable HTML elements.
 * This function makes sure that only the allowed HTML element names, attribute
 * names and attribute values plus only sane HTML entities will occur in
 * $string. You have to remove any slashes from PHP's magic quotes before you
 * call this function.
 * The default allowed protocols are 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto', 'news',
 * 'irc', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'feed', 'telnet, 'mms', 'rtsp' and 'svn'. This
 * covers all common link protocols, except for 'javascript' which should not
 * be allowed for untrusted users.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param string $string            Content to filter through kses
 * @param array  $allowed_html      List of allowed HTML elements
 * @param array  $allowed_protocols Optional. Allowed protocol in links.
 * @return string Filtered content with only allowed HTML elements
function wp_kses( $string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols = array() ) {
	if ( empty( $allowed_protocols ) )
		$allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
	$string = wp_kses_no_null( $string, array( 'slash_zero' => 'keep' ) );
	$string = wp_kses_js_entities($string);
	$string = wp_kses_normalize_entities($string);
	$string = wp_kses_hook($string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols); // WP changed the order of these funcs and added args to wp_kses_hook
	return wp_kses_split($string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols);
Beispiel #19
function woo_shortcode_box($atts, $content = null)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => 'normal', 'size' => '', 'style' => '', 'border' => '', 'icon' => ''), $atts));
    // "Toggle in a box" fix
    $allowed_tags = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
    $allowed_tags['input'] = array('type' => true, 'name' => true, 'value' => true);
    $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
    $allowed_protocols[] = 'skype';
    $class = '';
    $custom = '';
    if ($icon == 'none') {
        $class = 'no-icon';
        $custom = ' style="padding-left:15px;background-image:none;"';
    } elseif ($icon) {
        $class = 'custom-icon';
        $custom = ' style="padding-left:50px;background-image:url( ' . esc_attr(esc_url($icon)) . ' ); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:20px 45%;"';
    return '<div class="woo-sc-box ' . esc_attr($class) . ' ' . esc_attr($type) . ' ' . esc_attr($size) . ' ' . esc_attr($style) . ' ' . esc_attr($border) . '"' . $custom . '>' . wp_kses(do_shortcode(woo_remove_wpautop($content)), $allowed_tags, $allowed_protocols) . '</div>';
Beispiel #20
 * Edit user settings based on contents of $_POST
 * Used on user-edit.php and profile.php to manage and process user options, passwords etc.
 * @since 2.0
 * @param int $user_id Optional. User ID.
 * @return int user id of the updated user
function edit_user($user_id = 0)
    global $wp_roles, $wpdb;
    $user = new stdClass();
    if ($user_id) {
        $update = true;
        $user->ID = (int) $user_id;
        $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
        $user->user_login = $wpdb->escape($userdata->user_login);
    } else {
        $update = false;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $user->user_login = sanitize_user($_POST['user_login'], true);
    $pass1 = $pass2 = '';
    if (isset($_POST['pass1'])) {
        $pass1 = $_POST['pass1'];
    if (isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
        $pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];
    if (isset($_POST['role']) && current_user_can('edit_users')) {
        $new_role = sanitize_text_field($_POST['role']);
        $potential_role = isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role]) ? $wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role] : false;
        // Don't let anyone with 'edit_users' (admins) edit their own role to something without it.
        // Multisite super admins can freely edit their blog roles -- they possess all caps.
        if (is_multisite() && current_user_can('manage_sites') || $user_id != get_current_user_id() || $potential_role && $potential_role->has_cap('edit_users')) {
            $user->role = $new_role;
        // If the new role isn't editable by the logged-in user die with error
        $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
        if (!empty($new_role) && empty($editable_roles[$new_role])) {
            wp_die(__('You can&#8217;t give users that role.'));
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $user->user_email = sanitize_text_field($_POST['email']);
    if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url'] == 'http://') {
            $user->user_url = '';
        } else {
            $user->user_url = esc_url_raw($_POST['url']);
            $protocols = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', wp_allowed_protocols()));
            $user->user_url = preg_match('/^(' . $protocols . '):/is', $user->user_url) ? $user->user_url : 'http://' . $user->user_url;
    if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) {
        $user->first_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['last_name'])) {
        $user->last_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
        $user->nickname = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nickname']);
    if (isset($_POST['display_name'])) {
        $user->display_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['display_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
        $user->description = trim($_POST['description']);
    foreach (_wp_get_user_contactmethods($user) as $method => $name) {
        if (isset($_POST[$method])) {
            $user->{$method} = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$method]);
    if ($update) {
        $user->rich_editing = isset($_POST['rich_editing']) && 'false' == $_POST['rich_editing'] ? 'false' : 'true';
        $user->admin_color = isset($_POST['admin_color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['admin_color']) : 'fresh';
        $user->show_admin_bar_front = isset($_POST['admin_bar_front']) ? 'true' : 'false';
    $user->comment_shortcuts = isset($_POST['comment_shortcuts']) && 'true' == $_POST['comment_shortcuts'] ? 'true' : '';
    $user->use_ssl = 0;
    if (!empty($_POST['use_ssl'])) {
        $user->use_ssl = 1;
    $errors = new WP_Error();
    /* checking that username has been typed */
    if ($user->user_login == '') {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice */
    do_action_ref_array('check_passwords', array($user->user_login, &$pass1, &$pass2));
    if ($update) {
        if (empty($pass1) && !empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You entered your new password only once.'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
        } elseif (!empty($pass1) && empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You entered your new password only once.'), array('form-field' => 'pass2'));
    } else {
        if (empty($pass1)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password.'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
        } elseif (empty($pass2)) {
            $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password twice.'), array('form-field' => 'pass2'));
    /* Check for "\" in password */
    if (false !== strpos(stripslashes($pass1), "\\")) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords may not contain the character "\\".'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice the same */
    if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the same password in the two password fields.'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    if (!empty($pass1)) {
        $user->user_pass = $pass1;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login']) && !validate_username($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.'));
    if (!$update && username_exists($user->user_login)) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.'));
    /* checking e-mail address */
    if (empty($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('empty_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter an e-mail address.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (!is_email($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('invalid_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The e-mail address isn&#8217;t correct.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (($owner_id = email_exists($user->user_email)) && (!$update || $owner_id != $user->ID)) {
        $errors->add('email_exists', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This email is already registered, please choose another one.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    // Allow plugins to return their own errors.
    do_action_ref_array('user_profile_update_errors', array(&$errors, $update, &$user));
    if ($errors->get_error_codes()) {
        return $errors;
    if ($update) {
        $user_id = wp_update_user($user);
    } else {
        $user_id = wp_insert_user($user);
        wp_new_user_notification($user_id, isset($_POST['send_password']) ? $pass1 : '');
    return $user_id;
  * @depends test_allowed_protocol_has_an_example
  * @dataProvider data_example_urls
  * @param string The scheme.
  * @param string Example URL.
 function test_allowed_protocols($protocol, $url)
     $this->assertEquals($url, esc_url($url, $protocol));
     $this->assertEquals($url, esc_url($url, wp_allowed_protocols()));
Beispiel #22
 * Edit user settings based on contents of $_POST
 * Used on user-edit.php and profile.php to manage and process user options, passwords etc.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @param int $user_id Optional. User ID.
 * @return int|WP_Error user id of the updated user
function edit_user($user_id = 0)
    $wp_roles = wp_roles();
    $user = new stdClass();
    if ($user_id) {
        $update = true;
        $user->ID = (int) $user_id;
        $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);
        $user->user_login = wp_slash($userdata->user_login);
    } else {
        $update = false;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $user->user_login = sanitize_user($_POST['user_login'], true);
    $pass1 = $pass2 = '';
    if (isset($_POST['pass1'])) {
        $pass1 = $_POST['pass1'];
    if (isset($_POST['pass2'])) {
        $pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];
    if (isset($_POST['role']) && current_user_can('edit_users')) {
        $new_role = sanitize_text_field($_POST['role']);
        $potential_role = isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role]) ? $wp_roles->role_objects[$new_role] : false;
        // Don't let anyone with 'edit_users' (admins) edit their own role to something without it.
        // Multisite super admins can freely edit their blog roles -- they possess all caps.
        if (is_multisite() && current_user_can('manage_sites') || $user_id != get_current_user_id() || $potential_role && $potential_role->has_cap('edit_users')) {
            $user->role = $new_role;
        // If the new role isn't editable by the logged-in user die with error
        $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
        if (!empty($new_role) && empty($editable_roles[$new_role])) {
            wp_die(__('You can&#8217;t give users that role.'));
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $user->user_email = sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_POST['email']));
    if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['url']) || $_POST['url'] == 'http://') {
            $user->user_url = '';
        } else {
            $user->user_url = esc_url_raw($_POST['url']);
            $protocols = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', wp_allowed_protocols()));
            $user->user_url = preg_match('/^(' . $protocols . '):/is', $user->user_url) ? $user->user_url : 'http://' . $user->user_url;
    if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) {
        $user->first_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['first_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['last_name'])) {
        $user->last_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['last_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['nickname'])) {
        $user->nickname = sanitize_text_field($_POST['nickname']);
    if (isset($_POST['display_name'])) {
        $user->display_name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['display_name']);
    if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
        $user->description = trim($_POST['description']);
    foreach (wp_get_user_contact_methods($user) as $method => $name) {
        if (isset($_POST[$method])) {
            $user->{$method} = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$method]);
    if ($update) {
        $user->rich_editing = isset($_POST['rich_editing']) && 'false' == $_POST['rich_editing'] ? 'false' : 'true';
        $user->admin_color = isset($_POST['admin_color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['admin_color']) : 'fresh';
        $user->show_admin_bar_front = isset($_POST['admin_bar_front']) ? 'true' : 'false';
    $user->comment_shortcuts = isset($_POST['comment_shortcuts']) && 'true' == $_POST['comment_shortcuts'] ? 'true' : '';
    $user->use_ssl = 0;
    if (!empty($_POST['use_ssl'])) {
        $user->use_ssl = 1;
    $errors = new WP_Error();
    /* checking that username has been typed */
    if ($user->user_login == '') {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.'));
    /* checking that nickname has been typed */
    if ($update && empty($user->nickname)) {
        $errors->add('nickname', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a nickname.'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice */
     * Fires before the password and confirm password fields are checked for congruity.
     * @since 1.5.1
     * @param string $user_login The username.
     * @param string &$pass1     The password, passed by reference.
     * @param string &$pass2     The confirmed password, passed by reference.
    do_action_ref_array('check_passwords', array($user->user_login, &$pass1, &$pass2));
    /* Check for "\" in password */
    if (false !== strpos(wp_unslash($pass1), "\\")) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Passwords may not contain the character "\\".'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    /* checking the password has been typed twice the same */
    if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
        $errors->add('pass', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the same password in both password fields.'), array('form-field' => 'pass1'));
    if (!empty($pass1)) {
        $user->user_pass = $pass1;
    if (!$update && isset($_POST['user_login']) && !validate_username($_POST['user_login'])) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username.'));
    if (!$update && username_exists($user->user_login)) {
        $errors->add('user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.'));
    /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/user.php */
    $illegal_logins = (array) apply_filters('illegal_user_logins', array());
    if (in_array(strtolower($user->user_login), array_map('strtolower', $illegal_logins))) {
        $errors->add('illegal_user_login', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Sorry, that username is not allowed.'));
    /* checking email address */
    if (empty($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('empty_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter an email address.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (!is_email($user->user_email)) {
        $errors->add('invalid_email', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The email address isn&#8217;t correct.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
    } elseif (($owner_id = email_exists($user->user_email)) && (!$update || $owner_id != $user->ID)) {
        $errors->add('email_exists', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: This email is already registered, please choose another one.'), array('form-field' => 'email'));
     * Fires before user profile update errors are returned.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param WP_Error &$errors WP_Error object, passed by reference.
     * @param bool     $update  Whether this is a user update.
     * @param WP_User  &$user   WP_User object, passed by reference.
    do_action_ref_array('user_profile_update_errors', array(&$errors, $update, &$user));
    if ($errors->get_error_codes()) {
        return $errors;
    if ($update) {
        $user_id = wp_update_user($user);
    } else {
        $user_id = wp_insert_user($user);
         * Fires after a new user has been created.
         * @since 4.4.0
         * @param int $user_id ID of the newly created user.
        do_action('edit_user_created_user', $user_id);
    return $user_id;
  * Checks and cleans a URL. This function is from WordPress.
  * A number of characters are removed from the URL. If the URL is for displaying
  * (the default behaviour) ampersands are also replaced. The 'clean_url' filter
  * is applied to the returned cleaned URL.
  * @since 2.8.0
  * @uses wp_kses_bad_protocol() To only permit protocols in the URL set
  *		via $protocols or the common ones set in the function.
  * @param string $url The URL to be cleaned.
  * @param array $protocols Optional. An array of acceptable protocols.
  *		Defaults to 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'mailto', 'news', 'irc', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'feed', 'telnet', 'mms', 'rtsp', 'svn' if not set.
  * @param string $_context Private. Use esc_url_raw() for database usage.
  * @return string The cleaned $url after the 'clean_url' filter is applied.
 public function esc_url($url, $protocols = null, $_context = 'display')
     $original_url = $url;
     $url = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=!&;,/:%@$\\|*\'()\\x80-\\xff]|i', '', $url);
     $strip = array('%0d', '%0a', '%0D', '%0A');
     $url = _deep_replace($strip, $url);
     $url = str_replace(';//', '://', $url);
     // Replace ampersands and single quotes only when displaying.
     if ('display' == $_context) {
         $url = wp_kses_normalize_entities($url);
         $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&#038;', $url);
         $url = str_replace('\'', '&#039;', $url);
     if (!empty($url[0]) && '/' === $url[0]) {
         $good_protocol_url = $url;
     } else {
         if (!is_array($protocols)) {
             $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
         $good_protocol_url = wp_kses_bad_protocol($url, $protocols);
         if (strtolower($good_protocol_url) != strtolower($url)) {
             return '';
      * Filter a string cleaned and escaped for output as a URL.
      * @since 2.3.0
      * @param string $good_protocol_url The cleaned URL to be returned.
      * @param string $original_url      The URL prior to cleaning.
      * @param string $_context          If 'display', replace ampersands and single quotes only.
     return apply_filters('clean_url', $good_protocol_url, $original_url, $_context);
Beispiel #24
 * Callback to add a base url to relative links in passed content.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @access private
 * @global string $_links_add_base
 * @param string $m The matched link.
 * @return string The processed link.
function _links_add_base($m)
    global $_links_add_base;
    //1 = attribute name  2 = quotation mark  3 = URL
    return $m[1] . '=' . $m[2] . (preg_match('#^(\\w{1,20}):#', $m[3], $protocol) && in_array($protocol[1], wp_allowed_protocols()) ? $m[3] : WP_Http::make_absolute_url($m[3], $_links_add_base)) . $m[2];
Beispiel #25
  * Strip scripts and some HTML tags.
  * @param string $value The field value to be processed.
  * @param int $form_id The ID of the form currently being processed.
  * @return string
 public function sanitize_entry_value($value, $form_id)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         return '';
     $allowable_tags = $this->get_allowable_tags($form_id);
     if ($allowable_tags !== true) {
         $value = strip_tags($value, $allowable_tags);
     $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
     $value = wp_kses_no_null($value, array('slash_zero' => 'keep'));
     $value = wp_kses_hook($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     $value = wp_kses_split($value, 'post', $allowed_protocols);
     return $value;
Beispiel #26
 * A special URL escaping function that handles additional protocols
 * @param $url
 * @return string
function sow_esc_url_raw($url)
    if (preg_match('/^post: *([0-9]+)/', $url, $matches)) {
        // Convert the special post URL into a permalink
        $url = get_the_permalink(intval($matches[1]));
    $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
    $protocols[] = 'skype';
    return esc_url_raw($url, $protocols);
Beispiel #27
  * AJAX hook for the inline link editor on Tools -> Broken Links. 
  * @return void
 function ajax_edit()
     if (!current_user_can('edit_others_posts') || !check_ajax_referer('blc_edit', false, false)) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => __("You're not allowed to do that!", 'broken-link-checker'))));
     if (empty($_POST['link_id']) || empty($_POST['new_url']) || !is_numeric($_POST['link_id'])) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => __("Error : link_id or new_url not specified", 'broken-link-checker'))));
     //Load the link
     $link = new blcLink(intval($_POST['link_id']));
     if (!$link->valid()) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => sprintf(__("Oops, I can't find the link %d", 'broken-link-checker'), intval($_POST['link_id'])))));
     //Validate the new URL.
     $new_url = stripslashes($_POST['new_url']);
     $parsed = @parse_url($new_url);
     if (!$parsed) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => __("Oops, the new URL is invalid!", 'broken-link-checker'))));
     if (!current_user_can('unfiltered_html')) {
         //Disallow potentially dangerous URLs like "javascript:...".
         $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
         $good_protocol_url = wp_kses_bad_protocol($new_url, $protocols);
         if ($new_url != $good_protocol_url) {
             die(json_encode(array('error' => __("Oops, the new URL is invalid!", 'broken-link-checker'))));
     $new_text = isset($_POST['new_text']) && is_string($_POST['new_text']) ? stripslashes($_POST['new_text']) : null;
     if ($new_text === '') {
         $new_text = null;
     if (!empty($new_text) && !current_user_can('unfiltered_html')) {
         $new_text = stripslashes(wp_filter_post_kses(addslashes($new_text)));
         //wp_filter_post_kses expects slashed data.
     $rez = $link->edit($new_url, $new_text);
     if ($rez === false) {
         die(json_encode(array('error' => __("An unexpected error occurred!", 'broken-link-checker'))));
     } else {
         $new_link = $rez['new_link'];
         /** @var blcLink $new_link */
         $new_status = $new_link->analyse_status();
         $ui_link_text = null;
         if (isset($new_text)) {
             $instances = $new_link->get_instances();
             if (!empty($instances)) {
                 $first_instance = reset($instances);
                 $ui_link_text = $first_instance->ui_get_link_text();
         $response = array('new_link_id' => $rez['new_link_id'], 'cnt_okay' => $rez['cnt_okay'], 'cnt_error' => $rez['cnt_error'], 'status_text' => $new_status['text'], 'status_code' => $new_status['code'], 'http_code' => empty($new_link->http_code) ? '' : $new_link->http_code, 'redirect_count' => $new_link->redirect_count, 'url' => $new_link->url, 'escaped_url' => esc_url_raw($new_link->url), 'final_url' => $new_link->final_url, 'link_text' => isset($new_text) ? $new_text : null, 'ui_link_text' => isset($new_text) ? $ui_link_text : null, 'errors' => array());
         //url, status text, status code, link text, editable link text
         foreach ($rez['errors'] as $error) {
             /** @var $error WP_Error */
             array_push($response['errors'], implode(', ', $error->get_error_messages()));
Beispiel #28
 * Callback to add a base url to relative links in passed content.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @access private
 * @param string $m The matched link.
 * @return string The processed link.
function _links_add_base($m)
    global $_links_add_base;
    //1 = attribute name  2 = quotation mark  3 = URL
    return $m[1] . '=' . $m[2] . (preg_match('#^(\\w{1,20}):#', $m[3], $protocol) && in_array($protocol[1], wp_allowed_protocols()) ? $m[3] : path_join($_links_add_base, $m[3])) . $m[2];
function esc_url($url, $protocols = null, $_context = 'display')
    $original_url = $url;
    if ('' == $url) {
        return $url;
    $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url);
    $url = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=!&;,/:%@$\\|*\'()\\[\\]\\x80-\\xff]|i', '', $url);
    if ('' === $url) {
        return $url;
    if (0 !== stripos($url, 'mailto:')) {
        $strip = array('%0d', '%0a', '%0D', '%0A');
        $url = _deep_replace($strip, $url);
    $url = str_replace(';//', '://', $url);
    /* If the URL doesn't appear to contain a scheme, we
     * presume it needs http:// prepended (unless a relative
     * link starting with /, # or ? or a php file).
    if (strpos($url, ':') === false && !in_array($url[0], array('/', '#', '?')) && !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+?\\.php/i', $url)) {
        $url = 'http://' . $url;
    // Replace ampersands and single quotes only when displaying.
    if ('display' == $_context) {
        $url = wp_kses_normalize_entities($url);
        $url = str_replace('&amp;', '&#038;', $url);
        $url = str_replace("'", '&#039;', $url);
    if (false !== strpos($url, '[') || false !== strpos($url, ']')) {
        $parsed = wp_parse_url($url);
        $front = '';
        if (isset($parsed['scheme'])) {
            $front .= $parsed['scheme'] . '://';
        } elseif ('/' === $url[0]) {
            $front .= '//';
        if (isset($parsed['user'])) {
            $front .= $parsed['user'];
        if (isset($parsed['pass'])) {
            $front .= ':' . $parsed['pass'];
        if (isset($parsed['user']) || isset($parsed['pass'])) {
            $front .= '@';
        if (isset($parsed['host'])) {
            $front .= $parsed['host'];
        if (isset($parsed['port'])) {
            $front .= ':' . $parsed['port'];
        $end_dirty = str_replace($front, '', $url);
        $end_clean = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('%5B', '%5D'), $end_dirty);
        $url = str_replace($end_dirty, $end_clean, $url);
    if ('/' === $url[0]) {
        $good_protocol_url = $url;
    } else {
        if (!is_array($protocols)) {
            $protocols = wp_allowed_protocols();
        $good_protocol_url = wp_kses_bad_protocol($url, $protocols);
        if (strtolower($good_protocol_url) != strtolower($url)) {
            return '';
    return apply_filters('clean_url', $good_protocol_url, $original_url, $_context);