Beispiel #1
  * Handles connecting to LDAP and performing a search for the given SSOID
  * @param string $strSSOID
  * @return mixed WP_Error object on failure, array of user details on success
  * @TODO this function shares a LOT with wpDirAuth_auth. see if you cant combine them some more
 function wpDirAuth_ConnectAndLookupUser($strSSOID)
     $boolFound = false;
     $strBaseDn = get_site_option('dirAuthBaseDn');
     $strPreBindUser = get_site_option('dirAuthPreBindUser', '');
     $strPreBindPassword = get_site_option('dirAuthPreBindPassword', '');
     $strAccountSuffix = get_site_option('dirAuthAccountSuffix');
     $strFilter = get_site_option('dirAuthFilter');
     $intEnableSSL = get_site_option('dirAuthEnableSsl');
     if ($strAccountSuffix) {
         $strSSOID .= $strAccountSuffix;
     if (!$strFilter || empty($strFilter)) {
         $strFilter = WPDIRAUTH_DEFAULT_FILTER;
     $strFilterQuery = "({$strFilter}={$strSSOID})";
     $aryControllers = wpDirAuth_shuffleControllers(explode(',', get_site_option('dirAuthControllers')));
     if (is_wp_error($aryControllers)) {
         return $aryControllers;
         //there werent any controllers to connect to
      * @todo if we get a successful connection, cant we break out of the loop before we go through binding and a search?  Or is it possible that one DC in the
      * list might not allow anonymous searching and/or the pre-bind user/pass isnt valid on one of them and we need to try the next in the list?
     foreach ($aryControllers as $strDC) {
         $rscConnection = wpDirAuth_establishConnection($strDC, $intEnableSSL);
         if (is_wp_error($rscConnection)) {
             return $rscConnection;
             //tls failed to start on the DC
         if (!wpDirAuth_bindTest($rscConnection, $strPreBindUser, $strPreBindPassword, $strBaseDn)) {
             return new WP_Error('login_failed', __('<strong>Error Connecting to LDAP Server</strong><p>' . 'There was an error connecting to your LDAP server (' . htmlentities($strDC, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '). Please see the LDAP error message below for troubleshooting:</p>' . ldap_error($rscConnection)));
         //successfully bound, now we need to get the user details
         return wpDirAuth_retrieveUserDetails($rscConnection, $strBaseDn, $strFilterQuery);
Beispiel #2
  * Custom LDAP authentication module.
  * The returned keys are in the same format used by WP for
  * the wp_insert_user and wp_update_user functions.
  * @param string $username LDAP username
  * @param string $password LDAP password
  * @return WP_Error object OR array Directory email, last_name and first_name
  * @uses wpDirAuth_bindTest
 function wpDirAuth_auth($username, $password)
     global $error, $pwd;
     $errorTitle = __('<strong>Directory Login Error</strong>: ');
     $controllers = explode(',', get_option('dirAuthControllers'));
     $baseDn = get_option('dirAuthBaseDn');
     $preBindUser = get_option('dirAuthPreBindUser');
     $preBindPassword = get_option('dirAuthPreBindPassword');
     $accountSuffix = get_option('dirAuthAccountSuffix');
     $filter = get_option('dirAuthFilter');
     $enableSsl = get_option('dirAuthEnableSsl');
     $returnKeys = array('sn', 'givenname', 'mail');
     $isBound = $isPreBound = $isLoggedIn = false;
     if (count($controllers) > 1) {
         // shuffle the domain controllers for pseudo load balancing and fault tolerance.
     } elseif (count($controllers) == 0) {
         return new WP_Error('no_controllers', $errorTitle . __(' wpDirAuth config error: no domain controllers specified.'));
     if ($accountSuffix) {
         $username .= $accountSuffix;
      * Only setup protocol value if ldaps is required to help with older AD
      * @see
     $protocol = $enableSsl ? 'ldaps://' : '';
     if (!$filter) {
         $filter = WPDIRAUTH_DEFAULT_FILTER;
     $filterQuery = "({$filter}={$username})";
     // Connection pool loop - Haha, PooL LooP
     foreach ($controllers as $dc) {
          * Scan for and use alternate server port, but only if ssl is disabled.
          * @see Parameters constraint at
         if (strstr($dc, ':')) {
             list($dc, $port) = explode(':', $dc);
         if (!$enableSsl && isset($port)) {
             $connection = @ldap_connect($protocol . $dc, $port);
         } else {
             $connection = @ldap_connect($protocol . $dc);
          * Copes with W2K3/AD issue.
          * @see
         if (@ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) {
             @ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
         if ($preBindUser && $preBindPassword) {
              * Use case 1: Servers requiring pre-binding with admin defined
              * credentials to search for the user's full DN before attempting
              * to login.
              * @see
             if ($isPreBound = wpDirAuth_bindTest($connection, $preBindUser, $preBindPassword) === true) {
                 if (($results = @ldap_search($connection, $baseDn, $filterQuery, $returnKeys)) !== false) {
                     if (($userDn = @ldap_get_dn($connection, ldap_first_entry($connection, $results))) !== false) {
                         if (($isBound = wpDirAuth_bindTest($connection, $userDn, $password)) === true) {
                             $isLoggedIn = true;
                             // valid server, valid login, move on
                             // valid server, valid login, move on
         } elseif (($isBound = wpDirAuth_bindTest($connection, $username, $password)) === true) {
              * Use case 2: Servers that will not let you bind anonymously
              * but will let the end user bind directly.
              * @see
             $isLoggedIn = true;
             // valid server, valid login, move on
         } elseif (($isBound = @ldap_bind($connection)) === true) {
              * Use case 3: Servers that might require a full user DN to
              * actually login and therefore let you bind anonymously first .
              * Try ldap_search + ldap_get_dn before attempting a login.
              * @see
             if (($results = @ldap_search($connection, $baseDn, $filterQuery, $returnKeys)) !== false) {
                 if (($userDn = @ldap_get_dn($connection, ldap_first_entry($connection, $results))) !== false) {
                     $isInDirectory = true;
                     // account exists in directory
                     if (($isBound = wpDirAuth_bindTest($connection, $userDn, $password)) === true) {
                         $isLoggedIn = true;
                         // valid server, valid login, move on
                         // valid server, valid login, move on
     if ($preBindUser && $preBindPassword && !$isPreBound) {
         return new WP_Error('no_directory_or_prebinding', $errorTitle . __(' wpDirAuth config error: No directory server available for authentication, OR pre-binding credentials denied.'));
     } elseif ($isInDirectory && !$isBound) {
         return new WP_Error('could_not_bind_as_user', $errorTitle . __(' Incorrect password.'));
     } elseif (!$isBound && !$isPreBound) {
         return new WP_Error('no_directory_available', $errorTitle . __(' wpDirAuth config error: No directory server available for authentication.'));
     } elseif (!$isLoggedIn) {
         return new WP_Error('could_not_authenticate', $errorTitle . __(' Could not authenticate user. Please check your credentials.') . " [{$username}]");
     } else {
          * Search for profile, if still needed.
          * @see $results in preceding loop: Use case 3
         if (!$results) {
             $results = @ldap_search($connection, $baseDn, $filterQuery, $returnKeys);
         if (!$results) {
             return new WP_Error('noprofile_search', $errorTitle . __('Directory authentication initially succeeded, but no
                          valid profile was found (search procedure).') . " [{$filter}]");
         } else {
             $userInfo = @ldap_get_entries($connection, $results);
             $count = intval($userInfo['count']);
             if ($count < 1) {
                 return new WP_Error('noprofile_getentries', $errorTitle . __('Directory authentication initially succeeded, but no
                              valid profile was found ("get entries" procedure).') . " [{$filter}]");
             } elseif ($count > 1) {
                 return new WP_Error('not_unique', $errorTitle . __('Directory authentication initially succeeded, but the
                              username you sent is not a unique profile identifier.') . " [{$filter}]");
             } else {
                 $email = isset($userInfo[0]['mail'][0]) ? $userInfo[0]['mail'][0] : '';
                 $lastName = isset($userInfo[0]['sn'][0]) ? $userInfo[0]['sn'][0] : '';
                 $firstName = isset($userInfo[0]['givenname'][0]) ? $userInfo[0]['givenname'][0] : '';
                 return array('email' => $email, 'last_name' => $lastName, 'first_name' => $firstName);