Beispiel #1
 * Check if there are some legacy workshop 1.x data to be migrated and upgrade them
 * This must be called after workshop core migration has finished so that
 * all assessments are already upgraded and tables are correctly renamed.
function workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_legacy()
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/db/upgradelib.php';
    if (!workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_legacy_needed()) {
    // get the list of all legacy workshops using this grading strategy
    if ($legacyworkshops = $DB->get_records('workshop_old', array('gradingstrategy' => 1), 'course,id', 'id')) {
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment forms elements', 'notifysuccess');
        $legacyworkshops = array_keys($legacyworkshops);
        // get the list of all form elements
        list($workshopids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($legacyworkshops, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_elements_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newworkshopids = workshop_upgrade_workshop_id_mappings();
        // prepare system (global) scales to replace the legacy in-built ones
        $newscaleids = workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_scales();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            $new = workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_element($old, $newscaleids, $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid]);
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_accumulative', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newplugin', 'accumulative', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
        // now we need to reload the legacy ids. Although we have them in $newelements after the first run, we must
        // refetch them from DB so that this function can be called during recovery
        $newelementids = workshop_upgrade_element_id_mappings('accumulative');
        // migrate all grades for these elements (it est the values that reviewers put into forms)
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment form grades', 'notifysuccess');
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_grades_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newassessmentids = workshop_upgrade_assessment_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            if (!isset($newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid])) {
                // orphaned grade - the assessment was removed but the grade remained
            if (!isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid]) or !isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno])) {
                // orphaned grade - the assessment form element has been removed after the grade was recorded
            $new = workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_grade($old, $newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid], $newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno]);
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newplugin', 'accumulative', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
Beispiel #2
 * Check if there are some legacy workshop 1.x data to be migrated and upgrade them
 * This must be called after workshop core migration has finished so that
 * all assessments are already upgraded and tables are correctly renamed.
function workshopform_comments_upgrade_legacy()
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/db/upgradelib.php';
    if (!workshopform_comments_upgrade_legacy_needed()) {
    // get the list of all legacy workshops using this grading strategy
    if ($legacyworkshops = $DB->get_records('workshop_old', array('gradingstrategy' => 0), 'course,id', 'id')) {
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment forms elements', 'notifysuccess');
        $legacyworkshops = array_keys($legacyworkshops);
        // get the list of all form elements
        list($workshopids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($legacyworkshops, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_elements_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newworkshopids = workshop_upgrade_workshop_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            $new = workshopform_comments_upgrade_element($old, $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid]);
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_comments', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newplugin', 'comments', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
        // now we need to reload the legacy element ids
        $newelementids = workshop_upgrade_element_id_mappings('comments');
        // migrate all comments for these elements (it est the values that reviewers put into forms)
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment form comments', 'notifysuccess');
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_grades_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newassessmentids = workshop_upgrade_assessment_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            if (!isset($newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid])) {
                // orphaned comment - the assessment was removed but the grade remained
            if (!isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid]) or !isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno])) {
                // orphaned comment - the assessment form element has been removed after the grade was recorded
            $new = workshopform_comments_upgrade_grade($old, $newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid], $newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno]);
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newplugin', 'comments', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
Beispiel #3
 * Copies all assessments from workshop_assessments_old to workshop_assessments. Can be called after all
 * submissions were migrated.
 * @return void
function workshop_upgrade_assessments()
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $newworkshopids = workshop_upgrade_workshop_id_mappings();
    $newsubmissionids = workshop_upgrade_submission_id_mappings();
    $teacherweights = workshop_upgrade_legacy_teacher_weights();
    // list of teachers in every workshop: array of (int)oldworkshopid => array of (int)userid => notused
    $workshopteachers = array();
    $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('workshop_assessments_old', 'newid IS NULL');
    foreach ($rs as $old) {
        if (!isset($workshopteachers[$old->workshopid])) {
            $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('workshop', $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid], 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
            $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
            $workshopteachers[$old->workshopid] = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/workshop:manage', '');
        $new = workshop_upgrade_transform_assessment($old, $newsubmissionids[$old->submissionid], $workshopteachers[$old->workshopid], $teacherweights[$old->workshopid]);
        $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshop_assessments', $new, true, true);
        $DB->set_field('workshop_assessments_old', 'newplugin', 'assessments', array('id' => $old->id));
        $DB->set_field('workshop_assessments_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
Beispiel #4
 * Upgrades legacy workshops using rubric grading strategy
function workshopform_rubric_upgrade_legacy_rubric()
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/db/upgradelib.php';
    // get the list of all legacy workshops using this grading strategy
    if ($legacyworkshops = $DB->get_records('workshop_old', array('gradingstrategy' => 4), 'course,id', 'id')) {
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying rubric assessment form elements', 'notifysuccess');
        $legacyworkshops = array_keys($legacyworkshops);
        // get the list of all form elements and rubrics
        list($workshopids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($legacyworkshops, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $sql = "SELECT AS eid, e.workshopid AS workshopid, e.elementno AS esort, e.description AS edesc, e.weight AS eweight,\n              AS rid, r.rubricno AS rgrade, r.description AS rdesc\n                  FROM {workshop_elements_old} e\n             LEFT JOIN {workshop_rubrics_old} r ON (r.elementno = e.elementno AND r.workshopid = e.workshopid)\n                 WHERE e.workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND e.newid IS NULL\n                       AND r.newid IS NULL\n              ORDER BY e.workshopid, e.elementno, r.rubricno";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newworkshopids = workshop_upgrade_workshop_id_mappings();
        // array of (int)oldworkshopid => (int)newworkshopid
        $newdimensionids = array();
        // (int)oldworkshopid => (int)elementno => (int)dimensionid
        $newlevelids = array();
        // (int)oldrubricid => (int)newlevelid
        $prevelement = null;
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            // create rubric criterion and the configuration if necessary
            if (!isset($newdimensionids[$old->workshopid]) or !isset($newdimensionids[$old->workshopid][$old->esort])) {
                if (!$DB->record_exists('workshopform_rubric', array('workshopid' => $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid], 'sort' => $old->esort))) {
                    $newdimension = new stdclass();
                    $newdimension->workshopid = $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid];
                    $newdimension->sort = $old->esort;
                    $newdimension->description = $old->edesc;
                    $newdimension->descriptionformat = FORMAT_HTML;
                    $newdimensionids[$old->workshopid][$old->esort] = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric', $newdimension);
                } else {
                    $newdimensionids[$old->workshopid][$old->esort] = $DB->get_field('workshopform_rubric', 'id', array('workshopid' => $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid], 'sort' => $old->esort));
                if (!$DB->record_exists('workshopform_rubric_config', array('workshopid' => $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid]))) {
                    $newconfig = new stdclass();
                    $newconfig->workshopid = $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid];
                    $newconfig->layout = 'grid';
                    $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric_config', $newconfig);
            // process the information about the criterion levels
            if (trim($old->rdesc)) {
                $new = workshopform_rubric_upgrade_rubric_level($old, $newdimensionids[$old->workshopid][$old->esort]);
                $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric_levels', $new);
                $DB->set_field('workshop_rubrics_old', 'newplugin', 'rubric_levels', array('id' => $old->rid));
                $DB->set_field('workshop_rubrics_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->rid));
            // mark the whole element as processed if the last level was processed
            if ($old->rgrade == 4) {
                $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newplugin', 'rubric', array('id' => $old->eid));
                $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newid', $newdimensionids[$old->workshopid][$old->esort], array('id' => $old->eid));
        // reload the mappings - this must be reloaded so that we can run this during recovery
        $newelementids = workshop_upgrade_element_id_mappings('rubric');
        // load the legacy element weights and multiply the new max grade by it
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Recalculating rubric assessment form element weights', 'notifysuccess');
        $oldweights = $DB->get_records('workshop_elements_old', array('newplugin' => 'rubric'), '', 'id,workshopid,elementno,weight');
        $newweights = array();
        foreach ($oldweights as $eid => $element) {
            $newweights[$newelementids[$element->workshopid][$element->elementno]->newid] = workshopform_rubric_upgrade_weight($element->weight);
        // migrate all grades for these elements (it est the values that reviewers put into forms)
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying rubric assessment form grades', 'notifysuccess');
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_grades_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newassessmentids = workshop_upgrade_assessment_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            if (!isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid]) or !isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno])) {
                // orphaned grade - the assessment form element has been removed after the grade was recorded
            $new = new stdclass();
            $new->assessmentid = $newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid];
            $new->strategy = 'rubric';
            $new->dimensionid = $newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno]->newid;
            $new->grade = $old->grade * $newweights[$new->dimensionid];
            $new->peercomment = $old->feedback;
            $new->peercommentformat = FORMAT_HTML;
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newplugin', 'rubric', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
Beispiel #5
 * Check if there are some legacy workshop 1.x data to be migrated and upgrade them
 * This must be called after workshop core migration has finished so that
 * all assessments are already upgraded and tables are correctly renamed.
function workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_legacy()
    global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/db/upgradelib.php';
    if (!workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_legacy_needed()) {
    // get the list of all legacy workshops using this grading strategy
    if ($legacyworkshops = $DB->get_records('workshop_old', array('gradingstrategy' => 2), 'course,id', 'id')) {
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment forms elements and grade mappings', 'notifysuccess');
        $legacyworkshops = array_keys($legacyworkshops);
        // get some needed info about the workshops
        $workshopinfos = $DB->get_records_list('workshop_old', 'id', $legacyworkshops, 'id', 'id,grade');
        // get the list of all form elements
        list($workshopids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($legacyworkshops, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_elements_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newworkshopids = workshop_upgrade_workshop_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            // process the information about mapping
            $newmapping = new stdclass();
            $newmapping->workshopid = $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid];
            $newmapping->nonegative = $old->elementno;
            $newmapping->grade = $old->maxscore;
            if ($old->maxscore > 0) {
                $newmapping->grade = grade_floatval($old->maxscore / $workshopinfos[$old->workshopid]->grade * 100);
            } else {
                $newmapping->grade = 0;
            $DB->delete_records('workshopform_numerrors_map', array('workshopid' => $newmapping->workshopid, 'nonegative' => $newmapping->nonegative));
            $DB->insert_record('workshopform_numerrors_map', $newmapping);
            // process the information about the element itself
            if (trim($old->description) and $old->description != '@@ GRADE_MAPPING_ELEMENT @@') {
                $new = workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element($old, $newworkshopids[$old->workshopid]);
                $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_numerrors', $new);
            } else {
                $newid = 0;
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newplugin', 'numerrors', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_elements_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));
        // now we need to reload the legacy ids. Although we have them in $newelements after the first run, we must
        // refetch them from DB so that this function can be called during recovery
        $newelementids = workshop_upgrade_element_id_mappings('numerrors');
        // migrate all grades for these elements (it est the values that reviewers put into forms)
        echo $OUTPUT->notification('Copying assessment form grades', 'notifysuccess');
        $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {workshop_grades_old}\n                 WHERE workshopid {$workshopids}\n                       AND newid IS NULL";
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
        $newassessmentids = workshop_upgrade_assessment_id_mappings();
        foreach ($rs as $old) {
            if (!isset($newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid])) {
                // orphaned grade - the assessment was removed but the grade remained
            if (!isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid]) or !isset($newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno])) {
                // orphaned grade - the assessment form element has been removed after the grade was recorded
            $newelementinfo = $newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno];
            if ($newelementinfo->newid == 0 or $old->feedback == '@@ GRADE_ADJUSTMENT @@') {
                // this is not a real grade - it was used just for mapping purposes
                $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newplugin', 'numerrors_map', array('id' => $old->id));
                $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newid', 0, array('id' => $old->id));
            $new = workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_grade($old, $newassessmentids[$old->assessmentid], $newelementids[$old->workshopid][$old->elementno]);
            $newid = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $new);
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newplugin', 'numerrors', array('id' => $old->id));
            $DB->set_field('workshop_grades_old', 'newid', $newid, array('id' => $old->id));