Beispiel #1

<h2>Credit/Debit card security code</h2>
<div class="img left">
echo withCaption(base_url() . '/img/cv_card.jpg', "Your security code is located on the front of your card if it is a MasterCard, or a Visa or Discover card. American Express card security codes are located on the front of the card.");
Beispiel #2

<h2>What feedback will you get from markers?</h2>
<p>We think what students really want to know is how to get better, not where they've gone wrong. That's why our tutors give you practical examples of how you could have improved your answer.</p>
<p><div class="img left">
echo withCaption($this->config->item('base_url') . '/img/inline-marking.png', "Our inline marking system allows you to see precisely where to improve");
</div>Your answers are read using our marking application, which allows our tutors to highlight specific areas of your text. These comments can in turn be linked to the targets they'll give you, so you'll be able to see exactly what aspects of your writing needed improvement.</p>
<p>In addition, you'll get a classification for your current exam-skill standard, using the standard degree classification system. This will allow you to track your progress.</p>
<table class="steps">
		<th><span class="number"></span>What will I get?</th>
		<th><span class="number"></span>Turn-around</th>
			<ul class="ticks">
				<li>Targets relating to the areas you need to improve most</li>
				<li>Specific examples of how you could have written parts of your answer better</li>
				<li>A classification for your exam-skills overall</li>
			<ul class="ticks">
				<li>Turn around is normally <b>2-3 days</b></li>
Beispiel #3

<h2>Exambuff marking application tutorial</h2>
<p>When you launch the Exambuff marking application you'll see the screen below.</p>
echo withCaption(base_url() . '/img/markingTutorial.jpg', "Exambuff marking application - see key below.");
	<li>Forward and back buttons - go to next or previous page in essay</li>
	<li>Jotter for general comment - use to keep notes for your general comment to the student</li>
	<li>Specific comment - when you draw a comment to highlight an area of the essay use these boxes to enter the comment you wish to make. You can comment on more than one area - for instance commenting on style and argument - by click on the various comment bars. A green tick will indicate which areas you've commented on.</li>
	<li>Finish and enter mark - when you've finished reading the essay, and have highlighted all areas of the text you wish to make a specific comment on, click here and enter targets and a general comment</li>
	<li>Inline help, explaining how to pan the image</li>
	<li>Buttons to rotate the page image left and right if it is not upright (as in the image above, which you would have to roatate twice to flip the right way up)</li>
	<li>The question the essay is answering</li>