Beispiel #1
 * 액션 스크립트 : 문서 삭제 (삭제된 후)
 * @package	narinwiki
 * @subpackage event
 * @license GPL2 (
 * @author	byfun (
 * @filesource
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) exit;

$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
$article = $delete_article;

$doc = wiki_doc($article['ns'], $article['doc']);

$backlinks = $wikiArticle->getBackLinks($doc, $includeSelf = false);
for($i=0; $i<count($backlinks); $i++) {
	$wikiArticle->shouldUpdateCache($backlinks[$i]['wr_id'], 1);


// 문서 이력 삭제
$wikiHistory =& wiki_class_load("History");
$wikiHistory->setUnlinked($wr_id, $doc);
//$wikiHistory->clear($wr_id, $delete_all = true);

// 캐시 삭제				
$wikiCache =& wiki_class_load("Cache");
Beispiel #2
	 * dataout inline 처리 without js (currently no js version though)
	 * @param array $args 파라미터
	 * @param array $params {@link NarinParser} 에서 전달하는 파라미터/ can be null
	 * @return string output
	public function wiki_dataout_inline_nojs($args, $params) {
		if($args['having']>0) {
			$having = "HAVING COUNT(1)=".$args['having'];
		if($args['method'] == "rank") {
			if($args['having_target']>0) {
				$having_target = "HAVING COUNT(1)=".$args['having_target'];
			$sql_wr_id = "SELECT wr_id FROM ".$args['db_table']."
							WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$args['filter_keyword']." AND (".$args['filter_target'].") 
							GROUP BY wr_id ".$having_target;
			$res_wr_id = sql_query($sql_wr_id);
			$row_wr_id = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_wr_id);
			$sort_wr_id = $row_wr_id['wr_id'];
			if(!$sort_wr_id) return " <span style='color:red;'>등록정보없음</span> ";
			// make all wr_id list without filter_target
			mysql_query("SET @rank=0");
			$sql_rank = "SELECT rank FROM (
							SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS rank, wr_id, val FROM (
								SELECT d.wr_id, val FROM (
									SELECT wr_id FROM ".$args['db_table']."
									WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$args['filter_keyword']." AND (".$args['filter_where'].")
									GROUP BY wr_id ".$having."
								) c, ".$args['db_table']." d
								WHERE d.bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$args['filter_keyword']." AND d.wr_id=c.wr_id AND col = '".$args['field']."'
								ORDER BY CAST(val AS DECIMAL) ".$args['sort']."
							) r
						) g	
						WHERE g.wr_id = ".$sort_wr_id;
						//TODO: order should be done by proper casting.. maybe need to specify the data type 
						//		e.g. _int  --> CAST(val AS UNSIGNED), _dt --> CAST(val AS DATETIME), _num  --> CAST(val AS DECIMAL)
			$res_rank = sql_query($sql_rank);
			$row_rank = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_rank);
			return " ".$row_rank['rank']." ";
		$sql_wr_id = "SELECT wr_id FROM ".$args['db_table']."
						WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$args['filter_keyword']." AND (".$args['filter_where'].") 
						GROUP BY wr_id ".$having;
		$res_wr_id = sql_query($sql_wr_id);
		if($args['method'] == "count") {
			$nb_count = mysql_num_rows($res_wr_id);
			return " ".$nb_count." ";
		}else {
			$data_array = array();
			while($row_wr_id = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_wr_id)) {
				$wr_id = $row_wr_id['wr_id'];
				// fullpath is reserved for %pageid%, docname is reserved for %title%
				if($args['field']=='fullpath' || $args['field']=='%pageid%' || $args['field']=='%title%') {
					$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
					$write = $wikiArticle->getArticleById($wr_id);
					$fullpath = wiki_doc($write['ns'], $write['doc']);
					$href = wiki_url('read', array('doc'=>$fullpath));
					if($args['field']=='fullpath' || $args['field']=='%pageid%') {
						array_push($data_array, "<a href='".$href."' class='wiki_active_link'>".$fullpath."</a>");
					}else {
						array_push($data_array, "<a href='".$href."' class='wiki_active_link'>".$write['doc']."</a>");
				}else {
					$sql = "SELECT val FROM ".$args['db_table']."
								WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$args['filter_keyword']." AND col='".$args['field']."' AND wr_id=".$wr_id."
								GROUP BY wr_id";
					$row = sql_fetch($sql);
					array_push($data_array, $row['val']);
				if($args['method'] == "item") {
					return " ".array_shift($data_array)." ";
			if(count($data_array) == 0) return " <span style='color:red;'>등록정보없음</span> ";
				return " ".implode(", ", $data_array)." ";
 * 액션 스크립트 : 댓글 삭제 (삭제된 후)
 * @package	narinwiki
 * @subpackage event
 * @license GPL2 (
 * @author	byfun (
 * @filesource
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) exit;

if($article_of_delete_comment) {
	$doc = wiki_doc($article_of_delete_comment['ns'], $article_of_delete_comment['doc']);
	// 최근 변경 내역 업데이트
	$wikiChanges =& wiki_class_load("Changes");
	$wikiChanges->update("DOC", $doc, "댓글삭제", ($member['mb_id'] ? $member['mb_id'] : $write['wr_name']));		
	 * 폴더내 파일 목록 반환
	 * @param string $parent 폴더경로
	 * @return array 파일정보배열 : array(array("id"=>파일id,
	 * 									 "ns"=>폴더경로,
	 * 									 "source"=>파일원본이름,
	 * 									 "file"=>저장된파일이름,
	 * 									 "path"=>파일저장경로(파일명포함),
	 * 									 "href"=>다운로드URL,
	 * 									 "imgsrc"=>이미지SRC (href와 같음),
	 * 									 "filesize"=>파일크기(bytes),
	 * 									 "downloads"=>다운로드카운트,
	 * 									 "reg_date"=>파일등록시간,
	 * 									 "img_width"=>이미지너비(px),
	 * 									 "img_height"=>이미지높이(px),
	 * 									 "img_type"=>이미지유형,
	 * 									 "mb_id"=>파일등록자 아이디,
	 * 									 "mb_name"=>파일등록자 이름,
	 * 									 "mb_nick"=>파일등록자 닉네임))
	function getList($parent = "/") {
		$escapedParent = mysql_real_escape_string($parent);
		$regp = ($parent == "/" ? "/" : $escapedParent."/");

		$sql = "SELECT, nt.ns, m.source, m.file, m.filesize, m.downloads, m.reg_date, m.img_width, m.img_height, m.img_type, m.downloads, m.mb_id, mb.mb_name, mb.mb_nick, m.reg_date
					  FROM ".$this->wiki['media_ns_table']." AS nt 
					  LEFT JOIN ".$this->wiki['media_table']." AS m 
					  	ON nt.ns = m.ns AND nt.bo_table = m.bo_table 
					  LEFT JOIN {$this->g4['member_table']} AS mb 
					  	ON m.mb_id = mb.mb_id 
					  WHERE nt.ns = '$escapedParent' AND nt.bo_table = '".$this->wiki['bo_table']."' 
					  ORDER BY m.reg_date DESC";

		$files = array();
		$result = sql_query($sql);
		while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result))
			if($row['ns'] == $parent) {
				if(!$row['source']) continue;
				//if(is_callable($filter) && !$filter($row)) continue;
				$row['path'] = WIKI_PATH.'/data/'.$this->wiki['bo_table'].'/files/'.$row['file'];
				$row['href'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/exe/media_download.php?bo_table='.$this->wiki['bo_table'].'&file='.urlencode(wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']));
				$row['imgsrc'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/exe/media_download.php?bo_table='.$this->wiki['bo_table'].'&w=img&file='.urlencode(wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']));
				array_push($files, $row);
		return $files;
Beispiel #5
 * include head.sub 스크립트
 * @package	narinwiki
 * @subpackage event
 * @license GPL2 (
 * @author	byfun (
 * @filesource
if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가 

if(file_exists(WIKI_PATH."/narin.config.php") ) {
	if(!$doc && $wr_id) {
		$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
		$tmp = &$wikiArticle->getArticleById($wr_id);
		$doc = wiki_doc($tmp['ns'], $tmp['doc']);
		list($ns, $docname, $doc) = wiki_page_name($doc);

	$scriptFile = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
	$wikiEvent =& wiki_class_load("Event");
	extract($wikiEvent->trigger("LOAD_HEAD", array("script"=>$scriptFile, 
$css_path = $wiki['url'].'/css.php';
$js_path = $wiki['url'].'/js.php';
if($wiki['fancy_url']) {
	$css_path = $wiki['url'].'/_narin.css';
	$js_path = $wiki['url'].'/_narin.js';
Beispiel #6
	parse_str(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY), $args);
	if(!empty($args)) {
		foreach($args as $k => $v) $_GET[$k] = $v;

// $doc, $loc 변수 셋팅
$loc = str_replace('+', ' ', stripcslashes($loc));
$doc = str_replace('+', ' ', stripcslashes($doc));
if($loc && $doc) $doc = $loc."/".$doc;
else if(!$doc && $wr_doc) $doc = $wr_doc;
else if(!$doc && $wr_id) {
	$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
	$wr = $wikiArticle->getArticleById($wr_id);
	$doc = wiki_doc($wr['ns'], $wr['doc']);
} else if(!$doc) $doc = "/".$wiki['front'];
$doc = preg_replace('/\/+/', '/', $doc);

list($ns, $docname, $doc) = wiki_validate_doc($doc);

// 이벤트 오브젝트 로드
$wikiEvent =& wiki_class_load("Event");

// 스킨 패스/URL 설정
// fancy url 지원을 위해 절대경로와 URL경로로 구분하여 사용
define(SKIN_PATH, WIKI_PATH.'/skin/board/'.$skin);
define(SKIN_URL, $wiki['url'].'/skin/board/'.$skin);

Beispiel #7
 * @license GPL2 (
 * @author	byfun (
 * @filesource

include_once "./_common.php";

if( !$is_wiki_admin )
	alert("권한이 없습니다");

$folder = stripcslashes($folder);
$move_to_folder = stripcslashes($move_to_folder);

if($folder != $move_to_folder) {
	$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
	for($i=0; $i<count($chk_wr_id); $i++) {
		$wr = &$wikiArticle->getArticleById($chk_wr_id[$i]);
		if(!$wr) continue;
		$fromDoc = wiki_doc($folder, $wr['wr_subject']);
		$toDoc = wiki_doc($move_to_folder, $wr['wr_subject']);
		$wikiArticle->moveDoc($fromDoc, $toDoc, $wr['wr_id']);

header("location:".wiki_url('folder', array('loc'=>stripcslashes($move_to_folder))));

Beispiel #8
  * template 처리
  * @param array $matches 패턴매칭 결과
  * @param array $params {@link NarinParser} 에서 전달하는 파라미터
  * @return
 public function wiki_template($matches, $params)
     // matches[1] : /template/form
     // matches[4] : list of parameter=value after '?'
     $pattern = '/((.*)\\/)([^\\/\\#]*)(\\#(.*))?$/';
     preg_match($pattern, $matches[1], $m);
     // m[1]: root namespace if m[2]=NULL
     // m[2]: non-root namespace
     // m[3]: docname
     // m[5]: secname if any
     $args = array();
     $args['loc'] = $m[2] ? $m[2] : $m[1];
     $args['docname'] = $m[3];
     $args['secname'] = $m[5] ? $m[5] : "";
     $args['path'] = wiki_doc($args['loc'], $args['docname']);
     //		$args['options'] = htmlspecialchars($matches[4]);
     $args['options'] = urlencode($matches[4]);
     // 작성자 레벨 셋팅
     if ($params[view][mb_id]) {
         $writer = get_member($params[view][mb_id]);
         $args['writer_level'] = $writer[mb_level];
     } else {
         $args['writer_level'] = 0;
     $templated = $this->wiki_template_nojs(&$args, &$params);
     $options = wiki_json_encode($args);
     return '<nocache plugin="template" method="cache_render" params="' . addslashes($options) . '">' . $templated . '</nocache>';
Beispiel #9
	function get_media_list($parent = "/", $add_where = "", $paging = array(), $ordering = array()) {
		$escapedParent = mysql_real_escape_string($parent);
		$regp = ($parent == "/" ? "/" : $escapedParent."/");

		$top = "";
		$use_paging = false;
		$limit = "";
		$from_record = 0;
		$page_rows = 0;
		if(isset($paging['page']) && isset($paging['page_rows']) && $ordering['by'] != 'random') {
			$sql = "SELECT count( as count FROM ".$this->wiki['media_ns_table']." AS nt 
							LEFT JOIN ".$this->wiki['media_table']." AS m 
					  		ON nt.ns = m.ns AND nt.bo_table = m.bo_table 
					  	WHERE nt.ns = '$escapedParent' AND nt.bo_table = '".$this->wiki['bo_table']."'";
			$tmp = sql_fetch($sql);
			$total = $tmp['count'];
			$page = $paging['page'];
			$page_rows = $paging['page_rows'];
			$from_record = ($page - 1) * $page_rows; // 시작 열을 구함
			$limit = " LIMIT $from_record, " .  $page_rows;
			$use_paging = true;
		$order_by = 'm.reg_date';
		$order = 'DESC';
		$order_by = 'm.'.$ordering['by'];
		$order = $ordering['order'];
		if($ordering['by'] == 'random') {
			$order_by = 'RAND()';
			$order = '';
			if($limit) {
				$limit = '';

		$sql = "SELECT, nt.ns, m.source, m.file, m.filesize, m.downloads, m.reg_date, m.img_width, m.img_height, m.img_type, m.mb_id, mb.mb_name, mb.mb_nick
					  FROM ".$this->wiki['media_ns_table']." AS nt 
					  LEFT JOIN ".$this->wiki['media_table']." AS m 
					  	ON nt.ns = m.ns AND nt.bo_table = m.bo_table 
					  LEFT JOIN {$this->g4['member_table']} AS mb 
					  	ON m.mb_id = mb.mb_id 
					  WHERE nt.ns = '$escapedParent' AND nt.bo_table = '".$this->wiki['bo_table']."' $add_where
					  ORDER BY $order_by $order $limit";
		$files = array();
		$result = sql_query($sql);
		while ($row = sql_fetch_array($result))
			if($row['ns'] == $parent) {
				if(!$row['source']) continue;
				//if(is_callable($filter) && !$filter($row)) continue;
				$row['path'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/data/'.$this->wiki['bo_table'].'/files/'.$row['file'];
				if(!$this->wiki['fancy_url']) {
					$row['href'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/exe/media_download.php?file='.urlencode(wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']));
					$row['imgsrc'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/exe/media_download.php?file='.urlencode(wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']));
				} else {
					$row['href'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/_media/'.wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']);
					$row['imgsrc'] = $this->wiki['url'].'/_media/'.wiki_doc($row['ns'], $row['source']);
				array_push($files, $row);
		return array($total, $from_record, $page_rows, $files);
Beispiel #10
  * include 처리
  * @param array $matches 패턴매칭 결과
  * @param array $params {@link NarinParser} 에서 전달하는 파라미터
  * @return string include되고 파싱된 결과
 public function wiki_include($matches, $params)
     // matches[1] : (/folder)/article(#section)
     // matches[4] : parameters after '?'
     $args = array();
     $pattern = '/((.*)\\/)([^\\/\\#]*)(\\#(.*))?$/';
     preg_match($pattern, $matches[1], $m);
     // parse options
     if ($matches[4]) {
         parse_str(str_replace("&amp;", "&", $matches[4]), $args);
     // m[1]: root namespace if m[2]=NULL
     // m[2]: non-root namespace
     // m[3]: docname
     // m[5]: secname if any
     $args['loc'] = $m[2] ? $m[2] : $m[1];
     $args['docname'] = $m[3];
     $args['secname'] = $m[5] ? $m[5] : "";
     $args['path'] = wiki_doc($args['loc'], $args['docname']);
     // plugin settings and alternative flags
     $args['nocontainer'] = $this->setting_nocontainer && ($args['box'] == "no" || isset($args['nocontainer'])) ? true : false;
     $args['firstseconly'] = $this->include_range == "FS" || (isset($args['firstseconly']) || isset($args['fso'])) ? true : false;
     // 작성자 레벨 셋팅
     if ($params[view][mb_id]) {
         $writer = get_member($params[view][mb_id]);
         $writer_level = $writer[mb_level];
     } else {
         $writer_level = 0;
     // Include 사용 level check
     if ($this->allow_level > $writer_level) {
         return "";
     $args['includeTopSectionLevel'] = 999;
     $args['outdentation'] = 0;
     $included = $this->wiki_include_nojs($args, &$params);
     if (isset($args['partialnocache']) || isset($args['pnc'])) {
         $options = wiki_json_encode($args);
         return '<nocache plugin="include" method="cache_render" params="' . addslashes($options) . '">' . $included . '</nocache>';
     } else {
         return $included;
Beispiel #11
	 * datatable/datalist 출력
	 * @param array $matches 패턴매칭 결과
	 * @param array $params {@link NarinParser} 에서 전달하는 파라미터
	 * @return string output
	public function wiki_dataout($matches, $params) {
		// $matches[1] = table or list
		// $matches[2] = content
		$args = array();
		$args['type'] = $matches[1];
		$content = $matches[2];
		// content format
		// cols    : %pageid%, name, description, author, lastupdate_dt
		// headers : Details, 플러그인 이름, 설명, 저자, 최종수정일
		// max     : 10
		// filter  : class=plugins
		// sort    : ^name
		$fields = array();
		$args['headers'] = array();	// only works for table
		$args['max'] = -1;
		$keyword = '';
		$filter_keyword = '1';
		$filters = array();
		$sort_dir = 'ASC';
		$sort_col = '';
		$lines = preg_split( '/\r\n|\r|\n/', $content);
		foreach($lines as $line) {
			$kv = array_map('trim', explode(':', $line, 2));
			switch($kv[0]) {
				case 'cols':
				case 'col':
					$cols = array_map('trim', explode(',', $kv[1]));
					foreach($cols as $col) {
						switch($col) {
							case '%pageid%':
								array_push($fields, 'fullpath');
							case '%title%':
								array_push($fields, 'docname');
							case '%class%':
								array_push($fields, 'class');
								array_push($fields, $col);
				case 'headers':
				case 'header':
				case 'head':
					$args['headers'] = array_map('trim', explode(',', $kv[1]));
				case 'max':
				case 'limit':
					$args['max'] = $kv[1];
				case 'filter':
				case 'where':
				case 'fiterand':
				case 'and':
					$op_pattern = '/^(.*?)(=|\!=|&lt;&gt;|&lt;|&lt;=|=&gt;|&gt;|\~|\!\~)(.*)$/s';
					preg_match($op_pattern, $kv[1], $op_matches);
					$col = $op_matches[1];
					$val = $op_matches[3];
					$op  = $op_matches[2];
					$not = "";
					if($op=='~') {	// wildcard
						$op = 'LIKE';
						$val = preg_replace('/\*/', '%', $val);
					}elseif($op=='!~') {	// wildcard
						$op = 'LIKE';
						$not = 'NOT';
						$val = preg_replace('/\*/', '%', $val);
					}elseif($op=='!=' || $op=='<>') {
						$op = '=';
						$not = 'NOT';
					}else {
						$op = preg_replace('/&lt;/','<',$op);
						$op = preg_replace('/&gt;/','>',$op);
					if($col == 'class') {
						$keyword = 'class';
						$filter_keyword = $not." keyword ".$op." '".$val."' ";
					else array_push($filters, "(col = '".$col."' AND ".$not." val ".$op." '".$val."')");
				case 'sort':
				case 'order':
					if(preg_match('/^\^/',$kv[1])) {
						$sort_dir = 'DESC';
					$sort_col = trim($kv[1],'^');
		$args['fields'] = $fields;
		// if headers are not specified, use col($fields) instead
		if(!$args['headers']) $args['headers'] = $args['fields'];
		$wikiArticle =& wiki_class_load("Article");
		// retrieve the data
		$list = array();
		$list_sort = array();
		// filtering
		$filter_where = "1";
		if(count($filters)) $filter_where = implode(' AND ', $filters);
		// currently dataentry without keyword might have a problem to show
		$sql_wr_id = "SELECT DISTINCT wr_id FROM ".$this->db_table." 
						WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND ".$filter_keyword." AND ".$filter_where;
		$res_wr_id = sql_query($sql_wr_id);
		while($row_wr_id = sql_fetch_array($res_wr_id)) {
			$data = array();
			$wr_id = $row_wr_id['wr_id'];
			$write = $wikiArticle->getArticleById($wr_id);
			foreach($fields as $field) {
				// fullpath is reserved for %pageid%, docname is reserved for %title%
				if($field=='fullpath' || $field=='docname') {
					$data['fullpath'] = wiki_doc($write['ns'], $write['doc']);
					$data['docname'] = $write['doc'];
				// class is reserved for %class%
				if($field == 'class') {
					// not much special treatment.. unless providing dynamic datatable page for specific class
					$data['class'] = $keyword;
				// other fields, potentially multiple values
				$sql = "SELECT col, val FROM ".$this->db_table." WHERE bo_table='".$this->bo_table."' AND wr_id=".$wr_id." AND ".$filter_keyword." AND col='".$field."'";
				$res = sql_query($sql);
				$val_array = array();
				while($row = sql_fetch_array($res)) {
					array_push($val_array, $row['val']);
				$data[$field] = implode(", ", $val_array);
				// store the values for sorting.. for now %..% fields cannot be used for sorting.. WTH
				if($field == $sort_col) array_push($list_sort, $data[$field]);
			array_push($list, $data);
		// sorting
		if($sort_col) {
			if($sort_dir == 'ASC') {
				array_multisort($list_sort, SORT_ASC, $list);
			}else {
				array_multisort($list_sort, SORT_DESC, $list);
		if($args['type'] == 'table' || $args['type'] == 'stable') return $this->render_table($args, &$list, &$params);
		else return $this->render_list($args, &$list, &$params);
	 * 문서 반환 by wr_id
	 * @param int $wr_id 문서id (그누보드 게시판의 wr_id)
	 * @return array 문서 데이터
	public function & getArticleById($wr_id)
		if($this->cache[$wr_id]) return $this->cache[$wr_id];
		$wr_id = mysql_real_escape_string($wr_id);

		$sql = "SELECT wb.*, nt.*, wb.wr_subject AS doc, ht.reg_date AS update_date FROM ".$this->wiki['write_table']." AS wb 
				LEFT JOIN ".$this->wiki['nsboard_table']." AS nt ON wb.wr_id = nt.wr_id 
				LEFT JOIN ".$this->wiki['history_table']." AS ht ON wb.wr_id = ht.wr_id 
				WHERE nt.bo_table = '".$this->wiki['bo_table']."' AND wb.wr_id = '$wr_id'
				ORDER BY ht.reg_date DESC LIMIT 1
		$write = sql_fetch($sql);
		$write['contributors'] = $this->getContributor($wr_id);		
		$full = wiki_doc($write['ns'], $write['doc']);
		$this->cache[$full] = &$write;
		$this->cache[$wr_id] = &$write;
		return $write;