$cat_result = tep_db_query($cat_query);
$cat = array();
$c = array();
$c['img'] = 'Product';
$c['cl-c'] = 'Cross-Selling';
$c['cl-u'] = 'UP-selling';
$c['cl-a'] = 'Accessory';
$c['cl-d'] = 'Device';
$cat[] = $c;
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($cat_result)) {
    $detail_link = "?open=sp-product&id={$row['products_id']}";
    $pid = '<input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="' . $row['products_id'] . '" />';
    $c = array();
    $img = $pid;
    $img .= '<div class="pro-thumb">';
    $img .= '<div><a href="' . webImageSource($row['products_image'], '500', '500') . '" title="View Image ' . $row['products_id'] . '" class="view_image">' . webImage($row['products_image'], '80', '80') . '</a></div>';
    $img .= '<div class="bold"><a href="' . $detail_link . '" title="View and Manage Product Detail for Neckermann Catalog">' . $row['products_id'] . '</a></div>';
    $img .= '<div>' . $row['article_number'] . '</div>';
    $img .= '<div class="green">' . displayCurrency('EUR', $row['price']) . '</div>';
    $img .= '</div>';
    $c['img'] = $img;
    $c['cl-c'] = '<img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" />';
    $c['cl-u'] = '<img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" />';
    $c['cl-a'] = '<img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" />';
    $c['cl-d'] = '<img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" />';
    $c['cl-d'] = '<img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" />';
    $cat[] = $c;
if (count($cat) == 1) {
    $c = array();
    foreach ($cat[0] as $key => $val) {
    $sda_return['return_comment_customer'] = tep_db_prepare_input(utf8_decode($_POST['comment_c']));
    $sda_return['return_comment_jng'] = tep_db_prepare_input(utf8_decode($_POST['comment_j']));
    $sda_return['shipping_paid'] = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['shipping_paid']);
    $class_jo->returnItemUpdate($return_id, $sda_return);
    echo '<div class="green">Return detail is successfully saved</div>';
$return_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['id']) : '';
if ($return_id == '') {
$return = $class_jo->retrieveReturnDetail($return_id);
$item = $class_jo->retrieveItemDetail($return['jng_sp_orders_items_id']);
$order = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($item['jng_sp_orders_id']);
$pimg = webImageSource($item['products_image'], '500');
if ($pimg != '') {
    $pimg = webImage($item['products_image'], '120', '120', '', 'img-border img-padding');
$content .= '<div style="float:left;">' . $pimg . '</div>';
$content .= '<div style="margin-left:150px;">';
$content .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$order_id = $order['order_id'] == '' ? 'J&G ID: ' . $order['jng_sp_orders_id'] : $order['order_id'];
if ($return['confirm_return'] == '1') {
    $return_reason = $class_jo->returnReasonText($return['return_reason']);
    $return_qty = $return['return_quantity'];
    $comment_c = nl2br($return['return_comment_customer']);
    $comment_j = nl2br($return['return_comment_jng']);
    $shipping_status = $return['shipping_paid'] == '1' ? 'Paid' : 'Unpaid';
} else {
    $return_reason = $class_jo->returnReasonCombo('', 'input2', 'return_reason', $return['return_reason']);
 function drawProductsImage($xpos, $ypos, $products_image)
     if (file_exists(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_image)) {
         return $this->Image(webImageSource($products_image, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_3, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_3), $xpos, $ypos, 28, 28);
     $stock[$a_counter] = $stock[$a_counter];
     $stock_target[$a_counter] = $stock_target[$a_counter];
     $qty_ordered[$a_counter] = $qty_ordered[$a_counter];
     $qty_missing[$a_counter] = $qty_missing[$a_counter];
     $levelling_target[$a_counter] = $levelling_target[$a_counter];
     $levelling_orders[$a_counter] = $levelling_orders[$a_counter];
     $levelling_orders_ptb[$a_counter] = $levelling_orders_ptb[$a_counter];
     $levelling_orders_os[$a_counter] = $levelling_orders_os[$a_counter];
     $total_target[$a_counter] = $total_target[$a_counter];
     $total_qty_missing[$a_counter] = $total_qty_missing[$a_counter];
     $levelling_orders_today[$a_counter] = $levelling_orders_today[$a_counter];
 //$asep => Article SEParator
 $asep = '<br />';
 $image = webImage($p['image'], '80', '80');
 $imagesource = webImageSource($p['image'], '500', '500');
 if ($imagesource != '') {
     $image = '<a href="' . $imagesource . '" class="view_image">' . $image . '</a>';
 $row = array();
 $info = $pid . ' / ' . $p['code'];
 $info .= '<br />' . $p['name'];
 $row['a'] = "<div>{$counter}</div>";
 $row['b'] = "<div>{$image}</div>";
 $row['c'] = "<div>{$info}</div>";
 $row['d'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $size) . '</div>';
 $row['e'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $ean) . '</div>';
 $row['f'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $sold_last_month_nopromo) . '</div>';
 $row['g'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $sold_last_month) . '</div>';
 $row['h'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $stock) . '</div>';
 $row['i'] = '<div>' . implode($asep, $stock_target) . '</div>';
Beispiel #5
 $isnotjpg = strpos($file['type'], 'jpg') === false && strpos($file['type'], 'jpeg') === false;
 if ($isnotjpg) {
     $error = true;
     $errormsg = 'Only JPG is allowed';
 } else {
     $imagesize = 500;
     $filesize = @getimagesize($file['tmp_name']);
     if ($filesize[0] != $imagesize || $filesize[1] != $imagesize) {
         $error = true;
         $errormsg = 'Bad Size, must be ' . $imagesize . 'x' . $imagesize . ' pixels';
     } else {
         $element->uploadImage($file['tmp_name'], $file['name']);
 $err_status = $error ? '0' : '1';
 $image_src = webImageSource($element->image, '130', '130');
 //$image_src_ori = webImageSource($element->image);
 //$image_src_list = webImageSource($element->image, '80', '80');
 //        echo '<div id="uir_status">'.$result.'</div>';
 //        echo '<div id="uir_errmsg">'.$errormsg.'</div>';
 //        echo '<div id="uir_imgsrc">'.$image_src.'</div>';
 //echo '<div id="uir_imgsrc_ori">'.$image_src_ori.'</div>';
 //echo '<div id="uir_imgsrc_list">'.$image_src_list.'</div>';
 //echo '<div id="finalized_class">'.(($element->isFinalized()) ? 'green' : 'red').'</div>';
 $result = array();
 $result['uir_status'] = $err_status;
 $result['uir_errmsg'] = $errormsg;
 $result['uir_imgsrc'] = $image_src;
     $result['designs_id'] = $draft->designs_id;
     $result['drafts_id'] = $draft->id;
         } else {
             $colsize = 0;
         $pdf->setXY($margin + $colsize, $pdf->ypos);
         $pdf->MultiCell($colwidth, $lineheight_header, $header, 1, 'C', true);
 } else {
     $pdf->ypos += $key == 1 ? $lineheight_header + 5.2 : $lineheight;
     $pdf->setXY($margin, $pdf->ypos);
     foreach ($cols_value as $rkey => $cr) {
         if ($rkey == $col_image - 1) {
             $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $lineheight, '', 1, 0, 'C');
             //                die($cols_value[0]);
             $items = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($cols_value[0], 'p');
             $img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'imagecache/';
             $img_file = basename(webImageSource($items['p']['products_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1));
             $img = $img_path . $img_file;
             $x_col = $margin + ($col_image - 1) * $colwidth;
             $posx_image = $x_col + 3;
             $pdf->Image($img, $posx_image, $pdf->ypos + 4, 20);
             $pdf->setXY($x_col, $pdf->ypos + $lineheight - ($lineheight / 2 + 2));
             $text_under_image_height = $lineheight;
             if ($pdf->PageNo() > 1) {
                 $text_under_image_height -= 3.1;
             } else {
                 $text_under_image_height -= 2;
             $pdf->Cell($colwidth, $text_under_image_height, $cr, 0, 0, 'C');
             $pdf->setXY($x_col + $colwidth, $pdf->ypos);
Beispiel #7
  * Standard Display of Image Thumb with icons
  * @param int $width
  * @param int $height
  * @param string $additional_title
  * @param boolean $border
  * @param string $class
  * @return type
 public function displayImage($width, $height, $additional_title = '', $border = true, $class = '', $link_to = self::IMAGE_LINKTO_BIGGER_IMAGE)
     $title = "Product {$this->id}";
     if ($additional_title != '') {
         $title .= " {$additional_title}";
     $popup_title = 'View Larger Image (' . $this->id . '/' . $this->code . ')';
     if ($additional_title != '') {
         $popup_title .= " {$additional_title}";
     $border_class = $border ? 'img-border' : '';
     if ($border_class != $class) {
         $class .= ($class != '' ? ' ' : '') . $border_class;
     $img_thumb = webImage($this->image, $width, $height, $popup_title, $class);
     $thumb_width = $width;
     $thumb_height = $height;
     if ($width == '' || $height == '') {
         $thumb_image_source = webImageSource($this->image, $width, $height);
         if ($thumb_image_source != '') {
             list($thumb_width, $thumb_height) = @getimagesize($thumb_image_source);
     if ($link_to == self::IMAGE_LINKTO_BIGGER_IMAGE) {
         $main_image = webImageSource($this->image, IMAGE_SIZE_BIG_1);
         $link_target = $main_image != '' ? $main_image : '';
         $link_class = 'view_image';
     } else {
         $link_target = $this->getLinkProductDetail();
         $link_class = 'view_webpage';
     if ($link_target != '') {
         $image = '<a href="' . $link_target . '" class="' . $link_class . '" title="' . $popup_title . '">' . $img_thumb . '</a>';
     } else {
         $image = $img_thumb;
     $icons_total_width = 0;
     $icons = array();
     if ($this->isKilled()) {
         $icons[] = drawKilledIcon('Killed Product', '');
         $icons_total_width += 16;
     if ($this->isUsingDiamond()) {
         $icons[] = drawDiamondIcon('Diamond Product', '');
         $icons_total_width += 16;
     //GOLD ICON
     if ($this->isUsingGold()) {
         $icons[] = drawGoldIcon($this->metal_stamp_code, $this->metal_stamp_info);
         $icons_total_width += 21;
     $icons_total_width += count($icons) * 2;
     //consider white space
     $icons_margin_top = $thumb_height - 16 - 1;
     //16 is default icon height, 1 is margin bottom
     $icons_margin_left = $thumb_width - $icons_total_width;
     $div_image = '<div>' . $image . '</div>';
     $div_icons = '<div style="position:absolute;margin:' . $icons_margin_top . 'px 0 0 ' . $icons_margin_left . 'px;">' . implode(' ', array_reverse($icons)) . '</div>';
     $div_stars = '<div>' . drawStars($this->stars) . '</div>';
     return '<div class="tac" style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;margin:0 auto;">' . $div_icons . $div_image . $div_stars . '</div>';
function processReturnOld($sp_type, $order_id, $ean_code, $reason = '0')
    global $class_jo;
    global $class_o;
    $class_payone = new payone();
    $class_pm = new products_minierp();
    $return_allowed_status = array('9', '11', '16', '20');
    $is_best_product = '';
    $order_product_id = '';
    $product_barcode = '';
    $status = 'RETURNNOTALLOWED';
    if (strtolower($sp_type) == 's') {
        $items = $class_jo->retrieveItems($order_id);
        foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
            $items_id = $item['jng_sp_orders_items_id'];
            $product_code = $item['products_model'];
            $product_name = $item['products_name'];
            //            echo $item['products_ean']." | ".$item['status']."<br/>";
            if ($item['products_ean'] == $ean_code && in_array($item['status'], $return_allowed_status)) {
                $products_id = $item['products_id'];
                //                if($reason=='') {
                //                    $order_product_id = $items_id;
                //                    $status = 'MCSCANREASON';
                //                    $reasons = $class_jo->returnReasonList();
                //                    $reasons_list = array();
                //                    foreach($reasons as $reason_id=>$val){
                //                        $reasons_list[] = $reason_id."-".$val;
                //                    }
                //                    $result['reasons'] = $reasons_list;
                //                }else{
                $returnable = $item['order_quantity'];
                $return_data = $class_jo->retrieveReturnItem($items_id);
                //                    echo "<pre>";var_dump($return_data);
                if (!is_null($return_data)) {
                    foreach ($return_data as $rd) {
                        $returnable -= $rd['return_quantity'];
                if ($returnable > 0) {
                    $order_product_id = $items_id;
                    $product_barcode = "SP-{$order_product_id}";
                    $is_best_product = $class_pm->isBestProduct($item['products_id']);
                    $status = $is_best_product ? 'MCBINORRETURN' : 'MCRETURNTOBALI';
                    //CREATE RETURN
                    $return_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                    $return_qty = 1;
                    $comment_customer = '';
                    $comment_jng = '';
                    $shipping_paid = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['shipping_paid']);
                    $return_id = $class_jo->returnItem($items_id, $return_date, $return_qty, $reason, $comment_customer, $comment_jng, $shipping_paid);
                    //CREATE PAYONE RETURN
                    //                        $return_id = '123';
                    if ($return_id != '') {
                        $class_payone->createReturnContainerSP($return_id, $return_qty, $items_id);
                        $items_q = tep_db_query("SELECT SUM(order_quantity) AS total FROM jng_sp_orders_items WHERE jng_sp_orders_id={$order_id} AND status NOT IN (10, 12)");
                        $items = tep_db_fetch_array($items_q);
                        $items_total = $items['total'];
                        $returns_total = getTotalReturnOrderSP($order_id);
                        $returnable = $items_total - $returns_total;
                //                } //BLOCK reason status
    } elseif (strtolower($sp_type) == 'j') {
        $class_pean = new products_ean();
        $items = $class_o->retrieveProducts($order_id);
        foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
            $ean = $class_pean->getEAN($item['products_id'], $item['products_articles_id']);
            $opid = $item['orders_products_id'];
            $product_code = $item['products_model'];
            $product_name = $item['products_name'];
            //            echo $ean." | ".$item['status']."<br/>";
            if ($ean == $ean_code && in_array($item['status'], $return_allowed_status)) {
                $products_id = $item['products_id'];
                $existing_return = $class_o->productReturnTotalQty($opid);
                if ($existing_return < $item['products_quantity']) {
                    $order_product_id = $opid;
                    $product_barcode = "JG-{$order_product_id}";
                    $is_best_product = $class_pm->isBestProduct($item['products_id']);
                    $status = $is_best_product ? 'MCBINORRETURN' : 'MCRETURNTOBALI';
                    //CREATE RETURN
                    $opid = $item['orders_products_id'];
                    $return_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                    $return_qty = 1;
                    $return_type = 'C';
                    $return_status = '0';
                    $return_comment = '';
                    $product_received = 1;
                    $return_id = $class_o->addReturnProduct($opid, $return_date, $return_qty, $return_type, $return_status, $return_comment, $product_received);
                    //CREATE PAYONE RETURN
                    //                    $return_id = '123';
                    if ($return_id != '') {
                        $class_payone->createReturnContainer($return_id, $return_qty, $opid);
                        $items_q = tep_db_query("SELECT SUM(products_quantity) AS total FROM orders_products WHERE orders_id={$order_id}  AND status NOT IN (10, 12)");
                        $items = tep_db_fetch_array($items_q);
                        $items_total = $items['total'];
                        $returns_total = getTotalReturnOrderJG($order_id);
                        $returnable = $items_total - $returns_total;
    $result['product_barcode'] = $product_barcode;
    $result['order_product_id'] = $order_product_id;
    $result['eancode'] = $ean_code;
    if ($products_id != '') {
        $result['product_id'] = $products_id;
        $qp = "SELECT p.*, pd.products_name FROM products p INNER JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id\n                WHERE p.products_id = {$products_id} AND pd.language_id = 2";
        $dbqp = tep_db_query($qp);
        $rp = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqp);
        $result['product_code'] = $rp['products_model'];
        $result['product_name'] = $rp['products_name'];
        $result['product_image'] = webImageSource($rp['products_image'], '80');
    $result['returnable'] = $returnable;
    $result['status'] = $status;
    return $result;
function shopifyTemplate($is_article, $product_id, $var_ean, $var_length, $add_images)
    global $class_pm, $class_pmat, $class_pa, $r;
    $product_materials_name = '';
    //    $product = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($product_id, 'p,pd,pd2,pc,pnc,cat,pei,pci');
    $product = Product::getOldProductFunction()->retrieveDetail($product_id, 'p,pd,pd2,pc,pnc,cat,pei,pci');
    $product_name = $product['pd'][3]['products_name'];
    $product_name_handle = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $product_name));
    $product_articles = $class_pa->retrieveList($product_id);
    $product_articles_total = count($product_articles);
    //    $product_stock = $class_pm->stockRetrieve(WAREHOUSE_ID_PRODUCTS_HAMBURG, $product_id, '*');
    $product_stock = Product::getOldProductFunction()->stockRetrieve(WAREHOUSE_ID_PRODUCTS_HAMBURG, $product_id, '*');
    $product_obj = new Product($product_id);
    //$product_price_uvp = $product['p']['products_price_uvp'];
    $product_price_uvp = $product_obj->getPriceUVP();
    //    $product_price_default = $product['p']['products_price_default'];
    $product_price_default = $product_obj->getPriceDefault();
    $main_image = webImageSource($product['p']['products_image']);
    //    $product_gender = $class_pm->productGenderName($product['p']['products_gender']);
    $product_gender_id = $product['p']['products_gender'];
    if ($product_gender_id == 1) {
        $product_gender = 'Pria';
    } elseif ($product_gender_id == 2) {
        $product_gender = 'Wanita';
    //$product_gender = Product::getOldProductFunction()->productGenderName($product['p']['products_gender']);
    //    $product_agegroup = $class_pm->productAgeGroupName($product['p']['products_agegroup']);
    $product_agegroup = Product::getOldProductFunction()->productAgeGroupName($product['p']['products_agegroup']);
    $cat_for_fashion = new Category($product['categories_id']);
    if ($product['categories_id'] < 36) {
        $product_categories = translateCategoriesToIndonesian($product['categories_id']);
    } else {
        $product_categories = $cat_for_fashion->getName('3');
    //    $productLength = ($product['pc']['products_length'] !== false) ? $product['pc']['products_length']/10 : $product['pnc']['products_length']/10;
    if ($product['pc'] !== false) {
        $product_length = number_format($product['pc']['products_length'], 0);
        $length_code = '_' . number_format($product_length, 0);
        //        $product_length_for_var = 'One size'; //FOR NOW WE ALWAYS USE One Size for every Categories except ring
        if ($product['categories_id'] == 29) {
            $product_lenght_code = $product_length;
            $product_length = $product_length * 10;
            $length_code = '_' . $product_length;
    } else {
        //if ($product['categories_id'] < 36) {
        //} else {
        $product_length = number_format($product['pnc']['products_length'], 0);
        $length_code = '_' . number_format($product_length, 0);
        //        $product_length_for_var = 'One size'; //FOR NOW WE ALWAYS USE One Size for every Categories except ring
        if ($product['categories_id'] == 29) {
            $product_lenght_code = $product_length;
            $product_length = $product_length * 10;
            $length_code = '_' . $product_length;
    if ($product_length == '0.00') {
        $length_code = '';
    //    $productLength = ($product['pc'] !== false) ? $product['pc']['products_length'] : $product['pnc']['products_length'];
    if ($product['pd2']['width'] == '0.00') {
        $product_width = '';
    } else {
        $product_width = $product['pd2']['width'] / 10;
    if ($product['pd2']['height'] == '0.00') {
        $product_height = '';
    } else {
        $product_height = $product['pd2']['height'] / 10;
    if ($product['pd2']['weight'] == '0.00') {
        $product_weight = '';
    } else {
        $product_weight = $product['pd2']['weight'];
    if ($product['pd2']['diameter'] == '0') {
        $product_diameter = '';
    } else {
        $product_diameter = $product['pd2']['diameter'] / 10;
    $product_ean = $product['p']['products_ean'];
    $product_keywords = $product['pd'][3]['products_head_keywords_tag'];
    $product_description = $product['pd'][3]['products_description'];
    $product_brand = $product['p']['products_brand_name'];
    $product_selling_points = explode(';', $product['pd'][3]['products_selling_points']);
    $materials = $class_pmat->retrieveList('', 'material_name');
    //    $product_materials = $class_pm->loadProductMaterials($product_id);
    $product_materials = Product::getOldProductFunction()->loadProductMaterials($product_id);
    $separator = '';
    foreach ($materials as $mat) {
        if (in_array($mat['products_materials_id'], $product_materials)) {
            $materials_name = explode(',', $mat['material_name']);
            $product_materials_name .= $separator;
            $product_materials_name .= $materials_name[2];
            if (!$separator) {
                $separator = ',';
    $query_color = "SELECT ptcp.products_id, ptcp.color_pattern_id, cpd.name FROM products_to_color_pattern ptcp";
    $query_color .= " LEFT JOIN color_pattern_description cpd ON cpd.color_pattern_id = ptcp.color_pattern_id";
    $query_color .= " WHERE ptcp.products_id = {$product_id} AND languages_id = 1";
    $query_color_result = tep_db_query($query_color);
    $product_color_row = mysql_fetch_row($query_color_result);
    $product_color = translateColorToIndonesian($product_color_row[1]);
    if ($is_article) {
        if ($product_articles_total > 0) {
            $product_ean = $var_ean;
            $product_length = $var_length * 10;
            $length_code = '_' . $var_length;
            if ($product['categories_id'] == 29) {
                $length_code = '_' . $var_length * 10;
    if ($is_article || $add_images != '') {
        $product_name = '';
        $product_description = '';
        $product_brand = '';
    $add_images != '' ? $main_image = webImageSource($add_images) : $main_image;
    $product_code = $product['p']['products_model'];
    $x = array();
    /*A - Handle     */
    $x[0][0] = $product_name_handle;
    /*B - Title */
    $x[0][1] = $add_images == '' ? $product_name : '';
    /*C - Body (HTML) */
    $x[0][2] = $add_images == '' ? $product_description : '';
    /*D - Vendor */
    $x[0][3] = $add_images == '' ? 'Bellinda Germany' : '';
    /*E - Type  */
    $x[0][4] = $add_images == '' ? $product_categories : '';
    /*F - Tags  */
    $x[0][5] = $add_images == '' ? $product_materials_name . ', ' . $product_color . ', ' . $product_gender : '';
    /*G - Published   */
    $x[0][6] = $add_images == '' ? 'TRUE' : '';
    /*H - Option1 Name    */
    $x[0][7] = $add_images == '' ? 'Product Length/Size' : '';
    /*I - Option1 Value  */
    $x[0][8] = $add_images == '' ? $product_length : '';
    /*J - Option2 Name  */
    $x[0][9] = $add_images == '' ? 'Color' : '';
    /*K - Option2 Value    */
    $x[0][10] = $add_images == '' ? $product_color : '';
    /*L - Option3 Name   */
    $x[0][11] = $add_images == '' ? 'Material' : '';
    /*M - Option3 Value    */
    $x[0][12] = $add_images == '' ? $product_materials_name : '';
    /*N - Variant SKU    */
    $x[0][13] = $add_images == '' ? $product_code . $length_code : '';
    /*O - Variant Gram    */
    $x[0][14] = $add_images == '' ? $product_weight : '';
    /*P - Variant Inventory Tracker*/
    $x[0][15] = $add_images == '' ? 'shopify' : '';
    /*Q - Variant Inventory Qty    */
    $x[0][16] = $add_images == '' ? '10' : '';
    /*R - Variant Inventory Policy  */
    $x[0][17] = $add_images == '' ? 'deny' : '';
    /*S - Variant Fulfillment Service    */
    $x[0][18] = $add_images == '' ? 'manual' : '';
    /*T - Variant Price    */
    $x[0][19] = $add_images == '' ? $product_price_default : '';
    /*U - Variant Compare At Price    */
    $x[0][20] = $add_images == '' ? $product_price_uvp : '';
    /*V - Variant Requires Shipping*/
    $x[0][21] = $add_images == '' ? 'TRUE' : '';
    /*W - Variant Taxable*/
    $x[0][22] = $add_images == '' ? 'TRUE' : '';
    /*X - Variant Barcode    */
    $x[0][23] = $add_images == '' ? $product_ean : '';
    /*Y - Image Src */
    $x[0][24] = $main_image;
    /*Z - Image Alt Text */
    $x[0][25] = $add_images == '' ? $product_name : '';
    /*AA - Gift Card */
    $x[0][26] = $add_images == '' ? 'FALSE' : '';
    /*AB - Google Shopping / MPN */
    $x[0][27] = '';
    /*AC - Google Shopping / Age Group */
    $x[0][28] = $add_images == '' ? $product_agegroup : '';
    /*AD - Google Shopping / Gender */
    $x[0][29] = $add_images == '' ? $product_gender : '';
    /*AE - Google Shopping / Google Product Category */
    $x[0][30] = '';
    /*AF - SEO Title */
    $x[0][31] = $add_images == '' ? $product_name : '';
    /*AG - SEO Description */
    $x[0][32] = $add_images == '' ? $product_keywords : '';
    /*AH - Google Shopping / AdWords Grouping*/
    $x[0][33] = '';
    /*AI - Google Shopping / AdWords Labels */
    $x[0][34] = '';
    /*AJ - Google Shopping / Condition */
    $x[0][35] = $add_images == '' ? 'new' : '';
    /*AK - Google Shopping / Custom Product */
    $x[0][36] = '';
    /*AL - Google Shopping / Custom Label 0 */
    $x[0][37] = '';
    /*AM - Google Shopping / Custom Label 1 */
    $x[0][38] = '';
    /*AN - Google Shopping / Custom Label 2 */
    $x[0][39] = '';
    /*AO - Google Shopping / Custom Label 3 */
    $x[0][40] = '';
    /*AP - Google Shopping / Custom Label 4 */
    $x[0][41] = '';
    /*AQ - Variant Image */
    $x[0][42] = $add_images == '' ? $main_image : '';
    /*AR - Variant Weight Unit */
    $x[0][43] = $add_images == '' ? 'g' : '';
    $csv_row = array();
    $csv_row['data'] = $x;
    //    $csv_row['temp_images'] = (!$is_article) ? $temp_images : '';
    return $csv_row;
Beispiel #10
    case 'cha':
        $form .= '<tr>';
        $form .= '<td>Name</td>';
        $form .= '<td><input type="text" name="name" id="name" style="width:100%;" value="' . $attribute_data['name'] . '" /></td>';
        $form .= '</tr>';
        $form .= '<tr>';
        $form .= '<td>Description</td>';
        $form .= '<td><textarea name="description" style="width:100%;height:50px;">' . $attribute_data['description'] . '</textarea></td>';
        $form .= '</tr>';
        $form .= '<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        $form .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><span class="red">* Image height must be ' . $minimagewidth . ' pixels</span></td></tr>';
        $label_text = 'Setting Image';
        $action = '';
        $label = webImage($attribute_data['chain_image'], '80', '80', $label_text, 'img-border');
        $main_image = webImageSource($attribute_data['chain_image'], '500');
        if ($main_image != '') {
            $main_image_link = '<a href="' . $main_image . '" class="view_image" title="' . $label_text . '">';
            $label = $main_image_link . $label . '</a>';
            $action .= '<div style="margin-top:5px;">&raquo; ' . $main_image_link . 'View Image</a></div>';
        $form .= '<tr>';
        $form .= '<td style="width:85px;padding-bottom:10px;">' . $label . '</td>';
        $form .= '<td>';
        $form .= '<div style="font-weight:bold;">' . $label_text . '</div>';
        $form .= '<div><input type="file" name="chain_image" class="input" /></div>';
        $form .= $action;
        $form .= '</td>';
        $form .= '</tr>';

global $db;
require_once '../confy.php';
require_once '../functions.php';
require_once '../functions-2.php';
require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php';
$class_pm = new products_minierp();
$pids = explode(',', tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['pids']));
//$pids = array(75637, 75704, 75701);
$width = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['width']);
if (count($pids) > 0) {
    if (isset($_GET['height'])) {
        $height = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['height']);
    } else {
        $height = $width * 1.5;
    foreach ($pids as $pid) {
        $product_data = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($pid, 'p');
        $new_image_src = webImageSource($product_data['p']['products_image'], $width, $height, true);
        echo "{$pid} => <a href = \"{$new_image_src}\">{$new_image_src}</a><br/>";
} else {
    echo "No Products found";
Beispiel #12
     $ypos += $spacing;
     $pdf->setXY($xpos, $ypos);
     foreach ($cwidth as $cwkey => $cw) {
         $pdf->setFont('Arial', 'B', '10');
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             $newline = 1;
             $ypos += $line_height;
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             $newline = 0;
         $pdf->Cell($cw, $line_height, $ctitle[$cwkey], 1, $newline, 'C', true);
 $xpos = $margin_left + $cwidth[0];
 $img_file = basename(webImageSource($e_detail->image, '', '80', '80'));
 $img = $img_path . $img_file;
 if ($img != $img_path) {
     $test = getimagesize($img);
     if ($test[2] == 2) {
         $pdf->Image($img, $xpos + $img_boxpad, $ypos + $img_boxpad, $img_size, $img_size);
 $unit_price = convertCurrency($e['unit_price'], $e['unit_price_currency'], $currency);
 $qty_price = $e['quantity'] * $unit_price;
 $qty_weight = $e['quantity'] * $e['unit_multiplier'] * $e['elements_weight'];
 $total_price += $qty_price;
 $cellcontent = array();
 $cellcontent[] = $counter;
 $cellcontent[] = '';
 $cellcontent[] = $e['elements_id'];
 $products_query .= $join_query;
 $products_query .= " WHERE p.products_image!='' ";
 $products_query .= $filter_query;
 $products_query .= " GROUP BY p.`products_id`";
 $products_query .= " ORDER BY p.products_model ASC ";
 //$products_query .= " ORDER BY p.`products_date_added` DESC";
 $products_result = tep_db_query($products_query);
 $p = array();
 $p['img'] = 'Product';
 $p['name'] = 'Info';
 $p['stc'] = 'Active';
 $p['sta'] = 'J&G Status';
 $p['stb'] = 'Kill Status';
 $products[] = $p;
 while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($products_result)) {
     $imagelink = webImageSource($row['produccts_image'], '500', '500');
     $image = webImage($row['products_image'], '80', '80');
     if ($imagelink != '') {
         $image = '<a href="' . $imagelink . '" title="View Bigger Image" class="view_image">' . $image . '</a>';
     $managelink = '?open=product-detail&products_id=' . $row['products_id'] . '&amp;hidemenu=true';
     $managelink_title = 'Manage Product Detail';
     $p = array();
     $info2 = "<div><strong>{$row['products_id']}";
     if ($row[products_model] != '') {
         $info2 .= " / {$row['products_model']}";
     $info2 = '<a href="' . $managelink . '" title="' . $managelink_title . '" class="view_webpage_full">' . $info2 . '</a>';
     $info2 .= "</strong></div>";
     $info2 .= "<div>{$row['products_name']}</div>";
     $p['img'] = $image;
 $pdf->SetAuthor('JULIE GRACE');
 $pdf->SetCreator('k-Auto Generated PDF');
 $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 1);
 $counter = 0;
 foreach ($sl as $e) {
     $pdf->currentSupplier = $suppliers[$sup_id];
     $xpos = $margin_left;
     if ($counter % 5 == 0) {
         $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '15');
         $ypos = $margin_top;
     $ypos += $spacing;
     $box_pad = 2;
     $img = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'imagecache/' . basename(webImageSource($e['image'], '', '130', '130'));
     $test = getimagesize($img);
     if ($img != '' && $test[2] == 2) {
         $pdf->Image($img, $xpos + $box_pad, $ypos + $box_pad, $img_size, $img_size);
     $box_size = $img_size + 2 * $box_pad;
     $pdf->SetDrawColor(200, 200, 200);
     $pdf->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $box_size, $box_size);
     $text_middling = 7;
     $xpos += $img_size + $spacing;
     $ypos += $text_middling;
     $data_array = array();
     $data_array[] = 'Code';
     $data_array[] = 'Qty';
     $data_array[] = 'Price';
 function printProductImage($type, $image, $id, $width)
     $product_image = webImageSource($image);
     if ($product_image == '' && $type == 'CP') {
         $product_image = webImageSource('products/' . $id . '.png');
     if ($product_image != '') {
         $result[] = webImage($image, $width, '');
         $result_text = implode("\n", $result);
     } else {
         $result_text = '';
     return $result_text;
function getDetailData($products_id, $type)
    global $class_pm, $class_pa, $class_pb, $class_sp, $target_group, $colpats, $class_s;
    $result = array();
    $detail_is_complete = false;
    $r_dt = '';
    switch ($type) {
        case 'checkname':
            $r_nm = '<span class="red">Name not yet set</span>';
            $nm = $class_pm->retrieveName($products_id, '2');
            if ($nm != 'None') {
                $r_nm = "<span class=\"green\">{$nm}</span>";
            $r_dt .= "&raquo; {$r_nm}<br />";
            $colors = $class_pm->loadColorPatternNames($products_id, LANGUAGEID);
            $total_colors = count($colors);
            $colors_has_neon = false;
            if ($total_colors == 0) {
                $r_dt .= '&raquo; <span class="red">Color not yet set</span>';
            } else {
                $r_cp = '';
                foreach ($colors as $cpid => $cpname) {
                    if ($cpid == '22') {
                        $colors_has_neon = true;
                    $cp_img = webImageSource('color-pattern-' . $cpid . '.png');
                    $r_cp .= '<img src="' . $cp_img . '" width="20" height="20" title="' . $cpname . '" />&nbsp;';
                $r_dt .= "&raquo; {$r_cp}";
                if ($total_colors == 1 && !$colors_has_neon || $total_colors == 2 && $colors_has_neon) {
                    $detail_is_complete = true;
                } else {
                    $r_dt .= '<br /><strong class="red">Only 1 color / 2 colors with Neon is allowed!</strong>';
        case 'setprofin':
            //optional step, auto set detail directly as complete
            $detail_is_complete = true;
            $styles = $class_s->getProductStyles($products_id);
            foreach ($styles as $groups => $styles_data) {
                if ($groups == ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_PRODUCT_FINISHING) {
                    $product_finishing = $styles_data;
            $total_profin = count($product_finishing);
            if ($total_profin == 0) {
                $r_profin = '&raquo; <span class="notice">' . 'No Product Finishing attached</span>';
            } else {
                $r_profin = '&raquo; <span class="green">' . implode(', ', $product_finishing) . '</span>';
            $r_dt .= $r_profin;
        case 'setsubcat':
            $styles = $class_s->getProductStyles($products_id);
            $subcat = array();
            //S now substracted as S1, S2, etc. so we couldn't use this anymore
            //foreach($styles['S'] as $sbk=>$sbv) $subcat[] = $sbv;
            foreach ($styles as $groups => $styles_data) {
                if ($groups[0] == ProductAttribute::GROUP_ID_SUB_CATEGORY) {
                    foreach ($styles_data as $styles_id => $styles_name) {
                        $subcat[] = $styles_name;
            $total_subcat = count($subcat);
            $r_subcat = '';
            if ($total_subcat == 0) {
                $r_subcat .= '&raquo; <span class="red">Sub Category not yet set</span>';
            } elseif ($total_subcat > 1) {
                $r_subcat .= '&raquo; ' . implode('<br />&raquo; ', $subcat);
                $r_subcat .= '<br /><strong class="red">Only 1 Sub Category is allowed!</strong>';
            } else {
                $r_subcat .= '&raquo; <span class="green">' . $subcat[0] . '</span>';
                $detail_is_complete = true;
            $r_dt .= $r_subcat;
        case 'setbrand':
            $product = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($products_id, 'p');
            $r_br = '<span class="red">not yet set</span>';
            if ($product['p']['products_brand_id'] != '' && $product['p']['products_brand_id'] != '0') {
                $brand = $class_pb->retrieveDetail($product['p']['products_brand_id']);
                $r_br = "<span class=\"green\">" . $brand['brand_name'] . "</span>";
                $detail_is_complete = true;
            $r_dt .= "&raquo; {$r_br}";
        case 'setlength':
            $ln = '';
            $r_ln = '<span class="red">not yet set</span>';
            $product = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($products_id, 'p,pd,pnc');
            $articles = $class_pa->retrieveList($products_id);
            if ($product['pnc']['products_length'] != '') {
                $ln = '<strong>' . textLength($product['pnc']['products_length']) . '</strong> (default)';
            if (isset($articles) && is_array($articles) && count($articles) > 0) {
                foreach ($articles as $a) {
                    if ($ln != '') {
                        $ln .= ', ';
                    //$ln .= number_format($a['length'], 1).' cm';
                    $ln .= textLength($a['length']);
            if ($ln != '') {
                $detail_is_complete = true;
                $r_ln = "<span class=\"green\">{$ln}</span>";
            $r_dt .= "&raquo; {$r_ln}";
        case 'addelements':
            $r_el = '&raquo; <span class="red">not yet set</span>';
            $el_used = $class_pm->retrieveElementsUsage($products_id);
            if (count($el_used) > 0) {
                $detail_is_complete = true;
                $r_el = "<span class=\"green\">";
                $r_el .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="form">';
                $els = array();
                foreach ($el_used as $el_id => $el_data) {
                    $r_el .= "<tr>";
                    $e = new element($el_id);
                    $el_image = webImageWithDetailLink($e->image, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, 'Element ' . $e->id, 'img-border');
                    $r_el .= '<td class="green" title="quantity"><strong>' . $el_data['quantity'] . 'x</strong></td>';
                    $r_el .= '<td class="green">' . $el_image . '</td>';
                    $r_el .= '<td class="green"><a class="green" href="?open=element&id=' . $el_id . '&hidemenu=true">' . $el_id . '</a></td>';
                    $r_el .= '<td class="green">' . $e->detail['name'] . '</td>';
                    $finishing = array();
                    if ($el_data['finishing_goldplate'] == '1') {
                        $finishing[] = 'Yellow Goldplate';
                    if ($el_data['finishing_hammer'] == '1') {
                        $finishing[] = 'Hammer';
                    if ($el_data['finishing_brush'] == '1') {
                        $finishing[] = 'Brush';
                    if ($el_data['finishing_oxid'] == '1') {
                        $finishing[] = 'Oxid';
                    if ($el_data['finishing_rosegoldplate'] == '1') {
                        $finishing[] = 'Rose Goldplate';
                    if (count($finishing) > 0) {
                        $r_el .= '<td class="green" title="finishing">(' . implode(',', $finishing) . ')</td>';
                    $r_el .= "</tr>";
                $r_el .= "</table>";
                $r_el .= "</span>";
            $r_dt .= "{$r_el}";
        case 'manpi':
            $r_mp = '';
            //optional step, auto set detail directly as complete
            $detail_is_complete = true;
            $dbqmp = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_non_configurator pnc WHERE pnc.products_id={$products_id}");
            if (tep_db_num_rows($dbqmp) > 0) {
                $mpi = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqmp);
                // TODO: remove this after freetext switch to attach
                //                $manpi = $mpi['products_instruction'];
                //                if($manpi!='') $r_mp = "&raquo; <span class=\"green\">".substr($manpi, 0, 20)." ...</span>";
                // End todo
                if (!empty($mpi['production_instruction_id'])) {
                    $piids = explode(",", $mpi['production_instruction_id']);
                    foreach ($piids as $piid) {
                        $class_pim = new production_instruction_manual($piid);
                        $r_mp .= "&raquo; <span class=\"green\">" . $class_pim->cat_name . " - " . $class_pim->name . "</span><br />";
            $r_dt .= $r_mp;
        case 'prolinks':
            $r_pr = '';
            //optional step, auto set detail directly as complete
            $detail_is_complete = true;
            $dbqpl = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_linking WHERE products_id={$products_id}");
            if (tep_db_num_rows($dbqpl) > 0) {
                $r_pr = "<span class=\"green\">";
                $pltype = array();
                $plds = array();
                while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqpl)) {
                    $plds[$r['type']][] = $r['links_id'];
                foreach (array_keys($plds) as $type) {
                    foreach ($plds[$type] as $plid) {
                        $plinks = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($plid, 'p');
                        $pl_image = webImage($plinks['p']['products_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_1, 'Product ' . $plid);
                        $r_pr .= $pl_image . '&nbsp;';
                $r_pr .= "</span>";
            $r_dt .= $r_pr;
        case 'setnavs':
            $detail_is_complete = true;
            $dbq = tep_db_query("SELECT jng_sp_id, navigation, navigation2, navigation3 FROM jng_sp_catalog WHERE products_id={$products_id} ORDER BY jng_sp_id");
            if (tep_db_num_rows($dbq) > 0) {
                $navlist = array();
                while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) {
                    $sp = $class_sp->retrieveDetail($r['jng_sp_id']);
                    if ($sp['active_status'] == '1') {
                        if ($r['jng_sp_id'] == '1') {
                            if ($r['navigation2'] != '' && $r['navigation'] != '' && $r['navigation3'] != '' && $r['navigation3'] != '0') {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="green"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ all sets - Please Recheck ]</span>';
                            } else {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="red"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ not yet set or incomplete ]</span>';
                                $detail_is_complete = false;
                        } elseif ($r['jng_sp_id'] == '2') {
                            if ($r['navigation'] != '' && $r['navigation3'] != '' && $r['navigation3'] != '0') {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="green"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ all sets - Please Recheck ]</span>';
                            } else {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="red"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ not yet set or incomplete ]</span>';
                                $detail_is_complete = false;
                        } elseif ($r['jng_sp_id'] == '3') {
                            if ($r['navigation'] != '') {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="green"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ all sets - Please Recheck ]</span>';
                            } else {
                                $navlist[] = '&raquo; <span class="red"><strong>' . $sp['package_prefix'] . '</strong> [ not yet set or incomplete ]</span>';
                                $detail_is_complete = false;
            $r_dt = implode('<br />', $navlist);
        case 'setdesc2':
            $min_value_needed = 3;
            $p = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($products_id, 'p,pd2');
            $pd2data = $class_pm->description2_label($p['pd2']);
            $total_pd2 = count($pd2data);
            //            if($total_pd2>=$min_value_needed) $detail_is_complete = true;
            if ($p['p']['improved_content'] == '1') {
                $detail_is_complete = true;
            //            if($total_pd2 == 0) {
            if ($p['p']['improved_content'] == '0') {
                //                $r_dt = '&raquo; <span class="red">No data has been set (min. '.$min_value_needed.')</span>';
                $r_dt = '&raquo; <span class="red">Content Improved needs to be checked</span>';
            //            else {
            //                $r_dt = '';
            //                $r_dt_array = array();
            //                foreach($pd2data as $label=>$value) {
            //                    $data = $label.': '.$value;
            //                    if($detail_is_complete) $data = '<span class="green">'.$data.'</span>';
            //                    $r_dt_array[] = '&raquo; '.$data;
            //                }
            //                $r_dt .= implode('<br />', $r_dt_array);
            ////                if(!$detail_is_complete) $r_dt .= '<br /><strong class="red">Minimum '.$min_value_needed.' data must be set!</strong>';
            //                if(!$detail_is_complete) $r_dt .= '<br /><strong class="red">Content Improved needs to be checked</strong>';
            //            }
        case 'setfamily':
            $p = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($products_id, 'p');
            if (is_null($p['p']['family_id'])) {
                $r_dt = '&raquo; <span class="red">Family Unset</span>';
            } else {
                $detail_is_complete = true;
                $r_dt = '&raquo; <span class="green">Family ' . $p['p']['family_id'] . '</span>';
    $result['view'] = utf8_encode('<div style="margin-left:10px;">' . $r_dt . '</div>');
    $result['iscomplete'] = $detail_is_complete ? '1' : '0';
    return $result;
 function getImageForPDF($image, $width, $height)
     $img_pdf = '';
     $img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'imagecache/';
     $img_file = basename(webImageSource($image, $width, $height));
     $img = $img_path . $img_file;
     if ($img != $img_path) {
         $test = getimagesize($img);
         if ($test[2] == 2) {
             $img_pdf = $img;
     return $img_pdf;
 $item_counter = 0;
 foreach ($items as $item) {
     $product = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($item['products_id'], 'p,pd,pnc,cat');
     if ($item['products_articles_id'] == 0) {
         $size = $product['pnc']['products_length'] > 0 ? textLength($product['pnc']['products_length']) : '-';
     } else {
         $article = $class_pa->retrieveDetail($item['products_articles_id']);
         $size = textLength($article['length']);
     //            echo '<pre>';
     //            var_dump($product);
     //            echo '</pre>';
     $img_pdf = '';
     $img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'imagecache/';
     $img_file = basename(webImageSource($product['p']['products_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_2, IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL_2));
     $img = $img_path . $img_file;
     if ($img != $img_path) {
         $test = getimagesize($img);
         if ($test[2] == 2) {
             $img_pdf = $img;
     $pdf->setXY($colpos, $pdf->ypos);
     $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', $fontsize_med);
     $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[1], $colheight, $item_counter, 1, 0, 'C');
     $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[2], $colheight, '', 1, 0, 'C');
     //product image
     $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[3], $colheight, $size, 1, 0, 'C');
     $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[4], $colheight, $product_categories_name[$product['categories_id']], 1, 0, 'C');
     $pdf->Cell($col_subcol_width[5], $colheight, $product['pd']['2']['products_name'], 1, 0, 'C');
 if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADROW') {
     $id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['grabid']);
     $row_class = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['row_class']);
     $q = "SELECT e.elements_id, e.elements_code, CONCAT('elements/', ei.image_path, ei.image_filename) AS elements_image";
     $q .= ", ed.name AS elements_name FROM elements e";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN elements_images ei ON ei.elements_id=e.elements_id AND ei.elements_sample_name='EC1'";
     $q .= " LEFT JOIN elements_description ed ON ed.elements_id=e.elements_id AND ed.languages_id=1";
     $q .= " WHERE e.elements_id={$id}";
     $r = tep_db_query($q);
     if (tep_db_num_rows($r) == 0) {
         $row = 'FAILED';
     } else {
         $detail = tep_db_fetch_array($r);
         $id = $detail['elements_id'];
         $img = webImage($detail['elements_image'], '80', '80', $id);
         $imgsrc = webImageSource($detail['elements_image']);
         $name = $detail['elements_name'];
         $act = '<input type="button" name="copy" value="Copy" title="Copy to New Element Structure" />';
         $row = '<tr id="id-' . $id . '" class="' . $row_class . '">';
         foreach ($header as $td => $h) {
             if ($td == 'id') {
                 $content = '<a href="?open=element&amp;id=' . $id . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage">' . $id . '</a>';
             } elseif ($td == 'img') {
                 $content = $imgsrc == '' ? $img : '<a href="' . $imgsrc . '" class="view_image">' . $img . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $content = ${$td};
                 if ($td == 'act') {
                     $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '" />';
             $row .= '<td class="' . $td . '">' . $content . '</td>';
     $value = '<div>';
     $value .= '<a href="?open=product-detail&amp;products_id=' . $i['products_id'] . '" target="_blank" title="View/Manage Product Detail">' . $product['p']['products_model'] . '</a>';
     $length = '';
     if (!is_null($article)) {
         $length = textLength($article['length']);
     } else {
         if ($product['pnc']['products_length'] > 0) {
             $length = textLength($product['pnc']['products_length']);
     if ($length != '') {
         $value .= '-' . str_replace(' ', '', $length);
     $value .= '</div>';
     $value .= '<div class="thumb smallText" style="display:none;">EAN ' . $i['products_ean'] . '</div>';
     $img_zoom = webImageSource($product['p']['products_image'], '500');
     if ($img_zoom != '') {
         $thumb = '<div class="thumb" style="display:none;"><a href="' . $img_zoom . '" class="view_image">' . webImage($product['p']['products_image'], '80', '80', '', 'img-border img-padding') . '</a></div>';
         $value = $thumb . $value;
 case 'source':
     $value = $i['products_ean'];
 case 'price':
     //Price / Piece
     $value = displayCurrency($order_currency, $i[$items_colname_price]);
 case 'countpro':
     //Order Qty
$form .= '</form>';
$form .= '<form name="colpat_save" action="?open=color-pattern&id=' . $cpid . '" method="post">';
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="COLPATSAVE" />';
$form .= '<div><table class="form" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$form .= '<tr>';
$form .= '<td width="150">ID</td>';
$form .= '<td><input type="text" name="color_pattern_id" value="' . $color_pattern_id . '" readonly="readonly" class="readonly input" /></td>';
$form .= '</tr>';
$form .= '<tr>';
$form .= '<td>Default Color</td>';
$form .= '<td><input type="text" name="default_color_id" class="input iColorPicker" style="background-color:#'.$cpdef.'" value="#'.$cpdef.'" id="cp_def_color" /></td>';
$form .= '</tr>';
if ($color_pattern_id != '') {
    $webimage = webImageSource('color-pattern-' . $color_pattern_id . '.png');
    $webimage = $webimage == '' ? '<span class="notice">No Image Found</span>' : '<img src="' . $webimage . '" width="18" height="18" style="border:1px solid #ccc" /> <span class="notice">' . $webimage . '</span>';
    $form .= '<tr>';
    $form .= '<td>Default Web BG</td>';
    $form .= '<td>' . $webimage . '</td>';
    $form .= '</tr>';
$form .= '</table></div>';
$form .= '<div id="cp-description-tabs" style="margin:20px;">';
$form .= '<ul>';
foreach ($languages as $lid => $l) {
    $form .= '<li><a href="#cp_desc_' . $lid . '"><span>' . $l['name'] . '</span></a></li>';
$form .= '</ul>';
foreach ($languages as $lid => $l) {
    $form .= '<div id="cp_desc_' . $lid . '">';
$q .= " AND (";
$q .= " p.products_image IS NOT NULL";
$q .= " AND p.products_image <> ''";
$q .= " )";
$q .= " AND (";
$q .= " SELECT COUNT( 1 ) = 1";
$q .= " FROM products_use_elements";
$q .= " WHERE products_id = p.products_id";
$q .= " )";
$q .= " GROUP BY p.products_id";
$dbq = tep_db_query($q);
echo "<h1>SAVING PATH => {$saved_path}</h1><br/><br/>";
$n_success = 0;
$n_failed = 0;
while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) {
    $img_src = webImageSource($row['products_image'], '500', '500');
    if ($img_src != '') {
        $filename = str_replace("http://www.julie-grace.de/images/imagecache/", '', $img_src);
        //        echo $filename."<br/>";
        $img80 = webImage($row['products_image'], '80', '80');
        if (copy($img_src, $saved_path . $filename)) {
            echo "Success copy {$row['products_id']} image {$img80} source => {$img_src} <br/>";
        } else {
            echo "Failed copy {$row['products_id']} image {$img80} source => {$img_src} <br/>";
    } else {
        echo "Products image {$row['products_id']} doesn't exists <br/>";
     $pdf->setFont('Arial', '', '10');
     $ypos = $margin_top;
 if ($counter % $product_per_col == 0) {
     $ypos = $margin_top;
 $ypos += $spacing;
 if ($counter % $product_per_page >= $product_per_col) {
     $xpos = $margin_left + 100;
 } else {
     $xpos = $margin_left;
 $box_pad = 2;
 $img_path = DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'imagecache/';
 $img_file = basename(webImageSource($e['image'], '', '80', '80'));
 $img = $img_path . $img_file;
 if ($img != $img_path) {
     $test = getimagesize($img);
     if ($test[2] == 2) {
         $pdf->Image($img, $xpos + $box_pad, $ypos + $box_pad, $img_size, $img_size);
 $box_size = $img_size + 2 * $box_pad;
 $pdf->SetDrawColor(200, 200, 200);
 $pdf->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $box_size, $box_size);
 $text_middling = 1;
 $xpos += $img_size + $spacing;
 $ypos += $text_middling;
 $data_array = array();
        $products_total = count($products);
        switch (count($products)) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                $pid = $products[0]['products_id'];
                $result['status'] = 'MOREFOUND';
if (!$cancel && $pid != 0) {
    $p = $class_pm->retrieveDetail($pid, 'p,pnc');
    $pa = $class_pa->retrieveList($pid);
    $products_image = webImageSource($p['p']['products_image'], '150', '150');
    $products_options = array();
    $default_length = $p['pnc']['products_length'] > 0 ? textLength($p['pnc']['products_length']) : '-';
    //    $products_options[] = $p['p']['products_ean'].','.$default_length;
    $products_options[] = '0;' . $p['p']['products_ean'] . ',' . $default_length;
    if ($default_length != '-') {
        //        foreach($pa as $a) $products_options[] = $a['products_ean'].','.textLength($a['length']);
        foreach ($pa as $a) {
            $products_options[] = $a['products_articles_id'] . ';' . $a['products_ean'] . ',' . textLength($a['length']);
    $bestgood_status = $class_pm->retrieveBestGoodStatus($pid);
    $result['status'] = 'FOUND';
    $result['products_id'] = $pid;
    $result['products_code'] = $p['p']['products_model'];
    $result['products_image'] = $products_image;
     $name = $detail->detail['name'];
     $info = $detail->detail['supplier'];
     $pri = displayCurrency('EUR', $detail->detail['price']);
     $info2 = $stock_text;
     $ws = $detail->log['weekly_sold'];
     $dioh_text = $detail->displayDIOH($stock_data['stock']);
     $pri3 = '<span title="Sold ' . $detail->log['sold_monthly_1'] . $piece_qty_type . ' in the last 30 days">' . $dioh_text . '</span>';
     $pri2 = displayCurrency('EUR', $stock_price);
     $act = '<input type="button" name="del" value="Delete" />';
     $row = '<tr id="id-' . $id . '" class="' . $row_class . '">';
     foreach ($header as $td => $h) {
         if ($td == 'id') {
             $content = '<a href="?open=element&amp;id=' . $id . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage" title="Manage Element Detail">' . $id . '</a>';
         } elseif ($td == 'img') {
             $imgsrc = webImageSource($detail->image);
             $content = $imgsrc == '' ? $img : '<a href="' . webImageSource($detail->image) . '" class="view_image" title="Element Image ' . $id . '">' . $img . '</a>';
         } elseif ($td == 'info') {
             if ($info == '') {
                 $info = 'UNSET';
             $content = '<a href="?open=elements-suppliers&amp;id=' . $id . '&amp;hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage" title="Manage Supplier Data">' . $info . '</a>';
         } else {
             $content = ${$td};
             if ($td == 'act') {
                 $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '" />';
         $row .= '<td class="' . $td . '">' . $content . '</td>';
     $row .= '</tr>';
        $content .= '</div>';
        $content .= '</td></tr>';
        $content .= '</table>';
        $content .= '</div>';
    } else {
        $content .= '<div style="padding:20px;">';
        $content .= '<form name="upload_shape_image" action="?open=customers-images&amp;id=' . $id . '#pei-tab2" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
        $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="UPLOADSHAPEIMAGE" />';
        $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="image_id" value="' . $id . '" />';
        $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="customers_id" value="' . $uploaded_image['customers_id'] . '" />';
        $content .= '<strong>Upload Shape Image:</strong><br />';
        $content .= '<input type="file" name="shape_image" onchange="upload_shape_image.submit();" />';
        $content .= '</form>';
        $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $content .= '</div>';
    $title = "Uploaded Image ID: {$id}";
} else {
    $content = '';
    $title = '';
$javascript = '
            $("#fullsize").click(function() {
                window.open("' . webImageSource($uploaded_image['customers_image']) . '");
            $("#downsize").click(function() {
                location.href = url + "&downsizeme=true";
         $diff_articles[] = $difart;
     if (!isset($products_sold[$difart])) {
         $products_sold[$difart] = 0;
     if (!isset($products_sales[$difart])) {
         $products_sales[$difart] = 0;
     if (!isset($products_vc[$difart])) {
         $products_vc[$difart] = 0;
     $products_sold[$difart] += $row['order_quantity'];
     $products_sales[$difart] += $row['price'];
     $products_vc[$difart] += $row['vc_value'];
     if (!isset($products_image[$difart])) {
         $pimg = webImageSource($row['products_image'], '500');
         $thumb = $pimg == '' ? '' : '<div class="thumb" style="display:none"><a href="' . $pimg . '" class="view_image" title="Image of ' . $row['products_model'] . '">' . webImage($row['products_image'], '80', '80', $row['products_model'], 'img-border img-padding') . '</a></div>';
         $products_image[$difart] = $thumb;
     if (!isset($products_link[$difart])) {
         $products_link[$difart] = '<a href="?open=product-detail&amp;products_id=' . $row['products_id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $difart . '</a>';
 $products_sold_filtered = array();
 $products_sales_filtered = array();
 $products_vc_filtered = array();
 foreach ($products_sold as $artno => $ps) {
     if ($ps >= $min_sold_per_month) {
                 $link = 'http://www.zalando.de/damen/?q=' . $products['products_ean'];
             case '10':
                 $link = 'http://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=' . $products['products_ean'] . '&_rdc=1';
     if (!is_null($link)) {
         $products_sp_link[$row['jng_sp_id']] = $link;
     $products_sp[$row['jng_sp_id']] = $row;
 $main_image = webImageSource($products['products_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_BIG_1);
 $clear_image = webImageSource($products_ci['products_clear_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_BIG_1);
 $pure_image = webImageSource($products['products_pure_image'], IMAGE_SIZE_BIG_1);
 $extra_images_query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_extra_images WHERE products_id={$products_id} ORDER BY products_extra_images_id");
 $extra_images = array();
 $add_have_set_to_default = false;
 $alternate_main_image_key = null;
 $x = 0;
 while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($extra_images_query)) {
     $extra_images[$x] = $row;
     if ($row['alternate_main_image'] == 1) {
         $add_have_set_to_default = true;
         $alternate_main_image_key = $x;
 $depot_stock = $class_pm->stockRetrieve(WAREHOUSE_ID_FOR_HANDLING_ORDERS, $products_id, '*');
Beispiel #29
function webImageWithDetailLinkStars($image, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $thumb_title = '', $thumb_class = '', $link_title = '', $detail_width = '500', $detail_height = '500', $stars = '0', $max_stars = '3', $link = '', $link_class = '', $brand_id = '', $obj_product = '')
    global $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS;
    $pimg = webImage($image, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $thumb_title, $thumb_class);
    $main_image = webImageSource($image, $detail_width, $detail_height);
    $gold_icon = '';
    $diamond_icon = '';
    if ($main_image != '') {
        $link_target = $link != '' ? $link : $main_image;
        $link_class = $link_class != '' ? $link_class : 'view_image';
        $pimg = '<a href="' . $link_target . '" class="' . $link_class . '"' . ($link_title == '' ? '' : ' title="' . $link_title . '"') . '>' . $pimg . '</a>';
        $thumb_image_source = webImageSource($image, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($thumb_image_source);
        $icon_tpos = $height;
        $icon_lpos = $width;
        if (is_object($obj_product) && $obj_product->is_killed) {
            /*Displaying icon stack-ly please used this
              $icon_tpos -= 20;
              $icon_lpos = $width - 20;
            //Icon displayed on same row
            $icon_tpos = $height - 20;
            $icon_lpos -= 20;
            $killed_icon = drawKilledIcon('Killed Product', 'position:absolute;margin:' . $icon_tpos . 'px 0 0 ' . $icon_lpos . 'px');
        if (in_array($brand_id, $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS) || is_object($obj_product) && in_array($obj_product->brand_id, $DIAMOND_BRAND_IDS)) {
            /*Displaying icon stack-ly please used this
              $icon_tpos -= 20;
              $icon_lpos = $width - 20;
            //Icon displayed on same row
            $icon_tpos = $height - 20;
            $icon_lpos -= 20;
            $diamond_icon = drawDiamondIcon('Diamond Product', 'position:absolute;margin:' . $icon_tpos . 'px 0 0 ' . $icon_lpos . 'px');
        if (is_object($obj_product) && ($obj_product->metal_stamp_code > 0 && $obj_product->metal_stamp_code != 925)) {
            /*Displaying icon stack-ly please used this
              $icon_tpos -= 20;
              $icon_lpos = $width - 25;
            //Icon displayed on same row
            $icon_tpos = $height - 20;
            $icon_lpos -= 25;
            $style = 'position:absolute;margin:' . $icon_tpos . 'px 0 0 ' . $icon_lpos . 'px';
            $gold_icon = drawGoldIcon($obj_product->metal_stamp_code, $obj_product->metal_stamp_info, '', $style);
    $pimg = '<div align="center"><div style="width:' . $width . 'px;">' . $gold_icon . $diamond_icon . $killed_icon . $pimg . '<br/>' . drawStars($stars, $max_stars) . '</div></div>';
    return $pimg;
 function getDesignFinalize($status)
     $query = "SELECT p.project_id, p.project_category, p.project_image, p.project_link, p.project_name, p.project_description, p.project_qty, p.project_status, p.project_priority,p.reminder, pf.create_date,pf.eat_status,pf.eat_update_time,pf.minierp_status,pf.minierp_update_time,pf.pricing_status,pf.pricing_update_time,pf.brand_status,pf.description_status,pf.description_update_time FROM projectplan_newdesign p left join projectplan_finalizing pf on p.project_id=pf.project_id where p.project_status=7 order by create_date desc ";
     $result = tep_db_query($query);
     $design_items = array();
     while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($result)) {
         $design_items[] = $row;
     $design = array();
     if (count($design_items) > 0) {
         $o = array();
         $o['u'] = 'Picture';
         $o['c'] = 'Title';
         $o['l'] = 'Design Description';
         $o['d'] = 'Date';
         $o['h'] = '<div style="text-align:center;width:75px;">Update EAT<br/>on Date</div>';
         $o['tp'] = '<div style="text-align:center;width:75px;">Update MiniERP<br/>on Date</div>';
         $o['j'] = '<div style="text-align:center;width:75px;">Description<br/>on Date</div>';
         $o['k'] = '<div style="text-align:center;width:75px;">Pricing<br/>on Date</div>';
         $o['t'] = 'Action';
         $design[] = $o;
         $stock_updated = array();
         foreach ($design_items as $row) {
             $order_date = strtotime($row['create_date']);
             $order_id = $row['project_id'];
             $o['d'] = date('d-M-y', $order_date);
             $o['c'] = $row['project_name'];
             $description = '<a href="?open=project_plan_description&id=' . $order_id . '&hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage" title="View Full Description">';
             $description .= substr($row['project_description'], 0, 30) . '...';
             $description .= '</a>';
             $o['l'] = $description;
             $el_img_src = webImageSource($row['project_image']);
             $el_img_link = '<a href="' . $el_img_src . '" class="view_image" title="Design Id ' . $row['project_id'] . '">' . webImage($row['project_image'], '80', '80') . '</a>';
             $o['u'] = '<img class="thumb" style="display:none;">' . $el_img_link . '</img>';
             $selected = 'selected="selected"';
             //$o['e'] = 'EAT Status';
             $eat_select = '<select name="cbostatuseat" style="width:75px;" >';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="0">NA</option>';
             $sel = $row['eat_status'] == 1 ? $selected : '';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="1" ' . $sel . '>Done</option>';
             $eat_select .= '</select>';
             $o['h'] = $eat_select;
             $eat_date = strtotime($row['eat_update_time']);
             $year = date('Y', $eat_date);
             if ($year == 1999) {
                 $eat_date = '<br/>&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 $eat_date = '<br/>' . date('d-M-y', $eat_date);
             $o['h'] .= $eat_date;
             //$o['m'] = 'MiniERP Status';
             $eat_select = '<select name="cbostatusminierp" style="width:75px;" >';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="0">NA</option>';
             $sel = $row['minierp_status'] == 1 ? $selected : '';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="1" ' . $sel . '>Done</option>';
             $eat_select .= '</select>';
             $o['tp'] = $eat_select;
             $minierp_date = strtotime($row['minierp_update_time']);
             $year = date('Y', $minierp_date);
             if ($year == 1999) {
                 $minierp_date = '<br/>&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 $minierp_date = '<br/>' . date('d-M-y', $minierp_date);
             $o['tp'] .= $minierp_date;
             //$o['r'] = 'Description Status';
             $eat_select = '<select name="cbostatusdesc" style="width:75px;" >';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="0">NA</option>';
             $sel = $row['description_status'] == 1 ? $selected : '';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="1" ' . $sel . '>Done</option>';
             $eat_select .= '</select>';
             $o['j'] = $eat_select;
             $description_date = strtotime($row['description_update_time']);
             $year = date('Y', $description_date);
             if ($year == 1999) {
                 $description_date = '<br/>&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 $description_date = '<br/>' . date('d-M-y', $description_date);
             $o['j'] .= $description_date;
             //$o['p'] = 'Pricing Status';
             $eat_select = '<select name="cbostatusprice" style="width:75px;" >';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="0">NA</option>';
             $sel = $row['pricing_status'] == 1 ? $selected : '';
             $eat_select .= '<option value="1" ' . $sel . '>Done</option>';
             $eat_select .= '</select>';
             $o['k'] = $eat_select;
             $pricing_date = strtotime($row['pricing_update_time']);
             $year = date('Y', $pricing_date);
             if ($year == 1999) {
                 $pricing_date = '<br/>&nbsp;';
             } else {
                 $pricing_date = '<br/>' . date('d-M-y', $pricing_date);
             $o['k'] .= $pricing_date;
             $action = '';
             $action .= '<input type="button" class="btnfndone" name="finished" value="Done" title="Finish Design" style="width:50px;"/>';
             $action .= '<input type="button" class="btnfncancel" name="cancel" value="Cancel" title="Cancel Design" style="width:50px;" />';
             $action .= '<input type="hidden" id="oiid-' . $row['project_id'] . '" name="oi_id" value="' . $row['project_id'] . '" >';
             $o['t'] = $action;
             $design[] = $o;
         $result = tep_draw_table('spo', $design);
         $result .= '</div>';
     } else {
         $result = '<h3>No New Design</h3>';
     return $result;