Beispiel #1
function weaverii_admin_pro()
    $opts = array(array('name' => 'Administrative Opts', 'id' => 'maintab3', 'type' => 'header0', 'info' => 'Weaver II Pro Administrative Options', 'help' => 'help.html#ProAdminOpts'), array('name' => 'Use Inline CSS', 'id' => '_wii_inline_style', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Generate in-line CSS code rather than using style-weaverii.css file. ♦'), array('name' => 'Development Mode', 'id' => '_wii_development_mode', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Run in development mode. Uses in-line CSS and displays the diagnostic information enabled below when developing
		  a new custom theme. TURN OFF FOR PRODUCTION SITES! &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Trace Page Templates</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_templates', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Displays a label for each page template called (e.g., index, category, page, etc.). &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Trace Sidebars</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_sidebars', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Displays a label for sidebar displayed. &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Show Area Borders</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_borders', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show a 1px red border around most major &lt;div&gt;s. Overrides other borders. &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Show Page Generation Time</small>', 'id' => '_weaverii_diag_timer', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show page generation time at bottom of page. &diams;'), array('name' => '#070<small>Show Mobile Device Info</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_mobile', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Shows info about display device at top of page. &diams;'), array('name' => 'Shortcodes & Features', 'id' => 'maintab2', 'type' => 'header0', 'info' => 'Selectively Enable/Disable Weaver II Pro Shortcodes and Features', 'help' => 'help.html#ProShortcodes'), array('name' => 'Note:', 'id' => 'wii_pshc', 'type' => 'note', 'info' => 'These enable/disabe Weaver Pro Shortcodes. See the Dashboard Appearance->Shortcodes + Pro panel.'), array('name' => 'Disable Header Gadgets', 'id' => '_wii_hide_headergadgets', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Header Gadgets - Place links, images, and text over the header; directly or with [weaver_gadget] &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Link Buttons', 'id' => '_wii_hide_linkbuttons', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Link Buttons - [weaver_buttons] + Widget to display link image buttons you define &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Social Buttons', 'id' => '_wii_hide_socialbuttons', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Social Buttons - [weaver_social] + Widget to display icon links to most current social sites &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Slider', 'id' => '_wii_hide_slider', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Slider - [weaver_slider] - place sliding image menus in header, sidebar, or content area &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Extra Menus', 'id' => '_wii_hide_extramenus', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Extra Menu [weaver_extra_menu] + Vertical Menu Widget - add new menus almost anywhere &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Widget Area', 'id' => '_wii_hide_widgetarea', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Widget Area - [weaver_widget_area] - add new widget area almost anywhere, including in pages and posts &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Search Form', 'id' => '_wii_hide_searchbox', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Search Form - [weaver_search] - add a search form wherever you want &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Show Feed', 'id' => '_wii_hide_showfeed', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show Feed - [weaver_show_feed] - show an external RSS feed styled to match your own posts &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Popup Link', 'id' => '_wii_hide_popuplink', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Popup Link - [weaver_popup_link] - Define a link to a popup window &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Show/Hide Text', 'id' => '_wii_hide_showhide', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show/Hide - [weaver_showhide] - adds button to show/hide text such as lyrics or spoilers &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Comment Policy', 'id' => '_wii_hide_commentpolicy', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Comment Policy - add comment policy or terms right before the submit comment button &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Shortcoder', 'id' => '_wii_hide_shortcoder', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Shortcoder - [weaver_sc] - define your own short code: add standard text or other content using a shortcode &diams;'), array('name' => 'Enable PHP', 'id' => '_wii_show_php', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'PHP - [weaver_php] - add PHP whereever you need it &diams;'), array('name' => 'Enable Total CSS Options', 'id' => '_wii_show_totalcss', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Total CSS - define custom CSS for virtually every important element of your theme &diams;'));
<h3>Weaver II Pro Features <?php 
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#WeaverIIPro', 'Help for Admin Options');
    if (!weaverii_init_base()) {
<p>Weaver II Pro adds features to Weaver II, but is now being retired. Rather than designing new sites using
<em>Weaver II</em>, [lease switch to our new theme: <strong>Weaver Xtreme.</strong></p>
<h3>Visit <?php 
        weaverii_site('', '', 'Weaver Theme');
now to learn all about <em>Weaver Xtreme</em>.</strong>
	<p>After over 5 years as one of the best WordPress themes available, <em>Weaver II</em> is being phased out.
	We will continue to provide critical updates for the foreseeable future, but we <strong>highly</strong> recommend
	switching to our latest, improved theme - <em>Weaver Xtreme</em>.
    // to here, have pro features
<h3>Weaver II Pro Features - You are using Weaver II Pro. Thank you.</h3>
<p>After over 5 years as one of the best WordPress themes available, <em>Weaver II Pro</em> is being phased out.
	We will continue to provide critical updates for the foreseeable future, but we <strong>highly</strong> recommend
	switching to our latest, improved theme - <em>Weaver Xtreme</em>, and its premium version, <em>Weaver Xtreme Plus</em>.

 <p><strong><a href="<?php 
    echo site_url('/wp-admin/themes.php?page=WeaverII_Shortcodes');
"><em>More Weaver II Pro Options and Shortcodes</em></a></strong></p>

<p style="max-width:700px;"><small>Note: The above options allow you to selectively enable and disable the listed Weaver II Pro shortcodes and
features. Disabling a feature will optomize the speed of your site. Any difference will be very small, but might
give a slight improvment for heavily loaded sites.</small>
	<br /><br />
    echo 'Memory: ' . round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' of ' . (int) ini_get('memory_limit') . 'M ';
    (int) ini_get('memory_limit');
Beispiel #2
function weaverii_form_row_widget_area($value)
    // build the rows for widget area settigns
    	Primary Sidebar Widget Area
    	Left/Right Padding
    	Top/Bottom Padding
    	Top/Bottom Margin
    $name = $value['name'];
    $id = $value['id'];
    $row = array('name' => '', 'id' => '', 'type' => '', 'info' => '');
    $row['name'] = 'Background';
    $row['id'] = $id . '_bgcolor';
    $row['info'] = $name . ': Background Color (use CSS+ to specify custom borders!)';
    $row['name'] = 'Top/Bottom Margins';
    $row['id'] = $id . '_margin';
    $row['info'] = $name . ': Top and bottom margin (space between areas, default: T:0px B:10px)';
    weaverii_form_row_text_xy($row, 'T', 'B');
    $row['name'] = '<small>Add Border</small>';
    $row['id'] = $id . '_std_border';
    $row['info'] = $name . ': Add the "standard" border (as set on General Appearance tab)';
    $row['name'] = '<small>Use Gradient BG</small>';
    $row['id'] = $id . '_gradient';
    $row['info'] = $name . ': Use Gradient BG (as set on General Appearance tab) (&#9679;Pro)';
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
    } else {
Beispiel #3
function weaverii_admin_sc()
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/pro/admin-pro-sc-top.php';
        // NOW - load the admin stuff
function weaverii_convert_old_weaver()
    /* convert existing Weaver 2.2 options from DB to current settings */
    if (true) {
        // no leading char means exact direct conversoin
        // leading ! means n/a
        // leading * means extra conversion processing required
        // leading ^ means widget area conversion - give only one notice
        // leading # means manual conversion required
        // leading - means internal value - no report required
        $convert_list = array('ttw_after_header' => 'wii_after_header_int|Space After Header', 'ttw_allow_attachment_comments' => 'wii_after_header_int|Allow comments for attachments', 'ttw_always_excerpt' => 'wii_excerpt_blog|Display posts as excerpts', 'ttw_always_fullpost' => 'wii_fullpost_archive|Display full posts', 'ttw_body_bgcolor' => 'wii_body_bgcolor|Outside BG', 'ttw_body_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_body_bgcolor_css|Outside BG', 'ttw_bold_menu' => 'wii_bold_menu|Bold Menu Text', 'ttw_border_adjust_sidebar' => '!No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II|Sidebar Border Adjust', 'ttw_caption_color' => 'wii_caption_color|Caption text color', 'ttw_caption_color_css' => 'wii_caption_color_css|Caption text color', 'ttw_container_bgcolor' => 'wii_container_bgcolor|Container Area BG', 'ttw_container_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_container_bgcolor_css|Container Area BG', 'ttw_content_bgcolor' => 'wii_content_bgcolor|Content BG', 'ttw_content_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_content_bgcolor_css|Content BG', 'ttw_content_color' => '*wii_content_color|Content text', 'ttw_content_color_css' => 'wii_content_color_css|Content text', 'ttw_content_font' => '*wii_content_font|Content Font', 'ttw_contentlist_bullet' => '*wii_contentlist_bullet|Content List Bullet', 'ttw_desc_color' => 'wii_desc_color|Site Description', 'ttw_desc_color_css' => 'wii_desc_color_css|Site Description', 'ttw_excerpt_length' => 'wii_excerpt_length|Excerpt length', 'ttw_excerpt_more_msg' => 'wii_excerpt_more_msg|<em>Continue reading</em> Message', 'ttw_fadebody_bg' => 'wii_fadebody_bg|Fade Outside BG', 'ttw_footer_bgcolor' => 'wii_footer_bgcolor|Footer BG', 'ttw_footer_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_footer_bgcolor_css|Footer BG', 'ttw_footer_border_color' => 'wii_border_color|Footer Border', 'ttw_footer_border_color_css' => 'wii_footer_border_color_css|Footer Border', 'ttw_footer_widget_bgcolor' => 'wii_footer_widget_bgcolor|Footer Widget Areas BG', 'ttw_footer_widget_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_footer_widget_bgcolor_css|Footer Widget Areas BG', 'ttw_footer_widget_count' => '!No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II._Footer_widgets_automatically_spaced.|Horizontal Footer Widget Area Blocks', 'ttw_footer_last' => 'wii_footer_last|Footer &lt;div> Last', 'ttw_force_widg_frontpage' => '!No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II._New_top/bottom_widgets_available.|Always Show Top/Bottom widget area on front page', 'ttw_gradient_menu' => 'wii_gradient_menu|Menu Bar Gradient', 'ttw_use_superfish' => 'wii_use_superfish|Use Menu Effects', 'ttw_header_bgcolor' => 'wii_header_bgcolor|Header BG', 'ttw_header_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_header_bgcolor_css|Header BG', 'ttw_header_image_height' => 'wii_header_image_height_int|Header Image Height', 'ttw_header_image_width' => '*wii_header_image_width_int|Theme Width', 'ttw_site_margins' => '*wii_site_margins|Theme Margin', 'ttw_header_underline' => 'wii_header_underline_int|Bar under Titles', 'ttw_header_first' => 'wii_header_first|Header &lt;div> First', 'ttw_hide_author_bio' => 'wii_hide_author_bio|Hide Author Bio', 'ttw_hide_comments_closed' => '*wii_show_comments_closed|Hide <em>Comments Off</em>', 'ttw_hide_footer' => 'wii_hide_footer|Hide Entire Footer', 'ttw_hide_menu' => 'wii_hide_menu|Hide Menu Bars', 'ttw_hide_featured_header' => 'wii_hide_featured_header|Hide Featured Image for Header', 'ttw_hide_page_featured' => 'wii_hide_page_featured|Hide Featured Image for Pages', 'ttw_hide_post_fill' => 'wii_post_icons|Hide Post Info Fill-in', 'ttw_hide_singleton_cat' => 'wii_hide_singleton_cat|Hide Category if Only One', 'ttw_hide_single_sidebars' => '^Use_New_Per_Page_Layout|Hide Sidebars on Single Post', 'ttw_hide_special_post_sidebars' => '^Use_Weaver_Pro_Layout_Options|Hide Sidebars on Special Post pages', 'ttw_hide_site_title' => 'wii_hide_site_title|Hide Site Title/Description', 'ttw_hide_special_posts' => '^Use_Weaver_Pro_Layout_Options|Hide Special Post Pages widget area', 'ttw_hide_widg_pages' => '^Use_New_Widget_Areas|Hide Top/Bottom widget area in pages', 'ttw_hide_widg_posts' => '^Use_New_Widget_Areas|Hide Top/Bottom widget area in blog', 'ttw_hr_color' => 'wii_hr_color|&lt;HR&gt; color', 'ttw_hr_color_css' => 'wii_hr_color_css|&lt;HR&gt; color', 'ttw_ilink_color' => 'wii_ilink_color|Post Info Link', 'ttw_ilink_color_css' => 'wii_ilink_color_css|Post Info Link', 'ttw_ilink_hover_color' => 'wii_ilink_hover_color|Post Info Link Hover', 'ttw_ilink_hover_color_css' => 'wii_ilink_hover_color_css|Post Info Link Hover', 'ttw_ilink_visited_color' => 'wii_ilink_visited_color|Post Info Link Visited', 'ttw_ilink_visited_color_css' => 'wii_ilink_visited_color_css|Post Info Link Visited', 'ttw_info_color' => 'wii_info_color|Post Info text', 'ttw_info_color_css' => 'wii_info_color_css|Post Info text', 'ttw_infotop_bgcolor' => 'wii_infotop_bgcolor|Top Post Info BG', 'ttw_infotop_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_infotop_bgcolor_css|Top Post Info BG', 'ttw_infobottom_bgcolor' => 'wii_infobottom_bgcolor|Bottom Post Info BG', 'ttw_infobottom_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_infobottom_bgcolor_css|Bottom Post Info BG', 'ttw_input_bgcolor' => 'wii_input_bgcolor|Input Area BG', 'ttw_input_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_input_bgcolor_css|Input Area BG', 'ttw_large_tagline' => '*wii_desc_font_size|Larger Site Description', 'ttw_link_color' => 'wii_link_color|Standard Link', 'ttw_link_color_css' => 'wii_link_color_css|Standard Link', 'ttw_link_hover_color' => 'wii_link_hover_color|Standard Link Hover', 'ttw_link_hover_color_css' => 'wii_link_hover_color_css|Standard Link Hover', 'ttw_link_visited_color' => 'wii_link_visited_color|Standard Link Visited', 'ttw_link_visited_color_css' => 'wii_link_visited_color_css|Standard Link Visited', 'ttw_link_site_image' => 'wii_link_site_image|Header Image Links to Site', 'ttw_list_bullet' => '*wii_list_bullet|Widget List Bullet', 'ttw_main_bgcolor' => 'wii_main_bgcolor|Main Area BG', 'ttw_main_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_main_bgcolor_css|Main Area BG', 'ttw_media_lib_border' => 'wii_media_lib_border_color|Non-Captioned Image Border Color', 'ttw_media_lib_border_css' => 'wii_media_lib_border_color_css|Non-Captioned Image Border Color', 'ttw_media_lib_captioned_border' => '!Captioned_image_borders_no_longer_available|Captioned Image Border Color', 'ttw_media_lib_captioned_border_css' => '!Captioned_image_borders_no_longer_available|Captioned Image Border Color', 'ttw_menu_addsearch' => 'wii_menu_addsearch|Add Search to Menu Bar', 'ttw_menu_addlogin' => 'wii_menu_addlogin|Add Log in to Menu Bar', 'ttw_menu_nohome' => 'wii_|No Home Menu Item', 'ttw_menubar_color' => '*wii_menubar_bgcolor|Menu Bar', 'ttw_menubar_color_css' => '*wii_menubar_bgcolor_css|Menu Bar', 'ttw_menubar_curpage_color' => 'wii_menubar_curpage_color|Menu Bar current page', 'ttw_menubar_curpage_color_css' => 'wii_menubar_curpage_color_css|Menu Bar current page', 'ttw_menubar_hover_color' => '*wii_menubar_hover_color|Menu Bar text hover', 'ttw_menubar_hover_color_css' => '*wii_menubar_hover_color_css|Menu Bar text hover', 'ttw_menubar_hoverbg_color' => '*wii_menubar_hover_bgcolor|Menu Bar hover BG', 'ttw_menubar_hoverbg_color_css' => '*wii_menubar_hover_bgcolor_css|Menu Bar hover BG', 'ttw_menubar_text_color' => '*wii_menubar_text_color|Menu Bar text', 'ttw_menubar_text_color_css' => '*wii_menubar_text_color_css|Menu Bar text', 'ttw_move_menu' => 'wii_move_menu|Move Primary Menu to Top', 'ttw_page_bgcolor' => 'wii_page_bgcolor|Wrapper Page BG', 'ttw_page_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_page_bgcolor_css|xxx', 'ttw_page_title_color' => 'wii_page_title_color|Page Title Text', 'ttw_page_title_color_css' => 'wii_page_title_color_css|Page Title Text', 'ttw_plink_color' => 'wii_plink_color|Post Entry Title Link', 'ttw_plink_color_css' => 'wii_plink_color_css|Post Entry Title Link', 'ttw_plink_hover_color' => 'wii_ttw_plink_hover_color|Post Entry Title Link Hover', 'ttw_plink_hover_color_css' => 'wii_plink_hover_color_css|Post Entry Title Link Hover', 'ttw_plink_visited_color' => 'wii_plink_visited_color|Post Entry Title Link Visited', 'ttw_plink_visited_color_css' => 'wii_plink_visited_color_css|Post Entry Title Link Visited', 'ttw_post_hide_date' => 'wii_post_hide_date|Hide Post Date', 'ttw_post_hide_author' => 'wii_post_hide_author|Hide Post Author', 'ttw_post_hide_cats' => 'wii_post_hide_cats|Hide Post Category, Tags', 'ttw_post_bgcolor' => 'wii_post_bgcolor|xxx', 'ttw_post_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_post_bgcolor_css|xxx', 'ttw_post_icons' => 'wii_post_icons|Use Icons in Post Info', 'ttw_post_title_color' => 'wii_plink|Post Format Title', 'ttw_post_title_color_css' => 'wii_plink_css|Post Format Title', 'ttw_rounded_corners' => 'wii_rounded_corners|Rounded Corners', 'ttw_rounded_corners_radius' => 'wii_rounded_corners_radius|Corner Radius', 'ttw_show_featured_image_excerptedposts' => 'wii_show_featured_image_excerptedposts|Show the Featured Image for excerpted posts', 'ttw_show_featured_image_fullposts' => 'wii_show_featured_image_fullposts|Show Featured Image for full posts', 'ttw_show_post_avatar' => 'wii_show_post_avatar|Show avatar with posts', 'ttw_show_tiny_avatar' => 'wii_show_tiny_avatar|Make avatar tiny', 'ttw_side1_bgcolor' => '*wii_widget_primary_bgcolor|Primary Widget Area BG', 'ttw_side1_bgcolor_css' => '*wii_widget_primary_bgcolor_css|Primary Widget Area BG', 'ttw_side2_bgcolor' => 'wii_widget_right_bgcolor|Secondary Widget Area BG', 'ttw_side2_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_widget_right_bgcolor_css|Secondary Widget Area BG', 'ttw_side3_bgcolor' => '^Alt_Widget_Area_Not_Available._Use_New_Widget_Area_Options.|Alt Template Widget Area BG', 'ttw_side3_bgcolor_css' => '^Alt_Widget_Area_Not_Available._Use_New_Widget_Area_Options.|Alt Template Widget Area BG', 'ttw_sidebar_width' => '^Please_set_new_sidebar_widths_manaully|Sidebar Width', 'ttw_sidebars' => '^Please_select_new_style_sidebars_manually|Main Sidebar Columns', 'ttw_small_content_font' => '#Option_no_longer_available._Use_Fonts:_Site_Base_Font_Size|Smaller Content Font', 'ttw_stickypost_bgcolor' => 'wii_stickypost_bgcolor|Sticky Post BG', 'ttw_stickypost_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_stickypost_bgcolor_css|Sticky Post BG', 'ttw_text_color' => 'wii_content_headings_color|Heading text', 'ttw_text_color_css' => 'wii_content_headings_color_css|Heading text', 'ttw_title_color' => 'wii_title_color|Site Title', 'ttw_title_color_css' => 'wii_title_color_css|Site Title', 'ttw_title_font' => '*wii_title_font|Titles Font', 'ttw_title_on_header' => 'wii_title_on_header|Move Title over Header Image', 'ttw_title_on_header_xy_X' => 'wii_title_on_header_xy_X|Move Title over Header Image', 'ttw_title_on_header_xy_Y' => 'wii_title_on_header_xy_Y|Move Title over Header Image', 'ttw_title_on_header_xy_desc_X' => 'wii_title_on_header_xy_desc_X|Move Title over Header Image', 'ttw_title_on_header_xy_desc_Y' => 'wii_title_on_header_xy_desc_Y|Move Title over Header Image', 'ttw_topbottom_bgcolor' => '*wii_widget_top_bgcolor|Top/Bottom Widget Areas BG', 'ttw_topbottom_bgcolor_css' => '*wii_widget_top_bgcolor_css|Top/Bottom Widget Areas BG', 'ttw_useborders' => 'wii_useborders|Area Border', 'ttw_useborders_topbot' => '*wii_widget_top_std_border|Area Border on Top/Bottom widget areas', 'ttw_weaver_tables' => '*wii_weaverii_tables|Table Style', 'ttw_wide_top_bottom' => '#Please_use_new_widget_area_left/right_indent|Full Width Top/Bottom widget areas', 'ttw_widget_color' => 'wii_widget_color|Widget Area Text', 'ttw_widget_color_css' => 'wii_widget_color_css|Widget Area Text', 'ttw_widget_header_underline' => 'wii_widget_header_underline_int|Bar under Widget Titles', 'ttw_widget_item_bgcolor' => 'wii_widget_widget_bgcolor|Individual Widget BG', 'ttw_widget_item_bgcolor_css' => 'wii_widget_widget_bgcolor_css|Individual Widget BG', 'ttw_widget_title_color' => 'wii_widget_title_color|Widget Title', 'ttw_widget_title_color_css' => 'wii_widget_title_color_css|Widget Title', 'ttw_wlink_color' => 'wii_wlink_color|Widget Link', 'ttw_wlink_color_css' => 'wii_wlink_color_css|Widget Link', 'ttw_wlink_hover_color' => 'wii_wlink_hover_color|Widget Link Hover', 'ttw_wlink_hover_color_css' => 'wii_wlink_hover_color_css|Widget Link Hover', 'ttw_wlink_visited_color' => 'wii_wlink_visited_color|Widget Link Visited', 'ttw_wlink_visited_color_css' => 'wii_wlink_visited_color_css|Widget Link Visited', 'ttw_wrap_shadow' => 'wii_wrap_shadow||Wrap site with shadow', 'ttw_footer_opts' => 'wii_footer_insert|insert into footer', 'ttw_head_opts' => '*wii_head_opts|<HEAD> Section', 'ttw_add_css' => '*wii_add_css|Add CSS Rules to Weaver\'s style rules', 'ttw_preheader_insert' => 'wii_preheader_insert|Pre-Header Code', 'ttw_hide_front_preheader' => 'wii_hide_front_preheader|xxx', 'ttw_hide_rest_preheader' => 'wii_hide_rest_preheader|xxx', 'ttw_header_insert' => 'wii_header_insert|Site Header Insert Code', 'ttw_custom_header_insert' => '!Not_ready_wii_|Custom Header Page Template Code', 'ttw_header_frontpage_only' => '#Option_changed._Please_manually_set_new_values.|Show Header Insert on Front Page Only', 'ttw_postheader_insert' => 'wii_premain_insert|Post-Header Code', 'ttw_hide_front_postheader' => 'wii_hide_front_premain|xxx', 'ttw_hide_rest_postheader' => 'wii_hide_rest_premain|xxx', 'ttw_prefooter_insert' => 'wii_prefooter_insert|Pre-Footer Code', 'ttw_hide_front_prefooter' => 'wii_hide_front_prefooter|xxx', 'ttw_hide_rest_prefooter' => 'wii_hide_rest_prefooter|xxx', 'ttw_postfooter_insert' => 'wii_postfooter_insert|Post-Footer Code', 'ttw_hide_front_postfooter' => 'wii_hide_front_postfooter|xxx', 'ttw_hide_rest_postfooter' => 'wii_hide_rest_postfooter|xxx', 'ttw_presidebar_insert' => 'wii_presidebar_left_insert|Pre-Sidebar Code', 'ttw_hide_front_presidebar' => 'wii_hide_front_presidebar_left|xxx', 'ttw_hide_rest_presidebar' => 'wii_hide_rest_presidebar_left|xxx', 'ttw_hide_PIE' => '_wii_hide_PIE|Don\'t use PIE IE extension', 'ttw_menu_addhtml-left' => 'wii_menu_addhtml-left|add html to left menu', 'ttw_menu_addhtml' => 'wii_menu_addhtml|add html to right menu', 'ttw_notab_mainoptions' => '!Not_supported|no tabs on main options', 'ttw_perpagewidgets' => 'wii_perpagewidgets|Add widget areas for per page', 'ttw_hide_auto_css_rules' => '_wii_hide_auto_css_rules|Don\'t auto-display CSS rules', 'ttw_css_rows' => '_wii_css_rows|expand # CSS+ rows', 'ttw_force_inline_css' => '_wii_inline_style|Use Inline CSS', 'ttw_copyright' => '_wii_copyright|Alternate copyright', 'ttw_hide_poweredby' => '_wii_hide_poweredby|Hide powered by', 'ttw_end_opts' => 'wii_postfooter|The Last Thing', 'ttw_metainfo' => '#Please_manually_add_to_Advanced_Options:_SEO_Tags|meta info for header', 'ttw_hide_metainfo' => '_wii_hide_metainfo|Use SEO Plugin', 'ttw_hide_theme_thumbs' => '_wii_hide_theme_thumbs|Hide thumbs on admin screen', 'ttw_show_preview' => '!Not_supported|show the preview box', 'ttw_hide_updatemsg' => '!Not_supported|hide the version update message', 'ttw_hide_editor_style' => '_wii_hide_editor_style|disable editor styling', 'ttw_theme_head_opts' => '*wii_add_theme_css|Predefined Theme CSS Rules', 'wvr_hide_if_are_oldWeaver_opts' => '!Not_supported_wii_|show if old options to import', 'ftp_hostname' => '!Not_supported|FTP Host Name', 'ftp_username' => '!Not_suppoted|FTP User Name', 'ftp_password' => '!Not_suppoted|FTP Password', 'ftp_hide_check_message' => '!Not_supported|Disable FTP', 'ttw_subtheme' => 'wii_subtheme|Subtheme name', 'ttw_theme_image' => '-Np_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II|image name not used', 'ttw_theme_description' => 'wii_theme_description|Theme Description', 'ttw_themename' => 'wii_themename|theme name', 'ttw_version_id' => '-No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II|version is not per-site', 'ttw_style_version' => '-No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II|Style Version', 'ttw_last_advanced' => '-No_longer_needed_by_Weaver_II');
    // Weaver Plus
    if (true) {
        $wvp_ignore = array('wvp_sitetitle_size', 'wvp_sitedesc_size', 'wvp_post_single_hidehtml', 'wvp_post_blog_hidehtml', 'wvp_site_fontsize', 'wvp_post_pretitle', 'wvp_post_prebody', 'wvp_post_postbody');
        // change wvp_ to wii_, add to weaver opts
        $wvp_to_wii_opts = array('wvp_post_info_move_top', 'wvp_post_info_move_bottom', 'wvp_post_info_hide_top', 'wvp_post_info_hide_bottom', 'wvp_hide_prevnext', 'wvp_post_no_titlelink', 'wvp_entrytitle_size', 'wvp_featured_blog_width', 'wvp_featured_single_width', 'wvp_hide_p_category', 'wvp_hide_p_tag', 'wvp_hide_p_date', 'wvp_hide_p_search', 'wvp_hide_tooltip');
    $old_main = get_option('weaver_main_settings');
    if (empty($old_main)) {
        weaverii_maint_error_msg("Previous Version of Weaver not available to convert.");
    $old_adv = get_option('weaver_advanced_settings');
    if (empty($old_adv)) {
        weaverii_maint_error_msg("Previous Version of Weaver not available to convert.");
    $old = array_merge($old_main, $old_adv);
    $converted = 0;
    $skipped = 0;
    $special = 0;
    $notes = 0;
    $manual = 0;
    $errors = 0;
    $need_widget_notice = false;
    $css_found = false;
    global $weaverii_opts_cache;
    $weaverii_opts_cache = array();
    echo "<div style=\"border: 4px ridge red; padding:8px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background:#f4f0f0;max-width:800px;\"><h3>Weaver to Weaver II Conversion Report ";
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#UpgradingWeaver', 'Help for Advanced Options');
    echo "</h3>\n    <p style=\"font-weight:bold;color:blue;\">You may want to Copy/Paste this report into a new WordPress Private or Draft Page, or into a word processor page, for future reference.</p>";
    $sb_areas = array('primary', 'right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom', 'footer', 'widget');
    foreach ($sb_areas as $val) {
        weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_' . $val . '_bgcolor', 'transparent', false);
        // widget areas need to be transparent
    foreach ($old as $opt => $val) {
        // WEAVER settings
        if ($val && isset($convert_list[$opt])) {
            $cvt = $convert_list[$opt];
            $new_name = strtok($cvt, '|');
            $info = strtok('|');
            $msg = substr(str_replace('_', ' ', $new_name), 1);
            switch ($new_name[0]) {
                case '!':
                    echo "<span class=\"wvr_yellow\">Conversion Notice:</span> <em>{$info}:</em> {$msg}<br >\n";
                case '-':
                case '#':
                    echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Manual conversion required:</span> <em>{$info}:</em> {$msg}<br >\n";
                case '^':
                    // widget area
                    if ($opt == 'ttw_sidebars') {
                        // we can sort of do this one
                        switch ($val) {
                            case 'Default - One, right side':
                                //Default - One, right side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'right-1-col', false);
                            case 'One, wide right side':
                                //One, wide right side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'right-1-col', false);
                                $need_widget_notice = true;
                            case 'One, left side':
                                //One, left side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'left-1-col', false);
                            case 'Two, left and right sides':
                                //Two, left and right sides
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'split', false);
                            case 'Two, unequal widths, right side':
                                //Two, unequal widths, right side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'right-2-col', false);
                                $need_widget_notice = true;
                            case 'Two, unequal widths, left side':
                                //Two, unequal widths, left side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'left-2-col', false);
                                $need_widget_notice = true;
                            case 'None':
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'one-column', false);
                            case 'Default - One, right side':
                                //Default - One, right side
                            //Default - One, right side
                                weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'right-1-col', false);
                    $need_widget_notice = true;
                case '*':
                    // special handling
                    $new_name = substr($new_name, 1);
                    switch ($new_name) {
                        case 'wii_add_css':
                        case 'wii_add_theme_css':
                            echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">CSS Rules detected.</span> The following <em>{$info}</em>\nhave been added to Weaver II's <strong>Custom CSS Rules</strong>, but may require manual changes:\n<br /><span style=\"padding-left:20px;\"><code>" . esc_textarea($val) . "</code></span><br />\n";
                            $fixed = str_replace('<style>', '', $val);
                            $fixed = str_replace('<style type="text/css">', '', $fixed);
                            $fixed = str_replace('</style>', '', $fixed);
                            $prev = weaverii_getopt('wii_add_css');
                            if ($prev != '') {
                                $prev = $prev . "\n" . $fixed;
                            } else {
                                $prev = $fixed;
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_add_css', $prev, false);
                            if (strstr($fixed, '<style') !== false) {
                                echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Warning - unmatched &lt;style&gt; found.</span> You will have to manually\n\t\t\t\t    convert the CSS in \"Custom CSS Rules\".\n";
                        case 'wii_content_font':
                            // Content Font
                        // Content Font
                        case 'wii_title_font:':
                            //Titles Font
                            echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Font settings detected.</span> You may have to manually adjust font selections.<br />\n";
                        case 'wii_contentlist_bullet':
                            // Content List Bullet
                        // Content List Bullet
                        case 'wii_list_bullet':
                            // Widget List Bullet
                            if ($val != 'circle' && $val != 'disc' && $val != 'square') {
                                $oldval = $val;
                                $val = 'disc';
                                if ($oldval != 'default') {
                                    echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Additional manual conversion may be required for list bullet:</span> <em>{$info}:\n<br /><span style=\"padding-left:20px;\">" . esc_textarea($oldval) . "</span><br />\n";
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, $val, false);
                        case 'wii_content_color':
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_content_color', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_body_color', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_head_opts':
                            $bare = str_replace("\n", '', $val);
                            $bare = str_replace(' ', '', $bare);
                            if ($bare == '<!--AddyourownCSSsnippetsbetweenthestyletags.--><styletype="text/css"></style>') {
                            echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">CSS Rules possibly detected.</span> The following <em>&lt;HEAD&gt; Section</em>\ncode has been added to Weaver II's settings, and may require manual changes. CSS rules should be moved to the\n<strong>Custom CSS Rules</strong> section.\n<br /><span style=\"padding-left:20px;\"><code>" . esc_textarea($val) . "</code></span><br />\n";
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, $val, false);
                        case 'wii_header_image_width_int':
                            // Theme Width (this is both the header and theme width)
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_header_image_width_int', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_theme_width_int', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_menubar_bgcolor':
                            // Menu Bar'
                        // Menu Bar'
                        case 'wii_menubar_bgcolor_css':
                            // Menu Bar',
                        // Menu Bar',
                        case 'wii_menubar_hover_color':
                        case 'wii_menubar_hover_color_css:':
                        case 'wii_menubar_text_color':
                            // Menu Bar text',
                        // Menu Bar text',
                        case 'wii_menubar_text_color_css':
                            // Menu Bar text',
                            $sub = str_replace('menu', 'submenu', $new_name);
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt($sub, $val, false);
                        case 'wii_menubar_hover_bgcolor':
                            // Menu Bar hover BG',
                        // Menu Bar hover BG',
                        case 'wii_menubar_hover_bgcolor_css':
                            // Menu Bar hover BG',
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_submenubar_bgcolor', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_submenubar_hover_bgcolor', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_site_margins':
                            // Theme Margin
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_site_margins_T', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_site_margins_B', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_site_margins_L', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_site_margins_R', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_show_comments_closed':
                            // Hide <em>Comments Off</em>
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, !$val, false);
                        case 'wii_desc_font_size':
                            // Larger Site Description
                            weaverii_setopt($new_name, '200', false);
                        case 'wii_widget_primary_bgcolor':
                            // Primary Widget Area BG
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_primary_bgcolor', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_left_bgcolor', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_right_bgcolor', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_widget_primary_bgcolor_css':
                            // Primary Widget Area BG
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_primary_bgcolor_css', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_left_bgcolor_css', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_right_bgcolor_css', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_widget_top_bgcolor':
                            // Top/Bottom Widget Areas BG
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_top_bgcolor', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_bottom_bgcolor', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_widget_top_bgcolor_css':
                            // Top/Bottom Widget Areas BG
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_top_bgcolor_css', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_bottom_bgcolor_css', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_widget_top_std_border':
                            // Area Border on Top/Bottom widget areas
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_top_std_border', $val, false);
                            weaverii_setopt('wii_widget_bottom_std_border', $val, false);
                        case 'wii_weaverii_tables':
                            // Table Styes
                            switch ($val) {
                                case 'Default':
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'wide', false);
                                case 'Weaver':
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'default', false);
                                case 'Bold Headings':
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'bold', false);
                                case 'Full Width':
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'fullwidth', false);
                                case 'None':
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'plain', false);
                                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, 'default', false);
                    // end switch
                    weaverii_setopt($new_name, $val, false);
            // end switch
        } else {
            if ($val) {
                echo "Conversion Error for {$opt}: No conversion available</br>\n";
            } else {
    // Now do Weaver Plus options
    $old_plus = get_option('weaver_plus', array());
    $plus = array();
    // converted plus options
    $plus_num = 0;
    if (!empty($old_plus) && weaverii_init_base()) {
        foreach ($old_plus as $opt => $val) {
            if ($val == '') {
            // ignore these $wvp_ignore
            if (array_search($opt, $wvp_ignore) !== false) {
            // change wvp_ to wii_ and add to weaver ii opts $wvp_to_wii_opts
            if (array_search($opt, $wvp_to_wii_opts) !== false) {
                $fixed = str_replace('wvp_', 'wii_', $opt);
                weaverii_setopt($fixed, $val, false);
            if (strpos($opt, 'ttw_') !== false) {
                // bug in Weaver - ignore these...
            if (strpos($opt, 'wvp_bg_') !== false) {
                // wvp_bg_ -> _wii_bg_ : weaver opts
                $fixed = str_replace('wvp_', 'wii_', $opt);
                weaverii_setopt($fixed, $val, false);
            // fonts_ -> fonts_ : weaver opts
            if (strpos($opt, 'fonts_') !== false) {
                weaverii_setopt('wiip_' . $opt, $val, false);
            // everything starting with 'css_' is a straight through copy (total css) : PRO opts
            // everything starting with 'slider' is straight through (slider menu shortcode) : PRO opts
            // buttons => buttons :PRO opts
            // hdr_ -> no change: PRO opts
            // 'wvpsc_ - no change : PRO opts
            // wvr_disclaimer - no change : PRO opts
            // wvp_add_social_to_menu : PRO opts
            $plus[$opt] = $val;
    if (!empty($plus) && weaverii_init_base()) {
        global $weaverii_pro_opts;
        $weaverii_pro_opts = $plus;
    if ($need_widget_notice) {
        echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Manual attention required:</span> The options for sidebars and widget areas have changed <strong>significantly</strong> in Weaver II. <em>Please see the help file discussion about this topic.</em>\nYou will have to make some manual adjustments to your sidebar and widget settings.<br />\n";
    if (!weaverii_getopt('wii_layout_default')) {
        weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default', 'right-1-col', false);
    if (!weaverii_getopt('wii_layout_default_archive')) {
        weaverii_setopt('wii_layout_default_archive', 'one-column', false);
    weaverii_setopt('wii_comment_content_bgcolor', 'transparent', false);
    // decent compromise
    weaverii_setopt('wii_infobar_hide', 'checked', false);
    // just hide it...
    weaverii_setopt('wii_hide_old_weaver', 10, false);
    // kill the message
    weaverii_setopt('wii_version_id', WEAVERII_VERSION_ID);
    // an force db save as well (not false)
    // changed some things, so re-save
    echo '<hr /><strong>Page Template Usage</strong><p>The following pages use old style Weaver Page Templates. They will
    require manual conversion to the new style Weaver II Page Templates. Please see the Help file
    for hints on converting old Weaver II templates to the new Weaver II templates.&nbsp;';
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#converttemplates', 'Help for Converting Page Templates');
    echo '</p>';
    $tpl_num = 0;
    $pages = get_pages();
    foreach ($pages as $page) {
        $template = get_post_meta($page->ID, '_wp_page_template', true);
        if ($template == 'default' || !$template) {
        switch ($template) {
            case 'page-altleft.php':
                $name = 'Alternative sidebar, left';
            case 'page-altright.php':
                $name = 'Alternative sidebar, right';
            case 'page-customheader.php':
                $name = 'Custom Header (see Adv Opts admin)';
            case 'page-multicolcontent.php':
                $name = '2 Col Content (split w/ &lt;!--more--&gt;)';
            case 'page-onecolumniframe.php':
                $name = 'One column, iframe full width';
            case 'page-posts-excerpt.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts (excerpts)';
            case 'page-posts-excerpt2col.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts (excerpts - 2 cols)';
            case 'page-posts-title.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts (title)';
            case 'page-posts-title2col.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts (title - 2 cols)';
            case 'page-posts.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts';
            case 'page-posts2col.php':
                $name = 'Page with Posts (2 cols)';
            case 'page-sitemap.php':
                $name = 'Sitemap';
            case 'page-wrapperonly.php':
                $name = 'Blank - (see Adv Opts admin)';
            case 'page-sitemap.php':
                $name = 'Sitemap';
            case 'pg-popup.php':
                $name = 'Pop Up';
            case 'onecolumn-page.php':
                $name = 'One column, no sidebar';
                if (strstr($template, 'paget-') !== false) {
                    $name = 'Existing Weaver II template - no action required.';
                } else {
                    $name = 'unknown: (' . $template . ')';
        echo '<strong><em>' . $page->post_title . '</em></strong> &nbsp; <small>(id:' . $page->ID . ')</small> &nbsp; uses template: <strong>' . $name . '</strong><br>';
    if ($tpl_num < 1) {
        echo '<p>None of you existing pages use Weaver Page Templates.</p>';
    // check on background and header image
    $updated = false;
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
        $updated = weaverii_update_mods(WEAVER_SLUG, WEAVERII_PRO_SLUG);
    } else {
        $updated = weaverii_update_mods(WEAVER_SLUG, WEAVERII_SLUG);
    echo '<hr /><strong>Appearance settings (Header, Background) copied.</strong>';
    echo '<br /><hr /><strong>Summary for ' . weaverii_getopt('wii_subtheme') . ' theme.</strong>';
    $name = weaverii_getopt('wii_themename');
    if ($name && $name != weaverii_getopt('wii_subtheme')) {
        echo ' (' . $name . ') ';
    if (weaverii_getopt('wii_theme_description')) {
        echo '<br /><em>Description:</em> ' . weaverii_getopt('wii_theme_description');
    echo '<br />';
    echo "<span class=\"wvr_green\">Compatible values converted:</span> {$converted}<br />\n";
    if ($plus_num > 0) {
        echo "<span class=\"wvr_green\">Weaver Plus values converted:</span> {$plus_num}<br />\n";
    // echo ("Values requiring special conversion: $special<br />\n");
    // echo ("Values skipped: $skipped<br />\n");
    echo "<span class=\"wvr_yellow\">Values no longer supported or needed:</span> {$notes}<br />\n";
    echo "<span class=\"wvr_red\">Values requiring manual attention:</span> {$manual}<br />\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
function weaverii_mainopts_fonts()
    $opts = array(array('type' => 'submit'), array('name' => 'Fonts', 'id' => 'mainopts_fonts', 'type' => 'header', 'info' => 'Fonts', 'help' => 'help.html#Fonts'), array('name' => 'Content Font', 'id' => 'wii_content_font', 'type' => 'selectold', 'info' => 'Font used for most content and widget text (Default: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;)', 'value' => array('', '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', 'Verdana,Arial,sans-serif', 'Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif', '"Arial Black",Arial,sans-serif', '"Avant Garde",Arial,sans-serif', '"Comic Sans MS",Arial,sans-serif', 'Impact,Arial,sans-serif', '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif', '"Century Gothic",Arial,sans-serif', '"Lucida Grande",Arial,sans-serif', 'Univers,Arial,sans-serif', '"Times New Roman",Times,serif', '"Bitstream Charter",Times,serif', 'Georgia,Times,serif', 'Palatino,Times,serif', 'Bookman,Times,serif', 'Garamond,Times,serif', '"Courier New",Courier', '"Andale Mono",Courier')), array('name' => 'Titles Font', 'id' => 'wii_title_font', 'type' => 'selectold', 'info' => 'Font used for post, page, and widget titles, info labels, and menus. (Default: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;)', 'value' => array('', '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', 'Verdana,Arial,sans-serif', 'Tahoma, Arial,sans-serif', '"Arial Black",Arial,sans-serif', '"Avant Garde",Arial,sans-serif', '"Comic Sans MS",Arial,sans-serif', 'Impact,Arial,sans-serif', '"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif', '"Century Gothic",Arial,sans-serif', '"Lucida Grande",Arial,sans-serif', 'Univers,Arial,sans-serif', '"Times New Roman",Times,serif', '"Bitstream Charter",Times,serif', 'Georgia,Times,serif', 'Palatino,Times,serif', 'Bookman,Times,serif', 'Garamond,Times,serif', '"Courier New",Courier', '"Andale Mono",Courier')), array('name' => 'Site Base Font Size', 'id' => 'wii_site_fontsize_int', 'type' => 'val_px', 'info' => 'Set the Base Font size. All other font sizes are calculated as a percentage of this size. (Default: 12px)'), array('name' => 'Site Base Line Height', 'id' => 'wii_site_line_height_dec', 'type' => 'text', 'info' => 'Set the Base line-height. Most other line heights based on this multiplier. (Default: 1.5 - no units)'), array('name' => '#080Site Base Font Size - Mobile', 'id' => 'wii_site_fontsize_mobile_int', 'type' => 'val_px', 'info' => 'Set the Base Font size for Mobile Devices. (Default: 12px)'));
	Define <strong>Fonts</strong> for Content and Titles, as well as base Font Size and Line Spacing. Pro Version supports
	setting fonts for specific objects, as well as using <strong>Google Fonts</strong>.
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
    } else {
<h3>Weaver II Pro Font Control</h3>
<p>The Weaver II Pro Font Control panel gives you fine tuned control over the fonts various elements of your site will use.
	You can use a set of standard Web fonts, or for total flexibility, you can use <em>any</em> of the free
        weaverii_site('/webfonts', '');
<strong>Google Web Fonts</strong></a>. In addition to the
	two general areas available in the basic Weaver II version, the Pro version lets you set the font of virtually every
	text element on your site. You can also specify font size, style, and other attributes.
function wpwii_maint_admin()
    if (!function_exists('weaverii_submitted')) {
<div class="wrap">
    <h1>Weaver II Maintenance Tools Version 1.1 (<?php 
	<h2>Clean Weaver II Settings</h2>
	    <p>When you click "Clear All Weaver II Settings", <strong>all</strong> Weaver II settings will be cleared from the data base. This includes both Weaver II Free version and Weaver II Pro settings.</p>
	    <form id="wpw_maintweaver" name="wpw_maintweaver" action="<?php 
/wp-admin/themes.php?page=weaverii_maintenance" method="post">
		<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="resetm_weaverii" value="Clear All Weaver II Settings"/></span>
	    <br /><br />
	<hr />
    if (get_option('weaver_main_settings') || get_option('ttw_options') || get_option('ttw_myoptions') || get_option('ttw_adminoptions') || get_option('weaver-settings') || get_option('widget_weaver_login') || get_option('widget_weaver_text') || get_option('widget_weaver_login') || get_option('weaver_advanced_settings')) {

	<h2>Clean Old Weaver Version Settings</h2>
	    <p>Settings from previous versions of the Weaver theme have been detected. When you click "Clean OLD Weaver", <strong>all</strong> settings from previous versions of Weaver will be cleared from the data base. This includes 2010 Weaver, Weaver 1.x, Weaver 2.x, and Weaver Plus.</p>
		<strong style="color:red">IMPORTANT!</strong> If you need to upgrade your Weaver 2.2.x settings to Weaver II, be sure to do that BEFORE you clear your old settings!</p>
	    <form id="wpw_cleanweaver" name="wpw_cleanweaver" action="<?php 
/wp-admin/themes.php?page=weaverii_maintenance" method="post">
		<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="reset_old_weaver" value="Clear OLD Weaver"/></span>
	    <br /><br />
	<hr />
	<h2>Upgrade Weaver 2.2.x to Weaver II</h2>
    /* see if old Weaver 2.0 settings found, and tell them how to upgrade */
    if (!get_option('weaver_main_settings')) {
      <div style="background-color:#FFEEEE; border: 1px solid red; margin: 0px 60px 0px 20px; padding-left:10px;width:70%">
	<p><strong>Notice:</strong> No existing settings from an older version of Weaver have been found, no upgrade possible.
    } else {
      <div style="background-color:#EEFFEE; border: 1px solid green; margin: 0px 60px 0px 20px; padding-left:10px;width:70%">
	<p><strong>Notice:</strong> Existing settings from an older version of Weaver have been found.
	Click the ? Help button for more information.
        weaverii_help_link('help.html#UpgradingWeaver', 'Help for Advanced Options');
      <br /> <br />
      <form name="resetweaverii_form" method="post">
	    <strong>Click the Convert Old Weaver Settings button to convert the settings from the previous version to the
	    new Weaver II settings.</strong><br />
        if (weaverii_init_base()) {
	    This will also convert Weaver Plus settings if they are present.<br />
	    <em>Warning: You will lose all current settings.</em> You should use the
	    Save/Restore tab to save a copy of your current settings before converting!<br /><br />
	    <span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="convertm_weaver" value="Convert Old Weaver Settings"/></span>
	</form> <!-- wii_resetweaverii_form -->
function weaverii_admin_saverestore()

<div class="wvr-option-header" style="clear:both;">Save/Restore Theme Settings <?php 
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#SaveRestore', 'Help on Save/Restore Themes');
</div><br />
<div class="wvr-option-subheader">Save/Restore Current Settings using WordPress Database</div>
<p>This option allows you to save and restore all current theme settings using your host's WordPress
database. Your options will be
preserved across Weaver II theme upgrades, as well when you change to different themes. There is only one
saved backup available. Weaver II Pro allows multiple saves using files.</p>
<p>Note: This save option saves <strong>all</strong> settings, including those marked with a &diams;. Other save options
(available with Weaver II Pro or the <em>Weaver II Theme Extras</em> plugin) will save all settings (backup save), or just
those settings that are theme related (settings <em>not</em> marked with  &diams;).</p>
<form name="wii_save_mysave_form" method="post">
		<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="save_mytheme" value="Save Settings"/></span>
		<strong>Save all current settings in host WordPress database.</strong>
		<br /><br />
		<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="restore_mytheme" value="Restore Settings"/></span>
		<strong>Restore from saved settings.</strong>

    // allow additional save/restore in child */
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
	<div class="wvr-option-subheader">Reset Current Settings to Default</div><br />
		<form name="resetweaverii_form" method="post" onSubmit="return confirm('Are you sure you want to reset all Weaver II settings?');">
			<strong>Click the Clear button to reset all Weaver II settings to the default values.</strong><br >
    if (weaverii_init_base()) {
			This will also include Weaver II Pro settings.<br />
			<em>Warning: You will lose all current settings.</em> You should use the Save/Restore tab to save a copy
			of your current settings before clearing! <br />
			<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="reset_weaverii" value="Clear All Weaver II Settings"/></span>
		</form> <!-- wii_resetweaverii_form -->
		<br /><hr />
    $last = weaverii_getopt('wii_last_option');
    if ($last != 'WeaverII') {
<p style="color:red">Possible Non-Standard Web Host Configuration detected. If your options
are not saving correctly, your host may have limited the default number of values that PHP can use for
settings. Try saving your settings again, and if this message persists, please contact your host and ask them to "Increase the PHP <em>max_input_vars</em> value for $_POST to at least 600." If that does not fix the issue,
please contact Weaver II support. (diagnostic info: last_option="<?php 
        echo $last;
    } else {
        echo "<p><small>{$last}</small></p>";
function weaverii_repeat_row($rid)
    if (!weaverii_init_base()) {
        echo '<div style="display:none;>';
	<th scope="row" align="right">&nbsp;</th>
	<td colspan="2" style="font-size:80%;">
	    <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                value="repeat" <?php 
    echo weaverii_getopt($rid) == 'repeat' ? 'checked' : '';
 /> repeat &nbsp;
	    <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                value="repeat-x" <?php 
    echo weaverii_getopt($rid) == 'repeat-x' ? 'checked' : '';
 /> repeat-x &nbsp;
	    <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                value="repeat-y" <?php 
    echo weaverii_getopt($rid) == 'repeat-y' ? 'checked' : '';
 /> repeat-y &nbsp;
	    <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                value="no-repeat" <?php 
    echo weaverii_getopt($rid) == 'no-repeat' ? 'checked' : '';
 /> no-repeat
    if (!weaverii_init_base()) {
        echo '</div>';
function weaverii_free_hidden_opt($name)
    // show hidden field for an option not supported by Free only - (but present in Pro or Theme Extras)
    if (!weaverii_init_base() && !function_exists('weaverii_extras_shortcodes_installed')) {
<input name="<?php 
" id="<?php 
        echo $name;
" type="hidden" value="<?php 
        echo weaverii_getopt($name);
" />
Beispiel #10
function weaverii_admin_pro()
    $opts = array(array('name' => 'Administrative Opts', 'id' => 'maintab3', 'type' => 'header0', 'info' => 'Weaver II Pro Administrative Options', 'help' => 'help.html#ProAdminOpts'), array('name' => 'Use Inline CSS', 'id' => '_wii_inline_style', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Generate in-line CSS code rather than using style-weaverii.css file. &diams;'), array('name' => 'Development Mode', 'id' => '_wii_development_mode', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Run in development mode. Uses in-line CSS and displays the diagnostic information enabled below when developing
		  a new custom theme. TURN OFF FOR PRODUCTION SITES! &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Trace Page Templates</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_templates', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Displays a label for each page template called (e.g., index, category, page, etc.). &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Trace Sidebars</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_sidebars', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Displays a label for sidebar displayed. &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Show Area Borders</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_borders', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show a 1px red border around most major &lt;div&gt;s. Overrides other borders. &diams;'), array('name' => '<small>Show Page Generation Time</small>', 'id' => '_weaverii_diag_timer', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show page generation time at bottom of page. &diams;'), array('name' => '#070<small>Show Mobile Device Info</small>', 'id' => '_wii_diag_trace_mobile', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Shows info about display device at top of page. &diams;'), array('name' => 'Shortcodes & Features', 'id' => 'maintab2', 'type' => 'header0', 'info' => 'Selectively Enable/Disable Weaver II Pro Shortcodes and Features', 'help' => 'help.html#ProShortcodes'), array('name' => 'Note:', 'id' => 'wii_pshc', 'type' => 'note', 'info' => 'These enable/disabe Weaver Pro Shortcodes. See the Dashboard Appearance->Shortcodes + Pro panel.'), array('name' => 'Disable Header Gadgets', 'id' => '_wii_hide_headergadgets', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Header Gadgets - Place links, images, and text over the header; directly or with [weaver_gadget] &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Link Buttons', 'id' => '_wii_hide_linkbuttons', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Link Buttons - [weaver_buttons] + Widget to display link image buttons you define &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Social Buttons', 'id' => '_wii_hide_socialbuttons', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Social Buttons - [weaver_social] + Widget to display icon links to most current social sites &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Slider', 'id' => '_wii_hide_slider', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Slider - [weaver_slider] - place sliding image menus in header, sidebar, or content area &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Extra Menus', 'id' => '_wii_hide_extramenus', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Extra Menu [weaver_extra_menu] + Vertical Menu Widget - add new menus almost anywhere &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Widget Area', 'id' => '_wii_hide_widgetarea', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Widget Area - [weaver_widget_area] - add new widget area almost anywhere, including in pages and posts &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Search Form', 'id' => '_wii_hide_searchbox', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Search Form - [weaver_search] - add a search form wherever you want &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Show Feed', 'id' => '_wii_hide_showfeed', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show Feed - [weaver_show_feed] - show an external RSS feed styled to match your own posts &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Popup Link', 'id' => '_wii_hide_popuplink', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Popup Link - [weaver_popup_link] - Define a link to a popup window &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Show/Hide Text', 'id' => '_wii_hide_showhide', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Show/Hide - [weaver_showhide] - adds button to show/hide text such as lyrics or spoilers &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Comment Policy', 'id' => '_wii_hide_commentpolicy', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Comment Policy - add comment policy or terms right before the submit comment button &diams;'), array('name' => 'Disable Shortcoder', 'id' => '_wii_hide_shortcoder', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Shortcoder - [weaver_sc] - define your own short code: add standard text or other content using a shortcode &diams;'), array('name' => 'Enable PHP', 'id' => '_wii_show_php', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'PHP - [weaver_php] - add PHP whereever you need it &diams;'), array('name' => 'Enable Total CSS Options', 'id' => '_wii_show_totalcss', 'type' => '+checkbox', 'info' => 'Total CSS - define custom CSS for virtually every important element of your theme &diams;'));
<h3>Weaver II Pro Features <?php 
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#WeaverIIPro', 'Help for Admin Options');
    if (!weaverii_init_base()) {
<h3>Get <em style="color:blue;">Weaver II Pro</em> to add powerful new features to Weaver II</h3>
        weaverii_site('', '', 'Weaver II Pro');
<img class="alignleft" style="padding-right:20px;" title="Weaver II Pro" src="<?php 
        echo weaverii_relative_url('images/wiipro.jpg');
" alt="Weaver II Pro" width="200" height="62" /></a>
<span style="color:blue; font-weight:bold;">Get Weaver II Pro Now!</span>
<br /></br />
<strong>Visit <?php 
        weaverii_site('', '', 'Weaver II Pro');
now to get your copy of <em>Weaver II Pro</em>.</strong>
<br />

	<p>You can extend Weaver II's features by upgrading to the Weaver II Pro Version. In addition to activating
	all the grayed out options you've probably noticed on the various options tabs, you will get the following
	new shortcodes, plus other features to fine tune your site. And Weaver II Pro offers the
	ultimate in mobile theme customization, allowing a completely different look for mobile devices.
    // to here, have pro features
    echo '<h3>Weaver II Pro Features - You are using Weaver II Pro. Thank you.</h3>' . "\n";

 <p><strong><a href="<?php 
    echo site_url('/wp-admin/themes.php?page=WeaverII_Shortcodes');
"><em>More Weaver II Pro Options and Shortcodes</em></a></strong></p>

<p style="max-width:700px;"><small>Note: The above options allow you to selectively enable and disable the listed Weaver II Pro shortcodes and
features. Disabling a feature will optomize the speed of your site. Any difference will be very small, but might
give a slight improvment for heavily loaded sites.</small>
	<br /><br />
    echo 'Memory: ' . round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' of ' . (int) ini_get('memory_limit') . 'M ';
    (int) ini_get('memory_limit');
Beispiel #11
function weaverii_perform_check()
<div style="background:#FFFF88;border:3px solid green;font-size:larger;padding:0 10px 0 10px; width:80%;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:10px;">
	<p style="font-weight:normal;"><strong>Checking Weaver II for possible problems.</strong> This will check for some potential problems, but it is
	not a comprehensive check. Most messages are informational warnings, but things that should be fixed are marked ERROR.</p>
	<ul style="list-style-type:disc;list-style-position:inside;">
    echo '<li>' . weaverii_check_version(true) . "</li>\n";
    // version
    global $wp_version;
    // see about file system
    if (function_exists('get_filesystem_method')) {
        // this is available to check
        $type = get_filesystem_method(array());
        // lets see if we have direct or ftpx
        if ($type == 'ftpext') {
            // supposed to be using ftp access
	<li>Please note: your site server is configured so that WordPress requires "FTP File Access" to update themes,
	plugins, and other files. If your site host is a private server, VPS, or other system where your site is secure from other
	users, <em>this is not an issue</em>. If, on the other hand, your site is using shared hosting, then it might
	be vulnerable to attack from other users who share your server. We <strong>strongly</strong> advise that you contact
	your hosting company and see if your site can be configured more securely, and if not, change hosting companies.
	Most modern shared hosting companies can provide "suPHP", "fastCGI", or other tools that allow shared
	serving without compromising file security.
            if (weaverii_init_base()) {
	<br /><br />
	For Weaver II Pro, the "FTP File Access" requirement may cause issues with creating css and saved-settings files.
	You may want to add FTP credentials to your wp-config.php file.
    if (!weaverii_init_base() && !function_exists('weaverii_extras_shortcodes_installed')) {
        echo "<li><strong>WARNING:</strong> You do not have the <em>Weaver II Theme Extras</em> plugin\n\t\tinstalled. It provides important and useful shortcodes for Weaver II. Please open the\n\t\t<strong>Shortcodes/Plugins</strong> tab for more information.</li>";
    // option combinations
    if (weaverii_getopt('wii_wrap_shadow') && !weaverii_getopt('wii_page_bgcolor')) {
        // MUST have wrapper page bg set
	<li><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">ERROR:</span> You have specified "Wrap site with shadow" but
have not provided a backgroud color for "Wrapper Page BG". This combination may not display correctly
on IE7 and IE8. Please provide a Wrapper Page BG color.</li>
    // plugins
    weaverii_check_cache_plugins('<li>', '</li>');
    // Cache check
    weaverii_check_mobile_plugins('<li>', '</li>');
    // Check for mobile plugin themes
    $seo = '';
    if (function_exists('aioseop_get_version')) {
        $seo = 'All in One SEO Pack';
    if (function_exists('su_wp_incompat_notice')) {
        $seo = 'SEO Ultimate';
    if (class_exists('gregsHighPerformanceSEO')) {
        $seo = 'Greg\'s High Performance SEO';
    if (class_exists('EcordiaContentOptimizer')) {
        $seo = 'Scribe SEO';
    if ($seo) {
        echo '<li>You are using the SEO plugin <em>' . $seo . '</em>';
        '</em>. Be sure you have filled in the SEO plugin settings</li>';
    if (function_exists('wpseo_get_value')) {
        echo '<li>NOTICE: You are using "WordPress SEO by Yoast". Weaver II automatically supports
this plugin. Be sure you have filled in the plugin settings.</li>';
        $seo = 'Yoast';
    if (!$seo) {
        echo '<li>None of the most popular SEO plugins have been activated. You might want to consider using "WordPress SEO by Yoast", for example.</li>';
    // widgets
    if (is_active_sidebar('header-widget-area')) {
        // have an active horizontal header area
        if (weaverii_getopt('_wii_hdr_widg_1_w_int') == '') {
            // just check the first one
	<li><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">ERROR:</span> You have added widgets for the <em>Header Horizontal Widget Area</em>, but have not
	properly defined widths for the widgets in that area. (Main Options:Header:Header Widget Area Widgets:Widths) </li>
    if (!is_active_sidebar('primary-widget-area') && !is_active_sidebar('right-widget-area') && !is_active_sidebar('left-widget-area')) {
        echo '<li>You have not added any <em>widgets</em> to the <em>standard</em> sidebar widget areas. This check does not include any alternate
		replacement widget areas. (Dashboard:Widgets)</li>';
    // misc
    $saved = get_option(apply_filters('weaver_options', 'weaverii_settings_backup'));
    if (empty($saved)) {
        echo '<li>You have not saved your settings using the <em>Save/Restore</em> tab. It is good practice to keep a saved version of your settings.</li>';
    $icon = weaverii_getopt('_wii_favicon_url');
    if (!$icon) {
        echo '<li>You have not specified a <em>FavIcon</em>. It is a good idea to have a FavIcon for your site. (Advanced Options:Site Options)</li>';
    // pro options
    if (weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_inline_style')) {
        echo '<li>You have <em>Use Inline CSS</em> checked. (Weaver II Pro tab)</li>';
    if (weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_development_mode')) {
        echo '<li>You have <em>Development Mode</em> checked. It is recommended to disable it for production sites. (Weaver II Pro tab)</li>';
    // MOBILE
    if (weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_mobile_alt_theme')) {
        $temp = get_option(apply_filters('weaver_options', 'weaverii_settings_mobile'));
        if ($temp === false) {
            echo '<li><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">ERROR:</span> You have checked <em>Use Alternate Mobile Theme</em>, but no Mobile Theme Settings have been saved. (Mobile tab) You <em>must</em> use the "Save Settings to Mobile Settings" from the Save/Restore tab first!</li>';
    if (weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_sim_mobile') && weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_sim_mobile_always')) {
        echo '<li>You have <em>Simulate Mobile Device</em> enabled for all visitors to your site. That is recommended only for demo sites. (Mobile tab)</li>';
    if (strpos(weaverii_getopt('_wii_mode_mobile'), 'nostack') !== false && !is_active_sidebar('mobile-widget-area')) {
        echo '<li>You don\'t have any widgets defined for the <em>Mobile Device Widget Area</em> (Dashboard:Widgets).
		It is highly recommended to define alternate mobile widgets when you are using a "hide sidebars" mobile mode.</li>';
    if (weaverii_getopt_checked('_wii_mobile_disable')) {
        echo '<li>You have <em>Disable Mobile Support</em> checked. That is not recommended unless you have an alternate mobile theme plugin. (Mobile tab)</li>';
    if (weaverii_smart_mode()) {
	<li>You are using a "smart" Mobile Support Mode. You can use the <em>Mobile Device Simulator</em> to check how your site will look on mobile devices. (Mobile tab)</li>
    } else {
	<li>You are using a "responsive" Mobile Support Mode. You can shrink the width of your desktop browser to see how your site will look on mobile devices.</li>
	<p style="font-weight:normal;">Theme check complete.</p>

Beispiel #12
function weaverii_admin_admin()
<h3>Basic Administrative Options <?php 
    weaverii_help_link('help.html#AdminOptions', 'Help for Admin Options');
    weaverii_sapi_submit('', '<br /><br />');
	These options control some administrative options and appearance features.

<br /><br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_hide_donate" <?php 
		I've Donated - </label><small>Thank you for donating to the Weaver II theme.
This will hide the Donate button. Purchasing Weaver II Pro also hides the Donate button.</small> &diams;<br />

<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_hide_subtheme_link" <?php 
		Hide Subthemes Banner - </label><small>This will hide the Premium Subthemes Banner.</small> &diams;<br />
<br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_wii_hide_editor_style" <?php 
		Disable Page/Post Editor Styling - </label><small>Checking this box will disable the Weaver subtheme based styling in the Page/Post editor.
		If you have a theme using transparent backgrounds, this option will likely improve the Post/Page editor visibility.</small> &diams;<br />

		<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_wii_disable_shortcodes" <?php 
		Disable <em>all</em> theme shortcode support</label> - <small>Disables all shortcodes provide by the theme ([weaver_show_posts], etc.).
		Useful to check how your site would look without Weaver II options.</small> &diams;<br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_hide_updatemsg" <?php 
		Hide Update Messages - </label><small>Checking this box will hide the Weaver version update announcements on the Weaver Admin page.</small> &diams;<br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_hide_auto_css_rules" <?php 
		Don't auto-display CSS rules - </label><small>Checking this box will disable the auto-display of Main Option elements that have CSS settings.</small> &diams;<br />

	<label><input name="<?php 
" id="wii_css_rows" type="text" style="width:30px;height:20px;" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
" />
	lines - Set CSS+ text box height - </label><small>You can increase the default height of the CSS+ input area to a value between 1 and 25 lines.</small> &diams;
<br />
<br />
<strong>Compatibility Settings</strong> - settings that may cause compatibility issues with other plugins
<br />
<br /> <small><span style="color:red;"><b>NOTE:</b></span> Weaver II includes support for Rounded Corners and
Shadows for Internet Explorer 7/8 via an add-on script called PIE. The script has been <strong>enabled</strong> by default.
Note while PIE supports most rounded areas, it doesn't support the menu bars.
If you have difficulties or don't like the way your site renders in IE 7/8, you can disable the support.</small>
<br />
<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_hide_PIE" <?php 
	Disable IE rounded corners support - </label><small>If you are having issues with IE and rounded corners, please disable this option.</small> &diams;<br />
 <br />
 <input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="wii_no_final_div" <?php 
		Don't add #weaver-final at end - </label><small>Checking this box will prevent Weaver II from wrapping the
		very end of site pages with the #weaver-final div. This may prevent some conflicts with some plugins.</small> &diams;<br />

 <h3 class="wvr-option-subheader">Per Page and Per Post Option Panels by Roles</h3>
 <p>Single site Administrator and Multi-Site Super Administrator will always have the Per Page and Per Post options panel displayed.
 You may selectively disable these options for other User Roles using the check boxes below. (&#9679;Pro)</p>

    if (!weaverii_init_base()) {
        echo '<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Weaver II Pro Option</em></p>';
    } else {

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_wii_hide_mu_admin_per" <?php 
		Hide Per Page/Post Options for MultiSite Admins</label> &diams;<br />
		   <label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_wii_hide_editor_per" <?php 
		Hide Per Page/Post Options for Editors</label> &diams;<br />
		   <label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_wii_hide_author_per" <?php 
		Hide Per Page/Post Options for Authors and Contributors</label> &diams;<br />

<br />
 <h3 class="wvr-option-subheader">Subtheme Notes</h3>
 <p>This box may be used to keep notes and instructions about settings made for a custom subtheme. It
 will be saved in the both .w2t and .w2b settings files.</p>
 <textarea name="<?php 
" rows=8 style="width: 95%"><?php 