$act_trm = wp_get_post_terms($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'auction-status', array("fields" => "names"));
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        $curr_price = $wpdb->get_var($query);
			<li class="wdm-auction-single-item">
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        echo get_permalink($wdm_single_auction->ID);
" class="wdm-auction-list-link">
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            $auc_thumb = plugins_url('img/no-pic.jpg', __FILE__);
				<img src="<?php 
        echo $auc_thumb;
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 $images .= '</div>';
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 for ($c = 1; $c <= 4 + $ec; $c++) {
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function wdm_auction_listing()
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    //get Login url if set
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    $auc_time = '';
    if (is_user_logged_in() && isset($_GET["ult_auc_id"]) && !empty($_GET["ult_auc_id"]) && isset($_GET["mt"]) && !empty($_GET["mt"])) {
        $wdm_auction = get_post($_GET["ult_auc_id"]);
        $curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $buyer_email = $curr_user->user_email;
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        $check_method = get_post_meta($_GET["ult_auc_id"], 'wdm_payment_method', true);
        _e('Thank you for buying this product.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
        echo "<br /><br />";
        //$auc_post = get_post($_GET["ult_auc_id"]);
        //$auction_author_id = $auc_post->post_author;
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            $mthd = __('Wire Transfer', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
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            $det = get_option('wdm_wire_transfer');
            //	$det = get_user_meta($auction_author_id, 'wdm_wire_transfer', true);
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            $mthd = __('Cheque', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
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            $det = get_option('wdm_mailing_address');
            //	$det = get_user_meta($auction_author_id, 'wdm_mailing_address', true);
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            $mthd = __('Cash', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
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            $det = get_option('wdm_cash');
            //	$det = get_user_meta($auction_author_id, 'wdm_cash', true);
        $mthd = "<strong>" . $mthd . "</strong>";
        printf(__('You can make the payment by %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $mthd);
        if (!empty($det)) {
            echo "<br /><br /><strong>" . __('Details') . ":</strong> <br/>" . $det;
        echo '<br /><br /><a href="' . get_permalink() . $set_char . 'ult_auc_id=' . $_GET['ult_auc_id'] . '">' . __('Go Back', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</a>';
        $buy_now_price = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
        ultimate_auction_email_template($wdm_auction->post_title, $wdm_auction->ID, $wdm_auction->post_content, $buy_now_price, $buyer_email, $ret_url);
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        //if single auction page is found do the following
        global $wpdb;
        $wdm_auction = get_post($_GET["ult_auc_id"]);
        if ($wdm_auction) {
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            $auction_author = new WP_User($auction_author_id);
            //update single auction page url on single auction page visit - if the permalink type is updated we should have appropriate url to be sent in email
            update_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'current_auction_permalink', get_permalink() . $set_char . "ult_auc_id=" . $wdm_auction->ID);
            //check if start price/opening bid price is set
            $to_bid = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_opening_bid', true);
            //check if buy now price is set
            $to_buy = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
            //latest highest/current price
            $query = "SELECT MAX(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_auction->ID;
            $curr_price = $wpdb->get_var($query);
            if (empty($curr_price)) {
                $curr_price = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_opening_bid', true);
            //total no. of bids
            $qry = "SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_auction->ID;
            $total_bids = $wpdb->get_var($qry);
            //buy now price
            $buy_now_price = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
            //get currency code
            $currency_code = substr(get_option('wdm_currency'), -3);
            $bef_auc = '';
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            echo $bef_auc;
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				   <source src="' . get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm-image-' . $c, true) . '">
					  Your browser does not support the video tag.
                    } elseif (strstr($imgURL, "youtube.com") || strstr($imgURL, "vimeo.com")) {
                        $images .= '<img class="auction-main-img"  src="' . plugins_url('img/film.png', __FILE__) . '" />';
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                        $images .= '<img class="auction-small-img auction-small-img' . $c . '" src="' . wp_mime_type_icon($imgMime) . '" />';
            $images .= '</div>';
            echo $images;
			</div> <!--wdm-image-container ends here-->
			<div class="wdm_single_prod_desc">
			    <div class="wdm-single-auction-title">
            echo $wdm_auction->post_title;
			    </div> <!--wdm-single-auction-title ends here-->
            $ext_html = '';
            $ext_html = apply_filters('wdm_ua_text_before_bid_section', $ext_html, $wdm_auction->ID);
            echo $ext_html;
            //get auction-status taxonomy value for the current post - live/expired
            $active_terms = wp_get_post_terms($wdm_auction->ID, 'auction-status', array("fields" => "names"));
            //incremented price value
            $inc_price = $curr_price + get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_incremental_val', true);
            //if the auction has reached it's time limit, expire it
            if (time() >= strtotime(get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_listing_ends', true))) {
                if (!in_array('expired', $active_terms)) {
                    $check_term = term_exists('expired', 'auction-status');
                    wp_set_post_terms($wdm_auction->ID, $check_term["term_id"], 'auction-status');
            $now = time();
            $ending_date = strtotime(get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_listing_ends', true));
            //display message for expired auction
            if (time() >= strtotime(get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_listing_ends', true)) || in_array('expired', $active_terms)) {
                $seconds = $now - $ending_date;
                $rem_tm = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds);
                $auc_time = 'exp';
			    <div class="wdm-auction-ending-time"><?php 
                printf(__('Ended at', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . ': ' . __('%s ago', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), '<span class="wdm-single-auction-ending">' . $rem_tm . '</span>');
                if (!empty($to_bid)) {
				   <div class="wdm_bidding_price" style="float:left;">
                    echo $currency_symbol . number_format($curr_price, 2, '.', ',') . " " . $currency_code_display;
				   <div id="wdm-auction-bids-placed" class="wdm_bids_placed" style="float:right;">
					<a href="#wdm-tab-anchor-id" id="wdm-total-bids-link"><?php 
                    echo $total_bids . " ";
                    echo $total_bids == 1 ? __("Bid", "wdm-ultimate-auction") : __("Bids", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
				   <br />
                $bought = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'auction_bought_status', true);
                if ($bought === 'bought') {
                    $buyer_id = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_auction_buyer', true);
                    $buyer = get_user_by('id', $buyer_id);
                    printf('<div class="wdm-mark-red">' . __('This auction has been bought by %s at %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</div>', $buyer->user_login, '[' . $currency_symbol . number_format($buy_now_price, 2, '.', ',') . ' ' . $currency_code_display . ']');
                } else {
                    $cnt_qry = "SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_auction->ID;
                    $cnt_bid = $wpdb->get_var($cnt_qry);
                    if ($cnt_bid > 0) {
                        $res_price_met = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_lowest_bid', true);
                        $win_bid = "";
                        $bid_q = "SELECT MAX(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_auction->ID;
                        $win_bid = $wpdb->get_var($bid_q);
                        if ($win_bid >= $res_price_met) {
                            $winner_name = "";
                            $name_qry = "SELECT name FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE bid =" . $win_bid . " AND auction_id =" . $wdm_auction->ID . " ORDER BY id DESC";
                            $winner_name = $wpdb->get_var($name_qry);
                            printf('<div class="wdm-mark-red">' . __('This auction has been sold to %1$s at %2$s.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</div>', $winner_name, $currency_symbol . number_format($win_bid, 2, '.', ',') . " " . $currency_code_display);
                        } else {
                            echo '<div class="wdm-mark-red">' . __('Auction has expired without reaching its reserve price.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        if (empty($to_bid)) {
                            echo '<div class="wdm-mark-red">' . __('Auction has expired without buying.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            echo '<div class="wdm-mark-red">' . __('Auction has expired without any bids.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '</div>';
            } else {
                //prepare a format and display remaining time for current auction
                $seconds = $ending_date - $now;
                $rem_tm = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds);
                $auc_time = "live";
                if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                    $curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
                    $auction_bidder_name = $curr_user->user_login;
                    $auction_bidder_email = $curr_user->user_email;
                //	$auction_bidder_name = $curr_user->user_login;
                //	$auction_bidder_email = $curr_user->user_email;
				<div class="wdm-auction-ending-time"><?php 
                printf(__('Ending in: %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), '<span class="wdm-single-auction-ending">' . $rem_tm . '</span>');
                if (!empty($to_bid)) {
				<div id="wdm_place_bid_section">
				<div class="wdm_bidding_price" style="float:left;">
                    echo $currency_symbol . number_format($curr_price, 2, '.', ',') . " " . $currency_code_display;
				<div id="wdm-auction-bids-placed" class="wdm_bids_placed" style="float:right;">
					<a href="#wdm-tab-anchor-id" id="wdm-total-bids-link"><?php 
                    echo $total_bids . " ";
                    echo $total_bids == 1 ? __("Bid", "wdm-ultimate-auction") : __("Bids", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
                    if ($curr_price >= get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_lowest_bid', true)) {
				<br />
				<div class="wdm_reserved_note wdm-mark-green" style="float:left;">
                        _e('Reserve price has been met.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
                    } else {
					<div class="wdm_reserved_note wdm-mark-red" style="float:left;">
                        _e('Reserve price has not been met by any bid.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
                    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                        //$curr_user = wp_get_current_user();
                        //$auction_bidder_name = $curr_user->user_login;
                        //$auction_bidder_email = $curr_user->user_email;
                        if ($curr_user->ID != $wdm_auction->post_author) {
				<br />
				<form action="<?php 
                            echo dirname(__FILE__);
" style="margin-top:20px;">
					<div class="wdm_bid_val" style="">
						<label for="wdm-bidder-bidval"><?php 
                            _e('Bid Value', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
: </label>
						<input type="text" id="wdm-bidder-bidval" style="width:85px;" placeholder="<?php 
                            printf(__('in %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $currency_symbol . $currency_code_display);
" />
						<br /><span class="wdm_enter_val_text" style="float:left;">
                            printf(__('Enter %.2f or more', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $inc_price);
                            $ehtml = '';
                            $ehtml = apply_filters('wdm_ua_text_after_bid_form', $ehtml, $wdm_auction->ID);
                            echo $ehtml;
					<div class="wdm_place_bid" style="float:right;">
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
                            _e('Place Bid', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
" id="wdm-place-bid-now" />
                            require_once 'ajax-actions/place-bid.php';
                            //file to handle ajax requests related to bid placing form
                    } else {
                        $check = get_option('wdm_users_login');
                        if ($check == 'without_login') {
                            $auction_bidder_name = '';
                            $auction_bidder_email = '';
				   <br />
					<div class="wdm_bidder_name" style="float:left;padding-top:2px">
						<label for="wdm-bidder-name"><?php 
                            _e('Name', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
: </label>
						<input type="text" id="wdm-bidder-name" name="wdm-bidder-name"/>
					<div class="wdm_bidder_email" style="float:left;padding-top:2px">
						<label for="wdm-bidder-email"><?php 
                            _e('Email', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
:  </label>
						<input type="text" id="wdm-bidder-email" name="wdm-bidder-email" />
					<div class="wdm_bid_val" style="float:left;padding-top:2px">
						<label for="wdm-bidder-bidval"><?php 
                            _e('Bid Value', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
: </label>
						<input type="text" id="wdm-bidder-bidval" style="width:85px;" placeholder="<?php 
                            printf(__('in %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $currency_symbol . $currency_code_display);
" />
						<br /><span class="wdm_enter_val_text" style="float:right;">
                            printf(__('Enter %.2f or more', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $inc_price);
                            $ehtml = '';
                            $ehtml = apply_filters('wdm_ua_text_after_bid_form', $ehtml, $wdm_auction->ID);
                            echo $ehtml;
				   <div class="wdm_place_bid" style="float:right;padding-top:6px;">
					<input type="submit" value="<?php 
                            _e('Place Bid', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
" id="wdm-place-bid-now" />	
                        } else {
						<div class="wdm_bid_val" style="float:left;padding-top:2px">
						<label for="wdm-bidder-bidval"><?php 
                            _e('Bid Value', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
: </label>
						<input type="text" id="wdm-bidder-bidval" style="width:85px;" placeholder="<?php 
                            printf(__('in %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $currency_symbol . $currency_code_display);
" />
						<br /><span class="wdm_enter_val_text" style="float:right;">
                            printf(__('Enter %.2f or more', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $inc_price);
				   <div class="wdm_place_bid" style="float:right;padding-top:6px;">
					<a class="wdm-login-to-place-bid" href="<?php 
                            echo $wdm_login_url;
" title="<?php 
                            _e('Login', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
                            _e('Place Bid', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
                        require_once 'ajax-actions/place-bid.php';
				</div> <!--wdm_place_bid_section ends here-->
				<br />
                if (!empty($to_buy) || $to_buy > 0) {
                    $a_key = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm-auth-key', true);
                    $acc_mode = get_option('wdm_account_mode');
                    if ($acc_mode == 'Sandbox') {
                        $pp_link = "https://sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
                    } else {
                        $pp_link = "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";
                    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
                        $check_method = get_post_meta($wdm_auction->ID, 'wdm_payment_method', true);
                        if ($check_method == 'method_paypal') {
				<!--buy now button-->
				<div id="wdm_buy_now_section">
                            if ($curr_user->ID != $wdm_auction->post_author) {
					<div id="wdm-buy-line-above" >
				<form action="<?php 
                                echo $pp_link;
" method="post" target="_top">
				<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
				<input type="hidden" name="charset" value="utf-8" />
				<input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php 
                                echo get_option('wdm_paypal_address');
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" id="wdm-buy-now-button">
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" method="post">
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" id="wdm-buy-now-button">
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" title="<?php 
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                        printf(__('Buy it now for %s%s %s', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $currency_symbol, number_format($buy_now_price, 2, '.', ','), $currency_code_display);
                if (is_user_logged_in() && $curr_user->ID == $wdm_auction->post_author) {
                    echo "<span style='float: left;'>" . __('Sorry, you can not bid on your own item.', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . "</span>";
                do_action('wdm_ua_ship_short_link', $wdm_auction->ID);
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            //file to display current auction description tabs section
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            _e("hours", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
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            _e("second", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
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     * Front-end display of widget.
     * @see WP_Widget::widget()
     * @param array $args     Widget arguments.
     * @param array $instance Saved values from database.
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                        $auc_thumb = plugins_url('../img/no-pic.jpg', __FILE__);
				<a href="<?php 
                    echo get_permalink($wdm_single_auction->ID);
" class="wdm-auction-sidebar-auc-link"><img src="<?php 
                    echo $auc_thumb;
" width="50" height="50" alt="<?php 
                    echo $wdm_single_auction->post_title;
" /></a>
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				<a href="<?php 
                    echo get_permalink($wdm_single_auction->ID);
" class="wdm-auction-sidebar-auc-link"><?php 
                    echo $wdm_single_auction->post_title;
			     <div class = "wdm_auction_sidebar_auc_bids">
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                    $bnp = get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
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                        echo $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $curr_price);
                    } elseif (!empty($ob)) {
                        echo $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $ob);
                    } elseif (empty($ob) && !empty($bnp)) {
                        printf(__('Buy at %s %.2f', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $cc, $bnp);
			 <div class="clear"></div>
            if (!empty($get_link)) {
		    <a href="<?php 
                echo $get_link;
" class = "wdm-auction-sb-listing-all" target="_blank"> <?php 
                _e('See All', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
        echo $args['after_widget'];
Beispiel #5
    function wdm_get_data()
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                    $auc_thumb = plugins_url('img/no-pic.jpg', __FILE__);
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                //  $set_char = "&";
                //  $set_char = "?";
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                $cc = substr(get_option('wdm_currency'), -3);
                $ob = get_post_meta($auction->ID, 'wdm_opening_bid', true);
                $bnp = get_post_meta($auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
                if (!in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
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                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $curr_price);
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                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $ob);
                    } elseif (empty($ob) && !empty($bnp)) {
                        $row['current_price'] = sprintf(__('Buy at %s %.2f', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $cc, $bnp);
                } elseif (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                    $bought = get_post_meta($auction->ID, 'auction_bought_status', true);
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                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $bnp);
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                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $curr_price);
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                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $ob);
                    } elseif (empty($ob) && !empty($bnp)) {
                        $row['current_price'] = $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $bnp);
                $get_bids = "SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $auction->ID;
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                } else {
                    if (!empty($bids_placed) || $bids_placed > 0) {
                        $row['bids_placed'] = "<span class='wdm-bids-avail'>" . $bids_placed . "</span>";
                    } else {
                        $row['bids_placed'] = "<span class='wdm-no-bids-avail'>" . __('No bids placed', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . "</span>";
                $now = time();
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                if (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
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                    $row['end_time'] = "<span class='wdm-mark-normal'>" . $ending_in . "</span>";
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                    $seconds = $now - $ending_date;
                    $ending_tm = '';
                    $ended_at = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds, $ending_tm);
                    $row['end_time'] = "<span class='wdm-mark-normal'>" . sprintf(__('%s ago', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $ended_at) . "</span>";
                if (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                    $row['place_bid'] = '<span class="wdm-mark-red">' . __("Expired", "wdm-ultimate-auction") . '</span>';
                } elseif (in_array('live', $act_trm)) {
                    $row['place_bid'] = '<a href="' . $link_title . '" target="_blank"><input class="wdm_bid_now_btn" type="button" value="' . __('Bid Now', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '" /></a>';
                $row['remove'] = '<a id="wdm-rmv-frmwatch-' . $auction->ID . '" style="color:red;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;" href="#">' . __('Remove', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . ' <span class="auc-ajax-img"></span></a>';
	    <script type="text/javascript">
                echo $auction->ID;
		var ajaxurl = '<?php 
                echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
		var cnf = confirm('<?php 
                _e("Are you sure to remove this auction from your watchlist?", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
		if(cnf == true){
                _e('Removing', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
                echo ' ';
 <img src='<?php 
                echo plugins_url('/img/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__);
' />");
		var data = {
                echo $auction->ID;
                echo get_current_user_id();
			      auc_title: '<?php 
                echo esc_js($auction->post_title);
		$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
                echo $auction->ID;
                _e("Remove", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
		return false;
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        return $data_array;
function wdm_my_watch()
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        foreach ($wdm_auction_array as $wdm_single_auction) {
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            $query = "SELECT MAX(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_single_auction->ID;
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			<li class="wdm-apt auc_single_list">
				<div class="wdm-auction-title">' . $wdm_single_auction->post_title . '</div>
			<li class="wdm-app auc_single_list auc_list_center">
			<span class="wdm-auction-price wdm-mark-green">';
            $cc = substr(get_option('wdm_currency'), -3);
            $ob = get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'wdm_opening_bid', true);
            $bnp = get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'wdm_buy_it_now', true);
            if (!in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                if ((!empty($curr_price) || $curr_price > 0) && !empty($ob)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $curr_price);
                } elseif (!empty($ob)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $ob);
                } elseif (empty($ob) && !empty($bnp)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= sprintf(__('Buy at %s %.2f', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $cc, $bnp);
            } elseif (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                $bought = get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'auction_bought_status', true);
                if ($bought === 'bought') {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $bnp);
                } elseif ((!empty($curr_price) || $curr_price > 0) && !empty($ob)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $curr_price);
                } elseif (!empty($ob)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $ob);
                } elseif (empty($ob) && !empty($bnp)) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= $cc . " " . sprintf("%.2f", $bnp);
            $wdm_my_watch .= '</span>
			<li class="wdm-apb auc_single_list auc_list_center">';
            $get_bids = "SELECT COUNT(bid) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wdm_bidders WHERE auction_id =" . $wdm_single_auction->ID;
            $bids_placed = $wpdb->get_var($get_bids);
            $auc_bstat = get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'auction_bought_status', true);
            if (in_array('expired', $act_trm) && $auc_bstat === 'bought') {
                $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-bids-avail wdm-mark-normal'>" . __("Sold at 'Buy Now' price", 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . "</span>";
            } else {
                if (!empty($bids_placed) || $bids_placed > 0) {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-bids-avail wdm-mark-normal'>" . $bids_placed . "</span>";
                } else {
                    $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-no-bids-avail wdm-mark-red'>" . __('No bids placed', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . "</span>";
            $wdm_my_watch .= '</li>
			<li class="wdm-ape auc_single_list auc_list_center">';
            $now = time();
            $ending_date = strtotime(get_post_meta($wdm_single_auction->ID, 'wdm_listing_ends', true));
            $seconds = $ending_date - $now;
            if (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                $seconds = $now - $ending_date;
                $ending_tm = '';
                $ended_at = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds, $ending_tm);
                $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-mark-normal'>" . sprintf(__('%s ago', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $ended_at) . "</span>";
            } elseif ($seconds > 0 && !in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                $ending_tm = '';
                $ending_in = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds, $ending_tm);
                $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-mark-normal'>" . $ending_in . "</span>";
            } else {
                $seconds = $now - $ending_date;
                $ending_tm = '';
                $ended_at = wdm_ending_time_calculator($seconds, $ending_tm);
                $wdm_my_watch .= "<span class='wdm-mark-normal'>" . sprintf(__('%s ago', 'wdm-ultimate-auction'), $ended_at) . "</span>";
            $wdm_my_watch .= '<br/>
			<li class="wdm-apbid auc_single_list auc_list_center">';
            if (in_array('expired', $act_trm)) {
                $wdm_my_watch .= '<span class="wdm-mark-red">' . __("Expired", "wdm-ultimate-auction") . '</span>';
            } elseif (in_array('live', $act_trm)) {
                $wdm_my_watch .= '<input class="wdm_bid_now_btn" type="button" value="' . __('Bid Now', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . '" />  ';
            $wdm_my_watch .= '</li>
			<li><div class="wdm-apd">' . $wdm_single_auction->post_excerpt . '</div></li>
			<a id="wdm-rmv-frmwatch-' . $wdm_single_auction->ID . '" style="color:red;cursor:pointer;padding: 0 10px;text-decoration:none;" href="#">' . __('Remove From Watchlist', 'wdm-ultimate-auction') . ' <span class="auc-ajax-img"></span></a> 
	    <script type="text/javascript">
            echo $wdm_single_auction->ID;
			      var ajaxurl = '<?php 
            echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
			      var cnf = confirm('<?php 
            _e("Are you sure to remove this auction from your watchlist?", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
			      if(cnf == true){
            _e('Removing', 'wdm-ultimate-auction');
            echo ' ';
 <img src='<?php 
            echo plugins_url('/img/ajax-loader.gif', __FILE__);
' />");       
			      var data = {
            echo $wdm_single_auction->ID;
            echo get_current_user_id();
				       auc_title: '<?php 
            echo esc_js($wdm_single_auction->post_title);
				    $.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
            echo $wdm_single_auction->ID;
            _e("Remove From Watchlist", "wdm-ultimate-auction");
				return false;
    $wdm_my_watch .= '<input type="hidden" id="wdm_ua_auc_avail" value="' . $count_pages . '" />';
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    wdm_auction_pagination($c, 1, $paged);
    return $wdm_my_watch;