function wb_woo_bag_admin_template() { $wb_data = wb_product_dummp_data(); $wb_total_product = sizeof($wb_data); $wb_total_price = 0; $wb_total_tax = 0; if (function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency_symbol')) { $wb_currency_symbol = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); } else { $wb_currency_symbol = '$'; } foreach ($wb_data as $data) { $wb_total_price += $data['product_price'] * $data['product_quantity']; $wb_total_tax += $data['product_tax']; } ?> <div class="wb_backend_template_preview_wrapper" id="wb_backend_template_preview_wrapper"> <div class="wb_display_widget_cart"> <div class="cart_list product_list_widget wb_cart_product" id="wb_cart_back_end_wrapper"> <!--<span class="arrow"></span>--> <?php $wb_template_name_part = WB()->wb_get_setting_name(); $wb_all_option = wb_get_all_setting($wb_template_name_part); $wb_show_product_no = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_product_setting_wb_show_product_no']; $wb_single_product_height = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_product_setting_wb_single_product_height']; $woobag_loader_icon = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_general_setting_woobag_loader_icon']; $wb_close_bag_icon = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_wb_close_bag_icon']; $footer_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_footer_setting_footer_text']; $wb_subtotal_label = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_wb_subtotal_label']; $wb_ordertotal_label = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_wb_ordertotal_label']; $viewbag_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_viewbag_button_text']; $checkout_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_checkout_button_text']; $empty_cart_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_empty_cart_button_text']; $custom_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_custom_button_text']; $custom_button_url = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_custom_button_url']; $header_text_multiple = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_header_text_multiple']; if ($wb_show_product_no == 'unlimited') { $wb_show_product_no = 4; } if ($wb_show_product_no == 1) { $wb_style = '.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger{ height:' . $wb_single_product_height / 2 . 'px !important; }'; echo '<style>' . $wb_style . '</style>'; } $wb_scroll_option = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_scroll_setting_wb_scroll_option']; if ($wb_scroll_option == 'wheel') { echo $wb_style = "<style>.woobagcontainer{padding-right:0 !important;}</style>"; } ?> <table> <tr class="wb_header_tr"> <td class="wb_window_top"> <table> <tr> <td class="wb_top_text"> <b><?php _e($wb_total_product, 'woo-bag'); ?> </b> <span class="wb_single_multiple_top_text"> <?php _e($header_text_multiple, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> </td> <td class="wb_close_window"> <i class="<?php echo $wb_close_bag_icon; ?> "></i> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_contact_tr"> <td class="woobagcontainer"> <table> <tr> <td class="wb_scroll_button_wrapper"> <?php if ($wb_total_product > $wb_show_product_no || $wb_total_product >= 3) { ?> <div id="bag_carousel_prev" class="wb_scroll_button bag_carousel_prev"> <div id="prev_button" class="bag_prev_button"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="wb_all_product_wrapper" > <div class="wb_all_product_cover" id="wb_all_products"> <?php include_once 'woo-bag-admin-display-content.php'; ?> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wb_scroll_button_wrapper"> <?php if ($wb_total_product > $wb_show_product_no || $wb_total_product >= 3) { ?> <div id="bag_carousel_next" class="next_button wb_scroll_button bag_carousel_next"> <div class="bag_next_button" id="next_button"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></div> </div> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_subtotal_tr"> <td class="wb_cart_total_wrapper"> <table> <tr> <td class="total"> <?php $wb_toal = $wb_total_tax + $wb_total_price; ?> <div class="wb_total_content"> <div class="wb_subtotal_only_price"> <strong> <?php if ($wb_subtotal_label) { ?> <?php _e($wb_subtotal_label, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </strong> <span> <?php _e($wb_currency_symbol . $wb_total_price, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="wb_total_content_table"> <strong> <?php if ($wb_ordertotal_label) { ?> <?php _e($wb_ordertotal_label, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </strong> <span> <?php _e($wb_currency_symbol . $wb_toal, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> </div> <span class="number hidden"><?php _e($wb_toal, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> <span class="wb_current_currency hidden"><?php _e($wb_currency_symbol, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> <span class="wb_count_product hidden"><?php _e($wb_total_product, 'woo-bag'); ?> </span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_cart_buttons"> <td class="buttons"> <a href="#" class="wb_viewbag_button"> <span> <?php if ($viewbag_button_text) { ?> <?php _e($viewbag_button_text, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('', 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </span> </a><!-- --><a href="#" class="checkout wb_checkout_button"> <span><?php if ($checkout_button_text) { ?> <?php _e($checkout_button_text, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('', 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </span> </a><!-- --><a href="#" class="empty_cart wb_empty_cart_button"> <span><?php if ($empty_cart_button_text) { ?> <?php _e($empty_cart_button_text, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('', 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </span> </a><!-- --><a href="<?php echo $custom_button_url; ?> " class="custom wb_custom_button"> <span><?php if ($custom_button_text) { ?> <?php _e($custom_button_text, 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('', 'woo-bag'); ?> <?php } ?> </span> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_footer_tr"> <td class="wb_window_bottom"> <div class="wb_bottom_text"><?php _e($footer_text, 'woo-bag'); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="wb_message_wrapper"><div class="wb_message"></div></div> <div class="wb_loading_image"> <div class="wb_display_loading_image"> <?php if ($woobag_loader_icon) { ?> <i class="<?php echo $woobag_loader_icon; ?> "></i> <?php } else { ?> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
/** * Write active js setting to file * * @param String $wb_call_option */ function wb_write_user_script($wb_call_option = NULL, $wb_setting_name = NULL) { if (!$wb_setting_name) { $wb_setting_name = 'wb_setting'; } $wb_all_option = wb_get_all_setting($wb_setting_name); $wb_template_name_part = WB()->wb_get_setting_name(); /** General Setting */ $wb_scroll_option = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_scroll_setting_wb_scroll_option']; $wb_onclick_scroll_option = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_scroll_setting_wb_onclick_scroll_option']; $wb_single_product_height = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_product_setting_wb_single_product_height']; /** Product Remove Conformation */ $wb_section_id = 'product_setting'; $show_conform = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_' . $wb_section_id . '_' . 'show_conform']; $conform_header_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_' . $wb_section_id . '_' . 'conform_header_text']; $conform_message = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_' . $wb_section_id . '_' . 'conform_message']; $conform_btn_ok = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_' . $wb_section_id . '_' . 'conform_btn_ok']; $conform_btn_cancle = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_' . $wb_section_id . '_' . 'conform_btn_cancle']; $show_woobag_small_screen = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_smallscreen_setting_show_woobag_small_screen']; $wb_user_script = ''; $wb_user_script .= "(function(\$, window) {"; /** * Show Bag When Add To Cart Button Click */ $wb_user_script .= "\$(document).on('click','.add_to_cart_button',function() {"; $wb_user_script .= "if (\$('#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart').length) {"; $wb_user_script .= "\$.wb_show_woo_bag();\r\r\n };\r\r\n });\r\r\n "; /** * Write WooBag Show Function */ $wb_user_script .= "\$.wb_show_woo_bag = function () {"; $wb_user_script .= '$("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").css("top", "initial"); $("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").css("bottom", "initial"); $("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").css("lrft", "initial"); $("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").css("right", "initial");'; $wb_user_script .= '$("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").fadeIn(500);'; $wb_user_script .= '$("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").wb_bag_position("");'; $wb_user_script .= 'var menu = $("#wb_all_content_in_footer .wb_display_widget_cart").show(); var pos = $.PositionCalculator({ target: ".wb_show_bag", targetAt: "bottom center", item: menu, itemAt: "top left", flip: "both" }).calculate(); menu.css({ top: parseInt(menu.css("top")) + pos.moveBy.y + "px", left: parseInt(menu.css("left")) + pos.moveBy.x + "px" });'; $wb_user_script .= "};"; /** * Smaill Screen Script */ if ($show_woobag_small_screen === 'no') { $wb_user_script .= ""; } $wb_user_script .= " })(jQuery, window, document);"; /** * Write Scrolling Script */ $wb_user_script .= "function wb_scrolling_option(){"; if ($wb_scroll_option === 'wheel') { $wb_user_script .= "jQuery('.wb_all_product_wrapper').mCustomScrollbar({\r\r\n theme: 'minimal-dark',\r\r\n mouseWheelPixels: 100\r\r\n });"; } elseif ($wb_onclick_scroll_option == 'scroll_to_next_product') { if (empty($wb_single_product_height)) { $wb_single_product_height = 120; } $wb_user_script .= "var scrolled = 0;\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_next').on('click', function () {\r\r\n var wb_all_product = jQuery(this).closest('tbody').children().find('.wb_all_product_wrapper');\r\r\n scrolled = scrolled + " . $wb_single_product_height . ";\r\r\n jQuery(wb_all_product).animate({\r\r\n scrollTop: scrolled\r\r\n });\r\r\n });\r\r\n\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_prev').on('click', function () {\r\r\n var wb_all_product = jQuery(this).closest('tbody').children().find('.wb_all_product_wrapper');\r\r\n scrolled = scrolled - " . $wb_single_product_height . ";\r\r\n jQuery(wb_all_product).animate({\r\r\n scrollTop: scrolled\r\r\n });\r\r\n });\r\r\n "; } elseif ($wb_onclick_scroll_option == 'scroll_onkeypress') { $wb_user_script .= ' var amount = ""; jQuery(".bag_carousel_next").on("mousedown mouseup mouseleave", function mouseState(e) { var wb_current_elem = jQuery(this).closest("tbody"); if (e.type == "mousedown") { amount = "+=10"; scroll(wb_current_elem); } else { amount = 0; } }); jQuery(".bag_carousel_prev").on("mousedown mouseup mouseleave", function mouseState(e) { var wb_current_elem = jQuery(this).closest("tbody"); if (e.type == "mousedown") { amount = "-=10"; scroll(wb_current_elem); } else { amount = 0; } }); function scroll(wb_current_elem) { var wb_scroll_elem = jQuery(wb_current_elem).children().find(".wb_all_product_wrapper"); jQuery(wb_scroll_elem).animate({ scrollTop: amount }, 100, "linear", function () { if (amount != 0) { scroll(wb_current_elem); } }); } '; } elseif ($wb_onclick_scroll_option == 'scroll_slowly') { $wb_user_script .= "var scrolled = 0;\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_next').on('click', function () {\r\r\n var wb_all_product = jQuery(this).closest('tbody').children().find('.wb_all_product_wrapper');\r\r\n scrolled = scrolled + 100;\r\r\n jQuery(wb_all_product).animate({\r\r\n scrollTop: scrolled\r\r\n });\r\r\n });\r\r\n\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_prev').on('click', function () {\r\r\n var wb_all_product = jQuery(this).closest('tbody').children().find('.wb_all_product_wrapper');\r\r\n scrolled = scrolled - 100;\r\r\n jQuery(wb_all_product).animate({\r\r\n scrollTop: scrolled\r\r\n });\r\r\n });\r\r\n "; } else { $wb_user_script .= "var amount = '';\r\r\n function scroll(wb_current_elem) {\r\r\n var wb_scroll_elem = jQuery(wb_current_elem).children().find('.wb_all_product_wrapper');\r\r\n jQuery(wb_scroll_elem).animate({\r\r\n scrollTop: amount\r\r\n }, 100, 'linear', function () {\r\r\n if (amount != '') {\r\r\n scroll(wb_current_elem);\r\r\n }\r\r\n });\r\r\n }\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_prev').hover(function () {\r\r\n amount = '-=10';\r\r\n var wb_current_elem = jQuery(this).closest('tbody');\r\r\n scroll(wb_current_elem);\r\r\n }, function () {\r\r\n amount = '';\r\r\n });\r\r\n jQuery('.bag_carousel_next').hover(function () {\r\r\n amount = '+=10';\r\r\n var wb_current_elem = jQuery(this).closest('tbody');\r\r\n scroll(wb_current_elem);\r\r\n }, function () {\r\r\n amount = '';\r\r\n });"; } $wb_user_script .= "}"; /** * Product Remove Conformation */ if (!$conform_header_text) { $conform_header_text = 'Conformation Required'; } if ($conform_message) { $conform_message = str_replace('"', "'", $conform_message); } else { $conform_message = 'Are you sure you want to remove product from cart!'; } if (!$conform_btn_ok) { $conform_btn_ok = 'Yes I am'; } if (!$conform_btn_cancle) { $conform_btn_cancle = 'Cancel'; } if ($show_conform === 'yes') { $wb_user_script .= ' function wb_remove_conform(wb_product_link) { jQuery.confirm({ title: "' . $conform_header_text . '", text: "' . $conform_message . '", confirm: function (button) { wb_remove_product(wb_product_link, ""); }, cancel: function (button) { // nothing to do }, confirmButton: "' . $conform_btn_ok . '", cancelButton: "' . $conform_btn_cancle . '", post: true, confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger", cancelButtonClass: "btn-default", zIndex: 99999 }); }'; } else { $wb_user_script .= 'function wb_remove_conform(wb_product_link) { wb_remove_product(wb_product_link, ""); }'; } /** * Write Script in File */ $wb_user_file = WB()->wb_get_setting_name('new'); if ($wb_call_option == 'activate_template' || $wb_call_option == 'activate' || $wb_call_option == 'new') { $wb_file_path = WB()->wb_plugin_path() . '/admin/js/'; $wb_file_name = wb_create_file_name() . '.js'; $wb_file_db_name = $wb_user_file . '_active_script'; $wb_old_file_name = get_option($wb_file_db_name); wb_write_file_content($wb_file_path, $wb_user_script, $wb_file_name, $wb_file_db_name, $wb_old_file_name); } else { $wb_file_path = WB()->wb_plugin_path() . '/admin/js/'; $wb_file_name = wb_create_file_name() . '.js'; $wb_file_db_name = $wb_user_file . '_edit_script'; $wb_old_file_name = get_option($wb_file_db_name); wb_write_file_content($wb_file_path, $wb_user_script, $wb_file_name, $wb_file_db_name, $wb_old_file_name); } return; }
/** * Provide a public-facing view for the plugin * * This file is used to markup the Main Content of the WooBag. * * @author Gatelogixs * @package Woo_Bag/ * @subpackage Woo_Bag/public/templates * @version 1.0.0 */ function wb_built_bag($wb_call_option = NULL) { $wb_new_product_id = ''; $wb_count_product = 0; if (isset($wb_call_option) && !empty($wb_call_option)) { if ($wb_call_option['add_cart'] == 'yes') { if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['wb_user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['wb_user_id'])) { } else { $wb_user_id = md5(time() . uniqid()); $_SESSION['wb_user_id'] = $wb_user_id; } $wb_new_product_id = $wb_call_option['product_id']; } } $wb_woocommerce = wb_woocommerce_data(); $wb_p_data = $wb_woocommerce->cart->get_cart(); $wb_products_data = array_reverse($wb_p_data); $wb_total_product = sizeof($wb_products_data); $wb_currency_symbol = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); $wb_data = ''; $wb_template_name_part = WB()->wb_get_setting_name(); $wb_all_option = wb_get_all_setting($wb_template_name_part); $wb_show_product_no = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_product_setting_wb_show_product_no']; if ($wb_show_product_no == 'unlimited') { $wb_show_product_no = 3; } $woobag_loader_icon = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_general_setting_woobag_loader_icon']; $show_header_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_show_header_text']; $wb_close_bag_icon = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_wb_close_bag_icon']; $wb_show_footer = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_footer_setting_wb_show_footer']; $footer_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_footer_setting_footer_text']; $show_subtotal = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_show_subtotal']; $wb_subtotal_label = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_wb_subtotal_label']; $wb_ordertotal_label = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_wb_ordertotal_label']; $viewbag_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_viewbag_button_text']; $show_viewbag_button = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_show_viewbag_button']; $show_checkout_button = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_show_checkout_button']; $show_empty_cart_button = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_show_empty_cart_button']; $show_custom_button = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_show_custom_button']; $checkout_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_checkout_button_text']; $empty_cart_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_empty_cart_button_text']; $custom_button_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_custom_button_text']; $custom_button_url = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_subtotal_setting_custom_button_url']; $header_text = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_header_text']; $header_text_multiple = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_header_setting_header_text_multiple']; $show_woobag_small_screen = $wb_all_option[$wb_template_name_part . '_smallscreen_setting_show_woobag_small_screen']; if ($wb_show_product_no == 'unlimited') { $wb_show_product_no = 4; } $wb_data .= '<table>'; if ($show_woobag_small_screen == 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<span class="hidden wb_small_scrren_link" ></span>'; } if (isset($show_header_text) && $show_header_text === 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<tr> <td class="wb_window_top"> <table> <tr> <td class="wb_top_text">'; $wb_data .= '<b>' . __($wb_total_product, 'woo-bag') . ' </b>'; if ($header_text) { if (isset($wb_total_product) && !empty($wb_total_product) && $wb_total_product > 1) { $wb_data .= '<span class="wb_single_multiple_top_text"> ' . __($header_text_multiple, 'woo-bag') . ' </span>'; } else { $wb_data .= '<span class="wb_single_product_top_text"> ' . __($header_text, 'woo-bag'); $wb_data .= '</span>'; } } $wb_data .= '</td> <td class="wb_close_window">'; if ($wb_close_bag_icon) { $wb_data .= '<i class="' . $wb_close_bag_icon . '"></i>'; } else { $wb_data .= '<i class="fa fa-times"></i>'; } $wb_data .= '</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>'; } if ($wb_total_product > 0) { $wb_data .= '<tr> <td class="woobagcontainer"> <div> <table> <tr class="wb_scolls"> <td class="wb_scroll_button_wrapper">'; if ($wb_total_product > $wb_show_product_no || $wb_total_product > 3) { $wb_data .= '<div id="bag_carousel_prev" class="wb_scroll_button bag_carousel_prev"> <div id="prev_button" class="bag_prev_button"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i> </div> </div>'; } $wb_data .= '</td> </tr> <tr class="wb_all_items"> <td> <div class="wb_all_product_wrapper" > <div class="wb_all_product_cover" id="wb_all_products">'; $wb_all_product = wb_product_list($wb_call_option, $wb_all_option, $wb_template_name_part); if (isset($wb_call_option) && !empty($wb_call_option) && $wb_call_option['add_cart'] == 'yes') { $wb_data .= $wb_all_product["product_data"]; } else { $wb_data .= $wb_all_product; } $wb_data .= '</div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_scolls"> <td class="wb_scroll_button_wrapper">'; if ($wb_total_product > $wb_show_product_no || $wb_total_product > 3) { $wb_data .= '<div id="bag_carousel_next" class="next_button wb_scroll_button bag_carousel_next"> <div class="bag_next_button" id="next_button"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></div> </div>'; } $wb_data .= '</td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_subtotal_tr"> <td class="wb_cart_total_wrapper"> <table> <tr> <td class="total">'; $wb_total_tax = 0; $wb_total_amount = $wb_woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_total; if ($wb_woocommerce->cart->tax_display_cart == 'excl') { foreach ($wb_woocommerce->cart->get_tax_totals() as $code => $tax) { $wb_total_tax += $tax->amount; } } $wb_toal = $wb_total_tax + $wb_total_amount; $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_total_content">'; if (isset($show_subtotal) && $show_subtotal == 'only_price' || $show_subtotal == 'both') { $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_subtotal_only_price">'; if ($wb_subtotal_label) { $wb_data .= '<strong>' . __($wb_subtotal_label, 'woo-bag') . '</strong> '; } $wb_data .= '<span>'; $wb_data .= __($wb_currency_symbol . number_format($wb_total_amount, 2), 'woo-bag'); $wb_data .= '</span>'; $wb_data .= '</div>'; } if (isset($show_subtotal) && $show_subtotal == 'price_tax' || $show_subtotal == 'both') { $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_total_content_table">'; if ($wb_ordertotal_label) { $wb_data .= '<strong>' . __($wb_ordertotal_label, 'woo-bag') . '</strong>'; } $wb_data .= '<span>'; $wb_data .= __($wb_currency_symbol . number_format($wb_toal, 2), 'woo-bag'); $wb_data .= '</span> </div>'; } if (isset($show_subtotal) && $show_subtotal === 'price_tax') { $wb_data .= '<span class="number hidden" >' . __(number_format($wb_toal, 2), 'woo-bag') . '</span>'; } else { $wb_data .= '<span class="number hidden" >' . __(number_format($wb_total_amount, 2), 'woo-bag') . '</span>'; } $wb_data .= '</div> </td> </tr> <tr class="wb_cart_buttons"> <td class="buttons">'; if ($show_viewbag_button == 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<a href="' . $wb_woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url() . '" class="wb_viewbag_button">'; $wb_data .= '<span>'; if ($viewbag_button_text) { $wb_data .= __($viewbag_button_text, 'woo-bag'); } else { $wb_data .= __('', 'woo-bag'); } $wb_data .= '</span> </a>'; } if ($show_checkout_button == 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<a href="' . $wb_woocommerce->cart->get_checkout_url() . '" class="checkout wb_checkout_button">'; $wb_data .= '<span>'; if ($checkout_button_text) { $wb_data .= __($checkout_button_text, 'woo-bag'); } else { $wb_data .= __('', 'woo-bag'); } $wb_data .= '</span> </a>'; } if ($show_empty_cart_button == 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<a href="#" class="empty_cart wb_empty_cart_button"> <span>'; if ($empty_cart_button_text) { $wb_data .= __($empty_cart_button_text, 'woo-bag'); } else { $wb_data .= __('', 'woo-bag'); } $wb_data .= '</span> </a>'; } if ($show_custom_button == 'yes') { $wb_data .= '<a href="' . $custom_button_url . '" class="custom wb_custom_button"> <span>'; if ($custom_button_text) { $wb_data .= __($custom_button_text, 'woo-bag'); } else { $wb_data .= __('', 'woo-bag'); } $wb_data .= '</span> </a>'; } $wb_data .= ' </td> </tr>'; $wb_data .= '</table> </td> </tr>'; } else { } $wb_data .= '<p class="wb_count_product">' . $wb_total_product . '</p>'; $wb_data .= '<span class="wb_current_currency">' . __($wb_currency_symbol, 'woo-bag') . '</span>'; if ($wb_show_footer === 'yes') { if (!isset($footer_text) && empty($footer_text)) { $footer_text = 'FREE RETURNS AVAILABLE ON ALL ORDERS'; } $wb_data .= '<tr><td class="wb_window_bottom">'; $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_bottom_text">' . __($footer_text, 'woo-bag') . '</div>'; $wb_data .= '</td></tr>'; } $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_message_wrapper" id="wb_message_wrapper"></div><div class="wb_message"></div>'; $wb_data .= '<div class="wb_display_loading_image">'; if ($woobag_loader_icon) { $wb_data .= '<i class="' . $woobag_loader_icon . ' "></i>'; } else { $wb_data .= '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>'; } $wb_data .= '</div>'; $wb_data .= '</table>'; if (isset($wb_call_option) && !empty($wb_call_option) && $wb_call_option['add_cart'] == 'yes') { $wb_full_cart = array(); $wb_full_cart['product_data'] = $wb_data; return $wb_full_cart; } else { return $wb_data; } }