function vtprd_get_purch_hist_from_session($i)
    global $vtprd_rules_set, $vtprd_cart;
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
        header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
        header("Pragma: no-cache");
    if (isset($_SESSION['vtprd_rule_purch_hist_' . $i])) {
        //get the data from the session var, put into rules_set
        $vtprd_rule_hist_array = unserialize($_SESSION['vtprd_rule_purch_hist_' . $i]);
        $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->purch_hist_rule_row_qty_total_plus_discounts = $vtprd_rule_hist_array[0];
        $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->purch_hist_rule_row_price_total_plus_discounts = $vtprd_rule_hist_array[1];
    } else {
        //get the data from the DB (which puts it into rules_set), and create the session var
        $vtprd_cart = new VTPRD_Cart();
        $vtprd_cart->purchaser_ip_address = $vtprd_info['purchaser_ip_address'];
        //get hist based on IP only
        $vtprd_rule_hist_array = array();
        $vtprd_rule_hist_array[] = $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->purch_hist_rule_row_qty_total_plus_discounts;
        $vtprd_rule_hist_array[] = $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->purch_hist_rule_row_price_total_plus_discounts;
        $_SESSION['vtprd_rule_purch_hist_' . $i] = serialize($vtprd_rule_hist_array);
Beispiel #2
 public function vtprd_manage_shared_rule_tests($i)
     global $vtprd_cart, $vtprd_rules_set, $vtprd_rule, $vtprd_info, $vtprd_setup_options;
     //error_log( print_r(  'vtprd_manage_shared_rule_tests ', true ) );
     $rule_is_date_valid = vtprd_rule_date_validity_test($i);
     if (!$rule_is_date_valid) {
         $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_status = 'dateInvalid';
         //temp chg of rule_status for this execution only
         $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_processing_status = 'Cart Transaction does not fall within date boundaries set for the rule.';
     //IP is immediately available, check against Lifetime limits
     //  check against all rules
     if ($vtprd_setup_options['use_lifetime_max_limits'] == 'yes') {
         //populate rule with purchaser history
         $rule_has_reached_lifetime_limit = vtprd_rule_lifetime_validity_test($i);
         if ($rule_has_reached_lifetime_limit) {
             $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_status = 'lifetimeMaxInvalid';
             //temp chg of rule_status for this execution only
             $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_processing_status = 'Rule has already reached lifetime max for IP purchases.';
     //v1.1.0.9 begin - coupon_activated_discount for later use in parent-cart-validation during remove_coupon, as needed
     //  if coupon removed, this promotes the re-run of the discount at the same time. (re-use of session var, similar situation from v1.1.0.8)
     //don't run if 'no'
     if ($vtprd_rules_set[$i]->cumulativeCouponPricing == 'no') {
         //cumulativeCouponNo for later use in parent-cart-validation during add/remove_coupon, as needed
         //  if coupon removed, this promotes the re-run of the discount at the same time.
         //  This session var set to true will cause a re-process of the cart on Cart and checkout pages ONLY
         if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
             header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
             header("Pragma: no-cache");
         $_SESSION['cumulativeCouponNo'] = true;
         //error_log( print_r(  'set cumulativeCouponNo=  true', true ) );
         //        $coupon_cnt_without_deals_coupon = sizeof($vtprd_info['coupon_codes_array']);
         //error_log( print_r(  'only_for_this_coupon_name= ' .$vtprd_rules_set[$i]->only_for_this_coupon_name , true ) );
         //error_log( print_r(  '$coupon_cnt= ' .$coupon_cnt_without_deals_coupon, true ) );
         //error_log( print_r(  'coupon_codes_array= ' , true ) );
         //error_log( var_export($vtprd_info['coupon_codes_array'], true ) );
         $sizeof_coupon_codes_array = sizeof($vtprd_info['coupon_codes_array']);
         if ($vtprd_rules_set[$i]->only_for_this_coupon_name > ' ' && $sizeof_coupon_codes_array == 1 && in_array($vtprd_rules_set[$i]->only_for_this_coupon_name, $vtprd_info['coupon_codes_array'])) {
             //activated by coupon and 1coupon found, so all ok
             $all_good = true;
         } else {
             //coupons array is **without** deals coupon
             if ($sizeof_coupon_codes_array > 0) {
                 $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_status = 'cumulativeCouponPricingNo';
                 //temp chg of rule_status for this execution only
                 $vtprd_rules_set[$i]->rule_processing_status = 'Coupon presented, rule switch says do not run.';
     //v1.1.0.9 end