Beispiel #1
 $res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=" . sqlesc($userid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
 $user = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
 if ($CURUSER['class'] <= $user['class'] && ($CURUSER['id'] != $userid && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_ADMINISTRATOR)) {
     stderr('Error', 'You cannot edit someone of the same or higher class.. injecting stuff arent we? Action logged');
 if ($user['immunity'] >= 1 && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_MAX) {
     stderr("Error", "This user is immune to your commands !");
 $updateset = $useredit['update'] = array();
 $modcomment = isset($_POST['modcomment']) && $CURUSER['class'] == UC_MAX ? $_POST['modcomment'] : $user['modcomment'];
 //== Set class
 if (isset($_POST['class']) && ($class = $_POST['class']) != $user['class']) {
     if ($class >= UC_MAX || $class >= $CURUSER['class'] || $user['class'] >= $CURUSER['class']) {
         stderr("{$lang['modtask_user_error']}", "{$lang['modtask_try_again']}");
     if (!valid_class($class) || $CURUSER['class'] <= $_POST['class']) {
         stderr("Error", "Bad class :P");
     //== Notify user
     $what = $class > $user['class'] ? "{$lang['modtask_promoted']}" : "{$lang['modtask_demoted']}";
     $msg = sqlesc(sprintf($lang['modtask_have_been'], $what) . " '" . get_user_class_name($class) . "' {$lang['modtask_by']} " . $CURUSER['username']);
     $added = time();
     sql_query("INSERT INTO messages (sender, receiver, msg, added) VALUES(0, {$userid}, {$msg}, {$added})") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     $updateset[] = "class = " . sqlesc($class);
     $useredit['update'][] = '' . $what . ' to ' . get_user_class_name($class) . '';
     $modcomment = get_date(time(), 'DATE', 1) . " - {$what} to '" . get_user_class_name($class) . "' by {$CURUSER['username']}.\n" . $modcomment;
 // === add donated amount to user and to funds table
 if (isset($_POST['donated']) && ($donated = $_POST['donated']) != $user['donated']) {
     $added = sqlesc(time());
     sql_query("INSERT INTO funds (cash, user, added) VALUES ({$donated}, {$userid}, {$added})") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
function min_class($min = UC_MIN, $max = UC_MAX)
    global $CURUSER;
    $minclass = (int) $min;
    $maxclass = (int) $max;
    if (!isset($CURUSER)) {
        return false;
    if (!valid_class($minclass) || !valid_class($maxclass)) {
        return false;
    if ($maxclass < $minclass) {
        return false;
    return (bool) ($CURUSER['class'] >= $minclass && $CURUSER['class'] <= $maxclass);
Beispiel #3
    echo $HTMLOUT;
require_once INCL_DIR . 'html_functions.php';
require_once CLASS_DIR . 'class_check.php';
$lang = array_merge($lang);
$HTMLOUT = $time_drop_down = $accepted_file_extension = $accepted_file_types = $member_class_drop_down = '';
$settings_saved = false;
//=== be sure to set your id (below) in the DB. as well as setting your upload dir to something unique
$config_id = 13;
if (isset($_POST['do_it'])) {
    $delete_for_real = isset($_POST['delete_for_real']) ? intval($_POST['delete_for_real']) : 0;
    $min_delete_view_class = isset($_POST['min_delete_view_class']) && valid_class($_POST['min_delete_view_class']) ? intval($_POST['min_delete_view_class']) : 0;
    $readpost_expiry = isset($_POST['readpost_expiry']) ? intval($_POST['readpost_expiry']) : 0;
    $min_upload_class = isset($_POST['min_upload_class']) && valid_class($_POST['min_upload_class']) ? intval($_POST['min_upload_class']) : 0;
    $accepted_file_extension = isset($_POST['accepted_file_extension']) ? preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $_POST['accepted_file_extension']) : '';
    $accepted_file_extension = explode(' ', $accepted_file_extension);
    $accepted_file_extension = serialize($accepted_file_extension);
    $accepted_file_types = isset($_POST['accepted_file_types']) ? preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $_POST['accepted_file_types']) : '';
    $accepted_file_types = explode(' ', $accepted_file_types);
    $accepted_file_types = serialize($accepted_file_types);
    $max_file_size = isset($_POST['max_file_size']) ? intval($_POST['max_file_size']) : 0;
    $upload_folder = isset($_POST['upload_folder']) ? htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['upload_folder'])) : '';
    sql_query('UPDATE forum_config SET delete_for_real = ' . $delete_for_real . ', min_delete_view_class = ' . $min_delete_view_class . ', readpost_expiry = ' . $readpost_expiry . ',
					min_upload_class = ' . $min_upload_class . ', accepted_file_extension = ' . sqlesc($accepted_file_extension) . ',  accepted_file_types = ' . sqlesc($accepted_file_types) . ',
					max_file_size = ' . $max_file_size . ', upload_folder = ' . sqlesc($upload_folder) . ' WHERE id = ' . $config_id);
    header('Location: staffpanel.php?tool=forum_config&action=forum_config');
$main_links = '<p><a class="altlink" href="staffpanel.php?tool=over_forums&amp;action=over_forums">Over Forums</a> ::