/** * Load a the user, roles, and settings internally. If no user ID * is specified user the one from the session. * * @param integer $userId */ public function load($userId) { if (!valid($userId)) { throw new \Base\Exception('No user ID specified or exists in the session'); } $this->loadUser($userId); }
function auth() { if (!valid('janitor_board')) { // Admin.php login $temp = "" . "<div align='center' vertical-align='middle'>" . ($temp = '<form action="' . PHP_ASELF . '" method="post"><table>' . '<tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" name="usernm" style="width:100%" /></td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="passwd" style="width:100%" /></td></tr>'); if (SECURE_LOGIN) { if (RECAPTCHA) { $temp .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><script src='//www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script><div class='g-recaptcha' data-sitekey='" . RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY . "'></td></tr>"; } else { $temp .= "<tr><td><img src='" . CORE_DIR_PUBLIC . "/general/captcha.php' /></td><td><input type='text' name='num' size='20' placeholder='Captcha'></td></tr>"; } } $temp .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='" . S_MANASUB . "'></td></tr></table>" . "<br></form></div>"; echo $temp; if (isset($_POST['usernm']) && isset($_POST['passwd'])) { if (SECURE_LOGIN) { require_once CORE_DIR . '/general/captcha.php'; $captcha = new Captcha(); if ($captcha->isValid() !== true) { $this->error(S_CAPFAIL); } } $this->doLogin($_POST['usernm'], $_POST['passwd']); echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=" . PHP_ASELF_ABS . "\">"; } die("</body></html>"); } return $temp; }
function destroy_key($ip, $mode, $other = null) { // Removes a key if (valid($mode) && $other != null && valid($ip)) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM `keys` WHERE other='{$other}' AND `ip`='{$ip}' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error()); } }
function theme_play_build_menu() { global $arr_menu, $username; $content = '<ul class="nav">'; $i = 0; foreach ($arr_menu as $cat => $value) { $i++; $content .= "<li class=\"dropdown\">"; $content .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">' . $cat . '</a>'; $content .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($value as $sub_key => $menu) { $content .= '<li><a href="' . $menu[0] . '">' . $menu[1] . '</a></li>'; } $content .= "</ul>"; $content .= "</li>"; } $content .= '</ul>'; if (valid()) { $content .= '<ul class="nav secondary-nav">'; $content .= "<li class=\"dropdown pull-right\">"; $content .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">' . $username . '</a>'; $content .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">'; $content .= '<li><a href="index.php?app=page&op=auth_logout">Logout</a></li>'; $content .= "</ul>"; $content .= "</li>"; $content .= '</ul>'; } return $content; }
function generateAdmin() { require_once CORE_DIR . "/admin/report.php"; $getReport = new Report(); $boardTitle = SHOWTITLETXT > 0 ? "<div class='boardTitle'>" . $this->info['page']['title'] . "</div><div class='boardSubtitle'>" . S_HEADSUB . "</div><hr>" : ''; $bannerImg .= SHOWTITLEIMG ? '<img class="bannerImg" src="' . TITLEIMG . '" onclick="this.src=this.src;" alt="' . TITLE . '" /><br>' : ''; /* begin page content */ $dat = "<!DOCTYPE html><head>\n <meta name='description' content='" . S_DESCR . "'/></meta>\n <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8' /></meta>\n <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'></meta>\n <meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='max-age=0' />\n <meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache' />\n <meta http-equiv='expires' content='0' />\n <meta http-equiv='expires' content='Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT' />\n <meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache' />\n <link rel='shortcut icon' href='" . CSS_PATH . "imgs/favicon.ico'>\n <title>" . $this->info['page']['title'] . "</title>"; //$dat .= "<link class='togglesheet' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . CSS_PATH . "/panel.css' title='Admin Panel' />"; if (NSFW) { $dat .= "<link class='togglesheet' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS1 . "' title='Yotsuba' />\n <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . CSS_PATH . "/stylesheets/mobile.css' title='mobile' />\n <link class='togglesheet' rel='alternate stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS2 . "' title='Yotsuba B' />"; } else { $dat .= "<link class='togglesheet' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS2 . "' title='Yotsuba B' />\n <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . CSS_PATH . "/stylesheets/mobile.css' title='mobile' />\n <link class='togglesheet' rel='alternate stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS1 . "' title='Yotsuba' />"; } //<link class='togglesheet' rel='alternate stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS4 . "' title='Burichan'/> RIP Burichan 1862-2015 $dat .= "<link class='togglesheet' rel='alternate stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" . CSS_PATH . CSS3 . "' title='Tomorrow' />"; $dat .= "<script src='" . JS_PATH . "/extension.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n <script src='" . JS_PATH . "/main.js' type='text/javascript'></script>"; $dat .= '</head><div class="beforePostform" />' . $titlebar . ' <span class="boardList desktop">' . (file_exists(BOARDLIST) ? file_get_contents(BOARDLIST) : '') . '</div> <div class="linkBar">[<a href="' . HOME . '" target="_top">' . S_HOME . '</a>][<a href="' . PHP_ASELF_ABS . '">' . S_ADMIN . '</a>] </span><div class="boardBanner">' . $bannerImg . $boardTitle . '</div>'; $dat .= "<div class='panelOps' style='text-align:left;' />[<a href=\"" . PHP_SELF2 . "\">" . S_RETURNS . "</a>]"; $dat .= "[<a href=\"" . PHP_SELF . "\">" . S_LOGUPD . "</a>]"; if (valid('moderator')) { $dat .= "[<a href='" . PHP_ASELF_ABS . "?mode=rebuild' >Пересобрать</a>]"; $dat .= "[<a href='" . PHP_ASELF_ABS . "?mode=rebuildall' >Пересобрать все треды</a>]"; $dat .= "[<a href='" . PHP_ASELF_ABS . "?mode=reports' >" . $getReport->reportGetAllBoard() . "</a>]"; } if (valid('admin')) { $dat .= "[<a href='" . PHP_ASELF_ABS . "?mode=staff' >Управление пользователями</a>]"; } $dat .= "[<a href='" . PHP_ASELF . "?mode=logout'>" . S_LOGOUT . "</a>]"; return $dat; }
function versionCheck($version) { $versions = array("1.0.0", "1.1.0", "1.1.1", "1.2.0", "1.3.0", "1.4.0", "1.5.0", "1.5.1", "1.6.0", "1.7.0-SNAPSHOT", "IRC", "DesktopAPI"); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (in_array($version, $versions) || $ip == "") { return valid($version); } return false; }
/** * Load a user by login token, stored as a setting */ static function getByToken($token) { $config = self::getStaticService('config'); $setting = \Db\Sql\Settings::getByKeyValue($config->settings->cookieToken, $token->getValue(), ['first' => TRUE]); if (!$setting || !valid($setting->object_id)) { return FALSE; } return \Db\Sql\Users::findFirst($setting->object_id); }
function getNextPass($current) { //Lazy solution - loop over each and check it's valid $current++; while (!valid($current)) { $current++; } return $current; }
public function quitAction($message = '', $status = SUCCESS, $redirect = NULL, $code = NULL) { if (valid($message, STRING)) { $this->addMessage($message, $status); } if ($code) { $this->code = $code; } if ($redirect) { $this->redirect = $redirect; } }
function form($no) { global $mysql; $host = $mysql->result("SELECT host FROM " . SQLBANLOG . " WHERE no='" . $mysql->escape_string($no) . "'"); $alart = $host ? $mysql->num_rows("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . SQLBANLOG . " WHERE ip='" . $host . "'") : 0; $alert = $alart > 0 ? "<b><font color=\"FF101A\"> {$alart} ban(s) on record for {$host}!</font></b>" : "No bans on record for IP {$host}"; $temp = head(1); $temp .= "<br><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' /><form action='admin.php?mode=ban' method='POST' />\n <input type='hidden' name='no' value='{$no}' />\n <input type='hidden' name='ip' value='{$host}' />\n <tr><td class='postblock'>IP History: </td><td>{$alert}</td></tr>\n <tr><td class='postblock'>Unban in:</td><td><input type='number' min='0' size='4' name='banlength' /> days</td></tr>\n <center><tr><td class='postblock'>Ban type:</td><td></center>\n <select name='banType' />\n <option value='warn' />Warning only</option>\n <option value='thisboard' />This board - /" . BOARD_DIR . "/ </option>\n <option value='global' />All boards</option>\n <option value='perma' />Permanent - All boards</option>\n </select>\n </td></tr>\n <tr><td class='postblock'>Public reason:</td><td><textarea rows='2' cols='25' name='pubreason' /></textarea></td></tr>\n <tr><td class='postblock'>Staff notes:</td><td><input type='text' name='staffnote' /></td></tr>\n <tr><td class='postblock'>Append user's comment:</td><td><input type='text' name='custmess' placeholder='Leave blank for USER WAS BAN etc.' /> [ Show message<input type='checkbox' name='showbanmess' /> ] </td></tr>\n <tr><td class='postblock'>After-ban options:</td><td>\n <select name='afterban' />\n <option value='none' />None</option>\n <option value='delpost' />Delete this post</option>\n <option value='delallbyip' />Delete all by this IP</option>\n <option value='delimgonly' />Delete image only</option>\n </select>\n </td></tr>"; if (valid('admin')) { $temp .= "\n <tr><td class='postblock'>Add to Blacklist:</td><td>[ Comment<input type='checkbox' name='blacklistcom' /> ] [ Image MD5<input type='checkbox' name='blacklistimage' /> ] </td></tr>"; } $temp .= "<center><tr><td><input type='submit' value='Ban'/></td></tr></center></table></form>"; echo $temp; }
function remStaff($targUser = '', $actUser, $actPass) { global $mysql; //remove staff member $targUser = $mysql->escape_string($targUser); if (!valid('admin')) { error("Permission denied"); } if ($this->isStaff($targUser)) { error("User doesn't exist! (GET error?)"); } if ($_COOKIE['saguaro_auser'] == $targUser) { error("You can't delete yourself!"); } //oi ya cheeky shit ill bash yer fookin head in i sware on me mum $mysql->query("DELETE FROM " . SQLMODSLOG . " WHERE user='******'"); }
function greedy($n, $a, $pq) { $t = explode(" ", $pq); $p = $t[0]; $q = $t[1]; $a = explode(" ", $a); $result = array(); if ($n != 1) { sort($a); for ($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; $i++) { $diff = $a[$i + 1] - $a[$i]; $val = $a[$i] + $diff / 2; if (valid($p, $q, $val)) { $result[] = $val; } $val = $a[$i + 1] - $diff / 2; if (valid($p, $q, $val)) { $result[] = $val; } } $result[] = $p; $result[] = $q; sort($result); $sz = count($result); $best = -1; $bestval = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $sz; $i++) { $val = 2147483647; for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) { if (abs($a[$j] - $result[$i]) < $val) { $val = abs($a[$j] - $result[$i]); } } if ($val > $best) { $best = $val; $bestval = $result[$i]; } } return $bestval; } $val1 = abs($a[0] - $p); $val2 = abs($a[0] - $q); return $val1 >= $val2 ? $p : $q; }
/** * Authorize a user's login token * * @return object | bool */ public function authorizeToken() { $cookies = $this->getService('cookies'); // read the cookie, check if the token belongs to a user if (!$cookies->has('token')) { return FALSE; } $token = $cookies->get('token'); if (!valid($token->getValue(), STRING)) { return FALSE; } // try to get the user by token $user = \Db\Sql\Users::getByToken($token); if (!$user || !valid($user->id)) { return FALSE; } // save the session data $session = $this->getService('session'); $session->set('user_id', $user->id); return $user; }
function theme_play_build_menu() { global $menu_config, $username, $name; $content = '<ul class="nav">'; $i = 0; foreach ($menu_config as $cat => $value) { $i++; $content .= "<li class=\"dropdown\">"; $content .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">' . $cat . '</a>'; $content .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($value as $sub_key => $sub_menu) { $sub_menu_url = $sub_menu[0]; $sub_menu_title = $sub_menu[1]; $sub_menu_index = $sub_menu[2] ? $sub_menu[2] : 3; $m[$sub_menu_index . '.' . $sub_menu_title] = "<li><a href='" . $sub_menu_url . "'>" . $sub_menu_title . "</a></li>"; } ksort($m); foreach ($m as $mm) { $content .= $mm; } unset($m); $content .= "</ul>"; $content .= "</li>"; } $content .= '</ul>'; if (valid()) { $content .= '<ul class="nav secondary-nav">'; $content .= "<li class=\"dropdown pull-right\">"; $content .= '<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">' . $name . ' (' . $username . ')</a>'; $content .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">'; $content .= '<li><a href="index.php?app=menu&inc=user_config&op=user_config">' . _('User configuration') . '</a></li>'; $content .= '<li><a href="index.php?app=menu&inc=user_pref&op=user_pref">' . _('Preferences') . '</a></li>'; $content .= '<li><a href="index.php?app=page&op=auth_logout">Logout</a></li>'; $content .= "</ul>"; $content .= "</li>"; $content .= '</ul>'; } return $content; }
function rebuild($all = 0) { global $mysql, $my_log; if (!valid('moderator')) { die('Update failed...'); } header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo "Rebuilding " . ($all ? "all" : "missing") . ' replies and pages... <a href="' . PHP_SELF2_ABS . '">Go back</a><br><br>'; ob_end_flush(); $starttime = microtime(true); if (!($treeline = $mysql->query("select no,resto from " . SQLLOG . " where root>0 order by root desc"))) { echo S_SQLFAIL; } echo "Writing...\n"; if ($all || !defined('CACHE_TTL')) { while (list($no, $resto) = $mysql->fetch_row($treeline)) { if (!$resto) { $my_log->update($no, 1); echo "No.{$no} created.<br>\n"; } } $my_log->update(); echo "Index pages created.<br>\n"; } else { $posts = rebuildqueue_take_all(); foreach ($posts as $no) { $deferred = $my_log->update($no, 1) ? ' (deferred)' : ''; if ($no) { echo "No.{$no} created.{$deferred}<br>\n"; } else { echo "Index pages created.{$deferred}<br>\n"; } } } $totaltime = microtime(true) - $starttime; echo "<br>Time elapsed (lock excluded): {$totaltime} seconds", "<br>Pages created.<br><br>\nRedirecting back to board.\n<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"10;URL=" . PHP_SELF2 . "\">"; }
function changePassword($actpass, $newpass, $renewpass) { $resultArr = array(); $resultArr['success'] = false; $resultArr['message'] = ""; if ($actpass != null && $newpass != null && $renewpass != null && valid($actpass, 50) && valid($newpass, 20) && valid($renewpass, 20)) { //Encrypt password $passencrypt = $this->encryptPassword($actpass); include 'conn.php'; // Make a safe query $Query = sprintf("select name, pass from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session where name=%s and pass=%s", quote_smart($this->usernameSession), quote_smart($passencrypt)); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $count = 0; if ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $count++; } if ($count == 0) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("The actual password is incorrect"); } else { if ($newpass != $renewpass) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("The new password does not match in both fields"); } else { //Encrypt password $newpassencrypt = $this->encryptPassword($newpass); $Query = "update " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session set pass='******' where name='" . $this->usernameSession . "'"; $AffectedRows = $dblink->exec($Query); if ($AffectedRows == 1) { $resultArr['message'] = T_("You have successfully changed your password"); $resultArr['success'] = true; } else { $resultArr['message'] = T_("There has been a problem while updating your password. Don't type the same password."); } } } } else { $resultArr['message'] = T_("Missing values or invalid length"); } return $resultArr; }
<?php if (!defined('_SECURE_')) { die('Intruder alert'); } /* * Created on Apr 30, 2008 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ if (!valid()) { forcenoaccess(); } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $http_path['themes']; ?> /<?php echo $themes_module; ?> /jscss/datetimepicker.js"></script> <?php switch ($op) { case "sms_autosend_list": if ($err) { $content = "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div>"; } $content .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h2>" . _('Manage autosend') . "</h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=button value=\"" . _('Add SMS autosend') . "\" onClick=\"javascript:linkto('index.php?app=menu&inc=feature_sms_autosend&op=sms_autosend_add')\" class=\"button\" />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
fclose($file); } function dir_permissions() { $dirs = array(DIR_OPENCART . 'image/', DIR_OPENCART . 'system/storage/download/', DIR_OPENCART . 'system/storage/upload/', DIR_OPENCART . 'system/storage/cache/', DIR_OPENCART . 'system/storage/logs/', DIR_OPENCART . 'system/storage/modification/'); exec('chmod o+w -R ' . implode(' ', $dirs)); } $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; $script = array_shift($argv); $subcommand = array_shift($argv); switch ($subcommand) { case "install": try { $options = get_options($argv); define('HTTP_OPENCART', $options['http_server']); $valid = valid($options); if (!$valid[0]) { echo "FAILED! Following inputs were missing or invalid: "; echo implode(', ', $valid[1]) . "\n\n"; exit(1); } install($options); echo "SUCCESS! Opencart successfully installed on your server\n"; echo "Store link: " . $options['http_server'] . "\n"; echo "Admin link: " . $options['http_server'] . "admin/\n\n"; } catch (ErrorException $e) { echo 'FAILED!: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1); } break; case "usage":
" class="genericButton"> </form> <?php } else { $success = false; if ($_POST['joingGroup']) { if (isset($_POST['pass'])) { $password = $_POST['pass']; } if ($password != null) { $passencrypt = sha1($password); } else { $passencrypt = ""; } //Check if the pass string is valid (for protection) if (!valid($password, 20)) { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("The password you entered is invalid") . ".</p>"; } else { // Check if the user is already part of the group if ($partOf) { echo "<p class=\"error\">" . T_("You are already a member of this group") . ".</p>"; } else { $Query = sprintf("select group_name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "groups where group_id=" . $group_id . " and password='******'"); //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $check = 0; while ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $check++; } if ($check == 1) { //Insert member into the gsubscriptions table
/*-----------程式各項功能主要判斷-------------*/ if (GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL && ($Encoding = CheckSupportGZip())) { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); } // 支援且開啟Gzip壓縮就設緩衝區 $mode = isset($_GET['mode']) ? $_GET['mode'] : (isset($_POST['mode']) ? $_POST['mode'] : ''); // 目前執行模式 (GET, POST) switch ($mode) { case 'regist': regist(); break; case 'admin': $admin = isset($_REQUEST['admin']) ? $_REQUEST['admin'] : ''; // 管理者執行模式 valid(); switch ($admin) { case 'del': admindel(); break; case 'logout': adminAuthenticate('logout'); header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: ' . fullURL() . PHP_SELF2 . '?' . time()); break; case 'optimize': case 'check': case 'repair': case 'export': if (!$PIO->dbMaintanence($admin)) { echo _T('action_main_notsupport');
require_once CORE_DIR . "/log/rebuild.php"; rebuild(1); break; case 'reports': head(0); require_once CORE_DIR . "/admin/report.php"; $getReport = new Report(); if (isset($_GET['no'])) { $getReport->reportClear($_GET['no']); } $active = $getReport->reportGetAllBoard(); echo $getReport->reportList(); break; case 'news': head(0); if (!valid('admin')) { error(S_NOPERM); } require_once CORE_DIR . "/admin/news.php"; $news = new News(); //lol if (isset($_POST['update']) && isset($_POST['file']) || isset($_POST['boardlist'])) { $news->newsUpdate($_POST['update'], $_POST['file']); } echo $news->newsPanel(); break; default: head(0); aform($post = '', 0, 1); $table->display($type = 'all', 0); break;
?> <a href="mailto:<?php echo $data['email']; ?> "><?php } echo stripslashes($data['name']); if ($data['showEmail'] == 1) { ?> </a><?php } ?> wrote <?php $date = new DateTime($data['time']); echo 'on ' . $date->format("l") . " the " . $date->format("jS") . " around " . $date->format("h:s a") . "</div>"; $message = ubb(nl2br(stripslashes(htmlentities(valid($data['message']))))); echo '<div class="content">'; if ($data['enableEmoticons'] == 1) { echo emoticons($message); } if ($data['enableEmoticons'] == 0) { echo $message; } echo '</div>'; ?> </div> <?php } echo '</div>'; echo "<div id='pagination'>"; if ($pid > 1) {
<?php require_once "inc/user.inc.php"; require_once "inc/misc.inc.php"; require_once "inc/alerts.inc.php"; require_once "inc/mail.inc.php"; if (isLoggedIn()) { header("Location: mail.php?folder=inbox&success=You+are+already+logged+in"); } // Login function if (isset($_POST['login']) && valid(clean($_POST['login']))) { $username = clean($_POST['username']); $password = clean($_POST['password']); if (valid($username) && valid($password)) { if (login($username, $password)) { header("Location: mail.php?folder=inbox&success=You+have+been+logged+in"); } else { $alerts->setError("Incorrect username or password :("); } } else { $alerts->setError("Please provide a username and password!"); } } ?> <html> <head> <title>xMail</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'> </head> </body> <div class='wrapper'>
<span class="title1">Modify Page</span> <br> <?php if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { echo "wrong parameters"; exit; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { database_connect(); //--- TESTen $id = $_GET['id']; $title = valid($_POST['title']); $urltitle = sanitize_title_with_dashes($_POST['urltitle']); $menutitle = valid($_POST['menutitle']); $keywords = valid($_POST['keywords']); $description = valid($_POST['description']); $text = valid($_POST['text']); //begin image uploaden if ($title == "") { $errormessage .= "Please fill in a title.<br>"; } if ($errormessage) { echo "<br>" . $errormessage . "<br><input name=\"back\" type=\"button\" value=\"< Back\" onClick=\"history.go(-1)\">"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE content\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET title='{$title}',urltitle='{$urltitle}',menutitle='{$menutitle}', keywords='{$keywords}', description='{$description}', text='{$text}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id='{$id}'"; } $query = mysql_query($sql) or die("There's a problem with the query: " . mysql_error()); if ($query) { echo "<br>The page is succesfully edit.<br><br>\n<a href=\"item_list.php\" target=\"links\"><img src=\"../img/ico_overview.gif\" width=\"19\" height=\"19\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Pages\"></a> <a href=\"item_detail.php?id={$id}\"><img src=\"../img/ico_detail.gif\" width=\"19\" height=\"19\" border=\"0\" alt=\"More info\"></a> <a href=\"item_modify.php?id={$id}\"><img src=\"../img/ico_edit.gif\" width=\"19\" height=\"19\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Edit\"></a>"; } } else { database_connect();
// error messages $error_content = ''; if ($errid) { $err = logger_get_error_string($errid); } if ($err) { $error_content = "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div>"; } // load page $fn = $core_config['apps_path']['themes'] . '/' . $core_config['module']['themes'] . '/page_' . $inc . '.php'; if (file_exists($fn)) { include $fn; } } } exit; } // error messages $error_content = ''; if ($errid) { $err = logger_get_error_string($errid); } if ($err) { $error_content = "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div>"; } // frontpage if (valid()) { include $core_config['apps_path']['themes'] . '/' . $core_config['module']['themes'] . '/page_welcome.php'; } else { include $core_config['apps_path']['themes'] . '/' . $core_config['module']['themes'] . '/page_login.php'; }
global $my_log, $mysql, $path, $badstring, $badfile, $badip, $pwdc, $textonly; require_once CORE_DIR . "/regist/sanitize.php"; $sanitize = new Sanitize(); if ($pwd == PANEL_PASS) { $admin = $pwd; } if ($admin != PANEL_PASS || !valid()) { $admin = ''; } $mes = ""; if (valid('moderator')) { $moderator = 1; if (valid('admin')) { $moderator = 2; } if (valid('manager')) { $moderator = 3; } } if ($moderator) { if (isset($_POST['isSticky'])) { $stickied = 1; if (isset($_POST['eventSticky'])) { //Experimental feature. $stickied = 2; } } if (isset($_POST['isLocked'])) { $locked = 1; } }
} if ($id != "-1") { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `snmail2` (`id`, `to`, `from`, `lines`) VALUES ('{$id}', '{$title}', '{$author}', '{$lines}')") or die(mysql_error()); } else { $id = md5(sha1(time() . "-" . time() * time())); $send = time() + 2 * 60 * 60; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `snmail` (`id`, `to`, `from`, `lines`, `send`) VALUES ('{$id}', '{$title}', '{$author}', '{$lines}', '{$send}')") or die(mysql_error()); } echo ok("added"); } else { error("Invalid " . json_encode(array("title" => valid($_POST['title']), "author" => valid($_POST['author']), "lines" => valid($_POST['lines']), "id" => valid($_POST['id'])))); } } else { if ($mode == "GET_BOOKS") { $who = clean($_POST['who']); if (!valid($who)) { error("Invalid"); } else { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `snmail2` WHERE `to`='{$who}'") or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { echo json_encode(array("message" => "inbox", "status" => "OK", "username" => $who, "unread" => mysql_num_rows($query))); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $to = $array['to']; $from = $array['from']; $rawLines = $array['lines']; $lines = dirty($rawLines); $id = $array['id']; // Generate $mailMess = array(); $mailMess["id"] = $id; $mailMess["to"] = $to;
function reportCheckIP($board, $no, $ip) { global $mysql; $query = $mysql->query("SELECT host FROM " . SQLLOG . " WHERE no='{$no}' AND host='{$ip}' LIMIT 1"); if ($mysql->num_rows($query) > 0) { //Trying to report own post return $this->error("You can't report your own post!", $no); } //Check if the submitting user has already reported this ip or is going on a reporting spree. $query = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE ip='" . $ip . "' AND board='" . $board . "'"); if ($mysql->num_rows($query) > 3 && !valid('janitor_board')) { //Relax there, tattle tale return $this->error('Please wait a while before reporting more posts.', $no); } }
$aksi = $_POST['aksi']; } else { $aksi = $_GET['aksi']; } switch ($aksi) { case 'insert': insert($page); break; case 'update': update($page); break; case 'delete': delete($page); break; case 'valid': valid($page); break; } function insert($page) { $nama_barang = $_POST['nama_barang']; $jenis_barang = $_POST['jenis_barang']; $spk_tanggal = $_POST['spk_tanggal']; $spk_nomor = $_POST['spk_nomor']; $kuitansi_tanggal = $_POST['kuitansi_tanggal']; $kuitansi_nomor = $_POST['kuitansi_nomor']; $jumlah_barang = $_POST['jumlah_barang']; $harga_satuan = $_POST['harga_satuan']; $unit = $_POST['unit']; $keterangan = $_POST['keterangan']; $id_penguasaan = $_POST['id_penguasaan'];
if (!$con) { die('Could Not Connect!'); } @mysql_select_db("info2180project4") or die("Sorry but database not found. Please try again."); $fn = $_POST['fn']; $ln = $_POST['ln']; $un = $_POST['un']; $pw = $_POST['pw']; $first = "'" . $fn . "',"; $last = "'" . $ln . "',"; $user = "******" . $un . "')"; $pass = "******" . $pw . "',"; function valid() { global $pw; if (!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+){8,}\$/", $pw)) { return false; } return true; } if (valid() == true) { global $first, $last, $user, $pass; try { $db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=info2180project4;host=localhost', 'root', ''); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage(); } $sql = "INSERT INTO user(first_name,last_name,password,username) VALUES(" . $first . $last . $pass . $user; $db->exec($sql); echo "User has been entered"; }