Beispiel #1
 * Takes a route and prepends the web root (expects "/controller/action/params" as $Path).
 * @param array $Params The parameters passed into the function.
 * The parameters that can be passed to this function are as follows.
 * - <b>path</b>: The relative path for the url. There are some special paths that can be used to return "intelligent" links:
 *    - <b>signinout</b>: This will return a signin/signout url that will toggle depending on whether or not the user is already signed in. When this path is given the text is automaticall set.
 * - <b>withdomain</b>: Whether or not to add the domain to the url.
 * - <b>text</b>: Html text to be put inside an anchor. If this value is set then an html <a></a> is returned rather than just a url.
 * - <b>id, class, etc.</b>: When an anchor is generated then any other attributes are passed through and will be written in the resulting tag.
 * @param Smarty $Smarty The smarty object rendering the template.
 * @return The url.
function smarty_function_link($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Path = val('path', $Params, '', true);
    $Text = val('text', $Params, '', true);
    $NoTag = val('notag', $Params, false, true);
    $CustomFormat = val('format', $Params, false, true);
    if (!$Text && $Path != 'signinout' && $Path != 'signin') {
        $NoTag = true;
    if ($CustomFormat) {
        $Format = $CustomFormat;
    } elseif ($NoTag) {
        $Format = '%url';
    } else {
        $Format = '<a href="%url" class="%class">%text</a>';
    $Options = array();
    if (isset($Params['withdomain'])) {
        $Options['WithDomain'] = $Params['withdomain'];
    if (isset($Params['class'])) {
        $Options['class'] = $Params['class'];
    if (isset($Params['tk'])) {
        $Options['TK'] = $Params['tk'];
    if (isset($Params['target'])) {
        $Options['Target'] = $Params['target'];
    $Result = Gdn_Theme::link($Path, $Text, $Format, $Options);
    return $Result;
Beispiel #2
  * Map an API request to a resource
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  Gdn_Dispatcher $sender
  * @return void
 public function Gdn_Dispatcher_beforeDispatch_handler($sender)
     $path = APIEngine::getRequestURI();
     // Set the call and resource paths if they exist
     $call = val(0, $path);
     $resource = val(1, $path);
     // Abandon the dispatch if this isn't an API call with a valid resource
     if ($call != "api" || !$resource) {
     try {
         // Mark the dispatch with the API version
         $sender->API = c("API.Version", "Undefined");
         // Attempt dispatching the API request
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         // As we can"t pass an object to WithControllerMethod(), we extract
         // the values we need manually before passing them on. The exception
         // message is Base64 encoded as WithControllerMethod() mangles
         // the formatting.
         $code = $exception->getCode();
         $message = base64_encode($exception->getMessage());
         $arguments = [$code, $message];
         // Call the Exception method if an exception is thrown
         Gdn::request()->withControllerMethod("API", "Exception", $arguments);
 * @param array $Params
 * @param object $Smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_signin_link($Params, &$Smarty)
    if (!Gdn::session()->isValid()) {
        $Wrap = val('wrap', $Params, 'li');
        return Gdn_Theme::link('signinout', val('text', $Params, ''), val('format', $Params, wrap('<a href="%url" rel="nofollow" class="%class">%text</a>', $Wrap)), $Params);
Beispiel #4
  * Token-based, per-request authentication
  * This method takes the entire request string and turns the query into an
  * array of data. It then uses all the data to generate a signature the same
  * way it got generated on the client. If the server signature and client
  * token match, the client is considered legimate and the request is served.
  * Based on initial work by Diego Zanella
  * @link
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @throws Exception
  * @return void
  * @static
 public static function authenticateRequest()
     $username = getIncomingValue("username");
     $email = getIncomingValue("email");
     if (!$username && !$email) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.User.Missing"), 401);
     if (!($userID = static::getUserID($username, $email))) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.User.Invalid"), 401);
     if (!($timestamp = getIncomingValue("timestamp"))) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.Timestamp.Missing"), 401);
     // Make sure that request is still valid
     if (abs($timestamp - time()) > c("API.Expiration")) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.Timestamp.Invalid"), 401);
     if (!($token = getIncomingValue("token"))) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.Token.Missing"), 401);
     $parsedUrl = parse_url(Gdn::request()->pathAndQuery());
     // Turn the request query data into an array to be used in the token
     // generation
     parse_str(val("query", $parsedUrl, []), $data);
     // Unset the values we don't want to include in the token generation
     unset($data["token"], $data["DeliveryType"], $data["DeliveryMethod"]);
     if ($token != ($signature = static::generateSignature($data))) {
         throw new Exception(t("API.Error.Token.Invalid"), 401);
     // Now that the client has been thoroughly verified, start a session for
     // the duration of the request using the User ID specified earlier
     if ($token == $signature) {
         Gdn::session()->start(intval($userID), false);
Beispiel #5
 * @param $Data
function _checkTable($Data)
    echo "<table class='Data' width='100%' style='table-layout: fixed;'>\n";
    echo "<thead><tr><td width='20%'>Field</td><td width='45%'>Current</td><td width='35%'>File</td></tr></thead>";
    $First = true;
    foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value) {
        if (stringBeginsWith($Key, 'File_') || is_array($Value) || $Key == 'Name') {
        $Value = Gdn_Format::html($Value);
        $FileValue = Gdn_Format::html(val('File_' . $Key, $Data));
        if ($Key == 'MD5') {
            $Value = substr($Value, 0, 10);
            $FileValue = substr($FileValue, 0, 10);
        if ($Key == 'FileSize') {
            $Value = Gdn_Upload::FormatFileSize($Value);
        echo "<tr><td>{$Key}</td><td>{$Value}</td>";
        if ($Error = val('File_Error', $Data)) {
            if ($First) {
                echo '<td rowspan="4">', htmlspecialchars($Error), '</td>';
        } else {
            echo "<td>{$FileValue}</td></tr>";
        echo "\n";
        $First = false;
    echo '</table>';
  * Register API endpoints
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  array $data
  * @return void
  * @static
 public static function register($data)
     static::get("/bans", ["controller" => "Settings", "method" => "bans", "arguments" => ["Page" => val("Page", $data)]]);
     static::post("/bans", ["controller" => "Settings", "method" => "bans", "arguments" => ["Action" => "add"]]);
     static::put("/bans/[i:ID]", ["controller" => "Settings", "method" => "bans", "arguments" => ["Action" => "edit"]]);
     static::delete("/bans/[i:ID]", ["controller" => "Settings", "method" => "bans", "arguments" => ["Action" => "delete"]]);
  * Calculate the user's default photo url.
  * @param array|object $user The user to examine.
  * @param array $options An array of options.
  * - Size: The size of the photo.
  * @return string Returns the vanillicon url for the user.
 function userPhotoDefaultUrl($user, $options = array())
     static $iconSize = null, $type = null;
     if ($iconSize === null) {
         $thumbSize = c('Garden.Thumbnail.Size');
         $iconSize = $thumbSize <= 50 ? 50 : 100;
     if ($type === null) {
         $type = c('Plugins.Vanillicon.Type');
     $size = val('Size', $options, $iconSize);
     $email = val('Email', $user);
     if (!$email) {
         $email = val('UserID', $user, 100);
     $hash = md5($email);
     $px = substr($hash, 0, 1);
     switch ($type) {
         case 'v2':
             $photoUrl = "//w{$px}{$hash}.svg";
             $photoUrl = "//w{$px}{$hash}_{$size}.png";
     return $photoUrl;
 public function UserModel_AfterSave_Handler($Sender)
     $FormValues = $Sender->EventArguments['FormPostValues'];
     $UserID = val('UserID', $FormValues, 0);
     $ThemeChooser = val('ThemeChooser', $FormValues, false);
     $this->SetUserMeta($UserID, 'Theme', $ThemeChooser);
 * Writes the search box to the page.
 * @param array The parameters passed into the function. This currently takes no parameters.
 * @param $smarty The smarty object rendering the template.
 * @return The url.
function smarty_function_searchbox($params, &$smarty)
    $placeholder = array_key_exists('placeholder', $params) ? val('placeholder', $params, '', true) : t('SearchBoxPlaceHolder', 'Search');
    $form = Gdn::factory('Form');
    $result = $form->open(array('action' => url('/search'), 'method' => 'get')) . $form->textBox('Search', array('placeholder' => $placeholder, 'accesskey' => '/')) . $form->button('Go', array('Name' => '')) . $form->close();
    return $result;
 * A placeholder for future menu items.
 * @param array $Params The parameters passed into the function.
 * @param Smarty $Smarty The smarty object rendering the template.
 * @return string
function smarty_function_custom_menu($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Controller = $Smarty->Controller;
    if (is_object($Menu = val('Menu', $Controller))) {
        $Format = val('format', $Params, wrap('<a href="%url" class="%class">%text</a>', val('wrap', $Params, 'li')));
        $Result = '';
        foreach ($Menu->Items as $Group) {
            foreach ($Group as $Item) {
                // Make sure the item is a custom item.
                if (valr('Attributes.Standard', $Item)) {
                // Make sure the user has permission for the item.
                if ($Permission = val('Permission', $Item)) {
                    if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission($Permission)) {
                if (($Url = val('Url', $Item)) && ($Text = val('Text', $Item))) {
                    $Attributes = val('Attributes', $Item);
                    $Result .= Gdn_Theme::link($Url, $Text, $Format, $Attributes) . "\r\n";
        return $Result;
    return '';
Beispiel #11
 * Renders an asset from the controller.
 * @param array $Params The parameters passed into the function.
 * The parameters that can be passed to this function are as follows.
 * - <b>name</b>: The name of the asset.
 * - <b>tag</b>: The type of tag to wrap the asset in.
 * - <b>id</b>: The id of the tag if different than the name.
 * @param object $Smarty Smarty The smarty object rendering the template.
 * @return string The rendered asset.
function smarty_function_asset($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Name = val('name', $Params);
    $Tag = val('tag', $Params, '');
    $Id = val('id', $Params, $Name);
    $Class = val('class', $Params, '');
    if ($Class != '') {
        $Class = ' class="' . $Class . '"';
    $Controller = $Smarty->Controller;
    $Controller->EventArguments['AssetName'] = $Name;
    $Result = '';
    $Result .= ob_get_clean();
    $Asset = $Controller->getAsset($Name);
    if (is_object($Asset)) {
        $Asset->AssetName = $Name;
        if (val('Visible', $Asset, true)) {
            $Asset = $Asset->toString();
        } else {
            $Asset = '';
    if (!empty($Tag)) {
        $Result .= '<' . $Tag . ' id="' . $Id . '"' . $Class . '>' . $Asset . '</' . $Tag . '>';
    } else {
        $Result .= $Asset;
    $Result .= ob_get_clean();
    return $Result;
Beispiel #12
 * @param array $Params
 * @param object $Smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_module($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Name = val('name', $Params);
    $Result = Gdn_Theme::module($Name, $Params);
    return $Result;
Beispiel #13
 public function events()
     if (!env('student')) {
     $updisciplineId = val($_REQUEST, 'updisciplineId');
     $learningMode = val($_REQUEST, 'learningMode');
     if (empty($updisciplineId) || empty($learningMode)) {
         throw new Exception('Missed required param', 404);
     $updiscipline = entry_sql('SELECT * FROM updiscipline WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId', array(':updisciplineId' => $updisciplineId));
     if (empty($updiscipline)) {
         throw new Exception('Updiscipline not found', 404);
     $groupPeriod = entry_sql('SELECT gp.* FROM group_history gh INNER JOIN group_period gp USING(groupPeriodId) WHERE gh.studentId=:studentId AND gp.sersemester=:sersemester', array('studentId' => studentId(), 'sersemester' => $updiscipline['sersemester']));
     if (empty($groupPeriod)) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot detect groupPeriod', 404);
     $events = entries_sql('SELECT * FROM event WHERE updisciplineId=:updisciplineId AND groupPeriodId=:groupPeriodId AND learningMode=:learningMode', array('groupPeriodId' => $groupPeriod['groupPeriodId'], 'updisciplineId' => $updiscipline['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $learningMode));
     array_walk($events, function (&$event, $k, $studentId) {
         $event['c'] = material::i($event['instanceType'])->c();
         $event['grade'] = material::i($event['instanceType'])->get_grade($event['instanceId'], $studentId);
     }, studentId());
     env('breadcrumbs', array(array(lng('up:disciplines'), '/?c=up'), array($updiscipline['disciplineName'], '/?c=up&amp;m=events&amp;updisciplineId=' . $updisciplineId . '&amp;learningMode=' . $learningMode), lng('up:events')));
     tpl('up/events', array('updiscipline' => $updiscipline, 'events' => $events, 'result' => entry_sql('SELECT * FROM result WHERE studentId=:studentId AND updisciplineId=:updisciplineId AND learningMode=:learningMode', array('studentId' => studentId(), 'updisciplineId' => $updiscipline['updisciplineId'], 'learningMode' => $learningMode))));
  * Is the application/plugin/theme removable?
  * @param string $Type self::TYPE_APPLICATION or self::TYPE_PLUGIN or self::TYPE_THEME
  * @param string $Name
  * @return boolean
 public static function isRemovable($Type, $Name)
     switch ($Type) {
         case self::TYPE_APPLICATION:
             $ApplicationManager = Gdn::Factory('ApplicationManager');
             if ($IsRemovable = !array_key_exists($Name, $ApplicationManager->EnabledApplications())) {
                 $ApplicationInfo = val($Name, $ApplicationManager->AvailableApplications(), array());
                 $ApplicationFolder = val('Folder', $ApplicationInfo, '');
                 $IsRemovable = IsWritable(PATH_APPLICATIONS . DS . $ApplicationFolder);
         case self::TYPE_PLUGIN:
             if ($IsRemovable = !array_key_exists($Name, Gdn::pluginManager()->EnabledPlugins())) {
                 $PluginInfo = val($Name, Gdn::pluginManager()->AvailablePlugins(), false);
                 $PluginFolder = val('Folder', $PluginInfo, false);
                 $IsRemovable = IsWritable(PATH_PLUGINS . DS . $PluginFolder);
         case self::TYPE_THEME:
             // TODO
             $IsRemovable = false;
     return $IsRemovable;
 * @param array $Params
 * @param object $Smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_nomobile_link($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Path = val('path', $Params, '', true);
    $Text = val('text', $Params, '', true);
    $Wrap = val('wrap', $Params, 'li');
    return Gdn_Theme::link('profile/nomobile', val('text', $Params, t("Full Site")), val('format', $Params, wrap('<a href="%url" class="%class">%text</a>', $Wrap)));
  * @param $JsonResponse
  * @param $RawResponse
 public function securityTokenCallback($JsonResponse, $RawResponse)
     $SecurityToken = val('SecurityToken', $JsonResponse, null);
     if (!is_null($SecurityToken)) {
 * @param array $Params
 * @param object $Smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_dashboard_link($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Path = val('path', $Params, '', true);
    $Text = val('text', $Params, '', true);
    $Wrap = val('wrap', $Params, 'li');
    return Gdn_Theme::link('dashboard', val('text', $Params, ''), val('format', $Params, wrap('<a href="%url" class="%class">%text</a>', $Wrap)));
  * Build HTML.
  * @return string HTML.
 public function toString()
     if ($this->_UserData->numRows() == 0) {
         return '';
     $String = '';
     <div class="Box">
     echo panelHeading(t('In this Discussion'));
         <ul class="PanelInfo">
     foreach ($this->_UserData->Result() as $User) {
         echo anchor(wrap(wrap(Gdn_Format::date($User->DateLastActive, 'html')), 'span', array('class' => 'Aside')) . ' ' . wrap(wrap(val('Name', $User), 'span', array('class' => 'Username')), 'span'), userUrl($User));
     $String = ob_get_contents();
     return $String;
Beispiel #19
function writeConditionEdit($Condition, $Sender)
    $Px = $Sender->Prefix;
    $Form = new Gdn_Form();
    $Type = val(0, $Condition, '');
    $Field = val(1, $Condition, '');
    $Expr = val(2, $Condition, '');
    echo '<tr>';
    // Type.
    echo '<td>', $Form->DropDown($Px . 'Type[]', $Sender->Types, array('Value' => $Type, 'Class' => 'CondType')), '</td>';
    echo '<td>';
    // Permission fields.
    echo '<div class="Cond_permission"' . _DN($Type, Gdn_Condition::PERMISSION) . '>', $Form->DropDown($Px . 'PermissionField[]', $Sender->Permissions, array('Value' => $Type == Gdn_Condition::PERMISSION ? $Field : '')), '</div>';
    // Role fields.
    echo '<div class="Cond_role"' . _DN($Type, Gdn_Condition::ROLE) . '>', $Form->DropDown($Px . 'RoleField[]', $Sender->Roles, array('Value' => $Type == Gdn_Condition::ROLE ? $Field : '')), '</div>';
    // Textbox field.
    echo '<div class="Cond_request"' . _DN($Type, Gdn_Condition::REQUEST) . '>', $Form->textBox($Px . 'Field[]', array('Value' => $Type == Gdn_Condition::REQUEST ? $Field : ''));
    echo '</td>';
    // Expression.
    echo '<td>', '<div class="Cond_request"' . _DN($Type, Gdn_Condition::REQUEST) . '>', $Form->textBox($Px . 'Expr[]', array('Value' => $Type == Gdn_Condition::REQUEST ? $Expr : '')), '</div>', '</td>';
    // Buttons.
    echo '<td align="right">', '<a href="#" class="DeleteCondition">', t('Delete'), '</a></td>';
    echo '</tr>';
 public function discussionModel_afterSaveDiscussion_handler($Sender)
     $FormPostValues = val('FormPostValues', $Sender->EventArguments, array());
     $url = valr("Discussion.Url", $Sender->EventArguments);
     if (val('IsNewDiscussion', $FormPostValues, false) !== false) {
  * Add numbering index to discussion's comments.
  * @param DiscussionController $sender Sending controller instance.
  * @param array $args Event arguments.
 public function discussionController_commentInfo_handler($sender, $args)
     static $number = 2;
     $offset = val('Offset', $sender, 0);
     $commentNumber = $offset + $number;
     echo wrap(anchor('#' . $commentNumber, commentUrl($args['Comment'])), 'span', ['Class' => 'MItem PostNumbering Num-' . $commentNumber]);
     $number += 1;
  * @param $Sender
  * @param $Args
 public function categoriesController_afterDiscussionLabels_handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (!$this->hasLayoutTables() || isMobile()) {
         if (val('FirstUser', $Args)) {
             echo '<span class="MItem DiscussionAuthor">' . userAnchor(val('FirstUser', $Args)) . '</span>';
  * Register API endpoints
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  array $data
  * @return void
  * @static
 public static function register($data)
     static::get("/", ["controller" => "Messages", "method" => "all", "authenticate" => true, "arguments" => ["Page" => val("Page", $data)]]);
     static::get("/[i:ConversationID]", ["controller" => "Messages", "authenticate" => true, "arguments" => ["Offset" => val("Offset", $data), "Limit" => val("Limit", $data)]]);
     static::post("/", ["controller" => "Messages", "method" => "add"]);
     static::post("/[i:ConversationID]/messages", ["controller" => "Messages", "method" => "addMessage"]);
     static::delete("/[i:ConversationID]", ["controller" => "Messages", "method" => "clear", "arguments" => ["TransientKey" => Gdn::session()->transientKey()]]);
  * @param $group
  * @param $text
  * @param bool $permission
  * @param array $attributes
  * @return $this|void
 public function addItem($group, $text, $permission = false, $attributes = array())
     if ($permission === false) {
         $permission = true;
     $this->siteNavModule->addGroupIf($permission, $text, slugify($group), val('class', $attributes), '', $attributes);
     return $this;
  * @param $Sender
  * @param $Args
 public function categoriesController_afterDiscussionLabels_handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (c('Vanilla.Discussions.Layout') != 'table') {
         if (val('FirstUser', $Args)) {
             echo '<span class="MItem DiscussionAuthor">' . userAnchor(val('FirstUser', $Args)) . '</span>';
  * Update the configuration.
  * @return void
 protected function config()
     saveToConfig('Garden.Cookie.Salt', RandomString(10));
     $ApplicationInfo = [];
     include CombinePaths([PATH_APPLICATIONS . DS . 'dashboard' . DS . 'settings' . DS . 'about.php']);
     // Detect Internet connection for CDNs
     $Disconnected = !(bool) @fsockopen('', 80);
     saveToConfig(['Garden.Version' => arrayValue('Version', val('Dashboard', $ApplicationInfo, []), 'Undefined'), 'Garden.Cdns.Disable' => $Disconnected, 'Garden.CanProcessImages' => function_exists('gd_info'), 'EnabledPlugins.HtmLawed' => 'HtmLawed']);
  * Register API endpoints
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  array $data
  * @return void
  * @static
 public static function register($data)
     static::get("/", ["controller" => "Activity"]);
     static::get("/[i:ActivityID]", ["controller" => "Activity", "method" => "item"]);
     static::post("/", ["controller" => "Activity", "method" => "post", "arguments" => ["Notify" => val("Notify", $data)]]);
     static::post("/[i:ActivityID]/comments", ["controller" => "Activity", "method" => "comment"]);
     static::delete("/[i:ActivityID]", ["controller" => "Activity", "method" => "delete", "arguments" => ["TransientKey" => Gdn::session()->transientKey()]]);
     static::delete("/comments/[i:ID]", ["controller" => "Activity", "method" => "deleteComment", "arguments" => ["TK" => Gdn::session()->transientKey()]]);
 * Render a breadcrumb trail for the user based on the page they are on.
 * @param array $Params
 * @param object $Smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_breadcrumbs($Params, &$Smarty)
    $Breadcrumbs = $Smarty->Controller->data('Breadcrumbs');
    if (!is_array($Breadcrumbs)) {
        $Breadcrumbs = array();
    $Options = arrayTranslate($Params, array('homeurl' => 'HomeUrl', 'hidelast' => 'HideLast'));
    return Gdn_Theme::breadcrumbs($Breadcrumbs, val('homelink', $Params, true), $Options);
Beispiel #29
  * Register API endpoints
  * @since  0.1.0
  * @access public
  * @param  array $data
  * @return void
  * @static
 public static function register($data)
     static::get("/", ["controller" => "User", "authenticate" => true, "arguments" => ["Page" => val("Page", $data)]]);
     static::get("/[i:UserID]", ["controller" => "Profile"]);
     static::get("/summary", ["controller" => "User", "method" => "summary"]);
     static::post("/", ["controller" => "User", "method" => "add"]);
     static::put("/[i:UserID]", ["controller" => "User", "method" => "edit"]);
     static::delete("/[i:UserID]", ["controller" => "User", "method" => "delete", "arguments" => ["Method" => val("Method", $data)]]);
  * Delete a single draft.
  * Redirects user back to Index unless DeliveryType is set.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $DraftID Unique ID of draft to be deleted.
  * @param string $TransientKey Single-use hash to prove intent.
 public function delete($DraftID = '', $TransientKey = '')
     $Form = Gdn::factory('Form');
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     if (is_numeric($DraftID) && $DraftID > 0) {
         $Draft = $this->DraftModel->getID($DraftID);
     if ($Draft) {
         if ($Session->validateTransientKey($TransientKey) && (val('InsertUserID', $Draft) == $Session->UserID || checkPermission('Garden.Community.Manage'))) {
             // Delete the draft
             if (!$this->DraftModel->deleteID($DraftID)) {
                 $Form->addError('Failed to delete draft');
         } else {
             throw permissionException('Garden.Community.Manage');
     } else {
         throw notFoundException('Draft');
     // Redirect
     if ($this->_DeliveryType === DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
         $Target = GetIncomingValue('Target', '/drafts');
     // Return any errors
     if ($Form->errorCount() > 0) {
         $this->setJson('ErrorMessage', $Form->errors());
     // Render default view