public function view() { $dao = DAO::getDAO('UserDAO'); if (isset($this->params[0]) && trim($this->params[0]) == 'remove') { // ex: requesting: /user-list/delete/2 $id = trim(sanitizeString($this->params[1])); $dao->removeById($id); } else { if (isset($this->params[0]) && trim($this->params[0]) == 'add') { $randNum = mt_rand(0, 99999); $newUser = new User(array('firstName' => 'First', 'lastName' => 'LastName', 'username' => "test{$randNum}", 'email' => "test{$randNum}", 'createTime' => dbDateTime())); // #TODO: implement UserDao.create($newUser) instead. if ($dao->countAll() > 30) { // Demo mode: clean up if too many users $dao->execute("DELETE FROM user"); $dao->execute("vacuum"); } $dao->insertInto("firstName, lastName, username, email, createTime", $newUser->getFields()); } } $users = $dao->getAll(); $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', 'User List'); $v->assign('inc_content', v('user_list.html')); $v->assign('users', $users); $v->assign('totalUsers', $dao->countAll()); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
/** * 支付 * * @param $param */ public function weixin($param) { if (!v('') || !Session::get('member.uid') || empty($param['goods_name']) || empty($param['fee']) || empty($param['body']) || empty($param['tid'])) { message('支付参数错误,请重新提交', 'back', 'error'); } if ($pay = Db::table('pay')->where('tid', $param['tid'])->first()) { if ($pay['status'] == 1) { message('定单已经支付完成', $param['back_url'], 'success'); } } $data['siteid'] = SITEID; $data['uid'] = Session::get('member.uid'); $data['tid'] = $param['tid']; $data['fee'] = $param['fee']; $data['goods_name'] = $param['goods_name']; $data['attach'] = isset($param['attach']) ? $param['attach'] : ''; //附加数据 $data['module'] = v(''); $data['body'] = $param['body']; $data['attach'] = $param['attach']; $data['status'] = 0; $data['is_usecard'] = isset($param['is_usecard']) ? $param['is_usecard'] : 0; $data['card_type'] = isset($param['card_type']) ? $param['card_type'] : ''; $data['card_id'] = isset($param['is_usecard']) ? $param['card_id'] : 0; $data['card_fee'] = isset($param['card_fee']) ? $param['card_fee'] : 0; if (empty($pay)) { Db::table('pay')->insertGetId($data); } Session::set('pay', ['tid' => $data['tid'], 'module' => v(''), 'siteid=' => SITEID]); View::with('data', $data); View::make('server/build/template/pay.html'); }
/** * Get content */ public function getContent() { session("name"); session_unset(); if (post("login")) { v("message", t("login.1")); $user = RDR_User::login(post("username"), post("password"), post("remember")); if ($user) { if (get("redirect")) { redirect(get("redirect")); } redirect(l("RDR_Home"), 302); } } ?> <div class="center"> <img src="<?php echo url()->getByAlias("public", "img/logo-1.png"); ?> " alt=""/> </div> <?php $table = new Form_Table($this->getForm()); $table->addSubmit("Login"); echo $table->getHtml(); }
public function post() { if (IS_POST) { $data = json_decode(Request::post('keyword'), TRUE); $data['rank'] = $data['istop'] == 1 ? 255 : min(255, intval($data['rank'])); $data['module'] = v(''); $data['keywords'] = $data['keyword']; $rid = service('WeChat')->rule($data); //调用模块的执行方法 $module = new $this->moduleClass(); //字段验证 if ($msg = $module->fieldsValidate($rid)) { message($msg, 'back', 'error'); } //使模块保存回复内容 $module->fieldsSubmit($rid); message('规则保存成功', u('post', ['rid' => $rid, 'm' => v('')])); } //获取关键词回复 if ($rid = Request::get('rid')) { $data = Db::table('rule')->find($rid); if (empty($data)) { message('回复规则不存在', 'back', 'error'); } $data['keyword'] = Db::table('rule_keyword')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->where('rid', $rid)->get(); View::with('rule', $data); } $module = new $this->moduleClass(); $moduleForm = $module->fieldsDisplay($rid); return view()->with('moduleForm', $moduleForm); }
/** * execute tests */ public function test($action, $context) { $action = us($action); $test_data_dir = $context->getFile(s('%APPLICATION_DIR%/test_data/class/io')); switch ($action) { case "combined_regex": $filter1 = new Charcoal_RegExFileFilter(s('/sample_file1\\.txt/')); $filter2 = new Charcoal_RegExFileFilter(s('/sample_file[23]\\.txt/')); $filter = new Charcoal_CombinedFileFilter(v(array($filter1, $filter2))); $files = $test_data_dir->listFiles($filter); $files_found = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $files_found[] = $file->getName(); } $expected = array('sample_file1.txt', 'sample_file2.txt', 'sample_file3.txt'); $this->assertEquals('array', gettype($files)); $this->assertEquals(3, count($files)); $this->assertEquals(array(), array_diff($files_found, $expected)); return TRUE; case "combined_wildcard": return TRUE; case "combined_complexed": return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
/** * * @param CUploadedFile $fileInstance */ public function addFile($fileInstance, $filename = false, $extraFormat = false) { $filePath = $this->pathToData . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->prefix . $this->id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $accessModel = new PropertyfileModel(); $generateName = 'u' . md5(uniqid("")); $fullNameParts = explode('.', $fileInstance->getName()); if (!$extraFormat) { $format = array_pop($fullNameParts); } else { $format = $extraFormat; } if (!$filename) { $filename = $generateName; } else { $filename = str_replace(' ', '', $filename); } $generateName .= $generateName . '.' . $format; $folder = YII::getPathOfAlias('' . $this->id) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($folder)) { return false; } $accessModel->unsetAttributes(); $accessModel->setAttributes(array('property_id' => $this->id, 'filename' => $filename . '.' . $format, 'systempath' => $generateName)); if (!$accessModel->save()) { return false; } if (!$fileInstance->saveAs($folder . $generateName, false)) { var_dump($filename . '.' . $format); v($folder . $generateName); return false; } $resultData = array('filename' => $filename, 'systemname' => $generateName, 'id' => $accessModel->getAttribute('id')); return $resultData; }
public function update($event, $val = null) { switch ($event) { case Render::CHUNK: $this->flags = $val; break; case Render::STANDALONE: if ($val) { $this->registerElementMap(static::getDefaultElementMap()); $this->registerTextMap(static::getDefaultTextMap()); } break; case Render::INIT: $this->setOutputDir(Config::output_dir() . strtolower($this->getFormatName()) . '/'); $this->postConstruct(); if (file_exists($this->getOutputDir())) { if (!is_dir($this->getOutputDir())) { v("Output directory is a file?", E_USER_ERROR); } } else { if (!mkdir($this->getOutputDir())) { v("Can't create output directory", E_USER_ERROR); } } if (Config::css()) { $this->fetchStylesheet(); } break; case Render::VERBOSE: v("Starting %s rendering", $this->getFormatName(), VERBOSE_FORMAT_RENDERING); break; } }
public function update($event, $val = null) { switch ($event) { case Render::CHUNK: case Render::STANDALONE: case Render::VERBOSE: parent::update($event, $val); break; case Render::INIT: $this->setOutputDir(Config::output_dir() . strtolower($this->getFormatName()) . '/'); $this->postConstruct(); if (file_exists($this->getOutputDir())) { if (!is_dir($this->getOutputDir())) { v("Output directory is a file?", E_USER_ERROR); } } else { if (!mkdir($this->getOutputDir(), 0777, true)) { v("Can't create output directory", E_USER_ERROR); } } if (Config::css()) { $this->fetchStylesheet(); } break; } }
public function delete_planet(array $params) { $planetID = array_val_required($params, 'planetID'); $planet = m('Planet', $planetID); $planet->delete(); v('json/success', 'Planet deleted'); }
public function register() { //系统维护检测 service('user')->checkSystemClose(); if (IS_POST) { Validate::make([['code', 'captcha', '验证码输入错误', 1], ['password', 'confirm:password2', '两次密码输入不一致', 3]]); //默认用户组 $User = new User(); $User['username'] = Request::post('username'); //用户组过期时间 $daylimit = Db::table('user_group')->where('id', v('config.register.groupid'))->pluck('daylimit'); $User['endtime'] = time() + $daylimit * 3600 * 24; //获取密码与加密密钥 $info = $User->getPasswordAndSecurity(); $User['password'] = $info['password']; $User['security'] = $info['security']; $User['email'] = Request::post('email'); $User['qq'] = Request::post('qq'); $User['mobile'] = Request::post('mobile'); $User['groupid'] = v('config.register.groupid'); $User['status'] = v('config.register.audit'); if (!$User->save()) { message($User->getError(), 'back', 'error'); } message('注册成功,请登录系统', u('login', ['from' => $_GET['from']])); } return view(); }
function execute_request(&$db) { // do not append or prepend anything to output if we have to download $output = v($_REQUEST["type"]) == 'download' ? false : true; if ($output) { startForm($db); } if (isset($_REQUEST["type"])) { $module_requested = $_REQUEST["type"]; $_REQUEST["query"] = trim(v($_REQUEST["query"], ""), " \t\r\n;"); $module = BASE_PATH . "/modules/" . $module_requested . ".php"; if (ctype_alpha($module_requested) && file_exists($module)) { require BASE_PATH . '/config/modules.php'; // check for module access type and allow/disallow as needed if (MODULE_ACCESS_MODE == 'deny' && in_array($module_requested, $DENY_MODULES)) { createErrorPage(); } else { if (MODULE_ACCESS_MODE == 'allow' && !in_array($module_requested, $ALLOW_MODULES)) { createErrorPage(); } else { include $module; function_exists('processRequest') ? processRequest($db) : createErrorGrid($db, ""); } } } else { createErrorPage(); } // unidentified type requested } if ($output) { print "</form>\n"; print "</body></html>"; } }
public function view() { $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', 'Our Products'); $v->assign('inc_content', v('products/jackets.html')); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
public function format_root_set($open, $name, $attrs, $props) { if ($open) { parent::newChunk(); $this->cchunk = $this->dchunk; $pdfDoc = new PdfWriter(); try { $pdfDoc->setCompressionMode(\HaruDoc::COMP_ALL); } catch (\HaruException $e) { v("PDF Compression failed, you need to compile libharu with Zlib...", E_USER_WARNING); } parent::setPdfDoc($pdfDoc); if (isset($attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["base"]) && ($base = $attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["base"])) { parent::setChunkInfo("xml-base", $base); } $id = $attrs[Reader::XMLNS_XML]["id"]; $this->cchunk["root-outline"] = $this->cchunk["id-to-outline"][$id] = $pdfDoc->createOutline(Format::getShortDescription($id), null, true); $this->setIdToPage($id); } else { $this->resolveLinks($this->cchunk["setname"]); $pdfDoc = parent::getPdfDoc(); v("Writing Full PDF Manual (%s)", $this->cchunk["setname"], VERBOSE_TOC_WRITING); $filename = $this->getOutputDir(); if (Config::output_filename()) { $filename .= Config::output_filename(); } else { $filename .= strtolower($this->getFormatName()) . $this->getExt(); } $pdfDoc->saveToFile($filename); unset($pdfDoc); } return ""; }
/** * Load the View */ public function onLoad() { needRole(RDR_User::ROLE_ADMIN, true); $this->user = new RDR_User(db()); if (get("id")) { $tmp = RDR_User::getById(get("id")); if ($tmp) { $this->user = $tmp; } } $this->form = $this->getForm(); if (post("save")) { if (!$this->form->validateAllFields()) { v("message", t("form.validation.error")); } elseif (post("password") && post("password") != post("password2")) { v("message", t("admin.user.2")); } else { $this->form->setObjectMembersBySubmittedValues($this->user); if (post("password")) { $this->user->setPassword(post("password")); } $this->user->store(); v("message", t("saved")); $this->form = $this->getForm(); } } view("RDR_BasicFrame", array("view" => $this)); }
public function view() { $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', 'About Us'); $v->assign('inc_content', v('editable_page.html')); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
function action_comments_list() { global $data; $comm = new model("comments"); $data["articles"] = $comm->page("service_id,object_id,id,ip,create_time,author,service_name"); v(); }
function displayUserForm(&$db, &$editor, $message, $action) { $dbList = $db->getDatabases(); $userList = $editor->getUsersList(); $privilegeNames = Privileges::getNames(); $dbPrivilegeNames = DbPrivileges::getNames(); // current user name is not plaintext in case of 'update' action $userName = ''; if ($action == 'update') { $obj = json_decode(v($_REQUEST['query'])); if (is_object($obj)) { $userName = $obj->username . '@' . $obj->hostname; } } else { $userName = v($_REQUEST['query']); } $currentUser = selectUser($userList, $userName); $privileges = array(); $dbPrivileges = array(); $userInfo = array(); if ($currentUser) { $privileges = $currentUser->getGlobalPrivileges(); foreach ($dbList as $db_name) { $dbPrivileges[$db_name] = $currentUser->getDbPrivileges($db_name); } $userInfo = array('username' => $currentUser->userName, 'host' => $currentUser->host); } $users = userOptions($userList, $currentUser); $replace = array('ID' => v($_REQUEST["id"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["id"]) : '', 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'USERS' => $users, 'USER_INFO' => json_encode($userInfo), 'DATABASES' => json_encode($dbList), 'PRIVILEGES' => json_encode($privileges), 'DB_PRIVILEGES' => json_encode($dbPrivileges), 'PRIVILEGE_NAMES' => json_encode($privilegeNames), 'DB_PRIVILEGE_NAMES' => json_encode($dbPrivilegeNames)); echo view('usermanager', $replace); }
public function view() { $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', t('product_page_title')); $v->assign('inc_content', v('products/our_products.html')); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
public function view() { $dao = DAO::getDAO('SearchDAO'); if (isset($this->params[0]) && trim($this->params[0]) == 'remove') { // ex: requesting: /search/delete/2 $id = trim(sanitizeString($this->params[1])); $dao->removeById($id); } else { if (isset($this->params[0]) && trim($this->params[0]) == 'add') { $randNum = mt_rand(0, 99999); $newSearch = new Search(array('username' => "test{$randNum}", 'email' => "test{$randNum}", 'created' => dbDateTime())); // #TODO: implement UserDao.create($newUser) instead. if ($dao->countAll() > 30) { // Demo mode: clean up if too many searchs $dao->execute("DELETE FROM searchs"); $dao->execute("vacuum"); } $dao->insertInto("username, email, created", $newSearch->getFields()); } } $search = $dao->getAll(); $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', 'Search List'); $v->assign('inc_content', v('search.html')); $v->assign('search', $search); $v->assign('totalSearch', $dao->countAll()); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
public function delete_inhabitant(array $params) { $inhabitantID = array_val_required($params, 'inhabitantID'); $inhabitant = m('inhabitant', $inhabitantID); $inhabitant->delete(); v('json/success', 'Inhabitant deleted'); }
function checklogin() { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $username = v('username'); $password = v('password'); $user_info = get_master_info($username); if ($user_info) { $realpass = md5($password); if ($realpass == $user_info['password']) { session_start(); $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['pass'] = md5($realpass); echo "<script>"; echo "window.location.href = '" . c($site_url) . "?c=backedit'"; echo "</script>"; } else { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('用户名或密码错误');"; echo "window.location.href = '" . c($site_url) . "?c=login'"; echo "</script>"; } } else { echo "<script>"; echo "alert('用户名或密码错误');"; echo "window.location.href = '" . c($site_url) . "?c=login'"; echo "</script>"; } }
public function login() { if (Auth::check()) { return redirect()->route('admin'); } else { return v(); } }
static function f() { function v() { echo __METHOD__; } v(); }
public function view() { $v = $this->smarty; $v->assign('title', t('home_page_title')); $v->assign('inc_content', v('welcome.html')); $v->assign('text_today', t('today_is', date('d/m/Y'))); $this->display($v, v('index.html')); }
function lawdetail() { $caseid = v('num'); $data['casecontent'] = get_law_by_id($caseid); $data['categorys'] = get_all_lawcat(); $data['catename'] = get_catname_by_cat($data['casecontent']['category']); $data['title'] = $data['top_title'] = $data['casecontent']['title']; render($data); }
function modify($id) { $data = array(); $data['title'] = z(v('title')); $data['subtitle'] = z(v('subtitle')); $data['state'] = z(v('state')); $this->db->where('id', $id)->limit(1); $this->db->update('w2_form', $data); }
public function test_v() { // hit $_REQUEST['name'] = 'oldtimes'; $this->assertEqual(v('name'), 'oldtimes'); // not hit unset($_REQUEST['name']); $this->assertEqual(v('name'), false); }
protected function moduleInitialize() { if ($name = q('get.m')) { v('module', Db::table('modules')->where('name', $name)->first()); } //扩展模块访问 if (!empty(Request::get('a'))) { Request::get('s', 'site/module/entry'); } }
public function getKeywords() { $key = q('post.key'); if ($key) { $content = Db::table('rule_keyword')->where("content LIKE '%{$key}%'")->where('siteid', SITEID)->where('status', 1)->get(); } else { $content = Db::table('rule_keyword')->where('siteid', v('site.siteid'))->where('status', 1)->limit(10)->get(); } ajax($content); }
public function remove() { $userGroup = new UserGroup(); foreach ((array) Request::post('id') as $id) { $userGroup->delete($id); //更改默认用户组 Db::table('user')->where('groupid', $id)->update(['groupid' => v('system.register.groupid')]); } message('更新用户组成功', 'lists', 'success'); }