function start_to_end($starts, $ends) { global $twentyfourhour_format; $start_date = utf8_strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $starts); if ($twentyfourhour_format) { $timeformat = "%H:%M:%S"; } else { # This bit's necessary, because it seems %p in strftime format # strings doesn't work $ampm = utf8_date("a", $starts); $timeformat = "%I:%M:%S{$ampm}"; } $start_time = utf8_strftime($timeformat, $starts); $end_date = utf8_strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $ends); if ($twentyfourhour_format) { $timeformat = "%H:%M:%S"; } else { # This bit's necessary, because it seems %p in strftime format # strings doesn't work $ampm = utf8_date("a", $ends); $timeformat = "%I:%M:%S{$ampm}"; } $end_time = utf8_strftime($timeformat, $ends); return $start_date . " " . $start_time . " - " . $end_date . " " . $end_time; }
function describe_span($starts, $ends) { global $twentyfourhour_format; $start_date = utf8_strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $starts); if ($twentyfourhour_format) { $timeformat = "%T"; } else { # This bit's necessary, because it seems %p in strftime format # strings doesn't work $ampm = utf8_date("a", $starts); $timeformat = "%I:%M:%S{$ampm}"; } $start_time = utf8_strftime($timeformat, $starts); $duration = $ends - $starts; if ($start_time == "00:00:00" && $duration == 60 * 60 * 24) { return $start_date . " - " . get_vocab("all_day"); } toTimeString($duration, $dur_units); return $start_date . " " . $start_time . " - " . $duration . " " . $dur_units; }
if (!$twentyfourhour_format && $start_hour > 12) { echo $start_hour - 12; } else { echo $start_hour; } ?> " MAXLENGTH=2>:<INPUT NAME="minute" SIZE=2 VALUE="<?php echo $start_min; ?> " MAXLENGTH=2> <?php if (!$twentyfourhour_format) { $checked = $start_hour < 12 ? "checked" : ""; echo "<INPUT NAME=\"ampm\" type=\"radio\" value=\"am\" {$checked}>" . utf8_date("a", mktime(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000)); $checked = $start_hour >= 12 ? "checked" : ""; echo "<INPUT NAME=\"ampm\" type=\"radio\" value=\"pm\" {$checked}>" . utf8_date("a", mktime(13, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2000)); } ?> </TD></TR> <?php } else { ?> <TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("period"); ?> </B></TD> <TD CLASS=CL> <SELECT NAME="period"> <?php foreach ($periods as $p_num => $p_val) { echo "<OPTION VALUE={$p_num}";
} } else { echo ' '; } } elseif ($descr != "") { #if it is booked then show echo " <a href=\"view_entry.php?id={$id}&area={$area}&day={$day}&month={$month}&year={$year}\" title=\"{$long_descr}\">{$descr}</a>"; } else { echo " \" "; } echo "</td>\n"; } # next lines to display times on right side if (FALSE != $times_right_side) { if ($enable_periods) { tdcell("red"); $time_t_stripped = preg_replace("/^0/", "", $time_t); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_vocab("highlight_line") . "\">" . $periods[$time_t_stripped] . "</a></td>\n"; } else { tdcell("red"); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\" title=\"" . get_vocab("highlight_line") . "\">" . utf8_date(hour_min_format(), $t) . "</a></td>\n"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; reset($rooms); } echo "</table>\n"; isset($output) ? print $output : ''; show_colour_key(); } include "";
# URL for highlighting a time. Don't use REQUEST_URI or you will get # the timetohighlight parameter duplicated each time you click. $hilite_url = "day.php?year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&area={$area}&timetohighlight"; # This is the main bit of the display # We loop through time and then the rooms we just got # if the today is a day which includes a DST change then use # the day after to generate timesteps through the day as this # will ensure a constant time step $dst_change != -1 ? $j = 1 : ($j = 0); for ($t = mktime($morningstarts, 0, 0, $month, $day + $j, $year); $t <= mktime($eveningends, $eveningends_minutes, 0, $month, $day + $j, $year); $t += $resolution) { # convert timestamps to HHMM format without leading zeros $time_t = date("Gi", $t); # Show the time linked to the URL for highlighting that time echo "<tr>"; tdcell("red"); echo "<a href=\"{$hilite_url}={$time_t}\">" . utf8_date(hour_min_format(), $t) . "</a></td>"; # Loop through the list of rooms we have for this area while (list($key, $room) = each($rooms)) { if (isset($today[$room][$time_t]["id"])) { $id = $today[$room][$time_t]["id"]; $color = $today[$room][$time_t]["color"]; $descr = htmlspecialchars($today[$room][$time_t]["data"]); $long_descr = $today[$room][$time_t]["long_descr"]; } else { unset($id); } # $c is the colour of the cell that the browser sees. White normally, # red if were hightlighting that line and a nice attractive green if the room is booked. # We tell if its booked by $id having something in it if (isset($id)) { $c = $color;