function getMenu() { $queryresult = getDbArray("SELECT * FROM `meal`"); $newresult = array(); //gruppieren des Arrays nach caterer foreach ($queryresult as $result) { $caterer_id = $result["caterer_id"]; $index_caterer = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $i < count($newresult); $i++) { if ($newresult[$i][0] == $caterer_id) { $index_caterer = $i; break; } } if ($index_caterer === FALSE) { $newresult[] = array($caterer_id); $index_caterer = count($newresult) - 1; } $newresult[$index_caterer][] = array($result["meal_name"], $result["meal_price"], $result["idmeal"]); } //kodieren in UTF8 $newresult = utf8($newresult); return $newresult; }
?> | `U+1F601` | GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES | | `:')` | <?php echo utf8(0x1f602); ?> | `U+1F602` | FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY | | `:-/` or `:/` | <?php echo utf8(0x1f612); ?> | `U+1F612` | UNAMUSED FACE | | <code>:-|</code> or <code>:|</code> | <?php echo utf8(0x1f614); ?> | `U+1F614` | PENSIVE FACE | | `*_*` | <?php echo utf8(0x1f60d); ?> | `U+1F60D` | SMILING FACE WITH HEART-SHAPED EYES | ## License ``` Copyright (c) <*****@*****.**> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
function print_char($c) { print " "; for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { print ", "; } $c = func_get_arg($i); print "0x" . dechex($c); if ($c >= 32) { print " '" . utf8($c) . "'"; } } print "\n"; }
$fnom_transmis = $tab_file['name']; $fnom_serveur = $tab_file['tmp_name']; $ftaille = $tab_file['size']; $ferreur = $tab_file['error']; if( (!file_exists($fnom_serveur)) || (!$ftaille) || ($ferreur) ) { require_once('./_inc/fonction_infos_serveur.php'); exit('Erreur : problème de transfert ! Fichier trop lourd ? min(memory_limit,post_max_size,upload_max_filesize)='.minimum_limitations_upload()); } $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($fnom_transmis,PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if(!in_array($extension,array('txt','csv'))) { exit('Erreur : l\'extension du fichier transmis est incorrecte !'); } $contenu_csv = file_get_contents($fnom_serveur); $contenu_csv = utf8($contenu_csv); // Mettre en UTF-8 si besoin $tab_lignes = extraire_lignes($contenu_csv); // Extraire les lignes du fichier $separateur = extraire_separateur_csv($tab_lignes[0]); // Déterminer la nature du séparateur // Pas de ligne d'en-tête à supprimer // Mémoriser les eleve_id de la 1ère ligne $tab_eleve = array(); $tab_elements = explode($separateur,$tab_lignes[0]); unset($tab_elements[0]); foreach ($tab_elements as $num_colonne => $element_contenu) { $eleve_id = clean_entier($element_contenu); if($eleve_id) { $tab_eleve[$num_colonne] = $eleve_id ; } }
function funGetValoresDeOpciones() { $u = ""; $query2 = mysql_query("select id_val_op, descripcion from valor_opcion") or die(mysql_error()); $json = array(array()); $indice = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) { $u = $u . $row['id_val_op'] . "=>" . $row['descripcion'] . "=>"; $json[$indice] = array('id_valor' => $row['id_val_op'], 'descripcion' => utf8($row['descripcion'])); $indice = $indice + 1; } return tojson($json, 2); }
public function getTitleAttribute() { return utf8(Cache::get('CrawledContent-' . $this->id . '-title', array_get($this->attributes, 'title', ''))); }
$studiengang_kz = $_GET['studiengang_kz']; } if ($studiengang_kz == 'undefined') { $studiengang_kz = ''; } $person_id = isset($_REQUEST['person_id']) ? $_REQUEST['person_id'] : ''; $ueberschreiben = isset($_REQUEST['ueberschreiben']) ? $_REQUEST['ueberschreiben'] : ''; $studiensemester_kurzbz = isset($_REQUEST['studiensemester_kurzbz']) ? $_REQUEST['studiensemester_kurzbz'] : ''; $ausbildungssemester = isset($_REQUEST['ausbildungssemester']) ? $_REQUEST['ausbildungssemester'] : '0'; $incoming = isset($_REQUEST['incoming']) ? true : false; $orgform_kurzbz = isset($_REQUEST['orgform_kurzbz']) ? $_REQUEST['orgform_kurzbz'] : ''; $studienplan_id = isset($_REQUEST['studienplan_id']) ? $_REQUEST['studienplan_id'] : ''; //end Parameter $geburtsdatum_error = false; $ausbildungsart = utf8($ausbildungsart); $anmerkungen = utf8($anmerkungen); // **** // * Generiert die Matrikelnummer // * FORMAT: 0710254001 // * 07 = Jahr // * 1/2/0 = WS/SS/incoming // * 0254 = Studiengangskennzahl vierstellig // * 001 = Laufende Nummer // **** function generateMatrikelnummer($studiengang_kz, $studiensemester_kurzbz) { $db = new basis_db(); $jahr = mb_substr($studiensemester_kurzbz, 4); $sem = mb_substr($studiensemester_kurzbz, 0, 2); if ($sem == 'SS') { $jahr = $jahr - 1;
function dir2Array($directory, $prevDir = '', $level = 0) { $array_items = array(); if ($dh = @opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($level <= $this->maxMenuLevel && !in_array($file, $this->ignore) && is_dir($directory . '/' . $file) && $file[0] != '.') { $array_items = array_merge($array_items, $this->dir2Array($directory . '/' . $file, $file, $level + 1)); $array_items[] = array('parent' => $prevDir, 'id' => utf8($file)); } } closedir($dh); } return inflate($array_items); }
/** * Execute action when called for explicitly by the user * @return void */ function run() { global $USER, $CONFIG, $Templates, $Controller; /** * User input types */ $_REQUEST->setType('w', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('h', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('mw', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('mh', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('ok', 'string'); $_REQUEST->setType('to', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('fcontent', 'any'); $_REQUEST->setType('action', 'string'); $_REQUEST->setType('imgrot', 'numeric'); $_REQUEST->setType('rot', 'numeric'); if (@filesize($this->path)) { if ($this->may($USER, READ)) { switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'edit': if ($this->may($USER, EDIT)) { if (in_array($this->extension, $CONFIG->extensions->plaintext)) { /** * Save changes */ if ($_REQUEST['editFile']) { file_put_contents($p, mb_detect_encoding(file_get_contents($p)) == "UTF-8" ? utf8($_REQUEST['fcontent']) : deutf8($_REQUEST['fcontent'])); if ($_REQUEST['mkcopy']) { redirect(array('id' => $copy->ID, 'action' => 'edit', 'ok' => 'true')); } } /** * Display page for editing plain text documents */ $tmp = new TextArea(__('File contents'), 'fcontent', utf8(file_get_contents($this->path))); $tmp->class = 'large'; $formfields[] = $tmp; unset($tmp); } $formfields[] = new Checkbox(__('Save as copy'), 'mkcopy', $_REQUEST['mkcopy']); $nav = '<div class="nav"><a href="' . url(array('id' => $this->DirID)) . '">' . icon('small/arrow_left') . __('Back') . '</a></div>'; $this->content = array('header' => __('Editing file') . ': ' . $this->basename, 'main' => $nav . $form->collection(new Set($formfields))); $t = 'admin'; if ($_REQUEST['popup']) { $t = 'popup'; } $Templates->{$t}->render(); } else { errorPage(401); } break; case 'download': default: if (strpos($this->path, $this->rootDir()) === 0) { $p = $this->path; $n = $this->basename; if (isImage($this->path) && ($_REQUEST['w'] || $_REQUEST['h'] || $_REQUEST['mw'] || $_REQUEST['mh'] || isset($_REQUEST['tr']) || isset($_REQUEST['tg']) || isset($_REQUEST['tb']) || isset($_REQUEST['rot'])) && function_exists("gd_info")) { $s = getimagesize($this->path); // s(1) / s(0) = h / w if ($_REQUEST['mw'] && $s[0] > $_REQUEST['mw']) { $_REQUEST['h'] = round($s[1] * $_REQUEST['mw'] / $s[0]); $_REQUEST['w'] = round($_REQUEST['mw']); } if ($_REQUEST['mh'] && $s[1] > $_REQUEST['mh']) { $_REQUEST['w'] = round($s[0] * $_REQUEST['mh'] / $s[1]); $_REQUEST['h'] = round($_REQUEST['mh']); } $p = $this->getConvertedImage($_REQUEST['w'], $_REQUEST['h'], $_REQUEST['rot'], $_REQUEST['tr'], $_REQUEST['tg'], $_REQUEST['tb'], false); $n = pathinfo($p, PATHINFO_BASENAME); } $this->stream($p); } } } else { while (ob_get_level()) { @ob_end_clean(); } die; } } }
clientBalansUpdate($z['client_id']); clientBalansUpdate($client_id); } $changes = _historyChange('Клиент', $z['client_id'], $client_id, _clientVal($z['client_id'], 'go'), _clientVal($client_id, 'go')) . _historyChange('Название', $z['name'], $name) . _historyChange('Описание', $z['about'], $about) . _historyChange('Количество', $z['count'], $count) . _historyChange('Адрес', $z['adres'], $adres) . _historyChange('Стоимость', _cena($z['pre_cost']), $pre_cost); if ($changes) { _history(array('type_id' => 72, 'client_id' => $z['client_id'], 'zayav_id' => $zayav_id, 'v1' => '<table>' . $changes . '</table>')); } jsonSuccess(); break; case 'zayav_spisok': $_POST['find'] = win1251($_POST['find']); $data = zayav_spisok($_POST); if ($data['filter']['page'] == 1) { $send['all'] = utf8($data['result']); } $send['spisok'] = utf8($data['spisok']); jsonSuccess($send); break; case 'zayav_status': if (!($zayav_id = _num($_POST['zayav_id']))) { jsonError(); } if (!($zayav_status = _num($_POST['status']))) { jsonError(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `zayav` WHERE `ws_id`=" . WS_ID . " AND !`deleted` AND `id`=" . $zayav_id; if (!($z = query_assoc($sql))) { jsonError(); } if ($z['status'] == $zayav_status) { jsonError();
function sql2csv($sql, $filename, $encode = "utf8") { $res = $sql; $colnames = array(); // get column captions and enclose them in doublequotes (") for ($i = 0; $i < $res->FieldCount(); $i++) { $fld = $res->FetchField($i); $colnames[] = '"' . $fld->name . '"'; } // insert column captions at the beginning of .csv file //replace some colnames $CSV .= str_replace(array("tema_id", "cuando", "tema", "date_estado"), array("internal_term_id", "date", "term", "date_status"), implode(";", $colnames)); // iterate through each row // replace single double-quotes with double double-quotes // and add values to .csv file contents if (SQLcount($res) > 0) { $CSV .= "\n"; while ($array = $res->FetchRow()) { //for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($row); $i++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $res->FieldCount(); $i++) { $array[$i] = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $array[$i]) . '"'; $CSV .= $array[$i] . ";"; } /* $CSV=substr($CSV,0,-1); */ $CSV .= "\n"; //$CSV .= "\n".implode(";", $array); } } // send output to browser as attachment (force to download file header('Expires: Mon, 1 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D,d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-type: text/csv;charset=latin1'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename); // print the final contents of .csv file print $encode == 'latin1' ? latin1($CSV) : utf8($CSV); }