private function sendMail($from_user, $to_address, $to_name) { global $wgSitename; $subject = wfMsg('newuseremailnotification-subject', $wgSitename); $body = wfMsg('newuseremailnotification-body', $wgSitename, $from_user->mName, $from_user->mRealName); $to = new MailAddress($to_address, $to_name); $sender = new MailAddress($from_user); $error = userMailer($to, $sender, $subject, $body); }
function notifyRequest($titleObj, $actualTitleObj) { global $wgUser, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgScript; $dbkey = $titleObj->getDBKey(); if ($actualTitleObj != null) { $dbkey = $actualTitleObj->getDBKey(); } //$sql = "SELECT user_name, user_real_name, user_email from page, revision, user where rev_user=user_id and page_namespace = " . NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST . " and page_title='" . $dbkey . "' and rev_page = page_id;"; $author_name = ""; if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $author_name = $wgUser->getRealName(); if ($author_name == "") { $author_name = $wgUser->getName(); } } $subject = wfMsg('howto', $titleObj->getText()); $text = wfMsg('howto', $titleObj->getText()) . "\n\n"; if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $text = wfMsg('request_answered_email_by_logged_in_user', $titleObj->getText(), $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/" . $titleObj->getDBKey(), $author_name, $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/User_talk:" . $wgUser->getName()); } else { $text = wfMsg('request_answered_email', $titleObj->getText(), $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/" . $titleObj->getDBKey()); } $dbr =& wfGetDB(DB_READ); $res = $dbr->select(array('page', 'revision', 'user'), array('user_name', 'user_real_name', 'user_email'), array('rev_user=user_id', 'page_namespace=' . NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST, 'page_title' => $dbkey, 'rev_page=page_id'), "notifyRequest", array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_id', 'LIMIT' => 1)); while (($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) != NULL) { $name = $row->user_real_name; if ($name == "") { $name = $row->user_name; } $email = $row->user_email; if ($email != "") { $to = new MailAddress($email); $from = new MailAddress("\"wikiHow\" <*****@*****.**>"); $mailResult = userMailer($to, $from, wfQuotedPrintable($subject), $text, false); } } $dbr->freeResult($res); }
function notifyRequest($titleObj, $actualTitleObj) { global $wgUser, $wgServer, $wgScriptPath, $wgScript; $dbkey = $titleObj->getDBKey(); if ($actualTitleObj) { $dbkey = $actualTitleObj->getDBKey(); } $author_name = ""; if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $author_name = $wgUser->getRealName(); if (!$author_name) { $author_name = $wgUser->getName(); } } $subject = wfMsg('howto', $titleObj->getText()); $text = wfMsg('howto', $titleObj->getText()) . "\n\n"; if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $text = wfMsg('request_answered_email_by_logged_in_user', $titleObj->getText(), $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/" . $titleObj->getDBKey(), $author_name, $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/User_talk:" . $wgUser->getName()); } else { $text = wfMsg('request_answered_email', $titleObj->getText(), $wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/" . $titleObj->getDBKey()); } $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_READ); $res = $dbr->select(array('page', 'revision', 'user'), array('user_name', 'user_real_name', 'user_email'), array('rev_user=user_id', 'page_namespace=' . NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST, 'page_title' => $dbkey, 'rev_page=page_id'), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_id', 'LIMIT' => 1)); foreach ($res as $row) { $name = $row->user_real_name; if (!$name) { $name = $row->user_name; } $email = $row->user_email; if ($email) { $to = new MailAddress($email); $from = new MailAddress('"wikiHow" <*****@*****.**>'); $mailResult = userMailer($to, $from, wfQuotedPrintable($subject), $text, false); } } $dbr->freeResult($res); }
/** * Send an e-mail to this user's account. Does not check for * confirmed status or validity. * * @param string $subject * @param string $body * @param strong $from Optional from address; default $wgPasswordSender will be used otherwise. * @return mixed True on success, a WikiError object on failure. */ function sendMail($subject, $body, $from = null) { if (is_null($from)) { global $wgPasswordSender; $from = $wgPasswordSender; } require_once 'UserMailer.php'; $to = new MailAddress($this); $sender = new MailAddress($from); $error = userMailer($to, $sender, $subject, $body); if ($error == '') { return true; } else { return new WikiError($error); } }
/** * Send email to external addresses */ function sendExternalMails() { global $wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets, $wgContLang; foreach ($wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets as $target) { $message = $this->makeMessage($target, $this->user); userMailer($this->mailAddress($target), $this->mailAddress($this->sender), $this->makeSubject(), $message); } }
function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $to = new MailAddress($this->target); $from = new MailAddress($wgUser); $subject = $this->subject; if (wfRunHooks('EmailUser', array(&$to, &$from, &$subject, &$this->text))) { $mailResult = userMailer($to, $from, $subject, $this->text); if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) { $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $mailResult); } else { $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Emailuser"); $encTarget = wfUrlencode($this->target->getName()); $wgOut->redirect($titleObj->getFullURL("target={$encTarget}&action=success")); wfRunHooks('EmailUserComplete', array($to, $from, $subject, $this->text)); } } }
function execute($par) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgTitle, $wgMemc, $wgDBname, $wgScriptPath; global $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode; global $wgScript; $fname = "wfSpecialEmailLink"; if ($wgRequest->getVal('fromajax')) { $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); } $this->setHeaders(); $me = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "EmailLink"); $action = $me->getFullURL(); $fc = new FancyCaptcha(); $pass_captcha = true; $name = $from = $r1 = $r2 = $r3 = $m = ""; if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) { $pass_captcha = $fc->passCaptcha(); $email = $wgRequest->getVal("email"); $name = $wgRequest->getVal("name"); $recipient1 = $wgRequest->getVal('recipient1'); $recipient2 = $wgRequest->getVal('recipient2'); $recipient3 = $wgRequest->getVal('recipient3'); if (preg_match("@kittens683\\", $recipient1) || preg_match("@kittens683\\", $recipient2) || preg_match("@kittens683\\", $recipient3)) { return; } $message = $wgRequest->getVal('message'); } if (!$wgRequest->wasPosted() || !$pass_captcha) { if ($wgUser->getID() > 0 && !$wgUser->canSendEmail()) { $userEmail = $wgUser->getEmail(); // If there is no verification time stamp and no email on record, show initial message to have a user input a valid email address if (empty($userEmail)) { wfDebug("User can't send.\n"); $wgOut->errorpage("mailnologin", "mailnologintext"); } else { // When user does have an email on record, but has not verified it yet wfDebug("User can't send without verification.\n"); $wgOut->errorpage("mailnologin", "mailnotverified"); } return; } $titleKey = isset($par) ? $par : $wgRequest->getVal('target'); if ($titleKey == "") { $wgOut->addHTML("<br/></br><font color=red>" . wfMsg('error-no-title') . "</font>"); return; } $titleObj = Title::newFromURL($titleKey); if (!$titleObj) { $titleObj = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($titleKey)); } if (!$titleObj || $titleObj->getArticleID() < 0) { $wgOut->addHTML("<br/></br><font color=red>" . wfMsg('error-article-not-found') . "</font>"); return; } else { $titleKey = $titleObj->getDBKey(); } $articleObj = new Article($titleObj); $subject = $titleObj->getText(); $titleText = $titleObj->getText(); if (WikihowArticleEditor::articleIsWikiHow($articleObj)) { $subject = wfMsg('howto', $subject); $titleText = wfMsg('howto', $titleText); } $subject = wfMsg('wikihow-article-subject', $subject); if ($titleObj->getText() == wfMsg('mainpage')) { $subject = wfMsg('wikihow-article-subject-main-page'); } // add the form HTML $article_title = wfMsg('article') . ":"; if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST) { $wgOut->addHTML("<br/><br/>" . wfMsg('know-someone-answer-topic-request')); $article_title = wfMsg('topic-requested') . ":"; } if ($titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_MAIN && $titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST && $titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_PROJECT) { $wgOut->errorPage('emaillink', 'emaillink_invalidpage'); return; } if ($titleObj->getText() == "Books For Africa") { $message = wfMsg('friend-sends-article-email-africa-body'); } $titleKey = urlencode($titleKey); $token = $this->getToken1(); $wgOut->addHTML("\n<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='" . wfGetPad('/extensions/wikihow/common/jquery-ui-themes/jquery-ui.css?rev=' . WH_SITEREV) . "' />\n<form id=\"emaillink\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$action}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"target\" value=\"{$titleKey}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"token\" value=\"{$token}\">\n<table border=\"0\">\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"1\" class='mw-label'>{$article_title}</td>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">{$titleText}</td>\n</tr>\n"); if ($wgUser->getID() <= 0) { $wgOut->addHTML("\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"1\" class='mw-label'>" . wfMsg('your-name') . ":</td>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"name\" value=\"{$name}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"1\" class='mw-label'>" . wfMsg('your-email') . ":</td>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"email\" value=\"{$email}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>"); } $wgOut->addHTML("\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" width=\"300px\" colspan=\"1\" rowspan='3' class='mw-label'>" . wfMsg('recipient-emails') . ":</td>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"recipient1\" value=\"{$recipient1}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"recipient2\" value=\"{$recipient2}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"recipient3\" value=\"{$recipient3}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>\n<!--<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"1\">" . wfMsg('emailsubject') . ":</td>\n<td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=text size=\"40\" name=\"subject\" value=\"{$subject}\" class='input_med'></td>\n</tr>-->\n<tr>\n<td colspan=\"1\" valign=\"top\" class='mw-label'>" . wfMsg('emailmessage') . ":</td>\n<td colspan=\"2\"><TEXTAREA rows=\"5\" cols=\"55\" name=\"message\">{$message}</TEXTAREA></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<TD> </TD>\n<TD colspan=\"2\"><br/>\n" . wfMsgWikiHTML('emaillink_captcha') . "\n" . ($pass_captcha ? "" : "<br><br/><font color='red'>Sorry, that phrase was incorrect, try again.</font><br/><br/>") . "\n" . $fc->getForm('') . "\n</TD>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<TD> </TD>\n<TD colspan=\"2\"><br/>\n<input type='submit' name=\"wpEmaiLinkSubmit\" value=\"" . wfMsg('submit') . "\" class=\"button primary\" />\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<TD colspan=\"3\">\n<br/><br/>\n" . wfMsg('share-message-three-friends') . "\n</TD>\n</TR>\n\n"); // do this if the user isn't logged in $wgOut->addHTML("</table> </form>"); } else { if ($wgUser->pingLimiter('emailfriend')) { $wgOut->rateLimited(); wfProfileOut("{$fname}-checks"); wfProfileOut($fname); return false; } $usertoken = $wgRequest->getVal('token'); $token1 = $this->getToken1(); $token2 = $this->getToken2(); if ($usertoken != $token1 && $usertoken != $token2) { $this->reject(); echo "token {$usertoken} {$token1} {$token2}\n"; exit; return; } // check referrer $good_referer = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "EmailLink")->getFullURL(); $referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; if (strpos($refer, $good_referer) != 0) { $this->reject(); echo "referrer bad\n"; exit; } // this is a post, accept the POST data and create the Request article $recipient1 = $_POST['recipient1']; $recipient2 = $_POST['recipient2']; $recipient3 = $_POST['recipient3']; $titleKey = $_POST['target']; $message = $_POST['message']; if ($titleKey == "Books-For-Africa") { $titleKey = "wikiHow:" . $titleKey; } $titleKey = urldecode($titleKey); $titleObj = Title::newFromDBKey($titleKey); if ($titleObj->getArticleID() <= 0) { $this->reject(); echo "no article id\n"; exit; } $dbkey = $titleObj->getDBKey(); $articleObj = new Article($titleObj); $subject = $titleObj->getText(); $how_to = $subject; if (WikihowArticleEditor::articleIsWikiHow($articleObj)) { $subject = wfMsg("howto", $subject); } $how_to = $subject; if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST) { $subject = wfMsg('subject-requested-howto') . ": " . wfMsg("howto", $subject); } else { if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT) { $subject = wfMsg('friend-sends-article-email-africa-subject'); } else { $subject = wfMsg('wikihow-article-subject', $subject); } } if ($titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_MAIN && $titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST && $titleObj->getNamespace() != NS_PROJECT) { $wgOut->errorPage('emaillink', 'emaillink_invalidpage'); return; } // for the body of the email $titleText = $titleObj->getText(); if ($titleText != wfMsg('mainpage')) { $summary = Article::getSection($articleObj->getContent(true), 0); // trip out all MW and HTML tags $summary = ereg_replace("<.*>", "", $summary); $summary = ereg_replace("\\[\\[.*\\]\\]", "", $summary); $summary = ereg_replace("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", "", $summary); } $url = $titleObj->getFullURL(); $from_name = ""; $validEmail = ""; if ($wgUser->getID() > 0) { $from_name = $wgUser->getName(); $real_name = $wgUser->getRealName(); if ($real_name != "") { $from_name = $real_name; } $email = $wgUser->getEmail(); if ($email != "") { $validEmail = $email; $from_name .= "<{$email}>"; } else { $from_name .= "<*****@*****.**>"; } } else { $email = $wgRequest->getVal("email"); $name = $wgRequest->getVal("name"); if ($email == "") { $email = "*****@*****.**"; } else { $validEmail = $email; } $from_name = "{$name} <{$email}>"; } if (strpos($email, "\n") !== false || strpos($recipient1, "\n") !== false || strpos($recipient2, "\n") !== false || strpos($recipient3, "\n") !== false || strpos($title, "\n") !== false) { echo "reciep\n"; exit; $this->reject(); return; } $r_array = array(); $num_recipients = 0; if ($recipient1 != "") { $num_recipients++; $x = split(";", $recipient1); $r_array[] = $x[0]; } if ($recipient2 != "") { $num_recipients++; $x = split(";", $recipient2); $r_array[] = $x[0]; } if ($recipient3 != "") { $num_recipients++; $x = split(";", $recipient3); $r_array[] = $x[0]; } if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT) { $r_array[] = '*****@*****.**'; } if ($validEmail != "" && !in_array($validEmail, $r_array)) { $num_recipients++; $r_array[] = $validEmail; } if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_ARTICLE_REQUEST) { $body = "{$message}\n\n----------------\n\n\t" . wfMsg('article-request-email', $how_to, "{$dbkey}&action=easy&requested={$dbkey}", "{$dbkey}", "" . wfMsg('writers-guide-url'), "" . wfMsg('about-wikihow-url') . ""); } else { if ($titleObj->getText() == wfMsg('mainpage')) { $body = "{$message}\n\n----------------\n\n\t" . wfMsg('friend-sends-article-email-main-page') . "\n\n\t"; } else { if ($titleObj->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT) { $body = "{$message}"; } else { $body = "{$message}\n\n----------------\n\n" . wfMsg('friend-sends-article-email', $how_to, $summary, $url) . "\n\n\t"; } } } $from = new MailAddress($email); foreach ($r_array as $address) { $address = preg_replace("@,.*@", "", $address); $to = new MailAddress($address); $sbody = $body; if ($address == $validEmail) { $sbody = wfMsg('copy-email-from-yourself') . "\n\n" . $sbody; } if (!userMailer($to, $from, $subject, $sbody, false)) { //echo "got an en error\n"; } } SiteStatsUpdate::addLinksEmailed($num_recipients); $this->thanks(); } }
/** * Does the per-user customizations to a notification e-mail (name, * timestamp in proper timezone, etc) and sends it out. * Returns true if the mail was sent successfully. * * @param User $watchingUser * @param object $mail * @return bool * @private */ function composeAndSendPersonalisedMail($watchingUser) { global $wgLang; // From the PHP manual: // Note: The to parameter cannot be an address in the form of "Something <*****@*****.**>". // The mail command will not parse this properly while talking with the MTA. $to = new MailAddress($watchingUser); $body = str_replace('$WATCHINGUSERNAME', $watchingUser->getName(), $this->body); $timecorrection = $watchingUser->getOption('timecorrection'); # $PAGEEDITDATE is the time and date of the page change # expressed in terms of individual local time of the notification # recipient, i.e. watching user $body = str_replace('$PAGEEDITDATE', $wgLang->timeanddate($this->timestamp, true, false, $timecorrection), $body); $error = userMailer($to, $this->from, $this->subject, $body, $this->replyto); return $error == ''; }
function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $to = new MailAddress($this->target); $from = new MailAddress($wgUser); $subject = $this->subject; if (wfRunHooks('EmailUser', array(&$to, &$from, &$subject, &$this->text))) { $mailResult = userMailer($to, $from, $subject, $this->text); if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) { $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $mailResult); } else { // if the user requested a copy of this mail, do this now, // unless they are emailing themselves, in which case one copy of the message is sufficient. if ($this->cc_me && $to != $from) { $cc_subject = wfMsg('emailccsubject', $this->target->getName(), $subject); if (wfRunHooks('EmailUser', array(&$from, &$from, &$cc_subject, &$this->text))) { $ccResult = userMailer($from, $from, $cc_subject, $this->text); if (WikiError::isError($ccResult)) { // At this stage, the user's CC mail has failed, but their // original mail has succeeded. It's unlikely, but still, what to do? // We can either show them an error, or we can say everything was fine, // or we can say we sort of failed AND sort of succeeded. Of these options, // simply saying there was an error is probably best. $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $ccResult); return; } } } $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor("Emailuser"); $encTarget = wfUrlencode($this->target->getName()); $wgOut->redirect($titleObj->getFullURL("target={$encTarget}&action=success")); wfRunHooks('EmailUserComplete', array($to, $from, $subject, $this->text)); } } }
function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgUser; $to = array(); $addrs = preg_split('/[,;]/', $this->target); $err = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($addrs); $i++) { $addr = trim($addrs[$i]); $u = null; if ($addr) { $u = User::newFromName($addr); } if (is_null($u) || $u->getID() == 0) { if (strpos($addr, '@') > 0) { $to[] = $addr; } } else { if (!$u->canReceiveEmail()) { $err = true; $wgOut->addHTML('<div class="error">' . wfMsg("noemailtext", $addr) . '</div>'); } else { $to[] = $u->getEmail(); } } } if ($err || count($to) == 0) { // have we already displayed the probable reason? $this->showForm($err ? '' : "Missing or invalid recipient email address / user name"); return; } $dest = new MailAddress(implode(", ", $to)); // hack to pass in multiple addresses to userMailer $from = new MailAddress($wgUser); $subject = $this->subject; $text = $this->text; if (wfRunHooks('Email', array(&$dest, &$from, &$subject, &$text))) { $mailResult = userMailer($dest, $from, $subject, $text); $destString = $dest->toString(); wfDebug("SpecialEmail email sent to: {$destString}\n"); if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) { $err = true; $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $mailResult); } else { $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Email"); $encTarget = wfUrlencode($this->returnTo); $wgOut->redirect($titleObj->getFullURL("returnto={$encTarget}&action=success")); wfRunHooks('EmailComplete', array($dest, $from, $subject, $text)); } } }
function run() { userMailer($this->params['to'], $this->params['from'], $this->params['subj'], $this->params['body'], $this->params['replyto']); return true; }
function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgOutputEncoding; $from = wfQuotedPrintable($wgUser->getName()) . " <" . $wgUser->getEmail() . ">"; $subject = wfQuotedPrintable($this->subject); if (wfRunHooks('EmailUser', array(&$this->mAddress, &$from, &$subject, &$this->text))) { $mailResult = userMailer($this->mAddress, $from, $subject, $this->text); if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) { $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $mailResult); } else { $titleObj = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Emailuser"); $encTarget = wfUrlencode($this->target); $wgOut->redirect($titleObj->getFullURL("target={$encTarget}&action=success")); wfRunHooks('EmailUserComplete', array($this->mAddress, $from, $subject, $this->text)); } } }
function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgContactSender, $wgContactSenderName; #TODO: check captcha $fname = 'EmailContactForm::doSubmit'; wfDebug("{$fname}: start\n"); $to = new MailAddress($this->target); $from = new MailAddress($wgContactSender, $wgContactSenderName); $replyto = $this->fromaddress ? new MailAddress($this->fromaddress, $this->fromname) : NULL; $subject = trim($this->subject); if ($subject === "") { $subject = wfMsgForContent("contactpage-defsubject"); } if ($this->fromname !== "") { $subject = wfMsgForContent("contactpage-subject-and-sender", $subject, $this->fromname); } if (wfRunHooks('ContactForm', array(&$to, &$replyto, &$subject, &$this->text))) { wfDebug("{$fname}: sending mail from " . $from->toString() . " to " . $to->toString() . " replyto " . ($replyto == null ? '-/-' : $replyto->toString()) . "\n"); #HACK: in MW 1.9, replyto must be a string, in MW 1.0, it must be an object! $ver = preg_replace('![^\\d._+]!', '', $GLOBALS['wgVersion']); $replyaddr = $replyto == null ? NULL : version_compare($ver, '1.10', '<') ? $replyto->toString() : $replyto; $mailResult = userMailer($to, $from, $subject, $this->text, $replyaddr); if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) { $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $mailResult); } else { // if the user requested a copy of this mail, do this now, // unless they are emailing themselves, in which case one copy of the message is sufficient. if ($this->cc_me && $replyto) { $cc_subject = wfMsg('emailccsubject', $this->target->getName(), $subject); if (wfRunHooks('ContactForm', array(&$from, &$replyto, &$cc_subject, &$this->text))) { wfDebug("{$fname}: sending cc mail from " . $from->toString() . " to " . $replyto->toString() . "\n"); $ccResult = userMailer($replyto, $from, $cc_subject, $this->text); if (WikiError::isError($ccResult)) { // At this stage, the user's CC mail has failed, but their // original mail has succeeded. It's unlikely, but still, what to do? // We can either show them an error, or we can say everything was fine, // or we can say we sort of failed AND sort of succeeded. Of these options, // simply saying there was an error is probably best. $wgOut->addHTML(wfMsg("usermailererror") . $ccResult); return; } } } wfDebug("{$fname}: success\n"); $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor("Contact"); $wgOut->redirect($titleObj->getFullURL("action=success")); wfRunHooks('ContactFromComplete', array($to, $replyto, $subject, $this->text)); } } wfDebug("{$fname}: end\n"); }