if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error; } else { include_once 'includes/fn_authorise.php'; // include_once('includes/fn_strings.php'); wip // include_once('includes/fn_formatting.php'); wip $menuFile = ''; $contentFile = ''; $contentMsg = ''; $loginAuthorised = $_COOKIE["loginAuthorised"] == "loginAuthorised"; } if (!$loginAuthorised) { // if there isn't a stored logged in username/pass, post a user/pass otherwise continue (to 34) $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; if (userAuthorised($username, $password, $link)) { // if user is authorised after posting user/pass, refresh page (back to 1) header("Location: index.php"); } else { $contentFile = 'includes/tp_loginform.php'; //if user is NOT authorised after posting user/pass, direct to login form include $contentFile; // manipulate later } } else { $accType = $_COOKIE["accType"]; $userID = $_COOKIE["userID"]; $status = $_GET['status']; } if (isset($status) and $status == "logout") { //if login status is set, and set to logout, delete auth cookie and refresh otherwise continue (to 44)
} $contentFile = ''; $contentMsg = ''; // connect to MYSQL /w info in external file // if mysql has a error, return it else if mysql has connected successfully, designate files as blank $loginAuthorised = $_COOKIE["loginAuthorised"] == "loginAuthorised"; if ($loginAuthorised) { $menuFile = 'includes/tp_crmMenu.php'; //sub-page that determines what options are shown based on acctype } else { $contentFile = 'includes/tp_loginForm.php'; //sets variable to redirect to login form } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; if (userAuthorised($username, $password)) { header("Location: index.php"); } else { $contentFile = 'includes/tp_loginForm.php'; } include_once 'includes/fn_authorise.php'; $accessLevel = $_COOKIE["accessLevel"]; $userID = $_COOKIE["userID"]; $status = $_GET['status']; if (isset($status) and $status == "logout") { setcookie("loginAuthorised", "", time() - 7200); header("Location: index.php"); } else { // This is where we manage CONTENT for LOGGED-IN users $menuFile = 'includes/tp_crmMenu.php'; $contentCode = $_GET['content'];