Beispiel #1
function mailto($address, $alternative = '(e-mail address hidden)')
    if (empty($address)) {
        return ' ';
    } else {
        $prog = urlenc("var a='" . urlenc(str_replace('@', '&#64;', $address)) . "';document.write('<a href=\"mailto:'+unescape(a)+'\">'+unescape(a)+'</a>');");
        return "<script type='text/javascript'>eval(unescape('" . q($prog) . "'));</script><noscript>" . q($alternative) . "</noscript>";
Beispiel #2
function renderdir($rootdir, $dir)
    global $ignore;
    $ret = '';
    $r = $fnlist = $dirlist = array();
    $r['index'] = null;
    if (($dir = safepath($rootdir, $dir)) === false) {
    $r['dir'] = $dir;
    $list = (array) uscandir(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir));
    if ($list === false) {
        redirect('index.php?base=' . $_GET['base']);
    foreach ($list as $e) {
        if ($e == '.' || $e == '..' || in_array(strtolower($e), $ignore)) {
        if (uis_dir(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e))) {
            $dirlist[] = $e;
        } else {
            $fnlist[] = $e;
    $index_file = tryindex($fnlist, $dir);
    if (!empty($index_file)) {
        $r['index'] = pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $index_file);
    foreach ($dirlist as $e) {
        $cfg = loadcfg(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e));
        if (isset($cfg['index'])) {
            $idx = pathjoin($dir, $e, upath($cfg['index']));
            $ahref = urlenc(pathjoin($rootdir, $idx));
            $img = 'thumb.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode($idx);
        } else {
            $ahref = 'index.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&dir=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e));
            $img = 'images/dir.gif';
        if (isset($cfg['icon'])) {
            $img = 'thumb.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e, upath($cfg['icon'])));
        $ret .= mkitem($e, $e, $e, '<a href="' . $ahref . '"' . ($cfg['target'] == '_blank' ? ' target="_blank"' : '') . '>', $img, istoday(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e)), ($dz = udirsize(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e))) > 0 ? '<br /><a name="pack" style="visibility: hidden; float:right;" href="pack.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&dir=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)) . '"><img alt="Download" title="Download - ' . fsize($dz) . '" src="images/pack.gif" /></a>' : '');
    foreach ($fnlist as $e) {
        if (isvideo($e) || isaudio($e)) {
            $ahref = '<a href="flowplayer.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)) . '">';
        } elseif (isimage($e)) {
            $ahref = '<a href="image.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)) . '">';
        } elseif (isweb($e)) {
            $ahref = '<a href="' . urlenc(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e)) . '">';
        } elseif (isdocument($e)) {
            $ahref = '<a href="document.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)) . '">';
        } elseif (iscode($e)) {
            $ahref = '<a href="code.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)) . '">';
        } else {
            $ahref = '<a href="' . urlenc(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e)) . '">';
        #		echo $dir.$e."\t".urlencode($dir.$e)."\n";
        $ret .= mkitem($e, $e, $e . ' - (' . fsize(ufilesize(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e))) . ')', $ahref, 'thumb.php?base=' . $_GET['base'] . '&file=' . urlencode(pathjoin($dir, $e)), istoday(pathjoin($rootdir, $dir, $e)), null);
    $r['html'] = $ret;
    return $r;
Beispiel #3
		plugins: {
			streaming: {
				url: 'flowplayer/flowplayer.pseudostreaming-3.2.7.swf'
			audio: {
				url: 'flowplayer/'
<br /><br />
<a href="<?php 
    echo urlenc($rootdir . $file);
" style="color:#555;">原始檔案下載(<?php 
    echo fsize(ufilesize($rootdir . $_GET['file']));
} else {
    $job = array('base' => $_GET['base'], 'file' => $file);
    $gmc = new Gearmanclient();
    $gmc->doBackground("webnautilus", serialize($job));
/** A caching arguments generator
 * It takes the current arguments array, and applies the action:
 * @param int $do	= 0 : Kill mode: kill arguments, others are saved
 * 				= 1 : Save mode: save arguments, others are deleted
 * @param string $args..	List of $_GET varnames to apply the $do to
 * @return string The generated arguments list, startting from '?' and with trailing '&'
 * The results are cached on 1st invoke: it's CPU-safe to reinvoke.
 * @example GET: "a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4"
 * 		mkuri(0,'a','b'); // "c=3&d=4&" // kill a,b
 * 		mkuri(1,'a','b'); // "a=1&b=2&" // save a,b
 * 		mkuri(0) = "kill nothing" // "a=1&b=2&c=3&d=4&"
function mkuri($do = 0)
    static $getk = null;
    static $kcache = array();
    // Reset the cache?
    if (is_null($do)) {
        $getk = null;
        $kcache = array();
    /* func args */
    $A = func_get_args();
    /* GET keys */
    if (is_null($getk)) {
        $getk = array_keys($_GET);
    /* Apply filter */
    $keys = $do == 1 ? array_intersect($A, $getk) : array_diff($getk, $A);
    /* Finish */
    $ret = '';
    foreach ($keys as $k) {
        if (!isset($kcache[$k])) {
            $kcache[$k] = urlenc(array($k => $_GET[$k]));
        $ret .= $kcache[$k];
    return $ret;
Beispiel #5
<body><!-- <?php 
echo $hash;
<div style="font-size:10pt;"><?php 
echo mklink(getbasename($_GET['base']), $file);
if (isspecimage($file)) {
抱歉,您的瀏覽器無法直接開啟這種格式的圖檔,麻煩<a href="<?php 
    echo urlenc($rootdir . $file);
} else {
<img onload="autozoom(this);" onclick="freezoom(this);" style="display:block; margin:auto; cursor:pointer;" src="<?php 
    echo urlenc(r($rootdir . $file));
" style="margin:auto;" title="<?php 
    echo basename($_GET['file']);
" />