Beispiel #1
/// It is important that this is done AFTER the quiz module has been upgraded
upgrade_plugins('qtype', 'question/type', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/index.php");
// Return here afterwards
/// Upgrade backup/restore system if necessary
/// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/backup/lib.php";
// Return here afterwards
/// Upgrade blocks system if necessary
/// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/lib/blocklib.php";
// Return here afterwards
/// Check all blocks and load (or upgrade them if necessary)
/// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
// Return here afterwards
/// Check all enrolment plugins and upgrade if necessary
/// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
upgrade_plugins('enrol', 'enrol', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/index.php");
// Return here afterwards
/// Check all auth plugins and upgrade if necessary
upgrade_plugins('auth', 'auth', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/index.php");
/// Check all course formats and upgrade if necessary
upgrade_plugins('format', 'course/format', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/index.php");
/// Check for local database customisations
/// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/lib/locallib.php";
// Return here afterwards
/// Check for changes to RPC functions
 // Don't return anywhere
 /// Check all questiontype plugins and upgrade if necessary
 /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
 /// It is important that this is done AFTER the quiz module has been upgraded
 if ($verbose > CLI_NO) {
     print_heading(get_string('upgradingqtypeplugin', 'install'), '', 1);
 upgrade_plugins('qtype', 'question/type', '');
 // Don't return anywhere
 /// Check all blocks and load (or upgrade them if necessary)
 /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
 if ($verbose > CLI_NO) {
     print_heading(get_string('upgradingblocksplugin', 'install'), '', 1);
 // Don't return anywhere
 /// Check all enrolment plugins and upgrade if necessary
 /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script
 if ($verbose > CLI_NO) {
     print_heading(get_string('upgradingenrolplugin', 'install'), '', 1);
 upgrade_plugins('enrol', 'enrol', '');
 // Don't return anywhere
 /// Check all course formats and upgrade if necessary
 if ($verbose > CLI_NO) {
     print_heading(get_string('upgradingcourseformatplugin', 'install'), '', 1);
 upgrade_plugins('format', 'course/format', '');
 // Don't return anywhere
 /// Check for local database customisations