function handle_milestone_completed($params) { $milestone_id = get_form_param($params, 'objectId'); $milestone = get_milestone($milestone_id); $project_name = trim($milestone['project-name']); $milestone_name = trim($milestone['title']); error_log('project name is ' . $project_name); error_log('milestone name is ' . $milestone_name); $task = find_task(['where' => json_encode(['' => ['_eq' => $milestone_name], '' => ['_eq' => $project_name], 'checklistRevision.checklist.status' => ['_eq' => 'Active'], 'checklistRevision.status' => ['_eq' => 'Active']]), 'include' => 'taskTemplate,checklistRevision.checklist', 'orderBy' => '+checklistRevision.createdDate', 'limit' => 1]); if (!empty($task)) { update_task($task['id'], ['status' => 'Completed']); error_log("succeeded to update task '{$task['id']}'"); } else { error_log("no task found in Process Street for milestone '{$milestone_name}' in project '{$project_name}'"); } http_response_code(200); exit; }
/** FINALIZE SCAN TASK * * @param $tid - TASK ID * @param $type - TASK TYPE * @param $status - TASK STATUS (STOPPED - PERFORMED) * **/ function finalize_scan($tid, $type, $status) { //global $log; //$log->info('Task #'.$tid.' '.$type.' '.$status); //$log->info('Task #'.$tid.' start finalizing'); //LOAD DB $db = new Database(); //GET TASK $task = $db->query('select * from sys_tasks where id=' . $tid); //GET TASK ATTRIBUTES $attributes = json_decode($task['attributes'], TRUE); if ($type == 'scan_r' || $type == 'scan_p' || ($type = "scan_s")) { sleep(5); $id_obj = $attributes['id_obj']; if ($attributes['new'] == 'true') { // CREATE & ADD OBJ $_obj_data['obj_name'] = $attributes['obj_name'] == '' ? 'No name object' : $attributes['obj_name']; //$_obj_data['obj_name'] = 'scan_'.$_task_id.'_'.$_attributes['time']; $_obj_data['obj_description'] = 'Object created from scanning on ' . date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'); $_obj_data['date_insert'] = 'now()'; $_obj_data['user'] = $task['user']; $id_obj = $db->insert('sys_objects', $_obj_data); } if (!isset($attributes['pprocess_file'])) { $attributes['pprocess_file'] = 'cloud_' . $tid . '.asc'; } // INSERT ASC FILE RECORD TO DB $_data_file['file_name'] = $attributes['pprocess_file']; $_data_file['file_type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; $_data_file['file_path'] = '/var/www/upload/asc/'; $_data_file['full_path'] = '/var/www/upload/asc/' . $attributes['pprocess_file']; $_data_file['raw_name'] = str_replace('.asc', '', $attributes['pprocess_file']); $_data_file['orig_name'] = $attributes['pprocess_file']; $_data_file['client_name'] = $attributes['pprocess_file']; $_data_file['file_ext'] = '.asc'; $_data_file['file_size'] = filesize($attributes['folder'] . $attributes['pprocess_file']); $_data_file['insert_date'] = 'now()'; $_data_file['note'] = 'Cloud data file obtained by scanning in ' . ucfirst($attributes['mode_name']) . ' mode on ' . date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'); $id_file = $db->insert('sys_files', $_data_file); /** MOVE ASC FILE TO UPLOAD/ASC */ rename($attributes['folder'] . $attributes['pprocess_file'], $_data_file['full_path']); /** ASSOCIATE FILE TO OBJECT */ $_data_assoc['id_obj'] = $id_obj; $_data_assoc['id_file'] = $id_file; $id_assoc = $db->insert('sys_obj_files', $_data_assoc); /** UPDATE TASK */ $attributes['id_obj'] = $id_obj; $attributes['id_file'] = $id_file; $_data_update['attributes'] = json_encode($attributes); $db->update('sys_tasks', array('column' => 'id', 'value' => $tid, 'sign' => '='), $_data_update); $db->close(); } // EXEC MACRO END_SCAN $_time = time(); $_destination_trace = $attributes['folder'] . 'end_scan.trace'; $_destination_response = $attributes['folder'] . 'end_scan.log'; write_file($_destination_trace, '', 'w'); chmod($_destination_trace, 0777); write_file($_destination_response, '', 'w'); chmod($_destination_response, 0777); /** EXEC */ $_command = 'sudo python ' . PYTHON_PATH . ' end_scan ' . $_destination_trace . ' ' . $_destination_response . ' '; $_output_command = shell_exec($_command); //UPDATE TASK update_task($tid, $status); sleep(5); //REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY FILES shell_exec('sudo rm -rf ' . $attributes['folder']); //$log->info('Task #'.$tid.' end finalizing'); }
<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { $cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd']; switch ($cmd) { case 1: task_preview(); break; case 2: delete_task(); break; case 3: add_task(); break; case 4: update_task(); break; case 5: display_tasks(); break; case 6: search_task(); break; case 7: user_login(); break; case 8: delete_tasks(); break; case 9: select_collaborator();
$return['error'] = 'Vous devez étre connecté pour effectuer cette action'; } break; case 'deleteTask': if ($myUser != false) { delete_task($_['i']); $return['info'] = 'Tâche correctement suprimée.'; } else { $return['error'] = 'Vous devez étre connecté pour effectuer cette action'; } break; case 'changeTaskState': if ($myUser != false) { $task = get_task($_['i']); $task['s'] = $_['s']; update_task($task); } else { $return['error'] = 'Vous devez étre connecté pour effectuer cette action'; } break; case 'login': if ($_['login'] == USER_LOGIN && $_['password'] == USER_PASSWORD) { $myUser = new stdClass(); $myUser->login = USER_LOGIN; $myUser->password = USER_PASSWORD; $_SESSION['currentUser'] = serialize($myUser); } header('location: ./index.php'); break; case 'logout': $_SESSION = array();
function update_revisions() { $projectid = $this->input->post('id'); $employeeid = $_SESSION['id']; $description = $this->input->post('description'); $background = $this->input->post('background'); $significance = $this->input->post('significance'); $latitude = $this->input->post('latitude'); $longitude = $this->input->post('longitude'); $locationname = $this->input->post('locationname'); $oldworkplans = json_decode($this->input->post('oldworkplans'), true); $newworkplans = json_decode($this->input->post('newworkplans'), true); $oldobjectives = json_decode($this->input->post('oldobjective')); $newobjectives = json_decode($this->input->post('newobjective')); $oldoutputs = json_decode($this->input->post('oldoutputs')); $newoutputs = json_decode($this->input->post('newoutputs')); if ($oldworkplans != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($oldworkplans); $x++) { $owp = $oldworkplans[$x]; $this->tasks_model->delete_employee_task($owp['id']); $this->tasks_model->delete_task_skillset($owp['id']); if ((int) $owp['type'] == 1) { if ((int) $owp['inv'] == 1) { $this->employee_model->add_task_to_employee($owp['id']); } for ($y = 0; $y < count($oldworkplans[$x]['workskills']); $y++) { $ws = $owp['workskills'][$y]; $this->tasks_model->add_skillset_to_task($ws, $owp['id']); } $fromto = $this->convertFormattedDate($owp['taskfrom'], $owp['taskto']); $this->tasks_model->update_task($owp['name'], $owp['milestone'], $fromto[0], $fromto[1], (int) $owp['numemp'], (int) $owp['priority'], $owp['outputs'], (int) $owp['id']); } else { $this->tasks_model->delete_task($owp['id']); } } } if ($newworkplans != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($newworkplans); $x++) { $nwp = $newworkplans[$x]; $fromto = $this->convertFormattedDate($nwp['taskfrom'], $owp['taskto']); update_task($nwp['name'], $nwp['milestone'], $fromto[0], $fromto[1], (int) $nwp['numemp'], (int) $nwp['priority'], $nwp['outputs'], 0); $id = $this->task_model->get_last_inserted_task(); for ($y = 0; count($nwp->workskills); $y++) { $ws = $nwp['workskills'][$y]; $this->tasks_model->add_skillset_to_task($ws, $nwp['id']); } if ((int) $nwp['inv'] == 1) { $this->employee_model->add_task_to_employee($id); } } } if ($oldobjectives != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($oldobjectives); $x++) { $oo = $oldobjectives[$x]; if ((int) $oo->stat == 1) { $this->objectives_model->update_objective($oo->value, $oo->id); } else { $this->objectives_model->delete_objective($oo->id); } } } if ($newobjectives != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($newobjectives); $x++) { $no = $newobjectives[$x]; $this->objectives_model->add_objective($oo->value, $projectid); } } if ($oldoutputs != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($oldoutputs); $x++) { $oo = $oldoutputs[$x]; if ((int) $oo->type == 1) { $this->outputs_model->update_output($oo->eoutput, $oo->pindicator, (int) $oo->id); } else { $this->outputs_model->delete_output((int) $oo->id); } } } if ($newoutputs != "") { for ($x = 0; $x < count($newoutputs); $x++) { $no = $newoutputs[$x]; $this->outputs_model->update_output($no->eoutput, $no->pindicator, 0, $projectid); } } /*$this->project_model->update_project_details($description,$background,$significance,$latitude,$longitude,$locationname,$projectid); $this->delete_director_revisions($projectid);*/ }