Beispiel #1
  * Sets the specified account settings to the current user.
  * A table with | Setting label | value | is expected.
  * @Given /^I set the following account settings values:$/
  * @param TableNode $table
 public function i_set_account_settings(TableNode $table)
     global $USER;
     $prefs = array();
     foreach ($table->getHash() as $accountpref) {
         $prefs[$accountpref['field']] = $accountpref['value'];
     // Validate the settings
     if (isset($prefs['urlid']) && get_config('cleanurls') && $prefs['urlid'] != $USER->get('urlid')) {
         if (strlen($prefs['urlid']) < 3) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid urlid: " . get_string('rule.minlength.minlength', 'pieforms', 3));
         } else {
             if (record_exists('usr', 'urlid', $prefs['urlid'])) {
                 throw new Exception("Invalid urlid: " . get_string('urlalreadytaken', 'account'));
     if (get_config('allowmobileuploads')) {
         foreach ($prefs['mobileuploadtoken'] as $k => $text) {
             if (strlen($text) > 0 && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9 !@#$%^&*()\\-_=+\\[{\\]};:\'",<\\.>\\/?]{6,}$/', $text)) {
                 throw new Exception("Invalid mobileuploadtoken: " . get_string('badmobileuploadtoken', 'account'));
     // Update user's account settings
     // use this as looping through values is not safe.
     $expectedprefs = expected_account_preferences();
     if (isset($prefs['maildisabled']) && $prefs['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($USER->get('id'), 'maildisabled') == 1) {
         // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled
         // on the next send attempt
         $u = new StdClass();
         $u->email = $USER->get('email');
         $u->id = $USER->get('id');
         update_bounce_count($u, true);
         update_send_count($u, true);
     // Remember the user's language & theme prefs, so we can reload the page if they change them
     $oldlang = $USER->get_account_preference('lang');
     $oldtheme = $USER->get_account_preference('theme');
     $oldgroupsideblockmaxgroups = $USER->get_account_preference('groupsideblockmaxgroups');
     $oldgroupsideblocksortby = $USER->get_account_preference('groupsideblocksortby');
     if (get_config('allowmobileuploads') && isset($prefs['mobileuploadtoken'])) {
         // Make sure the mobile token is formatted / saved correctly
         $prefs['mobileuploadtoken'] = array_filter($prefs['mobileuploadtoken']);
         $new_token_pref = '|' . join('|', $prefs['mobileuploadtoken']) . '|';
         $USER->set_account_preference('mobileuploadtoken', $new_token_pref);
     // Set user account preferences
     foreach ($expectedprefs as $eprefkey => $epref) {
         if (isset($prefs[$eprefkey]) && $prefs[$eprefkey] !== get_account_preference($USER->get('id'), $eprefkey)) {
             $USER->set_account_preference($eprefkey, $prefs[$eprefkey]);
function edituser_site_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $authobj, $SESSION;
    if (!($user = get_record('usr', 'id', $values['id']))) {
        return false;
    if (is_using_probation()) {
        // Value should be between 0 and 10 inclusive
        $user->probation = ensure_valid_probation_points($values['probationpoints']);
    if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) {
        $user->quota = $values['quota'];
        // check if the user has gone over the quota notify limit
        $quotanotifylimit = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit');
        if ($quotanotifylimit <= 0 || $quotanotifylimit >= 100) {
            $quotanotifylimit = 100;
        $user->quotausedpercent = $user->quotaused / $user->quota * 100;
        $overlimit = false;
        if ($quotanotifylimit <= $user->quotausedpercent) {
            $overlimit = true;
        $notified = get_field('usr_account_preference', 'value', 'field', 'quota_exceeded_notified', 'usr', $user->id);
        if ($overlimit && '1' !== $notified) {
            require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/file/lib.php';
            ArtefactTypeFile::notify_users_threshold_exceeded(array($user), false);
            // no need to email admin as we can alert them right now
            $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('useroverquotathreshold', 'artefact.file', display_name($user)));
        } else {
            if ($notified && !$overlimit) {
                set_account_preference($user->id, 'quota_exceeded_notified', false);
    $unexpire = $user->expiry && strtotime($user->expiry) < time() && (empty($values['expiry']) || $values['expiry'] > time());
    $newexpiry = db_format_timestamp($values['expiry']);
    if ($user->expiry != $newexpiry) {
        $user->expiry = $newexpiry;
        if ($unexpire) {
            $user->expirymailsent = 0;
            $user->lastaccess = db_format_timestamp(time());
    // Try to kick the user from any active login sessions, before saving data.
    require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/session.php';
    if ($USER->get('admin')) {
        // Not editable by institutional admins
        $user->staff = (int) ($values['staff'] == 'on');
        $user->admin = (int) ($values['admin'] == 'on');
        if ($user->admin) {
    if ($values['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled') == 1) {
        // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled
        // on the next send attempt
        $u = new StdClass();
        $u->email = $user->email;
        $u->id = $user->id;
        update_bounce_count($u, true);
        update_send_count($u, true);
    set_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled', $values['maildisabled']);
    // process the change of the authinstance and or the remoteuser
    if (isset($values['authinstance']) && isset($values['remoteusername'])) {
        // Authinstance can be changed by institutional admins if both the
        // old and new authinstances belong to the admin's institutions
        $authinst = get_records_select_assoc('auth_instance', 'id = ? OR id = ?', array($values['authinstance'], $user->authinstance));
        // But don't bother if the auth instance doesn't take a remote username
        $authobj = AuthFactory::create($values['authinstance']);
        if ($USER->get('admin') || $USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$values['authinstance']]->institution) && ($USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$user->authinstance]->institution) || $user->authinstance == 1)) {
            if ($authobj->needs_remote_username()) {
                // determine the current remoteuser
                $current_remotename = get_field('auth_remote_user', 'remoteusername', 'authinstance', $user->authinstance, 'localusr', $user->id);
                if (!$current_remotename) {
                    $current_remotename = $user->username;
                // if the remoteuser is empty
                if (strlen(trim($values['remoteusername'])) == 0) {
                    delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $user->authinstance, 'localusr', $user->id);
                // what should the new remoteuser be
                $new_remoteuser = get_field('auth_remote_user', 'remoteusername', 'authinstance', $values['authinstance'], 'localusr', $user->id);
                // save the remotename for the target existence check
                $target_remotename = $new_remoteuser;
                if (!$new_remoteuser) {
                    $new_remoteuser = $user->username;
                if (strlen(trim($values['remoteusername'])) > 0) {
                    // value changed on page - use it
                    if ($values['remoteusername'] != $current_remotename) {
                        $new_remoteuser = $values['remoteusername'];
                // only update remote name if the input actually changed on the page  or it doesn't yet exist
                if ($current_remotename != $new_remoteuser || !$target_remotename) {
                    // only remove the ones related to this traget authinstance as we now allow multiple
                    // for dual login mechanisms
                    delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $values['authinstance'], 'localusr', $user->id);
                    insert_record('auth_remote_user', (object) array('authinstance' => $values['authinstance'], 'remoteusername' => $new_remoteuser, 'localusr' => $user->id));
            // update the ai on the user master
            $user->authinstance = $values['authinstance'];
            // update the global $authobj to match the new authinstance
            // this is used by the password/username change methods
            // if either/both has been requested at the same time
            $authobj = AuthFactory::create($user->authinstance);
    // Only change the pw if the new auth instance allows for it
    if (method_exists($authobj, 'change_password')) {
        $user->passwordchange = (int) (isset($values['passwordchange']) && $values['passwordchange'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0);
        if (isset($values['password']) && $values['password'] !== '') {
            $userobj = new User();
            $userobj = $userobj->find_by_id($user->id);
            $user->password = $authobj->change_password($userobj, $values['password']);
            $user->salt = $userobj->salt;
    } else {
        // inform the user that the chosen auth instance doesn't allow password changes
        // but only if they tried changing it
        if (isset($values['password']) && $values['password'] !== '') {
            $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('passwordchangenotallowed', 'admin'));
            // Set empty pw with salt
            $user->password = '';
            $user->salt = auth_get_random_salt();
    if (isset($values['username']) && $values['username'] !== '') {
        $userobj = new User();
        $userobj = $userobj->find_by_id($user->id);
        if ($userobj->username != $values['username']) {
            // Only change the username if the auth instance allows for it
            if (method_exists($authobj, 'change_username')) {
                // check the existence of the chosen username
                try {
                    if ($authobj->user_exists($values['username'])) {
                        // set an error message if it is already in use
                        $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('usernameexists', 'account'));
                } catch (AuthUnknownUserException $e) {
                    // update the username otherwise
                    $user->username = $authobj->change_username($userobj, $values['username']);
            } else {
                // inform the user that the chosen auth instance doesn't allow username changes
                $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('usernamechangenotallowed', 'admin'));
    // OVERWRITE 4: insert
    if (isset($values['email']) && !empty($values['email']) && $values['email'] != $user->email) {
        global $CFG;
        $user->email = $values['email'];
        $mhr_user = $CFG->current_app->getUserById($user->id);
    update_record('usr', $user);
    delete_records('usr_tag', 'usr', $user->id);
    if (is_array($values['tags'])) {
        $values['tags'] = check_case_sensitive($values['tags'], 'usr_tag');
        foreach (array_unique($values['tags']) as $tag) {
            if (empty($tag)) {
            insert_record('usr_tag', (object) array('usr' => $user->id, 'tag' => strtolower($tag)));
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('usersitesettingschanged', 'admin'));
    redirect('/admin/users/edit.php?id=' . $user->id);
 * Always use this function for all emails to users
 * @param object $userto user object to send email to. must contain firstname,lastname,preferredname,email
 * @param object $userfrom user object to send email from. If null, email will come from mahara
 * @param string $subject email subject
 * @param string $messagetext text version of email
 * @param string $messagehtml html version of email (will send both html and text)
 * @param array  $customheaders email headers
 * @throws EmailException
 * @throws EmailDisabledException
function email_user($userto, $userfrom, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml = '', $customheaders = null)
    global $IDPJUMPURL;
    static $mnetjumps = array();
    if (!get_config('sendemail')) {
        // You can entirely disable Mahara from sending any e-mail via the
        // 'sendemail' configuration variable
        return true;
    if (empty($userto)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("empty user given to email_user");
    if (!($mailinfo = can_receive_email($userto))) {
        throw new EmailDisabledException("email for this user has been disabled");
    // If the user is a remote xmlrpc user, trawl through the email text for URLs
    // to our wwwroot and modify the url to direct the user's browser to login at
    // their home site before hitting the link on this site
    if (!empty($userto->mnethostwwwroot) && !empty($userto->mnethostapp)) {
        require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/xmlrpc/lib.php';
        // Form the request url to hit the idp's jump.php
        if (isset($mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot])) {
            $IDPJUMPURL = $mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot];
        } else {
            $mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot] = $IDPJUMPURL = PluginAuthXmlrpc::get_jump_url_prefix($userto->mnethostwwwroot, $userto->mnethostapp);
        $wwwroot = get_config('wwwroot');
        $messagetext = preg_replace_callback('%(' . $wwwroot . '([\\w_:\\?=#&@/;.~-]*))%', 'localurl_to_jumpurl', $messagetext);
        $messagehtml = preg_replace_callback('%href=["\'`](' . $wwwroot . '([\\w_:\\?=#&@/;.~-]*))["\'`]%', 'localurl_to_jumpurl', $messagehtml);
    require_once 'phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
    $mail = new phpmailer();
    // Leaving this commented out - there's no reason for people to know this
    //$mail->Version = 'Mahara ' . get_config('release');
    $mail->PluginDir = get_config('libroot') . 'phpmailer/';
    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
    $smtphosts = get_config('smtphosts');
    if ($smtphosts == 'qmail') {
        // use Qmail system
    } else {
        if (empty($smtphosts)) {
            // use PHP mail() = sendmail
        } else {
            // use SMTP directly
            $mail->Host = get_config('smtphosts');
            if (get_config('smtpuser')) {
                // Use SMTP authentication
                $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
                $mail->Username = get_config('smtpuser');
                $mail->Password = get_config('smtppass');
    if (get_config('bounces_handle') && isset($mailinfo->owner)) {
        $mail->Sender = generate_email_processing_address($mailinfo->owner, $userto);
    if (empty($userfrom) || $userfrom->email == get_config('noreplyaddress')) {
        if (empty($mail->Sender)) {
            $mail->Sender = get_config('noreplyaddress');
        $mail->From = get_config('noreplyaddress');
        $mail->FromName = isset($userfrom->id) ? display_name($userfrom, $userto) : get_config('sitename');
        $customheaders[] = 'Precedence: Bulk';
        // Try to avoid pesky out of office responses
        $messagetext .= "\n\n" . get_string('pleasedonotreplytothismessage') . "\n";
        if ($messagehtml) {
            $messagehtml .= "\n\n<p>" . get_string('pleasedonotreplytothismessage') . "</p>\n";
    } else {
        if (empty($mail->Sender)) {
            $mail->Sender = $userfrom->email;
        $mail->From = $userfrom->email;
        $mail->FromName = display_name($userfrom, $userto);
    $replytoset = false;
    if (!empty($customheaders) && is_array($customheaders)) {
        foreach ($customheaders as $customheader) {
            if (0 === stripos($customheader, 'reply-to')) {
                $replytoset = true;
    if (!$replytoset) {
        $mail->AddReplyTo($mail->From, $mail->FromName);
    $mail->Subject = substr(stripslashes($subject), 0, 900);
    if ($to = get_config('sendallemailto')) {
        // Admins can configure the system to send all email to a given address
        // instead of whoever would receive it, useful for debugging.
        $notice = get_string('debugemail', 'mahara', display_name($userto, $userto), $userto->email);
        $messagetext = $notice . "\n\n" . $messagetext;
        if ($messagehtml) {
            $messagehtml = '<p>' . hsc($notice) . '</p>' . $messagehtml;
        $usertoname = display_name($userto, $userto, true) . ' (' . get_string('divertingemailto', 'mahara', $to) . ')';
    } else {
        $usertoname = display_name($userto, $userto);
        if (empty($userto->email)) {
            throw new EmailException("Cannot send email to {$usertoname} with subject {$subject}.  User has no primary email address set.");
        $mail->AddAddress($userto->email, $usertoname);
        $to = $userto->email;
    $mail->WordWrap = 79;
    if ($messagehtml) {
        $mail->Encoding = 'quoted-printable';
        $mail->Body = $messagehtml;
        $mail->AltBody = $messagetext;
    } else {
        $mail->Body = $messagetext;
    if ($mail->Send()) {
        if ($logfile = get_config('emaillog')) {
            $docroot = get_config('docroot');
            @($client = (string) $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            @($script = (string) $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
            if (strpos($script, $docroot) === 0) {
                $script = substr($script, strlen($docroot));
            $line = "{$to} <- {$mail->From} - " . str_shorten_text($mail->Subject, 200);
            @error_log('[' . date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . "] [{$client}] [{$script}] {$line}\n", 3, $logfile);
        // Update the count of sent mail
        return true;
    throw new EmailException("Couldn't send email to {$usertoname} with subject {$subject}. " . "Error from phpmailer was: " . $mail->ErrorInfo);
function edituser_site_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    if (!($user = get_record('usr', 'id', $values['id']))) {
        return false;
    if (isset($values['password']) && $values['password'] !== '') {
        $user->password = $values['password'];
        $user->salt = '';
    $user->passwordchange = (int) ($values['passwordchange'] == 'on');
    $user->quota = $values['quota'];
    $user->expiry = db_format_timestamp($values['expiry']);
    global $USER;
    if ($USER->get('admin')) {
        // Not editable by institutional admins
        $user->staff = (int) ($values['staff'] == 'on');
        $user->admin = (int) ($values['admin'] == 'on');
        if ($user->admin) {
    if ($values['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled') == 1) {
        // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled
        // on the next send attempt
        $u = new StdClass();
        $u->email = $user->email;
        $u->id = $user->id;
        update_bounce_count($u, true);
        update_send_count($u, true);
    set_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled', $values['maildisabled']);
    // Authinstance can be changed by institutional admins if both the
    // old and new authinstances belong to the admin's institutions
    $remotename = get_field('auth_remote_user', 'remoteusername', 'authinstance', $user->authinstance, 'localusr', $user->id);
    if (!$remotename) {
        $remotename = $user->username;
    if (isset($values['authinstance']) && ($values['authinstance'] != $user->authinstance || isset($values['remoteusername']) && $values['remoteusername'] != $remotename)) {
        $authinst = get_records_select_assoc('auth_instance', 'id = ? OR id = ?', array($values['authinstance'], $user->authinstance));
        if ($USER->get('admin') || $USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$values['authinstance']]->institution) && $USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$user->authinstance]->institution)) {
            delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'localusr', $user->id);
            if ($authinst[$values['authinstance']]->authname != 'internal') {
                if (isset($values['remoteusername']) && strlen($values['remoteusername']) > 0) {
                    $un = $values['remoteusername'];
                } else {
                    $un = $remotename;
                insert_record('auth_remote_user', (object) array('authinstance' => $values['authinstance'], 'remoteusername' => $un, 'localusr' => $user->id));
            $user->authinstance = $values['authinstance'];
    update_record('usr', $user);
    redirect('/admin/users/edit.php?id=' . $user->id);
Beispiel #5
 * Always use this function for all emails to users
 * @param object $userto user object to send email to. must contain firstname,lastname,preferredname,email
 * @param object $userfrom user object to send email from. If null, email will come from mahara
 * @param string $subject email subject
 * @param string $messagetext text version of email
 * @param string $messagehtml html version of email (will send both html and text)
 * @param array  $customheaders email headers
 * @throws EmailException
 * @throws EmailDisabledException
function email_user($userto, $userfrom, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml = '', $customheaders = null)
    global $IDPJUMPURL;
    static $mnetjumps = array();
    if (!get_config('sendemail')) {
        // You can entirely disable Mahara from sending any e-mail via the
        // 'sendemail' configuration variable
        return true;
    if (empty($userto)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("empty user given to email_user");
    if (isset($userto->id) && empty($userto->ignoredisabled)) {
        $maildisabled = property_exists($userto, 'maildisabled') ? $userto->maildisabled : get_account_preference($userto->id, 'maildisabled') == 1;
        if ($maildisabled) {
            throw new EmailDisabledException("email for this user has been disabled");
    // If the user is a remote xmlrpc user, trawl through the email text for URLs
    // to our wwwroot and modify the url to direct the user's browser to login at
    // their home site before hitting the link on this site
    if (!empty($userto->mnethostwwwroot) && !empty($userto->mnethostapp)) {
        require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/xmlrpc/lib.php';
        // Form the request url to hit the idp's jump.php
        if (isset($mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot])) {
            $IDPJUMPURL = $mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot];
        } else {
            $mnetjumps[$userto->mnethostwwwroot] = $IDPJUMPURL = PluginAuthXmlrpc::get_jump_url_prefix($userto->mnethostwwwroot, $userto->mnethostapp);
        $wwwroot = get_config('wwwroot');
        $messagetext = preg_replace_callback('%(' . $wwwroot . '([\\w_:\\?=#&@/;.~-]*))%', 'localurl_to_jumpurl', $messagetext);
        $messagehtml = preg_replace_callback('%href=["\'`](' . $wwwroot . '([\\w_:\\?=#&@/;.~-]*))["\'`]%', 'localurl_to_jumpurl', $messagehtml);
    require_once 'phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
    $smtphosts = get_config('smtphosts');
    if ($smtphosts == 'qmail') {
        // use Qmail system
    } else {
        if (empty($smtphosts)) {
            // use PHP mail() = sendmail
        } else {
            // use SMTP directly
            $mail->Host = get_config('smtphosts');
            if (get_config('smtpuser')) {
                // Use SMTP authentication
                $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
                $mail->Username = get_config('smtpuser');
                $mail->Password = get_config('smtppass');
                $mail->SMTPSecure = get_config('smtpsecure');
                $mail->Port = get_config('smtpport');
                if (get_config('smtpsecure') && !get_config('smtpport')) {
                    // Encrypted connection with no port. Use default one.
                    if (get_config('smtpsecure') == 'ssl') {
                        $mail->Port = 465;
                    } elseif (get_config('smtpsecure') == 'tls') {
                        $mail->Port = 587;
    if (get_config('bounces_handle') && !empty($userto->id) && empty($maildisabled)) {
        $mail->Sender = generate_email_processing_address($userto->id, $userto);
    if (empty($userfrom) || $userfrom->email == get_config('noreplyaddress')) {
        if (empty($mail->Sender)) {
            $mail->Sender = get_config('noreplyaddress');
        $mail->From = get_config('noreplyaddress');
        $mail->FromName = isset($userfrom->id) ? display_name($userfrom, $userto) : get_config('sitename');
        $customheaders[] = 'Precedence: Bulk';
        // Try to avoid pesky out of office responses
        $messagetext .= "\n\n" . get_string('pleasedonotreplytothismessage') . "\n";
        if ($messagehtml) {
            $messagehtml .= "\n\n<p>" . get_string('pleasedonotreplytothismessage') . "</p>\n";
    } else {
        if (empty($mail->Sender)) {
            $mail->Sender = $userfrom->email;
        $mail->From = $userfrom->email;
        $mail->FromName = display_name($userfrom, $userto);
    $replytoset = false;
    if (!empty($customheaders) && is_array($customheaders)) {
        foreach ($customheaders as $customheader) {
            // To prevent duplicated declaration of the field "Message-ID",
            // don't add it into the $mail->CustomHeader[].
            if (false === stripos($customheader, 'message-id')) {
                // Hack the fields "In-Reply-To" and "References":
                // add touser<userID>
                if (0 === stripos($customheader, 'in-reply-to') || 0 === stripos($customheader, 'references')) {
                    $customheader = preg_replace('/<forumpost(\\d+)/', '<forumpost${1}touser' . $userto->id, $customheader);
            } else {
                list($h, $msgid) = explode(':', $customheader, 2);
                // Hack the "Message-ID": add touser<userID> to make sure
                // the "Message-ID" is unique
                $msgid = preg_replace('/<forumpost(\\d+)/', '<forumpost${1}touser' . $userto->id, $msgid);
                $mail->MessageID = trim($msgid);
            if (0 === stripos($customheader, 'reply-to')) {
                $replytoset = true;
    $mail->Subject = substr(stripslashes($subject), 0, 900);
    try {
        if ($to = get_config('sendallemailto')) {
            // Admins can configure the system to send all email to a given address
            // instead of whoever would receive it, useful for debugging.
            $usertoname = display_name($userto, $userto, true) . ' (' . get_string('divertingemailto', 'mahara', $to) . ')';
            $notice = get_string('debugemail', 'mahara', display_name($userto, $userto), $userto->email);
            $messagetext = $notice . "\n\n" . $messagetext;
            if ($messagehtml) {
                $messagehtml = '<p>' . hsc($notice) . '</p>' . $messagehtml;
        } else {
            $usertoname = display_name($userto, $userto);
            $mail->AddAddress($userto->email, $usertoname);
            $to = $userto->email;
        if (!$replytoset) {
            $mail->AddReplyTo($mail->From, $mail->FromName);
    } catch (phpmailerException $e) {
        // If there's a phpmailer error already, assume it's an invalid address
        throw new InvalidEmailException("Cannot send email to {$usertoname} with subject {$subject}. Error from phpmailer was: " . $mail->ErrorInfo);
    $mail->WordWrap = 79;
    if ($messagehtml) {
        $mail->Encoding = 'quoted-printable';
        $mail->Body = $messagehtml;
        $mail->AltBody = $messagetext;
    } else {
        $mail->Body = $messagetext;
    try {
        $sent = $mail->Send();
    } catch (phpmailerException $e) {
        $sent = false;
    if ($sent) {
        if ($logfile = get_config('emaillog')) {
            $docroot = get_config('docroot');
            @($client = (string) $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            @($script = (string) $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
            if (strpos($script, $docroot) === 0) {
                $script = substr($script, strlen($docroot));
            $line = "{$to} <- {$mail->From} - " . str_shorten_text($mail->Subject, 200);
            @error_log('[' . date("Y-m-d h:i:s") . "] [{$client}] [{$script}] {$line}\n", 3, $logfile);
        if (get_config('bounces_handle')) {
            // Update the count of sent mail
        return true;
    throw new EmailException("Couldn't send email to {$usertoname} with subject {$subject}. " . "Error from phpmailer was: " . $mail->ErrorInfo);
Beispiel #6
function accountprefs_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER, $SESSION;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($USER->authinstance);
    $ispasswordchanged = false;
    if (isset($values['password1']) && $values['password1'] !== '') {
        global $authclass;
        $password = $authobj->change_password($USER, $values['password1']);
        $USER->password = $password;
        $USER->passwordchange = 0;
        $ispasswordchanged = true;
    // use this as looping through values is not safe.
    $expectedprefs = expected_account_preferences();
    if ($values['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($USER->get('id'), 'maildisabled') == 1) {
        // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled
        // on the next send attempt
        $u = new StdClass();
        $u->email = $USER->get('email');
        $u->id = $USER->get('id');
        update_bounce_count($u, true);
        update_send_count($u, true);
    // Remember the user's language & theme prefs, so we can reload the page if they change them
    $oldlang = $USER->get_account_preference('lang');
    $oldtheme = $USER->get_account_preference('theme');
    $oldgroupsideblockmaxgroups = $USER->get_account_preference('groupsideblockmaxgroups');
    $oldgroupsideblocksortby = $USER->get_account_preference('groupsideblocksortby');
    if (get_config('allowmobileuploads')) {
        // Make sure the mobile token is formatted / saved correctly
        $values['mobileuploadtoken'] = array_filter($values['mobileuploadtoken']);
        $new_token_pref = empty($values['mobileuploadtoken']) ? null : '|' . join('|', $values['mobileuploadtoken']) . '|';
        $USER->set_account_preference('mobileuploadtoken', $new_token_pref);
    // Set user account preferences
    foreach ($expectedprefs as $eprefkey => $epref) {
        if (isset($values[$eprefkey]) && $values[$eprefkey] !== get_account_preference($USER->get('id'), $eprefkey)) {
            $USER->set_account_preference($eprefkey, $values[$eprefkey]);
    $returndata = array();
    if (isset($values['username']) && $values['username'] != $USER->get('username')) {
        $USER->username = $values['username'];
        $returndata['username'] = $values['username'];
    $reload = false;
    if (get_config('cleanurls') && isset($values['urlid']) && $values['urlid'] != $USER->get('urlid')) {
        $USER->urlid = $values['urlid'];
        $reload = true;
    if ($ispasswordchanged) {
        // Destroy other sessions of the user
        require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/session.php';
    $returndata['message'] = get_string('prefssaved', 'account');
    if (isset($values['theme']) && $values['theme'] != $oldtheme) {
        $reload = true;
    if (isset($values['lang']) && $values['lang'] != $oldlang) {
        // The session language pref is used when the user has no user pref,
        // and when logged out.
        $SESSION->set('lang', $values['lang']);
        $returndata['message'] = get_string_from_language($values['lang'], 'prefssaved', 'account');
        $reload = true;
    if (isset($values['groupsideblockmaxgroups']) && $values['groupsideblockmaxgroups'] != $oldgroupsideblockmaxgroups) {
        $reload = true;
    if ($values['groupsideblocksortby'] != $oldgroupsideblocksortby) {
        $reload = true;
    $reload = plugin_account_prefs_submit($form, $values) || $reload;
    if (!empty($reload)) {
        // Use PIEFORM_CANCEL here to force a page reload and show the new language.
        $returndata['location'] = get_config('wwwroot') . 'account/index.php';
        $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_CANCEL, $returndata);
    $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, $returndata);
Beispiel #7
             update_error_count($email["id"], $email["error_count"] + 1);
             $incidence_text = "Error while sending email: [" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "] Cancelled: No more sending attempts allowed";
             add_incidence($email["id"], $incidence_text);
             $logger->add_log_incidence(array($email["id"], $email["to"], "Email cancelled", "No more sending attempts allowed"));
             echo "No more attempts allowed, cancelled";
         } else {
             update_error_count($email["id"], $email["error_count"] + 1);
             $incidence_text = "Error while sending email: [" . $mail->ErrorInfo . "] Scheduled for one more try";
             add_incidence($email["id"], $incidence_text);
             $logger->add_log_incidence(array($email["id"], $email["to"], "Email rescheduled", $incidence_text));
             echo "Scheduled for one more try";
     } else {
         update_send_count($email["id"], $email["send_count"] + 1);
         update_sentdate($email["id"], $now);
         $logger->add_log_delivery(array($email["id"], "Email delivered", $email["from"], $email["to"], $email["subject"]));
         echo "Email delivered";
         // Sleeping
         usleep(DELIVERY_INTERVAL / 100);
     echo "\n";
     // Check if maximum delivery timeout have been reached
     if (mktime() - $timecontrol_start > MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT) {
         echo "Delivery proccess automatically stopped before it finished because of too many time spent on delivering. Time spent: " . (mktime() - $timecontrol_start) . " seconds. Maximum time allowed: " . MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT . " seconds\n";
         $logger->add_log_incidence(array(0, "", "Maximum delivery timeout reached", "The delivery proccess have been automatically stopped before it finishes because of too many time spent on delivering. Time spent: " . (mktime() - $timecontrol_start) . " seconds. Maximum time allowed: " . MAXIMUM_DELIVERY_TIMEOUT . " seconds"));
function accountprefs_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $USER;
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($USER->authinstance);
    if (isset($values['password1']) && $values['password1'] !== '') {
        global $authclass;
        $password = $authobj->change_password($USER, $values['password1']);
        $USER->password = $password;
        $USER->passwordchange = 0;
    // use this as looping through values is not safe.
    $expectedprefs = expected_account_preferences();
    if ($values['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($USER->get('id'), 'maildisabled') == 1) {
        // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled
        // on the next send attempt
        $u = new StdClass();
        $u->email = $USER->get('email');
        $u->id = $USER->get('id');
        update_bounce_count($u, true);
        update_send_count($u, true);
    foreach (array_keys($expectedprefs) as $pref) {
        if (isset($values[$pref])) {
            $USER->set_account_preference($pref, $values[$pref]);
    $returndata = array();
    if (isset($values['username']) && $values['username'] != $USER->get('username')) {
        $USER->username = $values['username'];
        $returndata['username'] = $values['username'];
    $returndata['message'] = get_string('prefssaved', 'account');
    $form->json_reply(PIEFORM_OK, $returndata);