Beispiel #1
    $password = base64_encode(sha1('ZzaX'.$new_pass.'GPX88'));
    // Update admin user's password
    @mysql_query("UPDATE admins SET password = '******' WHERE id = '$orig_ad_id'");
    echo '<br /><br /><font color="red"><b>WARNING!!</b> Password security has changed in this release!<br />Admin account "<b>'.$orig_admin.'</b>" password has been reset to: "<b>'.$new_pass.'</b>".  Please login as this admin and change your password(s) accordingly.</font><br /><br />';
    #file_put_contents(DOCROOT.'/$_SERVERS/.gpxtmp', "User: $orig_admin, Password: $new_pass");
// 3.0.11
if (version_compare($cur_version, '3.0.11') == -1) {
    echo 'Updating to 3.0.11 ...<br />';
    // No db schema changes, just php bug fixes in this release
// Completed
#echo '<b>Success!</b> Update completed successfully.  Now delete or rename your "/install" directory, then <a href="../admin/">back to Admin Area</a>';
<br /><br />

<b>Success!</b> Update completed successfully.<br /><font color="red">Now delete or rename your "/install" directory before clicking below.</font>

<div class="button" onClick="javascript:window.location='../admin/';">Admin Area</div>

Beispiel #2
        while (false !== ($usrname = readdir($handle))) {
            if (!preg_match('/(^\\.|.*\\.php$)/', $usrname)) {
                # Loop user dirs
                if ($handle = opendir(DOCROOT . "/_SERVERS/accounts/{$usrname}")) {
                    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
                        # Loop over this user's servers
                        if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\:[0-9]+/', $entry)) {
                            $fullpath = DOCROOT . "/_SERVERS/accounts/{$usrname}/{$entry}";
                            $newpath = str_replace(':', '.', $fullpath);
                            # Move ip:port servers to ip.port
                            rename($fullpath, $newpath) or die("ERROR: During the ip:port move to ip.port, failed to move {$fullpath} to {$newpath}.  Check your filesystem permissions and try again (webserver user should own)");
<br /><br />

<b>Success!</b> Update completed successfully.<br /><font color="red">Now delete or rename your "/install" directory before clicking below.</font>

<div class="button" onClick="javascript:window.location='../admin/';">Admin Area</div>
