<?php include '../../functions.php'; /*************************************/ if (isset($_REQUEST["close"])) { unset_vars(["ejer1", "ejer1Nombre"]); header("Location: formulario_basico.php"); } session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["ejer1"])) { $_SESSION["ejer1"] = false; } elseif (isset($_SESSION["ejer1Nombre"])) { $mostrarFormulario = false; $nombreCompleto = $_SESSION["ejer1Nombre"]; } /*************************************/ /** * Formulario básico para introducir el nombre * @author Juan Antonio Romero Molero * @version 0.9 */ include '../../header.php'; $ruta = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo '<h3>Formulario básico</h3>'; echo '<p><a href="/php/vercodigo.php?file=' . end(explode("/", dirname($ruta))) . '/' . basename($ruta) . '">Ver código fuente</a> | <a href="../">Volver</a></p>'; /*************************************/ $formClose = '<form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="close" value="CERRAR SESIÓN"> </form>'; if (isset($nombreCompleto)) {
function MakeStats() { global $resource, $pricelist, $reslist, $game_config, $xgp_root, $phpEx; $CheckUserQuery = false; $CheckAllyQuery = false; // Initial Time $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $starttime = $mtime; //Initial Memory $result['initial_memory'] = array(round(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 1), round(memory_get_usage(1) / 1024, 1)); //Change the last stats time $stats_time = time(); //Delete old messages $del_before = time() - 24 * 60 * 60; // 1 DAY $del_inactive = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; // 1 MONTH $del_deleted = time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 1 WEEK $ChooseToDelete = doquery("SELECT `id` FROM `{{table}}` WHERE (`db_deaktjava` < '" . $del_deleted . "' AND `db_deaktjava` <> 0) OR `onlinetime` < '" . $del_inactive . "'", 'users'); if ($ChooseToDelete) { include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/functions/DeleteSelectedUser.' . $phpEx; while ($delete = mysql_fetch_array($ChooseToDelete)) { DeleteSelectedUser($delete[id]); } } doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_time` < '" . $del_before . "' ;", 'messages'); doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `time` < '" . $del_before . "' ;", 'rw'); //STATS FOR USERS.... //Here we make the select query, with this all the custom stuff with be included $select_defenses = ''; foreach ($reslist['defense'] as $n => $Defense) { if ($resource[$Defense] != 'small_protection_shield' && $resource[$Defense] != 'big_protection_shield') { $select_defenses .= " SUM(p." . $resource[$Defense] . ") AS " . $resource[$Defense] . ","; } } $select_buildings = ''; foreach ($reslist['build'] as $n => $Building) { $select_buildings .= " p." . $resource[$Building] . ","; } $selected_tech = ''; foreach ($reslist['tech'] as $n => $Techno) { $selected_tech .= " u." . $resource[$Techno] . ","; } $select_fleets = ''; foreach ($reslist['fleet'] as $n => $Fleet) { $select_fleets .= " SUM(p." . $resource[$Fleet] . ") AS " . $resource[$Fleet] . ","; } //If you have some data type enmu is better if you put it here, because that data give a error in the SUM function. $selected_enum = "p.small_protection_shield, p.big_protection_shield"; //For now... $select_planet = "p.id_owner,"; //For Stats table.. $select_old_ranks = "id_owner, stat_type,tech_rank AS old_tech_rank, build_rank AS old_build_rank, defs_rank AS old_defs_rank, fleet_rank AS old_fleet_rank, total_rank AS old_total_rank"; //For users table $select_user = "******"; //We check how many users are for not overload the server... $total_users = doquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM {{table}} WHERE 1;", 'users', true); //We will make query every $game_config['stat_amount'] users //Min amount = 10, if it is less than 10, it is not a good system $game_config['stat_amount'] = $game_config['stat_amount'] >= 10 ? $game_config['stat_amount'] : 10; $amount_per_block = $game_config['stat_amount'] < $game_config['users_amount'] ? $game_config['users_amount'] : $game_config['stat_amount']; if ($total_users['count'] > $amount_per_block) { $LastQuery = roundUp($total_users['count'] / $amount_per_block); } else { $LastQuery = 1; } for ($Query = 1; $Query <= $LastQuery; $Query++) { if ($Query == 1) { //based on:http://www.desarrolloweb.com/articulos/1035.php $start = 0; } else { $start = ($Query - 1) * $amount_per_block; } $minmax_sql = 'SELECT Max(id) AS `max`, Min(id) AS `min` FROM (SELECT id FROM {{table}}users ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $amount_per_block . ') AS A'; $minmax = doquery($minmax_sql, '', true); $sql_parcial = 'SELECT ' . $select_buildings . $select_planet . $selected_enum . ', p.id FROM {{table}}planets as p WHERE p.id_owner <=' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND p.id_owner >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ';'; //We delete now the old stats of the users $sql_old_stats = 'SELECT ' . $select_old_ranks . ' FROM {{table}} WHERE stat_type = 1 AND stat_code = 1 AND id_owner <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND id_owner >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ';'; //Here we make the array with the planets buildings array and the user id and planet id for use in the next step... //Here we excecute all the querys $parcial_data = doquery($sql_parcial, ''); //Here we obtained the stuff that can not be SUM while ($CurPlanet = mysql_fetch_assoc($parcial_data)) { $Buildings_array[$CurPlanet['id_owner']][$CurPlanet['id']] = $CurPlanet; //We made a array with the content of the query } unset($CurPlanet, $parcial_data); $old_stats = doquery($sql_old_stats, 'statpoints'); while ($CurStats = mysql_fetch_assoc($old_stats)) { $old_stats_array[$CurStats['id_owner']] = $CurStats; } unset($CurStats, $old_stats); //We take the data of flying fleets if stat_flying is =1 in game config //If you have trouble with the RAM and CPU usage, please set stat_flying = 0 and a low value of stat_amount (25, 15...) if ($game_config['stat_flying'] == 1) { $sql_flying_fleets = 'SELECT fleet_array, fleet_owner, fleet_id FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND fleet_owner >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ';'; $flying_fleets = doquery($sql_flying_fleets, 'fleets'); while ($CurFleets = mysql_fetch_assoc($flying_fleets)) { $flying_fleets_array[$CurFleets['fleet_owner']][$CurFleets['fleet_id']] = $CurFleets['fleet_array']; } unset($CurFleets, $flying_fleets); } //This query will have a LOT of data... $sql = 'SELECT ' . $select_planet . $select_defenses . $selected_tech . $select_fleets . $select_user . 'FROM {{table}}planets as p INNER JOIN {{table}}users as u ON u.id = p.id_owner WHERE p.id_owner <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND p.id_owner >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ' GROUP BY p.id_owner, u.id, u.authlevel;'; $total_data = doquery($sql, ''); unset($sql, $sql_old_stats, $sql_parcial); doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE stat_type = 1 AND stat_code = 1 AND id_owner <= " . $minmax['max'] . " AND id_owner >= " . $minmax['min'] . ";", 'statpoints'); $insert_user_query = "INSERT INTO {{table}}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(`id_owner`, `id_ally`, `stat_type`, `stat_code`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`tech_old_rank`, `tech_points`, `tech_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`build_old_rank`, `build_points`, `build_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`defs_old_rank`, `defs_points`, `defs_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_old_rank`, `fleet_points`, `fleet_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`total_old_rank`, `total_points`, `total_count`, `stat_date`) VALUES "; //Here we start the update... while ($CurUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_data)) { $u_OldTotalRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_total_rank'] ? $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_total_rank'] : 0; $u_OldTechRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_tech_rank'] ? $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_tech_rank'] : 0; $u_OldBuildRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_build_rank'] ? $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_build_rank'] : 0; $u_OldDefsRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_defs_rank'] ? $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_defs_rank'] : 0; $u_OldFleetRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_fleet_rank'] ? $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_fleet_rank'] : 0; //We dont need this anymore... unset($old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]); //1 point= $game_config['stat_settings'] ressources //Make the tech points XD $u_points = GetTechnoPoints($CurUser); $u_TTechCount = $u_points['TechCount']; $u_TTechPoints = $u_points['TechPoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; //Make the defense points $u_points = GetDefensePoints($CurUser); $u_TDefsCount = $u_points['DefenseCount']; $u_TDefsPoints = $u_points['DefensePoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; //Make the fleets points (without the flying fleets... $u_points = GetFleetPoints($CurUser); $u_TFleetCount = $u_points['FleetCount']; $u_TFleetPoints = $u_points['FleetPoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; //Now we add the flying fleets points //This is used if($game_config['stat_flying'] == 1) if ($game_config['stat_flying'] == 1) { if ($flying_fleets_array[$CurUser['id']]) { foreach ($flying_fleets_array[$CurUser['id']] as $fleet_id => $fleet_array) { $u_points = GetFlyingFleetPoints($fleet_array); $u_TFleetCount += $u_points['FleetCount']; $u_TFleetPoints += $u_points['FleetPoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; } } //We dont need this anymore... unset($flying_fleets_array[$CurUser['id']], $fleet_array, $fleet_id); } else { //We take one query per fleet in flying, with this we increase the time and the querys, but we decrease the cpu load... $OwnFleets = doquery("SELECT fleet_array, fleet_id FROM {{table}} WHERE `fleet_owner` = '" . $CurUser['id'] . "';", 'fleets'); while ($FleetRow = mysql_fetch_array($OwnFleets)) { $u_points = GetFlyingFleetPoints($FleetRow['fleet_array']); $u_TFleetCount += $u_points['FleetCount']; $u_TFleetPoints += $u_points['FleetPoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; } //We dont need this anymore... unset($OwnFleets, $FleetRow); } $u_TBuildCount = 0; $u_TBuildPoints = 0; if ($Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]) { foreach ($Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']] as $planet_id => $building) { $u_points = GetBuildPoints($building); $u_TBuildCount += $u_points['BuildCount']; $u_TBuildPoints += $u_points['BuildPoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; //We add the shields points (this way is a temporary way...) $u_points = GetDefensePoints($building); $u_TDefsCount += $u_points['DefenseCount']; $u_TDefsPoints += $u_points['DefensePoint'] / $game_config['stat_settings']; } //We dont need this anymore... unset($Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']], $planet_id, $building); } else { //Here we will send a error message....print_r("<br>usuario sin planeta: ". $CurUser['id']); } $u_GCount = $u_TDefsCount + $u_TTechCount + $u_TFleetCount + $u_TBuildCount; $u_GPoints = $u_TTechPoints + $u_TDefsPoints + $u_TFleetPoints + $u_TBuildPoints; if ($CurUser['authlevel'] >= $game_config['stat_level'] && $game_config['stat'] == 1 || $CurUser['bana'] == 1) { $insert_user_query .= '(' . $CurUser['id'] . ',' . $CurUser['ally_id'] . ',1,1,' . $u_OldTechRank . ', 0,0,' . $u_OldBuildRank . ',0,0,' . $u_OldDefsRank . ',0,0,' . $u_OldFleetRank . ', 0,0,' . $u_OldTotalRank . ',0,0,' . $stats_time . '),'; } else { $insert_user_query .= '(' . $CurUser['id'] . ',' . $CurUser['ally_id'] . ',1,1,' . $u_OldTechRank . ', ' . $u_TTechPoints . ',' . $u_TTechCount . ',' . $u_OldBuildRank . ',' . $u_TBuildPoints . ', ' . $u_TBuildCount . ',' . $u_OldDefsRank . ',' . $u_TDefsPoints . ',' . $u_TDefsCount . ', ' . $u_OldFleetRank . ',' . $u_TFleetPoints . ',' . $u_TFleetCount . ',' . $u_OldTotalRank . ', ' . $u_GPoints . ',' . $u_GCount . ',' . $stats_time . '),'; } unset_vars('u_'); $CheckUserQuery = true; } //TODO, make a end string check in case that insert_user_query end in VALUE... //Here we change the end of the query for ; if ($CheckUserQuery == true) { $insert_user_query = substr_replace($insert_user_query, ';', -1); doquery($insert_user_query, 'statpoints'); } unset($insert_user_query, $total_data, $CurUser, $old_stats_array, $Buildings_array, $flying_fleets_array); } //STATS FOR ALLYS //Delet invalid allys doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE ally_members='0'", "alliance"); //We create this just for make a check of the ally $ally_check = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}}", 'alliance'); $total_ally = 0; while ($CurAlly = mysql_fetch_assoc($ally_check)) { ++$total_ally; $ally_check_value[$CurAlly['id']] = 1; } unset($ally_check); unset($start, $QueryValue, $Query, $LastQuery); if ($total_ally > 0) { //Min amount = 10, if it is less than 10, it is not a good system $game_config['stat_amount'] = $game_config['stat_amount'] >= 10 ? $game_config['stat_amount'] : 10; $amount_per_block = $game_config['stat_amount'] < $game_config['users_amount'] ? $game_config['users_amount'] : $game_config['stat_amount']; if ($total_ally > $amount_per_block) { $LastQuery = roundUp($total_ally / $amount_per_block); } else { $LastQuery = 1; } for ($Query = 1; $Query <= $LastQuery; $Query++) { if ($Query == 1) { //based on:http://www.desarrolloweb.com/articulos/1035.php $start = 0; } else { $start = ($Query - 1) * $amount_per_block; } $minmax_sql = 'SELECT Max(id) AS `max`, Min(id) AS `min` FROM (SELECT id FROM {{table}}alliance ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $amount_per_block . ') AS A'; $minmax = doquery($minmax_sql, '', true); $select_old_a_ranks = "s.id_owner , s.stat_type,\ts.tech_rank AS old_tech_rank,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ts.build_rank AS old_build_rank, s.defs_rank AS old_defs_rank, s.fleet_rank AS old_fleet_rank,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ts.total_rank AS old_total_rank"; $select_ally = " a.id "; $sql_ally = 'SELECT ' . $select_ally . ', ' . $select_old_a_ranks . ' FROM {{table}}alliance AS a INNER JOIN {{table}}statpoints AS s ON a.id = s.id_owner AND s.stat_type = 2 WHERE a.id <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND a.id >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ' ORDER BY a.id;'; $ally_data = doquery($sql_ally, ''); $ally_sql_points = 'SELECT s.stat_type, s.id_ally, Sum(s.tech_points) AS TechPoint, Sum(s.tech_count) AS TechCount, Sum(s.build_points) AS BuildPoint, Sum(s.build_count) AS BuildCount, Sum(s.defs_points) AS DefsPoint, Sum(s.defs_count) AS DefsCount, Sum(s.fleet_points) AS FleetPoint, Sum(s.fleet_count) AS FleetCount, Sum(s.total_points) AS TotalPoint, Sum(s.total_count) AS TotalCount FROM {{table}}statpoints AS s WHERE s.stat_type = 1 AND s.id_ally > 0 AND s.id_ally <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND s.id_ally >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ' GROUP BY s.id_ally;'; $ally_points = doquery($ally_sql_points, ''); //We delete now the old stats of the allys doquery('DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = 2 AND id_owner <= ' . $minmax['max'] . ' AND id_owner >= ' . $minmax['min'] . ';', 'statpoints'); while ($CurAlly = mysql_fetch_assoc($ally_data)) { $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id']] = $CurAlly; } unset($CurAlly, $ally_data); $insert_ally_query = "INSERT INTO {{table}}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(`id_owner`, `id_ally`, `stat_type`, `stat_code`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`tech_old_rank`, `tech_points`, `tech_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`build_old_rank`, `build_points`, `build_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`defs_old_rank`, `defs_points`, `defs_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`fleet_old_rank`, `fleet_points`, `fleet_count`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`total_old_rank`, `total_points`, `total_count`, `stat_date`) VALUES "; while ($CurAlly = mysql_fetch_assoc($ally_points)) { if ($ally_check_value[$CurAlly['id_ally']] == 1) { $u_OldTotalRank = $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_total_rank'] ? $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_total_rank'] : 0; $u_OldTechRank = $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_tech_rank'] ? $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_tech_rank'] : 0; $u_OldBuildRank = $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_build_rank'] ? $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_build_rank'] : 0; $u_OldDefsRank = $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_defs_rank'] ? $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_defs_rank'] : 0; $u_OldFleetRank = $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_fleet_rank'] ? $ally_old_data[$CurAlly['id_ally']]['old_fleet_rank'] : 0; $u_TTechCount = $CurAlly['TechCount']; $u_TTechPoints = $CurAlly['TechPoint']; $u_TBuildCount = $CurAlly['BuildCount']; $u_TBuildPoints = $CurAlly['BuildPoint']; $u_TDefsCount = $CurAlly['DefsCount']; $u_TDefsPoints = $CurAlly['DefsPoint']; $u_TFleetCount = $CurAlly['FleetCount']; $u_TFleetPoints = $CurAlly['FleetPoint']; $u_GCount = $CurAlly['TotalCount']; $u_GPoints = $CurAlly['TotalPoint']; $insert_ally_query .= '(' . $CurAlly['id_ally'] . ',0,2,1,' . $u_OldTechRank . ', ' . $u_TTechPoints . ',' . $u_TTechCount . ',' . $u_OldBuildRank . ',' . $u_TBuildPoints . ', ' . $u_TBuildCount . ',' . $u_OldDefsRank . ',' . $u_TDefsPoints . ',' . $u_TDefsCount . ', ' . $u_OldFleetRank . ',' . $u_TFleetPoints . ',' . $u_TFleetCount . ',' . $u_OldTotalRank . ', ' . $u_GPoints . ',' . $u_GCount . ',' . $stats_time . '),'; unset($CurAlly); unset_vars('u_'); } else { doquery("UPDATE {{table}}\tSET `ally_id`=0, `ally_name` = '', \t`ally_register_time`= 0, `ally_rank_id`= 0 \tWHERE `ally_id`='{$CurAlly['id_ally']}'", "users"); } $CheckAllyQuery = true; } //Here we change the end of the query for ; if ($CheckAllyQuery == true) { $insert_ally_query = substr_replace($insert_ally_query, ';', -1); doquery($insert_ally_query, 'statpoints'); } unset($insert_ally_query, $ally_old_data, $CurAlly, $ally_points); } unset($ally_check_value); //We update the ranks of the allys MakeNewRanks(2); } //We update the ranks of the users MakeNewRanks(1); // Calcul de la duree de traitement (calcul) $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $result['stats_time'] = $stats_time; $result['totaltime'] = $endtime - $starttime; $result['memory_peak'] = array(round(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024, 1), round(memory_get_peak_usage(1) / 1024, 1)); $result['end_memory'] = array(round(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 1), round(memory_get_usage(1) / 1024, 1)); $result['amount_per_block'] = $amount_per_block; return $result; }
function display() { global $dbh, $db_functions, $foundX_match, $reltext, $bloodreltext, $name1, $name2, $spouse, $rel_arrayspouseX; global $special_spouseY, $special_spouseX, $spousenameX, $spousenameY, $table, $doublespouse; global $rel_arrayX, $rel_arrayY, $famX, $famY, $language, $dutchtext, $searchDb, $searchDb2; global $sexe, $selected_language, $dirmark1, $famspouseX, $famspouseY, $reltext_nor, $reltext_nor2; global $fampath; // path to family.php for Joomla and regular. Defined above all functions global $person, $person2, $tree_id; global $tree_prefix_quoted; // *** Use person class *** $pers_cls = new person_cls(); $language_is = ' ' . __('is') . ' '; if ($selected_language == "he") { if ($sexe == "m") { $language_is = ' הוא '; } else { $language_is = ' היא '; } } elseif ($selected_language == "cn") { $language_is = '的'; } $bloodrel = ''; search_bloodrel(); if ($reltext) { //print '<table class="humo container"><tr><td>'; print '<table class="ext"><tr><td style="padding-right:30px;vertical-align:text-top;">'; $bloodrel = 1; print __('BLOOD RELATIONSHIP: '); echo "<br><br>"; if ($selected_language == "cn" and strpos($reltext, "notext") !== false) { // don't display text if relation can't be phrased } else { if ($selected_language == "fi") { print 'Kuka: '; } // who print " <a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>"; print $name1 . "</a>"; if ($selected_language == "fi") { print ' ' . 'Kenelle: '; } else { print $language_is . $reltext; } print "<a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>" . $reltext_nor . "<p>"; print $dutchtext; if ($selected_language == "fi") { echo 'Sukulaisuus tai muu suhde: <b>' . $reltext . '</b>'; } print '<hr style="width:100%;height:0.25em;color:darkblue;background-color:darkblue;" >'; } $bloodreltext = $reltext; display_table(); } if ($table != 1 and $table != 2 and $table != 7) { unset_vars(); search_marital(); if ($reltext) { // notext is used in Chinese display if relation can't be worded. //check if this is involves a marriage or a partnership of any kind $relmarriedX = 0; if (isset($famspouseX)) { $kindrel = $dbh->query("SELECT fam_kind FROM humo_families\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fam_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "' AND fam_gedcomnumber='" . $famspouseX . "'"); @($kindrelDb = $kindrel->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)); if ($kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'living together' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'engaged' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'homosexual' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'unknown' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'non-marital' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'partners' and $kindrelDb->fam_kind != 'registered') { $relmarriedX = 1; // use: husband or wife } else { $relmarriedX = 0; // use: partner } } $relmarriedY = 0; if (isset($famspouseY)) { $kindrel2 = $dbh->query("SELECT fam_kind\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM humo_families WHERE fam_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "' AND fam_gedcomnumber='" . $famspouseY . "'"); @($kindrel2Db = $kindrel2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)); if ($kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'living together' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'engaged' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'homosexual' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'unknown' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'non-marital' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'partners' and $kindrel2Db->fam_kind != 'registered') { $relmarriedY = 1; // use: husband or wife } else { $relmarriedY = 0; // use: partner } } if ($bloodrel == 1) { if (CMS_SPECIFIC == "Joomla") { print '</td></tr><tr><td>'; // in joomla we want blood- and marital tables one under the other for lack of space } else { print '</td><td style="padding-left:30px;border-left:2px solid #bbbbbb;vertical-align:text-top;">'; } } else { echo '<table class="ext"<tr><td>'; } print __('MARITAL RELATIONSHIP: '); echo ' <input style="font-size:110%" type="submit" name="extended" value="' . __('Use Extended Calculator') . '">'; echo "<br><br>"; $spousetext1 = ''; $spousetext2 = ''; $finnish_spouse1 = ''; $finnish_spouse2 = ''; if ($doublespouse == 1) { // X and Y are both spouses of Z $spouseidDb = $db_functions->get_person($rel_arrayspouseX[$foundX_match][0]); $name = $pers_cls->person_name($spouseidDb); $spousename = $name["name"]; print "<span> <a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>"; //print $name1."</a> and "; print $name1 . "</a> " . __('and') . ': '; print "<a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>"; if ($searchDb->pers_sexe == "M") { echo ' ' . __('are both husbands of') . ' '; } else { print ' ' . __('are both wifes of') . ' '; } print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayspouseX[$foundX_match][0] . "'>" . $spousename . "</a></span><br>"; } elseif ($reltext != "notext") { if ($spouse == 1 and $special_spouseX !== 1 or $spouse == 3) { if ($relmarriedX == 0 and $selected_language != "cn") { $spousetext1 = strtolower(__('Partner')) . __(' of '); $finnish_spouse1 = strtolower(__('Partner')); } else { if ($searchDb->pers_sexe == 'M') { $spousetext1 = ' ' . __('husband of') . ' '; if ($selected_language == "fi") { $finnish_spouse1 = 'mies'; } if ($selected_language == "cn") { $spousetext1 = '妻子'; } // "A's wife is B" } else { $spousetext1 = ' ' . __('wife of') . ' '; if ($selected_language == "fi") { $finnish_spouse1 = 'vaimo'; } if ($selected_language == "cn") { $spousetext1 = '丈夫'; } // "A's husband is B" } } } if (($spouse == 2 or $spouse == 3) and $special_spouseY !== 1) { if ($relmarriedY == 0 and $selected_language != "cn") { $spousetext2 = strtolower(__('Partner')) . __(' of '); $finnish_spouse2 = strtolower(__('Partner')); } else { if ($searchDb2->pers_sexe == 'M') { $spousetext2 = ' ' . __('wife of') . ' '; if ($selected_language == "fi") { $finnish_spouse2 = 'mies'; } // yes - it's really husband cause the sentence goes differently if ($selected_language == "cn") { $spousetext2 = '丈夫'; } // "A's uncle's husband is B" } else { $spousetext2 = ' ' . __('husband of') . ' '; if ($selected_language == "fi") { $finnish_spouse2 = 'vaimo'; } // yes - it's really wife cause the sentence goes differently if ($selected_language == "cn") { $spousetext2 = '妻子'; } // "A's uncle's wife is B" } } } if ($selected_language == "fi") { // very different phrasing for correct grammar print 'Kuka: '; print "<span> <a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>"; print $name1 . "</a>"; print ' Kenelle: '; print "<a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a></span><br>"; print 'Sukulaisuus tai muu suhde: '; if (!$special_spouseX and !$special_spouseY and $table != 7) { if ($spousetext2 != '' and $spousetext1 == '') { // X is relative of spouse of Y print '('; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>" . $name1 . "</a>"; print ' - ' . $spousenameY . '): ' . $reltext . '<br>'; print $spousenameY . ', ' . $finnish_spouse2 . ' '; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>"; } elseif ($spousetext1 != '' and $spousetext2 == '') { // X is spouse of relative of Y print '(' . $spousenameX . ' - '; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>"; print '): ' . $reltext . '<br>'; print $spousenameX . ', ' . $finnish_spouse1 . ' '; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>" . $name1 . "</a>"; } else { // X is spouse of relative of spouse of Y print '(' . $spousenameX . ' - ' . $spousenameY . '): ' . $reltext . '<br>'; print $spousenameX . ', ' . $finnish_spouse1 . ' '; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>" . $name1 . "</a><br>"; print $spousenameY . ', ' . $finnish_spouse2 . ' '; print "<a href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>"; } } elseif ($special_spouseX or $special_spouseY) { // brother-in-law/sister-in-law/father-in-law/mother-in-law print '<b>' . $reltext . '</b><br>'; } elseif ($table == 7) { if ($relmarriedX == 0 or $relmarriedY == 0) { print '<b>' . strtolower(__('Partner')) . '</b><br>'; } else { print '<b>' . $finnish_spouse1 . '</b><br>'; } } } else { if ($spousetext2 == '') { $reltext_nor2 = ''; } else { $reltext_nor = ''; } if ($selected_language == "cn") { $language_is = '的'; if ($reltext == " ") { // A's husband/wife is B $reltext = "是"; } else { mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); if ($spousetext1 != "" and $spousetext2 == "") { $spousetext1 .= '的'; } elseif ($spousetext2 != "" and $spousetext1 == "") { $reltext = mb_substr($reltext, 0, -1) . '的'; $spousetext2 .= '是'; } elseif ($spousetext1 != "" and $spousetext2 != "") { $spousetext1 .= '的'; $reltext = mb_substr($reltext, 0, -1) . '的'; $spousetext2 .= '是'; } } } if ($table == 6 or $table == 7) { $reltext_nor = ''; } print "<span> <a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famX . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayX[0][0] . "'>"; print $name1 . "</a>" . $language_is . $spousetext1 . $reltext . $reltext_nor2 . $spousetext2; print "<a class='relsearch' href='" . $fampath . "database=" . safe_text($_SESSION['tree_prefix']) . "&id=" . $famY . "&main_person=" . $rel_arrayY[0][0] . "'>" . $name2 . "</a>" . $reltext_nor . "</span><br>"; } } print '<hr style="width:100%;height:0.25em;color:darkblue;background-color:darkblue;" >'; display_table(); /* echo '<br><br><div style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;padding:3px;width:400px;background-color:#eeeeee"><input type="submit" name="next_path" value="'.__('Try to find another path').'" style="font-size:115%;">'; echo '<br>'.__('(With each consecutive search the path may get longer and computing time may increase!)').'</div>'; */ } } //if($bloodreltext=='' AND $reltext=='') { if ($reltext == '') { if ($bloodreltext == '') { echo '<br><table class="ext"><tr><td>'; echo '<td style="text-align:left;border-left:0px;padding10px;vertical-align:text-top;width:800px">'; echo "<div style='font-weight:bold'>" . __('No blood relation or direct marital relation found') . "</div>"; } else { echo '<td style="width:60px"> </td>'; echo '<td style="padding-left:50px;padding-right:10px;vertical-align:text-top;border-left:2px solid #bbbbbb;width:350px">'; print __('MARITAL RELATIONSHIP: '); echo "<br><br><div style='font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:10px'>" . __('No direct marital relation found') . "</div>"; } print '<hr style="width:100%;height:0.25em;color:darkblue;background-color:darkblue;" >'; echo __("You may wish to try finding a connection with the <span style='font-weight:bold'>Extended Marital Calculator</span> below.<br>\t\n\t\t\t\tThis will find connections that span over many marital relations and generations.<br>\t\n\t\t\t\tComputing time will vary depending on the size of the tree and the distance between the two persons.<br>\t\n\t\t\t\tFor example, in a 10,000 person tree even the most distant persons will usually be found within 1-2 seconds.<br>\t\n\t\t\t\tIn a 75,000 person tree the most distant persons may take up to 8 sec to find.<br><br>"); echo '<input type="submit" name="extended" value="' . __('Perform extended marital calculation') . '" style="font-size:115%;">'; echo "</td></tr></table>"; } else { print '</td></tr></table>'; } print '<br><br>'; }
private function MakeStatsUser() { global $db; $select_planet = "p.id_owner"; $select_old_ranks = "s.id_owner, s.stat_type,s.tech_rank AS old_tech_rank, s.build_rank AS old_build_rank, s.defs_rank AS old_defs_rank, s.fleet_rank AS old_fleet_rank,s. total_rank AS old_total_rank"; $select_user = "******"; $sql = 'SELECT p.id ,' . $this->select_buildings . $select_planet . ' FROM {{table}}planets as p ORDER BY p.id ASC '; $sql_old_stats = 'SELECT ' . $select_old_ranks . ' FROM {{table}} as s WHERE stat_type = 1;'; //CARGAMOS CONSTRUCCIONES $parcial_data = $db->query($sql, ''); while ($CurPlanet = mysql_fetch_assoc($parcial_data)) { $points = $this->GetBuildPoints($CurPlanet); $Buildings_array[$CurPlanet['id_owner']]['count'] += $points['BuildCount']; $Buildings_array[$CurPlanet['id_owner']]['point'] += $points['BuildPoint'] / $db->game_config['stat_settings']; } //unset($CurPlanet, $parcial_data); arsort($Buildings_array); $i = 1; foreach ($Buildings_array as $key => $val) { $Buildings_array[$key]["rank"] = $i; ++$i; } //FIN DE CARGA CONSTRUCCIONES //CARGAMOS ANTIGUO RANQUIN $old_stats = $db->query($sql_old_stats, 'statpoints'); while ($CurStats = mysql_fetch_assoc($old_stats)) { $old_stats_array[$CurStats['id_owner']] = $CurStats; } //CARGAMOS TECNOLOGIA $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->selected_tech . ' u.id FROM {{table}} as u'; $user_tech = $db->query($sql, 'users'); while ($CurStats = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_tech)) { $points = $this->GetTechnoPoints($CurStats); $tech_array[$CurStats['id']]['count'] = $points['TechCount']; $tech_array[$CurStats['id']]['point'] = $points['TechPoint'] / $db->game_config['stat_settings']; $list_user[] = $CurStats['id']; } arsort($tech_array); $i = 1; foreach ($tech_array as $key => $val) { $tech_array[$key]["rank"] = $i; ++$i; } //FIN DE CARGA TECNOLOGIA //CARGAMOS FLOTA $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->select_fleets . $select_planet . ' FROM {{table}}planets as p GROUP BY p.id_owner;'; $total_data = $db->query($sql, ''); while ($CurStats = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_data)) { $points = $this->GetFleetPoints($CurStats); $fleets_array[$CurStats['id_owner']]['count'] = $points['FleetCount']; $fleets_array[$CurStats['id_owner']]['point'] = $points['FleetPoint'] / $db->game_config['stat_settings']; } if ($db->game_config['stat_flying'] == 1) { $sql_flying_fleets = 'SELECT fleet_array, fleet_owner FROM {{table}} ;'; $flying_fleets = $db->query($sql_flying_fleets, 'fleets'); while ($CurFleets = mysql_fetch_assoc($flying_fleets)) { $points = $this->GetFlyingFleetPoints($CurFleets['fleet_array']); $fleets_array[$CurFleets['fleet_owner']]['count'] += $points['FleetCount']; $fleets_array[$CurFleets['fleet_owner']]['point'] += $u_points['FleetPoint'] / $db->game_config['stat_settings']; } //unset($CurFleets, $flying_fleets); } //unset($CurStats, $total_data); arsort($fleets_array); $i = 1; foreach ($fleets_array as $key => $val) { $fleets_array[$key]["rank"] = $i; ++$i; } //FIN DE LA CARGA FLOTA //CARGAMOS DEFENSA $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->select_defenses . $select_planet . ' FROM {{table}}planets as p GROUP BY p.id_owner;'; $total_data = $db->query($sql, ''); while ($CurStats = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_data)) { $points = $this->GetDefensePoints($CurStats); $defs_array[$CurStats['id_owner']]["count"] = $points['DefenseCount']; $defs_array[$CurStats['id_owner']]["point"] = $points['DefensePoint'] / $db->game_config['stat_settings']; //unset($points); } arsort($defs_array); $i = 1; foreach ($defs_array as $key => $val) { $defs_array[$key]["rank"] = $i; ++$i; } //FIN DE LA CARGA DEFENSA //CARGAMOS TODAS LAS PUNTUACIONES foreach ($list_user as $id) { $total[$id] = $defs_array[$id]["point"]; $total[$id] += $fleets_array[$id]['point']; $total[$id] += $tech_array[$id]['point']; $total[$id] += $Buildings_array[$id]['point']; } arsort($total); $i = 1; foreach ($total as $key => $val) { unset($total[$key]); $orden[$key] = $i; ++$i; } //FIN DE LA CARGA DE PUNTUACIONES $sql = 'SELECT ' . $select_user . ' FROM {{table}} as u'; $users = $db->query($sql, 'users'); while ($CurUser = mysql_fetch_assoc($users)) { if ($old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]) { $u_OldTotalRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_total_rank']; $u_OldTechRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_tech_rank']; $u_OldBuildRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_build_rank']; $u_OldDefsRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_defs_rank']; $u_OldFleetRank = $old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]['old_fleet_rank']; unset($old_stats_array[$CurUser['id']]); } else { $u_OldTotalRank = 0; $u_OldTechRank = 0; $u_OldBuildRank = 0; $u_OldDefsRank = 0; $u_OldFleetRank = 0; } //VOLCAMOS LOS DATOS DE LA TECNOLOGIA AL USUARIO $u_tech_rank = $tech_array[$CurUser['id']]['rank']; $u_TTechCount = $tech_array[$CurUser['id']]['count']; $u_TTechPoints = $tech_array[$CurUser['id']]['point']; unset($tech_array[$CurUser['id']]); //VOLCAMOS LOS DATOS DE LA DEFENSA AL USUARIO $u_defs_rank = $defs_array[$CurUser['id']]["rank"]; $u_TDefsCount = $defs_array[$CurUser['id']]['count']; $u_TDefsPoints = $defs_array[$CurUser['id']]['point']; unset($defs_array[$CurUser['id']]); //VOLCAMOS LOS DATOS DE LA FLOTA AL USUARIO $u_fleet_rank = $fleets_array[$CurUser['id']]["rank"]; $u_TFleetCount = $fleets_array[$CurUser['id']]['count']; $u_TFleetPoints = $fleets_array[$CurUser['id']]['point']; unset($fleets_array[$CurUser['id']]); if ($Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]) { $u_TBuildCount = $Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]['count']; $u_TBuildPoints = $Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]['point']; if ($CurUser['ally_id'] != 0) { $this->Ally_Build[$CurUser['ally_id']]['count'] += $u_TBuildCount; $this->Ally_Build[$CurUser['ally_id']]['point'] += $u_TBuildPoints; } $u_build_rank = $Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]['rank']; unset($Buildings_array[$CurUser['id']]); } //SI ESTA EN UNA ALIANZA CARGAMOS LOS VALORES if ($CurUser['ally_id'] != 0) { $this->Ally_Fleet[$CurUser['ally_id']]['count'] += $u_TFleetCount; $this->Ally_Fleet[$CurUser['ally_id']]['point'] += $u_TFleetPoints; $this->Ally_Defs[$CurUser['ally_id']]['count'] += $u_TDefsCount; $this->Ally_Defs[$CurUser['ally_id']]['point'] += $u_TDefsPoints; $this->Ally_Tech[$CurUser['ally_id']]['count'] += $u_TTechCount; $this->Ally_Tech[$CurUser['ally_id']]['point'] += $u_TTechPoints; $this->Ally_rank[$CurUser['ally_id']] += $u_TTechPoints + $u_TDefsPoints + $u_TFleetPoints + $u_TBuildPoints; $this->Ally_array[] = $CurUser['ally_id']; } if ($CurUser['authlevel'] >= $db->game_config['stat_level'] && $db->game_config['stat'] == 1 || $CurUser['bana'] == 1) { $insert__query[] .= '(' . $CurUser['id'] . ',' . $CurUser['ally_id'] . ',1,1,' . $u_OldTechRank . ', 0,0,' . $u_OldBuildRank . ',0,0,' . $u_OldDefsRank . ',0,0,' . $u_OldFleetRank . ', 0,0,' . $u_OldTotalRank . ',0,0,' . $this->stats_time . ', 0,0,0,0,0),'; } else { $u_GCount = $u_TDefsCount + $u_TTechCount + $u_TFleetCount + $u_TBuildCount; $u_GPoints = $u_TTechPoints + $u_TDefsPoints + $u_TFleetPoints + $u_TBuildPoints; $insert__query[] .= '(' . $CurUser['id'] . ',' . $CurUser['ally_id'] . ',1,1,' . $u_OldTechRank . ', ' . $u_TTechPoints . ',' . $u_TTechCount . ',' . $u_OldBuildRank . ',' . $u_TBuildPoints . ', ' . $u_TBuildCount . ',' . $u_OldDefsRank . ',' . $u_TDefsPoints . ',' . $u_TDefsCount . ', ' . $u_OldFleetRank . ',' . $u_TFleetPoints . ',' . $u_TFleetCount . ',' . $u_OldTotalRank . ', ' . $u_GPoints . ',' . $u_GCount . ',' . $this->stats_time . ', ' . $u_fleet_rank . ',' . $u_defs_rank . ',' . $u_build_rank . ',' . $u_tech_rank . ',' . $orden[$CurUser['id']] . '),'; } unset_vars('u_'); } //BORRAMOS STAT_TYPE 1 USUARIOS $db->query("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `stat_type` = '1';", 'statpoints'); //YA HEMOS CREADOS LOS ARRAYS DE LA ACTUALIZACION $this->NewQueryStats($this->total_users, $insert__query); }
foreach ($test as $var) { if (is_array(${$var_prefix . $var . $var_suffix})) { unset_vars(${$var_prefix . $var . $var_suffix}); @reset(${$var_prefix . $var . $var_suffix}); } if (is_array(${$var})) { unset_vars(${$var}); @reset(${$var}); } } if (is_array(${'_FILES'})) { unset_vars(${'_FILES'}); @reset(${'_FILES'}); } if (is_array(${'HTTP_POST_FILES'})) { unset_vars(${'HTTP_POST_FILES'}); @reset(${'HTTP_POST_FILES'}); } } // PHP5 with register_long_arrays off? if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS) && isset($_POST)) { $HTTP_POST_VARS = $_POST; $HTTP_GET_VARS = $_GET; $HTTP_SERVER_VARS = $_SERVER; $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = $_COOKIE; $HTTP_ENV_VARS = $_ENV; $HTTP_POST_FILES = $_FILES; } // // addslashes to vars if magic_quotes_gpc is off // this is a security precaution to prevent someone
<?php /** * 1. Escriba una página que permita crear una cookie de duración limitada, comprobar el estado * de la cookie y destruirla. */ $cookie = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["delete"])) { unset_vars("custom_cookie"); } if (isset($_REQUEST["submit"])) { if (strlen($_REQUEST["cookie"]) > 0) { if (is_numeric($_REQUEST["time"])) { if (intval($_REQUEST["time"]) > 0) { $time = round(time() + $_REQUEST["time"]); setcookie("custom_cookie", $_REQUEST["cookie"], $time); setcookie("custom_cookie_time", $time, $time); Header("Location:"); } } } } if (isset($_COOKIE["custom_cookie"])) { $cookie = $_COOKIE["custom_cookie"]; $time = $_COOKIE["custom_cookie_time"]; echo "<p>Su cookie caduca: " . date("j-m-Y H:i:s", $time) . "</p>"; } ?> <form method="post" action="#"> <p> <strong>Su cookie: </strong>