Beispiel #1
 public function user_ping()
     if (!checkpost()) {
     if (!$GLOBALS['islogin']) {
         exit('{"stat":9, "errno":"未登录", "error":"未登录}');
     $msgModel = D('Msg');
     $u = $msgModel->check_contact('uid', 'uid, username, sex, default_pic, score_impress, score_impress_num, hometown_prov, hometown_city');
     $ping_score = round(floatval($_POST['score']), 1);
     $ping_score = min(max(1, $ping_score), 10);
     $score = ($ping_score - $u['score_impress']) / ($u['score_impress_num'] + 1) + $u['score_impress'];
     $score = round($score, 1);
     $visit = M('visit');
     $data['uid'] = $GLOBALS['i']['uid'];
     $data['visit_uid'] = $u['uid'];
     $data['score_impress'] = $ping_score;
     $data['add_time'] = time();
     $hot = $visit->where("uid={$GLOBALS['i']['uid']} AND visit_uid={$u['uid']}")->find();
     if ($hot) {
     } else {
     $member = M('member');
     $edit['score_impress'] = $score;
     $edit['score_impress_num'] = array('exp', "score_impress_num+1");
     //echo $member->getLastSql();
     $member_field = M('member_field');
     $data1['new_receive_score'] = array('exp', 'new_receive_score+1');
     $data1['receive_score_num'] = array('exp', 'receive_score_num+1');
     $offset = $GLOBALS['i']['user_ping_offset'] + 1;
     $sex = 3 - $GLOBALS['i']['sex'];
     $count = $member->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->count();
     $offset = $offset > $count - 1 ? 0 : $offset;
     $member->where("uid={$GLOBALS['i']['uid']}")->setField('user_ping_offset', $offset);
     $rs = $member->field('uid, sex, username, default_pic, photonum, hometown_prov, hometown_city, want_content')->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->limit("{$offset}, 2")->select();
     $u1 = $rs[0];
     $offset = $offset + 11 > $count - 1 ? $offset - $count : $offset;
     $u2 = $member->field('uid, default_pic, username')->where("sex={$sex} AND default_photonum>0 AND group_type>0")->limit($offset + 11 . ",1")->select();
     $u2 = $u2[0];
     $u3 = $rs[1];
     $accurate = $is_play = '';
     if ($ping_score > $score) {
         $accurate = '谢谢你啊!';
     } elseif ($ping_score == $score) {
         $accurate = '太准了!';
         $is_play = 1;
     } elseif ($ping_score > $score - 0.5) {
         $accurate = '不错哦!';
     } else {
         $accurate = '欠你钱啊!';
     $do_things = do_things($u1['want_content'], $u1['sex']);
     $next_ping_user = array("key" => "2Nsk3l", "uid" => $u1['uid'], "sex" => $u1['sex'] + 1, "photo_count" => $u1['photonum'], "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u1['default_pic'] . '_240x240.jpg', "nickname" => $u1['username'], "age_show" => getAge($u1['birth_y']) . '岁,', "location_country" => '中国', "location_prov" => $u1['hometown_prov'], "location_city" => $u1['hometown_city'], "do_things" => $do_things);
     $end_ping_user = array("uid" => $u2['uid'], "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u2['default_pic'] . '_72x72.jpg', "nickname" => $u2['username']);
     $last_ping_user = array("photo_count" => $u['photonum'], "ta" => ui_sex($u['sex']), "ping_score" => $ping_score, "score" => $score, "home_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urldomain'] . "/{$u['uid']}", "face_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u['default_pic'] . '_72x72.jpg', "nickname" => $u['username'], "age_show" => getAge($u['birth_y']) . '岁,', "location_country" => '中国', "location_prov" => $u['hometown_prov'], "location_city" => $u['hometown_city'], "ico_button" => "", "is_play" => $is_play, "accurate" => $accurate);
     $arr = array("next_ping_user" => $next_ping_user, "end_ping_user" => $end_ping_user, "last_ping_user" => $last_ping_user, "preload_img_url" => $GLOBALS['s']['urlupload'] . $u3['default_pic'] . '_240x240.jpg');
     echo json_encode($arr);
	var code = '<p>您的打分至关重要,低于<span class="fb_16 f_yelo">60分</span>的人将不予进入,请认真打分!</p>';
function show_ping_form(photo_id,score,ping_ret)
	var code = '<div class="pop_appraise">\
			    	<dl class="clear">\
			        	<dt><img width=48 src="'+$("#wait_reg_ping_photo").attr("src")+'" alt=""  /></dt>\
echo ui_sex($m['sex'], 3);
打了:<span class="fb_20 f_yelo">'+score+'</span> 分</dd>\
			         <div class="word_box">\
echo ui_sex($m['sex'], 3);
			              <ul class="clear">\
	var i=0;
	for(index in ping_ret)
		var ping_arr = ping_ret[index].split(",");
		code += '<li  class="font_w'+Math.floor(i/3)+' font_w_flag"  onclick="reg_ping('+photo_id+','+i+')" tip="'+ping_arr[1]+'">'+ping_arr[0]+'</li>';
	code +='</ul>\
);" ><span class="fl">或者</span><span class="or_i fl"></span></a> </div>
                      <div class="m_dw_box">
                        <div class="m_dw" id="or_<?php 
            echo $m['uid'];
" style="display:none;"> <i class="tr"></i>
                          <div class="m_dw_inner">
                            <!-- <p><a class="clear" href="<?php 
            echo $urlsite;
            echo $m['uid'];
" target="_blank"><span class="ico_sendgift fl"></span><span class="fl">给<?php 
            echo ui_sex($m['sex']);
                            <p><a onclick="try_meet(<?php 
            echo $m['uid'];
            echo $m['sex'];
            echo $m['username'];
            echo $m['want_content'];
');"  class="clear"><span class="yuebg fl"></span> <span class="fl p_l5">约会</span></a></p>
);" class="or_bg clear"><span class="fl">或者</span><span class="or_i fl"></span></a> </div>
              <div class="m_dw_box">
                <div id="or_<?php 
                echo $u['uid'];
" class="m_dw" style="display:none;"> <i class="tr"></i>
                  <div class="m_dw_inner">
					<!--<p><a class="clear" href="<?php 
                echo $urlsite;
                echo $u['uid'];
" target="_blank"><span class="ico_sendgift fl"></span><span class="fl">给<?php 
                echo ui_sex($u['sex']);
					<p><a onclick="try_meet(<?php 
                echo $u['uid'];
                echo $u['sex'];
                echo $u['username'];
                echo $u['want_content'];
');"  class="clear"><span class="yuebg fl"></span> <span class="fl p_l5">约会</span></a></p>
              <div class="m_t5 clear"><span class="f_blue2 fl word_nowrap"><a href="<?php 
                echo $urldomain;
                echo $b["a_uid"];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                echo $b["a_username"];
</a>:</span><span class="agree   fl"></span>
                <p class="f_6 word_break"><?php 
                echo $b['answer'];
&nbsp; <a title="评论<?php 
                echo ui_sex($f['sex']);
的回答" onclick="show_comment_form(<?php 
                echo $b["a_uid"];
                echo $b["a_id"];
,10);" class="dashed word_nowrap">评论</a></p>
            <div style="display:none" class="reply_box" id="comment_<?php 
                echo $b["a_uid"];
                echo $b["a_id"];
" onclick="ping_star('setstar_<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
')" onmouseout="setstar_id = 0;this.className = 'sp_star bg_postion setstar';" onmousemove="setstar_id='<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
      <p class="fr f_6" id="tippoor_<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
                echo $a["uid"];
                echo ui_sex($a['sex']);
差评:<span id="set_<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
"><a class="sp_defecate bg_postion setstar " data="18090226|294|<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
                echo $a["uid"];
|10829" id="setpoor_<?php 
                echo $a["id"];
" onclick="ping_star('setpoor_<?php 
                echo $a["id"];