/** * fonction principale */ function main($content, $conf) { $this->conf = $conf; $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults(); $this->pi_loadLL(); global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; $this->fabvar = unserialize($TYPO3_CONF_VARS["EXT"]["extConf"]["fab_form_mail"]); // debug ($this->piVars[DATA]); // if( (isset($this->piVars['submit_button'])) && ( (strlen($this->piVars['DATA']['email'])>0) || (strlen($this->piVars['email'])>0) ) ) // vire la premi�e condition: si on appuie sur entr�, $this->piVars['submit_button']="" donc � d�onne... if (strlen($this->piVars['DATA']['email']) > 0 || strlen($this->piVars['email']) > 0) { //t3lib_div::debug($this->piVars); //Mode DEBUG if (strlen($this->piVars['DATA']['email']) > 0) { // si formulaire soumis et email saisi //test de la presence de l'email dans la table $uid = txRecupLib("tx_fabformmail_abonne", "email", "uid", $this->piVars['DATA']['email'], " AND deleted!=1"); if ($uid) { //utilisateur present dans la table == modif de l'abonnement $content = '<h2>' . $this->pi_getLL("subs_modif", "Subscription Modification") . '</h2>'; } else { //utilisateur non present == inscription $content .= '<h2>' . $this->pi_getLL("subs_new", "New subscription") . '</h2>'; $this->newabonne = true; // } //formulaire $content .= $this->affichageFormulaire($uid, $this->piVars['DATA']['email']); } elseif (strlen($this->piVars['email']) > 0) { if ($this->piVars['formulaire'] == "abonne") { // enl�e les pages redondantes (si une page parente est deja select., on vire) $this->piVars['DATA']['uidPages'] = $this->CleanPageArbo($this->piVars['DATA']['uidPages']); // on met un formulaire, pour pouvoir revenir en arri�e // le retour en arri�e valide le formulaire avec un javascript $content = '<FORM action="' . $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id) . '" name="' . $this->prefixId . 'fname" method="POST"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="' . $this->prefixId . '[DATA][email]" value="' . $this->piVars['email'] . '">'; $content .= "<h2>" . $this->pi_getLL("Subscribtion", "Subscription") . "</h2>"; //test validit�et recapitulation des infos choisies $content .= $this->affichageChoix($this->piVars['uid'], $this->piVars['email'], $this->piVars['DATA']['uidPages'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeFrequence'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeEtat'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeExtension'], $this->piVars['DATA']['hidden'], $this->piVars['DATA']['newsletter']); //enregistrement $content .= $this->enregistrementAbonnement($this->piVars['uid'], $this->piVars['email'], $this->piVars['DATA']['uidPages'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeFrequence'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeEtat'], $this->piVars['DATA']['typeExtension'], $this->piVars['DATA']['hidden'], $this->piVars['DATA']['newsletter']); $content .= "</form>"; } elseif ($this->piVars['formulaire'] == "desabonne") { $content .= $this->suppressionAbonnement($this->piVars['uid']); } } } else { //Affichage de l'invite de connexion par //saisie de l'email // $content = $this->insertJavaScript(); $content .= $this->EnterMailForm(); } return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); }
function RetEntete($title = "") { $DStitle = txRecupLib("pages", "uid", "title", $this->conf['pidList']); if ($this->marketTitle($DStitle)) { $entete = '<H2><img src="' . $this->conf["extCurDir"] . 'picto_fiches.gif" align="middle"> ' . ($title == "" ? $DStitle : $title) . '</H2>'; } else { $entete = '<H2><img src="' . $this->conf["extCurDir"] . 'picto_documents.gif" align="middle"> ' . ($title == "" ? $DStitle : $title) . '</H2>'; } return $entete; }
/** * [R�up�ation et traitement des champs] */ function getFieldContent($fN) { $fieldValue = $this->internal["currentRow"][$fN]; // debug($fN); switch ($fN) { case "uid": return $this->pi_list_linkSingle($fieldValue, $this->internal["currentRow"]["uid"], 1); // The "1" means that the display of single items is CACHED! Set to zero to disable caching. break; case "small_img": case "big_img": if (file_exists($this->upload_img_folder . '/' . $fieldValue) && $fieldValue != "") { // contruction du tableau du conf de l'image // car utilisation de la m�hode cObj->IMAGE($conf) pour redimensionnement auto // les param�res addistionnels (Align et maxW notamment, sont plac�s dans le ext_typoscript_setup.txt) $ConfI["file"] = $this->upload_img_folder . '/' . $fieldValue; $ConfI["file."]["maxW"] = $this->conf[$fN . "MaxWidth"]; return str_replace(">", ' class="actu' . $fN . '">', $this->cObj->IMAGE($ConfI)); //return '<img src="'.$this->upload_img_folder.'/'.$fieldValue.'" align="left" border="0">'; // voir http://typo3api.ueckermann.de/classtslib__cObj.html#a69 pour plus d'info sue les param } elseif ($fN == "small_img") { //return '<img src="'.$this->conf["extCurDir"].'fleche_puce.gif" class="picto" />'; // Diabne veut plus du picto return ""; } else { return ""; } break; case "abstract": case "bodytext": //return $this->pi_RTEcssText($fieldValue); /* modifications apport�s au traitements de la m�hode getFieldContent($fN) la ligne d'origine ci-dessus est g��� automatiquement, mais dans ce cas, les liens (entres autres) ins�� avec le RTE ne sont pas affich� dans le FE correctement bien qu'ils soient enregistr�. Pour que le changement ci-dessous fonctionne, il faut l'associer �la directive plac� dans le gabarit principal suivante: plugin.tx_macledextensionsansunderscores_pi1.RTEcontent_stdWrap.parseFunc < tt_content.text.20.parseFunc */ return $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->pi_RTEcssText($fieldValue), $this->conf['RTEcontent_stdWrap.']); break; case "starttime": if ($fieldValue == "0") { $fieldValue = $this->internal["currentRow"]["tstamp"]; } case "tstamp": case "endtime": if ($fieldValue != "0") { return getDateF($fieldValue); } break; case "author": $fieldValue = txRecupLib("fe_users", "uid", "name", $fieldValue); if (!$fieldValue) { // si pas d'auteur interne saisit, renvoie le be_user cr�teur $fieldValue = txRecupLib("be_users", "uid", "realName", $this->internal["currentRow"]["cruser_id"]); } return $fieldValue ? "Auteur : " . $fieldValue : ""; break; case "email": $fieldValue = txRecupLib("fe_users", "uid", "email", $this->internal["currentRow"]["author"]); // si pas de mail et que l'auteur interne n'existe pas non plus, on renvoe le mail du be_user createur if (!$fieldValue && !txRecupLib("fe_users", "uid", "name", $this->internal["currentRow"]["author"])) { $fieldValue = txRecupLib("be_users", "uid", "email", $this->internal["currentRow"]["cruser_id"]); } return $fieldValue ? $fieldValue : ""; break; case "document": if ($fieldValue != "") { $CfN = $this->upload_doc_folder . '/' . $fieldValue; $fieldValue .= '<span class="actdoc">'; $fieldValue .= DFSIL($CfN); $fieldValue .= ' <a href="' . $CfN . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $this->ChemImg . 'telecharger.gif" class="picto" title="' . $this->pi_getLL("download", "[download]") . '"></a></span>'; } return $fieldValue; break; case "bimg_credit": if ($fieldValue != "") { $fieldValue = $this->pi_getLL("CredPhot", "[(C) Photo]") . $fieldValue; } return $fieldValue; break; default: return $fieldValue; break; } }
function RetEntete($title = "Document") { // SUR INTRANET ON PRENAIT LE NOM DU DOSSIER SYSTEME, Plus sur Internet $DStitle = txRecupLib("pages", "uid", "title", $this->conf['pidList']); $entete = '<H2 class="titreDossier"><img src="' . $this->conf["extCurDir"] . 'picto_documents.gif" class="picto"> ' . $title . '</H2>'; return $entete; }
/** * [Put your description here] */ function pi_list_row($c) { $editPanel = $this->pi_getEditPanel(); if ($editPanel) { $editPanel = "<TD>" . $editPanel . "</TD>"; } /* ORGINAL: return '<tr'.($c%2 ? $this->pi_classParam("listrow-odd") : "").'> <td><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("uid").'</P></td> <td valign="top"><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("title").'</P></td> <td valign="top"><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("k_value").'</P></td> <td valign="top"><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("unity").'</P></td> <td valign="top"><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("update_type").'</P></td> <td valign="top"><P>'.$this->getFieldContent("update_period").'</P></td> '.$editPanel.' </tr>'; */ $unity_uid = $this->getFieldContent("unity"); $unity_icon = txRecupLib("tx_vm19keynumbers_unities", "uid", "icon", $unity_uid); if (file_exists($this->upload_doc_folder . '/' . $this->getFieldContent($fN))) { $valret = '<img src="' . $this->upload_doc_folder . '/' . $this->getFieldContent($fN) . '" align="left" border="0">'; } if ($unity_icon != false && $unity_icon != "" && file_exists($this->upload_doc_folder . '/' . $unity_icon)) { $unity_icon = '<img src="' . $this->upload_doc_folder . '/' . $unity_icon . '">'; } else { $unity_icon = " "; } $u_code = txRecupLib("tx_vm19keynumbers_unities", "uid", "unity_code", $unity_uid); //debug($u_code); $k_value = $this->getFieldContent("k_value"); /* Description du format unite|nb_dec|dec_sep|mil_sep */ if (strstr($u_code, "|")) { // existe une séparation format#unité $f = explode("|", $u_code); $unite = $f[0]; $nbdec = $f[1]; $dec_sep = $f[2] != '' ? $f[2] : ','; $mil_sep = $f[3] != '' ? $f[3] : '¤'; } else { $unite = $u_code; $nbdec = 1; $dec_sep = ","; $mil_sep = "¤"; } $k_value = number_format($k_value, $nbdec, $dec_sep, $mil_sep) . " " . $unite; $k_value = str_replace("¤", " ", $k_value); $line_comment = $this->getFieldContent("comment") != "" ? '<tr><td> </td><td colspan="2" class="comment">' . $this->getFieldContent("comment") . '</td></tr>' : ""; return '<tr' . ($c % 2 ? $this->pi_classParam("listrow-odd") : "") . '> <td width="25">' . $unity_icon . '</td> <td colspan="2"><span class="k_value">' . $k_value . ' <span class="title">' . $this->getFieldContent("title") . '</td>' . $line_comment . $editPanel . ' </tr>'; }