$f_tts_exec_id = gpc_get_int('exec_id');
$f_tts_tproject_id = gpc_get_int('tproject_id');
$bug_id = gpc_get_string('bug_id');
# user has access to update the bug...
// access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $f_src_bug_id );
// $f_dest_bug_id_string = str_replace( ',', '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string );
// $f_dest_bug_id_array = explode( '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string );
if ($f_tts_exec_id == '' || $f_tts_tproject_id == '') {
    // print_header_redirect_view( $bug_id );
    # Summary cannot be blank
    // if( is_blank( $this->summary ) ) {
    // error_parameters( lang_get( 'summary' ) );
    trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
} else {
    // $twin_relation = TTSrelation::loadRelation( $bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id );
    // $twin_relation = loadRelation( $bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id );
    if (!tts_relation_isDuplicate($f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id)) {
        $f_tts_relation = new TTSrelation($bug_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $f_tts_tproject_id);
        tts_log_history('add', $f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id);
        //write log entry (code: TTSintegr.API.php)
        pass_to_testlink($f_tts_tproject_id, $f_tts_exec_id, $bug_id);
    } else {
        trigger_error(ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE, ERROR);
    // else trigger_error( ERROR_DUPLICATE_FILE, "Diese Verknüpfung existiert bereits!" );
// print_header_redirect_view( $bug_id );

 * @author Lennard Bredenkamp, BFE
 * target script for delete link - delete from Mantis DB, pass data to testlink
 * some of the original TL code commented out, just in case we need to reactivate some parts
include_once 'core.php';
include_once 'relationship_api.php';
$d_tts_exec_id = gpc_get_int('exec_id');
$d_tts_tproject_id = gpc_get_int('tproject_id');
$bug_id = gpc_get_string('bug_id');
# user has access to update the bug...
// access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $f_src_bug_id );
// $f_dest_bug_id_string = str_replace( ',', '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string );
// $f_dest_bug_id_array = explode( '|', $f_dest_bug_id_string );
// $t_relationship_info_html .= ' [<a class="small" href="'.plugin_page('tts_relationship_delete').'&amp;bug_id=' . $p_bug_id . '&amp;rel_id=' . $p_relationship->id . htmlspecialchars( form_security_param( 'bug_relationship_delete' ) ) . '">' . lang_get( 'delete_link' ) . '</a>]';
//delete from TTS
// $f_tts_relation = new TTSrelation($bug_id, $d_tts_exec_id, $d_tts_tproject_id);
// echo "Loesche: bug_id: $bug_id, d_tts_exec_id: $d_tts_exec_id, d_tts_tproject_id: $d_tts_tproject_id ";
deletefromDB($bug_id, $d_tts_exec_id, $d_tts_tproject_id);
tts_log_history('delete', $d_tts_tproject_id, $d_tts_exec_id, $bug_id);
//write log entry (siehe TTSintegr.API.php)
delete_in_testlink($d_tts_tproject_id, $d_tts_exec_id, $bug_id);
// print_header_redirect_view( $bug_id );
// Loesche: bug_id: 103, d_tts_exec_id: 44, d_tts_tproject_id: 13 Löschanfrage an TestLink..