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.main .right .C .box .R .tt{width:140px;height:20px;color:#999} .main .right .C .box .R .tt span{color:#f00} .main .right .C .box .R .mm{width:140px;height:35px;color:#7e7e7e;line-height:18px} .main .right .C .box .R .bb{width:140px;height:25px;text-align:center} </style> </head> <body> <?php require_once wrzc_net . 'top.php'; ?> <div class="main"> <div class="left"> <?php $tempsql = ''; if ($t == 1 && !empty($k)) { $k = trimm($k); $tmpsort = " ORDER BY zhenghun_jingjia DESC,logintime DESC "; $tempsql .= " (username LIKE '%" . $k . "%' OR nickname LIKE '%" . $k . "%') AND "; $Tfield = "id,username,nickname,grade,sex,birthday,love,kind,area1,area2,photo_s,video_s,heigh,weigh,house,car,edu,job,pay,ifphoto,ifbirthday,ifedu,iflove,ifpay,zhenghun_jingjia "; $tmpsql .= "SELECT {$Tfield} FROM " . __TBL_MAIN__ . " WHERE {$tempsql} flag=1 {$tmpsort} LIMIT 50"; } elseif ($t == 2) { $Tfield = "id,username,nickname,grade,sex,birthday,love,kind,area1,area2,photo_s,video_s,heigh,weigh,house,car,edu,job,pay,ifphoto,ifbirthday,ifedu,iflove,ifpay,zhenghun_jingjia "; $tmpsql = "SELECT {$Tfield} FROM " . __TBL_MAIN__ . " WHERE flag=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 500"; } else { if ($sex == 1) { $tempsql .= " sex=1 AND "; } if ($sex == 2) { $tempsql .= " sex=2 AND "; } if ($photo == 1) {
} ?> </b></font></td> <td width="7%" align="right" valign="bottom"><a href="article<?php echo $mainid; ?> .html"></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr></table> <?php if (!empty($keyword)) { $tmpkeyword = trimm($keyword); $tmpkeyword = " title LIKE '%" . $tmpkeyword . "%'"; } else { $tmpkeyword = " 1=1 "; } if (!empty($bkid)) { $tmpbkid = "bkid='{$bkid}'"; } else { $tmpbkid = "1=1"; } switch ($listtype) { case 1: $tmplisttype = " AND ifjh=1 ORDER BY iftop DESC,endtime DESC"; break; case 2: $tmplisttype = " AND iftop=1 ORDER BY endtime DESC";
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header("Location: detail" . $fid . ".html"); break; default: $rt = $db->query("SELECT a.username,a.nickname,a.grade,a.loveb,a.sex,b.userid,b.title,b.content,b.content2,b.xsloveb,b.addtime,b.click,b.hfnum,b.flag,b.ifopen,b.ifjh FROM " . __TBL_MAIN__ . " a," . __TBL_ASK__ . " b WHERE a.id=b.userid AND a.flag=1 AND b.id=" . $fid); if ($db->num_rows($rt)) { $row = $db->fetch_array($rt); $uid = $row['userid']; $username = $row['username']; $nickname = badstr($row['nickname']); $grade = $row['grade']; $loveb = $row['loveb']; $sex = $row['sex']; $click = $row['click']; $title = htmlout(stripslashes($row['title'])); $content = htmlout(stripslashes($row['content'])); $content2 = badstr(trimm(stripslashes($row['content2']))); $xsloveb = $row['xsloveb']; $addtime = $row['addtime']; $click = $row['click']; $hfnum = $row['hfnum']; $flag = $row['flag']; $ifopen = $row['ifopen']; $ifjh = $row['ifjh']; if (empty($content2)) { $content2 = '<h1>暂无补充内容</h1>'; } $ifjh = $ifjh == 1 ? ' <img src=images/j.gif title=推荐病历 />' : ''; switch ($flag) { case 1: $flagP = "<img src=images/56.gif>"; break;